Dear AIESECers,
It takes a group of people that believe that flying is no longer a dream, that it only takes notions of physics and real plans to break limits, are you ready to join the #WingsDesigners of AIESEC in Algeria? MC Griffin is looking for its brave NST team, a group of ambitious individuals that would work the extra mile for the entity, that feel the lion’s heart beating in their chest! Opportunities need to be grabbed and you don’t want to miss this one. MC Algeria 18.19
MC 18.19
Team Structure F&L
Legal Affairs
IR Manager
iGET Specialist
Information Manager Each LC
oGTSpeci alist
Embassies responsible
Please provide us with some basic Information :
2) 3) 4) 5)
Full name Degree (graduate or undergraduate, university, course of study) Email (AIESEC email and alternative email) Contact number (phone and WhatsApp number) Facebook Link Current LC & role Previous positions held throughout your AIESEC Journey, duration & main learnings Attach your photo with the application
What is your motivation to apply for NST/Manager? What do you plan to gain after this experience? What are the challenges that you foresee when being NST? How can MC support you to overcome those challenges?
Finance and Legal MC Responsible: Lina Belkacem
Legal Affairs Only for nationals
Job Description ⁃ Analysis of legal situation of LCs and MC ⁃ Consultancy of LCs on legal issues ⁃ Coaching of LCVPs Finance and Legal ⁃ Personalized training and education based on the
LCs needs.
Key Learnings
⁃ Physical presence in Algiers ⁃ Tracking skills ⁃ Brand Management ⁃ Customer Flow understanding ⁃ Team Leader experience
⁃ Proficiency in the Algerian law of associations and legal procedures. ⁃ Generating legal reports and providing analysis on legal health. ⁃ Network management
Working hours: 7H / week
⁃ Support the MC on national legality project
⁃ Support LCs and MC with the internal legal audit
MoS / KPIs
Provide a SWOT analysis of the current state of AIESEC in Algeria from a legal perspective.
Mention 3 most important aspects of management of legal in a local committee.
Describe major improvements or changes you would suggest to implement in field of Legality in AIESEC in Algeria.
# of legal issues solved # of Legal researches made
# Internal legal audit managed
Outgoing Exchange MC Responsible: Aimen Bouguerroua
IR Manager
Open for Internationals
Job Description - Push applications and conversions with entity partner - Daily reporting on achieved vs planned goals - Daily reporting on each LC's contribution with entity partner - Weekly meetings with entity partner - Responsible of communication between us and entity partner - Standards delivery tracking
Requirements - GV background - Analysis skills - Good English level - Communication skills - Reporting skills - Reactivity
- Partnership management - Performance tracking - Communication skills - Innovation skills
MoS / KPIs # of Applicants # of Accepted # of Approvals # of Realized # of Complete Conversion rate for each phase Time process
Key Learnings
Pick one of our partners and make a clear data analysis of : Approvals peak, Things to improve and Target conversion rates with that partner.
Give us a clear strategy to push applications and conversion with that partner
oGT Specialist Open for Internationals
Job Description - Weekly meeting with entity partner - Creating a CV collection system with LCs - Building new partnerships with entities - S&D strategy with entity partner - Responsible of communication between us and entity partner - Tracking applicants for our entity partner
Requirements - GT background
- Partnership management
- Analytical thinking
- Performance tracking
- Good English level
- Communication skills
- Discipline
- Innovation skills
- Responsible
- GT knowledge
MoS / KPIs # of new partners # of Approvals with entities partner # of days needed for approval # of Realizations with entity partner # of Complete
Key Learnings
Make an analysis of GT approvals peak, entity partner and focus sub product.
Make a list of entities that we should be working with and a GT strategy for collecting CVs.
How can you make the complete happen in GT?
Incoming Exchange MC Responsible: Hala Mekki
iGET Specialist
Open for Internationals
Key Learnings
- Weekly meeting with entity partner
- GT/GE background
- Partnership management
- Creating Process, timeline, for GE and GT
- Analytical thinking
- Performance tracking
- Building new partnerships with entities
- Good English level
- Communication skills
- S&D strategy with entity partner
- Discipline
- Innovation skills
- Responsible of communication between us and entity
- Responsible
- GT/GE knowledge
Job Description
partner - Tracking applicants for our entity partner
MoS / KPIs 1. # of new partners # of Approvals with entities partner # of days needed for approval # of Realizations with entity partner # of Complete
2. 3.
Why are you interested in this position? And what is your added value? What are the bottlenecks for GE and GT in AIESEC in Algeria? How do you think we can solve them? What kind of techniques or knowledge would you bring to the GE, GT network to evolve this product in our entity? How would you insure the implementation of it?
Embassies responsible Only for nationals
Job Description - Collecting information about visa procedures. - Contacting embassies to facilitate visa procedure. - Reporting about EPs status after approvals - Pre-partnership preparation with ministry of foreign affairs
Key Learnings
- Product background
- Partnership management
- Analytical thinking
- Communication skills
- Good French level - Discipline - Responsible
MoS / KPIs #of EPs with visa
Why are you interested in this position? And what is your added value?
How would make sure to get all the information needed for our EPs to apply visa?
Make a booklet, or a tool with the general needed information about Algerian visa.
% of information collected about visa procedure. # of embassies contacted.
Information Technology Responsible: Nadir Bounoua
Information Manager Open for Internationals
Job Description - Fill tools with data related to the LC - Coordinate between the IT Team and the LC - Master the IT Tools of AIESEC in Algeria - Solve the IT Tickets made by the LC
Key Learnings
Requirements - Attention to details
# Tools filled
- Self-driven
# Info request done
- File Management
# Sessions delivered
- Organized
% IT Tickets solved
Questions 1.
What are the information that define the performance of an LC?
How do you think we can use data to improve our numbers?
What is the best idea to provide information to LC members?
- Experience working with Help Centers - Experience with Data Analysis - Be part of the team that designs a help service for the new IT Tools - Better understanding of Information Management
MoS / KPIs
Application Overview APPLICATION PACKAGE 1) 2)
Answer the General Questionnaire Answer the Specific Questionnaire of your preferred position(s) MAKE SURE TO NOT FORGET
The application should bee converted in PDF format and the package should be in a ZIP file, named as: ‘NST_[position]_FullName” Send your application package to: mc.algeria@aiesec.net Your email subject should be in the form: ‘NST_[position]_FullName”
You can apply for more than one position Incomplete or late applications will not be considered under any circumstances
Deadline to submit the application: 12th Octobre, Friday at 23:59 (GMT+1)
Application Process Application Release
Application Deadline 12th Octobre
Contact us
5th Octobre
Interviews 13th to 17th Octobre
Annoncement 20th Octobre
Maria Mohamadi
Zine Mohcine
Lina Belkacem
Aimen Bougueroua
Hala Mekki
DMB Chair
Issam Bensaid
IT Team
Nadir Bounoua