AIESEC in EGYPT Mc 1617 application package
Word from mcp 1617 Dear Potential Applicant,
Firstly, I congratulate you for taking the first step towards becoming a part of the national team leading AIESEC in Egypt 1617. It is definitely a very bold and brave move and for that you ought to feel pride for you have conquered the first barrier of uncertainty. I remember when I was going through those same stages when I was considering the idea of being a part of the member committee of AIESEC in Egypt and it was not at all an easy decision. It was one that took a lot of time, thought and even pain to finally be capable of attaining that feeling of certainty. Ever since then, my life took a different turn. The experience that a person gets through embarking on this road is as expected to be;Â very unique and out of this world. It combines all sorts opportunities, feelings, emotions and people most importantly that allow you to shape yourself differently than you ever deemed imaginable. You will not be the same person you are right now by the end of it, remember those words. 1617 is going to be a year where AIESEC in Egypt will be witnessing extreme change and will be paving the road for AIESEC in Egypt to flourish and boom in all the years to follow. It will be a year of building for the next generations. It will be a year where new things and ways are going to be experienced and experimentation and change will become the norm. AIESEC in Egypt will be transformed and revolutionized. If you are willing to be a part of this revolution and believe that you have what it takes for your own personal evolution as well as AIESEC in Egypt's, then I welcome you to the journey and the experience with arms wide open. I wish you the best of luck and fortune and may the odds be ever in your favor. Make the best out of it. Mohamed Fadel MCP 1617
MC profile Individuals should provide evidence of experience and results in: • Leading organizational growth within AIESEC in Egypt. • Practical application and actions aligned with The AIESEC Way, the AIESEC Values and our current Strategic Direction. • Ability to represent AIESEC in Egypt nationally, regionally and internationally. • Extensive team management experience at different organizational levels. • Experience in communicating AIESEC in Egypt’s direction and contribution to external bodies and different sectors of the society • National and local operational and long term planning experience. • Extensive knowledge on the growing external trends, internal national issues.
MC Profile Competencies – Critical: • Commitment to results. • Self-awareness. • Stakeholder focus. • Effective communication. • Flexible thinking. • Personal Management. Competencies – Supportive: • Resilience. • Innovation. • Developing Others. • Inclusiveness.
Personal skills and qualities: • Team management. • Planning, budgeting, tracking and reporting. • Change management. • Crisis management. • Good understanding of key external trends worldwide. • Strategic and analytical thinking. • Negotiation skills. • Networks management. • Basic tools: EXPA, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PPT, amongst others). 4
MC Structure and Roles For now the structure is in the process of being created and would be finalized by the end of IPM 2016 at end of February, for now applications are launched to be part of the national board of AIESEC in Egypt as MCVP or MC Manager in the term 1617, your allocation would be after thorough discussions with your MCP, and upon what serves the growth of AIESEC in Egypt the best and you personal and professional development. 5
AIESEC in EGYPT Mc 1617 application Guide
Application Timeline Application Release 22nd March 2016
Application DDL 29th March 2016 10:00pm GMT+2
Application Confirmation
30th March 2016 7am GMT+2
Elections 30thth March 2016 5:00pm GMT +2
Selection Process 31st – 3rd April 2016
Application Criteria Application must Consist of: 1) Ques+onnaire 10 pages maximum (including cover page) , in PDF Format. 2) Disrup+ve idea, 1 Page, in PDF Format. (Find guideline at end of applica+on ques+onnaire) 3) Endorsements: - Someone you lead (Signed) - Someone who lead you (Signed) -A peer or team mate (Signed) -LeMer of recommenda+on from an external (Signed) 4) 1 Page Execu+ve Summary (PDF Format) 5) 1 Page – CV (PDF Format) 6) 1 Page - Biography 7) 16 Personali+es Test results submiMed in PDF format: hMp:// 8) Barret Values Assessment test results submiMed in PDF format: hMps:// id=s1TAEQUStmx-pUIle-ma6Q § All ques+ons of the applica+on shall be addressed and answered, other wise the applica+on would be rejected. § If the applica+on is sent one minute later than the DDL, it will be rejected. § Applica+on should be sent to, and All the applica+on components (Ques+onnaire, tests, disrup+ve idea, etc… must be in one zipped file.) § Applica+on DDL is 29th of March 2016, 10:00 GMT+2 In case you have any ques+ons, please refer them to Abdelrahman Ayman at
Candidacy Eligibility -Candidate doesn’t have to be a holder of Egyptian nationality - Any AIESEC member that have or had a role in AIESEC. - Candidate must be available to practice a full time or part time job as and MCVP or MC manager - Should be able to be present and available to attend transition th physically or virtually starting 10 of May, and physically in Egypt th starting 25 of May 9
MC LIFE CONDITIONS - MCVP Full time Salary: 3000 Egyptian pounds per month. - MCVP Part time Salary: 1500 Egyptian pounds (30 working hours) - MC Manager Salary: 2500 Egyptian pounds Fulltime (1500 part time) - IC Subsidy: According to 16/17 annual budget. - Summits & meetings subsidy: According to 16/17 annual budget - MC Office: Located in 1/h Mohamed Amin Street-Lasilki-New Maadi. - The rent of the office is paid with all the Logistical needs.