Second Round
October 23rd, 12.00 PM LC Subsidy 250 SGD
Your long-awaited opportunity is ďŹ nally here! Join AIESEC in Asia PaciďŹ c in one of its largest conference in Singapore Na onal Leadership Development Conference 2016 (NLDC 2016) Date: 5- 10 December 2016
NLDC Early bird applica on round is now, from 5 - 15 October 2016. In order to be qualiďŹ ed for total 250 SGD conference fee subsidy, candidates must complete these following tasks before and during the conference. Before Conference (submit before October 23rd): 1) Ques onnaire What do you think about our LC? What are the areas that we can improve on? (max: 300 words) How can use your experience going to NLDC to contribute to our LC? (max: 300 words) 2) Create and upload a video of yourself answering the following ques ons: (max : 5 min) In one word, how would you say is your reason for joining/being in AIESEC? What do you wish to achieve within the organiza on? Find 3 other people in AIESEC in CU—tell us THEIR reason (in one word) for joining/being in AIESEC What has been your experience so far? Describe to us your AIESEC journey. Upload video on Youtube and a ach link in email.
Deadline for ques onnaire and a video are 23rd October 2016, 12.00 pm. Send an email a aching your video link and a ques onnaire Word file to Name the email header : '"NLDC second round subsidy applica on". A er submi ng the ques onnaires and the video, the successful candidates list will be announced through the LCCU 16/17 Facebook group on October 24th. IMPO IMPORTANT : ALL successful candidates are required to COMPLETE NLDC second round applica on BY THEMSELVES BEFORE 23rd October deadline and will have to make ADVANCE payment to NLDC. Otherwise you are obligated to pay for the difference between second round rate and normal round rate by yourself. For this round, LC will only subsidize 250 SDG in total.
During NLDC, the successful candidates are required to complete these following tasks: Collect good case prac ces (from each func on from other LCs) Shoot a 3-minute length video documen ng the conference (for future promo on).
For registra on details and more informa on, please visit: *** If you don't want LC subsidy, you can apply and pay directly to the NLDC conference Good Luck, Everyone!