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Do it For her - Trabajo Digno Trabajo Digno is a non-profit project that aims to eradicate the labor exploitation and therefore respect for rights at work , by means of information and empowerment of socially disadvantaged people . It supports individual and freely in the social area (search for decent work ) , as in the economic area ( independizaci贸n ) , in the legal field ( labor exploitation ) and in the psychological area (preparation to decent work ) .
The volunteer will do the next activities: - Explain project services and register new participants - Seek opportunities for decent work - Train the participants on interviewing and resume elaboration - Train participants regarding independization - Accompany job interviews and process of becoming independent , and track - Intercultural interaction with participants - FortaIecer self-esteem of participants - To organize and carry out the exchange of professional experiences - Organize and conduct workshops related to the work area and general interest - Motivating and improving work habits. - Support the legal area with paperwork and accompaniments - Present the project at fairs - Support in the preparation of brochures, posters , website , videos , radioclips , control panels, etc. , according to interest and ability of the EP Opportunity: https://experience.aiesec.org/#/opportunities/734373 General Info: http://www.bolivia.travel/ Additional Instructions: The EP must pay a fee of $ 40 for Service Concept (Airport pick up, service package and guide aroud the city for the 6 weeks)
Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS) LEAD to follow the experience by AIESEC Pick up of the Airport / Bus Station 1 Meal Service Package (T-shirt. flag and chip) Host for the 6 - 7 weeks of internship
Do it For her - Brisa Esperanza The Foundation through the CUBE program provides free care to children and adolescents victims of sexual violence since 2004. The objective is to create appropriate conditions for children and victims of sexual assault to make of this crisis an opportunity to develop new strengths in them personality.
The volunteer will do the next activities: - Support in psychology area with individual and groupal therapies - Support in alternative therapy ( music therapy , dance , ballet , sewing, pastry). - Support in the area of prevention and developing social communication - Workshops for students and educators - Organization of social campaigns Opportunity: https://experience.aiesec.org/#/opportunities/734373 General Info: http://www.bolivia.travel/ Additional Instructions: The EP must pay a fee of $ 40 for Service Concept (Airport pick up, service package and guide aroud the city for the 6 weeks)
Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS) LEAD to follow the experience by AIESEC Pick up of the Airport / Bus Station 1 Meal Service Package (T-shirt. flag and chip) Host for the 6 - 7 weeks of internship
Do it For her - Corazon Grande Big Heart is an orphanage for girls in Bolivia . Most girls are victims of physical and psychological abuse . About 60 % have been sexually abused . Some have been abandoned and we know nothing of their parents. Big Heart serves as a replacement family . The fundamental idea is to give homeless children a real home and a good start in life. The orphanage is outside of Cochabamba , in the village of Tiquipaya .
The volunteer will do the next activities: *Volunteers should support the school education of girls *Support in the education of women's rights * Activities especially for girls as dance, painting , ballet, reposteria >>>All activities depend on the initiative of volunteer Opportunity: https://experience.aiesec.org/#/opportunities/740966 General Info: http://www.bolivia.travel/ Additional Instructions: The EP must pay a fee of $ 40 for Service Concept (Airport pick up, service package and guide aroud the city for the 6 weeks)
Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS) LEAD to follow the experience by AIESEC Pick up of the Airport / Bus Station 1 Meal Service Package (T-shirt. flag and chip) Host for the 6 - 7 weeks of internship
Do it For her - Evangelina Both On a busy street near the center , there is an orphanage for girls struggling to emerge. There are about 60 girls who live there , ranging in age from 5 to 17 years , some orphaned , others abandoned They urgently need our help!
The volunteer will do the next activities: - Volunteers should support the school education of girls - Support in the education of women's rights - Shall conduct dedicated especially for girls as dance, painting , ballet, reposteria - All activities will depend on the initiative of the volunteer
General Info: http://www.bolivia.travel/ Additional Instructions: The EP must pay a fee of $ 40 for Service Concept (Airport pick up, service package and guide aroud the city for the 6 weeks)
Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS) LEAD to follow the experience by AIESEC Pick up of the Airport / Bus Station 1 Meal Service Package (T-shirt. flag and chip) Host for the 6 - 7 weeks of internship
Maria Angelica Ahenke Vicepresidenta de Intercambios Entrantes E-Mail: maria.ahenke@aiesec.net Whatsapp: +591 70730798 Skype: maria.ahenke Gabriela Calvimontes Manager Feel Good Project E-Mail: gabriela.calvimontes@aiesec.net Whatsapp: +591 75983189