4ta ronda de aplicación a NSTs de AIESEC Bolivia

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d n ur o t4 h

NST applications


in Bolivia

d n ur o t4 h

This is the moment




If you are reading these words means that you gave the first step to make a big decision, the decision to challenge yourself and grow with the network, the decision to work for a bigger purpose than any excuse possible. As we start a new cycle we invite you to begin this journey with us to build step by step the AIESEC that Bolivia needs. National Strategic Team is the group of young people who work with the MCEB as one team giving the necessary support to operations and communicating the national strategy guidelines. We want to be a team that shows strength and generate confidence in the network to create leaders who will lead AIESEC in Bolivia to achieve another level, to be relevant and generate the impact that we need We encourage you to send your applications, we wish you the best of luck. Do you dare to dream together? MCEB 2016.2017 AIESEC in Bolivia

Timeline of the process: - August 18, 2016: opening 4th round applications. - August 21, 2016: DDL close 4th round applications. - August 22 2016: announcement of official candidates. - August 23, 24 and 25 2016: official interviews with candidates. - August 26, 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDATES ELECTED 4th ROUND

Important clarifications: - DDL for closing applications it is August 18, 2016, 23:59 - (GMT -4). DO NOT ACCEPT APPLICATION OUT OF DDL UNDER ANY CIRCUNTANCE.

Registry to apply: https://goo.gl/nw6QuL

Finance and Legal MCVP F&L




Talent Manager and Organizational Development MCVP TM/OD Growth Manager

LC Trackers (1)


LC Trackers (2)


Education Manager

Education Support

Marketing MCVP MKT NST Graphic Design

NST Social Media


NST Audiovisual

NST Public Relations

Business Development MC BD Manager BD Haker


BD Specialist

Outgoing Global Community Development Programme MCVP oGCDP International Hacker

Value Delivery Hacker

oGIP an oGE Hacker

Incoming Global Community Development Programme MCVP iGCDP NST Projects Developer

NST Value Delivery

NST iGIP Manager

d n ur o t4 h

NST applications


in Bolivia

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