Board of Directors Mandate Letter

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MEMBER COMMITTEE PRESIDENT February 20, 2012 Derek Vollebregt Member Committee President, 2012-2013 Dear Derek: On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to congratulate you on your election to Member Committee President, and thank you for accepting responsibility for delivering on AIESEC’s plan for 2012-13and beyond. Throughout our proud history as an organization, members have engaged in AIESEC with passion and a desire to have an impact on both themselves and the world around them. Rooted by a belief in breaking down barriers to cultural understanding, generation after generation of AIESEC members have worked hard to build a better future for themselves and their organization. On January 2 nd 2012, the members of the association in Canada voted and entrusted you with the responsibility for delivering on the promise of AIESEC. The expectation is that you accept this responsibility with humility and the belief that we must accomplish our goals in a manner which ensures accountability to those who have placed their trust in us. Integrity and accountability will be at the forefront of our dealings as an organization, and in your work as Member Committee President. These thoughts must be in your mind as you prepare to take up your duties as an officer and director of AIESEC in delivering on the priorities of the organization in Canada. In order to provide you with guidance as you prepare to assume those responsibilities and as a part of the strategic planning process, I am writing this letter to outline t h e B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s ’ expectations of you as Member Committee President and of your team for the 2012-13mandate. The priorities outlined below are taken from the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan and input from the Board of Directors. I encourage you to collaborate with your colleagues and fellow members of the Board as you embark on the process of building out your team’s plan to execute your responsibilities. Your 2012-13 mandate is as follows: 1. Encourage and strengthen the sales culture within the organization. Key objectives include: a. Increase functional skills training in sales and marketing so all members are able to sell AIESEC and the global exchange programs; b. Continue to evolve the “National Sales Program” to incorporate sales training for all key members responsible for the global exchange programs as well as top performers and summer marketers; c. Increase sales related external activity over 2011-12 outcomes; Mandate Letter HR-2012-02 V1.0


2. Improve, enhance and expand the AIESEC brand experience. Key objectives include: a. Recruit and retain a membership base that is aligned to the overall goals of increasing sales capacity and improving the brand. This includes improving the quality of the membership experience to increase exchange program delivery through member efficiency, stakeholder management and orientation with an added objective of increasing the member retention rates; b. Ensure levels of activity within the network that are consistent with healthy growth in the 4 pillars (member base, incoming exchange activity, outgoing exchange activity and financial position and governance) with particular attention to ensuring that AIESEC is effectively represented in the following brand impact universities: McGill, HEC, Toronto, Queen’s, Western, Calgary, UBC, Edmonton; c. Improvement in the following exchange results: i. the quality and conversion rate of outgoing exchange participant prospects; ii. the outgoing exchange participant realization rate; iii. the incoming exchange resign rate; iv. the incoming exchange activity in the three core markets of Montreal, Toronto and Calgary represent a substantial proportion of both sales activity and internships raised in 2012-13; d. Develop and implement a national local committee development program that includes a transformation plan with documented goals to move them forward, as well as a targeted roadmap to local chapter extension; e. Ensure AIESEC is positioned externally as a `leading voice` of tomorrow’s leaders on issues related to globalization and its impact on Canada’s socio-economic future; 3. Develop the framework to position AIESEC on university campus and in the Canadian business community as a credible, accredited, globally-oriented leadership development entity. Key objectives include: a. Examine and refine the conference cycle to align with the revamped leadership development program; b. Formalize a co-operative education agreement and establishing accreditation within Tier One local chapters in Canada (McGill, HEC, Toronto, Queen’s, Western, Calgary, UBC, Edmonton); c. Build the framework to enable the organization to package and sell recent alumni as “Certified by AIESEC”; In addition, while not specifically a component of the current strategic plan, your mandate shall work to improve the fiscal sustainability of AIESEC. Key objectives include: a. Ensure the national office operational budget is in surplus as of May 31, 2013; Mandate Letter HR-2012-02 V1.0


b. Ensure the budgets on all regional and national conferences in 2012-13 are in surplus; c. Reduce local committee debt as per the debt reduction plan put in place by the MC team 2011-12; d. Completion of the external financial audit of the national office and internal financial audits of the local committee operations, per established protocol and program; e. Improve oversight on local committee bookkeeping activity including consolidated, quarter and annual financial reporting of organization results by the national office; f.

Begin the process of determining the national office service delivery costs and investigate an affiliation fee model that is commensurate with local committee program activity.

This is an exciting time for AIESEC Canada and as you begin to reflect on the shape, tone and direction of your annual plan I would invite you to consider it (the plan) as the manifestation of this mandate, the strategic plan and the successes and challenges of the teams that have come before you. Through the organization’s hard work and your a c c o m p l i s h m e n t o f the above-noted objectives, the Board of Directors believe you and your team will deliver on your plan for 2012-13and ensure AIESEC Canada’s leadership role in the global network. Sincerely,

Barry Jarvis Chair, Board of Directors AIESEC Canada Inc.

Mandate Letter HR-2012-02 V1.0


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