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Gree ngs Word from OCP What is Spark? Agenda Conference venue Accommoda on Applica on process Payment policy Cancella on policy For interna onal delegates Visa Pre-stay service OC assist Pick-up service Contact us
Gree ngs Dear delegates, As one of the AIESEC in Thailand team, I want to welcome you to join Spark Conference 2016. ATH will have really dierent and awesome experiences because of your par cipa on. Many excellent AIESECers have worked hard for this conference and we can proudly say we nailed it with you oďŹƒcially par cipa ng in 2016 Spark Conference. Spark Conference has been taking the most important role in ATH, where young people in Thailand can develop their leadership and poten al. Spark Conference is also a special space that provides the opportunity opportunit to Thai youth to CONNECT to the world and show the world how Thailand looks like. We know that Spark conference will lead us to DREAM more and ACHIEVE be er. Passion makes us stronger than we are. Love makes us be er than we are. Be passionate about the things you love. See you at SPARK. AIESECly, Frances-MCP 1617 ATH
Word from OCP Dear fellow AIESECers, On behalf of the Organizing Commi ee Team, I would like to welcome all delegates, both local and interna onal, to the Spark Conference 2016. It is such a great honour for AIESEC in Chulalongkorn to host one of the biggest conferences in South East Asia this year. Spark Conference is a conference where AIESECers from all over Thailand and the rest of the world gather to re-visualise the purpose and essence of AIESEC, challenge and build founda ons in order to empower leadership to move AIESEC forwards with passion and purpose. See you at Spark, where you can spark your poten al! Best Regards, Narajaya Tanjapatkul Organizing Commi ee President of Spark Conference 2016
What is Spark? SPARK is one of AIESEC's biggest youth conference in the SEA region engaging in Youth Poten al Development and Youth impact on modern society. The purposes of the conference are to bring the interna onal community to local AIESEC members and also welcome AIESEC members to enhance their professional skills, provide networking opportunies, and work on organiza onal strategy together. This conference will also provide young people with leadership development with a focus to empower young people, so they can make a posi ve impact on society.
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Date Friday 21 - Monday 24, October 2016
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Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building Phayathai Rd, Phathumwan Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330 The Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building (Chamchuri 10) is a 20-floor mul -purpose building located in the north-western area of Chulalongkorn University, near the MBK Center shopping mall. It features university offices, classrooms, as well as several uni conference rooms, a large 225-seat auditorium, and a spectacular ballroom on the top floor with panoramic views of central Bangkok. The building can easily be accessed via a 10-minute walk from BTS Na onal Stadium, or via the university shu le bus (Line 2).
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Lub D Bangkok Siam 925/9 Rama 1 Rd. Wangmai, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330 Lub D Bangkok Silom 4, Decho Rd, Suriya Wong, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500
1) Fill in Applica on Form: h p:// 2) Make payment via BANK TRANSFER or PAYPAL For Local Delegate:
h p://
For Interna onal Delegate:
h p:// onal/
3) Confirm you payment: h p:// on 4) Read the booklets thoroughly 5) (ONLY INTERNATIONAL DELEGATE) Fill in Arrival Form 6) BE AN OFFICIAL DELEGATE OF SPARK CONFERENCE 2016 :)
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Delegate Fee Local Delegate 2,200 Baht for Early Bird 10th – 15th September (23:59 GMT+7) 2,600 Baht for Normal Round TBA 3,000 Baht for Late Round TBA Interna onal Delegate 150 USD for Interna onal delegate Early Bird round 10th – 22nd September (23:59 GMT+7) 180 USD for Interna onal delegate Normal round 23rd September – 6th October (23:59 GMT+7) Conference fee covers: - Accommoda on for the night of 21-23 October (3 nights) - Food within conference period (food box, snacks, gala buffet) - Transport between venue and accommoda on (walking from LubD Siam, shu le van for LubD Silom) - (Interna onal Delegates) Airport Pickup during 21 October (8.00-15.00), transport from BKK/DMK Airport to Downtown Bangkok (BTS Na onal Stadium) Conference fee does not cover: - Bank transac on / PayPal fees - Airfare - Insurance - Mobile SIM card - Accommoda on for night of 20 October - Transport to / from conference (meet at BTS Na onal Stadium) - (Interna onal Delegates) Transport to the airport a er conference - Any addi onal transporta on outside conference agenda
How to Pay Please read thoroughly and follow payment instruc on on: h p://
Local Delegates via Bank Transfer
Via Paypal See more details on the link given above Interna onal Delegates via Bank Transfer OďŹƒcial Branch : Chamchuri Square Branch, Kasikorn Bank Plc. Name of account : Pornpisek Lertpunyaroj and Narajaya Tanjapatkul Account No. : 016-8-66609-8 SWIFT CODE: KASITHBK --- BANK CODE: 004 Via Paypal See more details on the link given above N.B. Please note that any addi onal transac on fee is NOT included in conference cket rate, it is at your own cost.
Payment Deadline PAY BEFORE Local Delegate Early Bird Round: Friday 16th September (23:59 GMT+7) Normal Round: Saturday 1st Octorber (23:59 GMT+7) Late Round: Saturday 8th Octorber (23:59 GMT+7) Interna onal Delegate Early Bird Round: Sunday 25th September (23:59 GMT+7) Normal Round: Sunday 9th Octorber (23:59 GMT+7) N.B. If there is any shor all between the actual amount transferred and amount due, delegates will be required to pay the difference by cash at the conference. We will inform you via email if there is any discrepancy. A er Payment A er your payment, please finish Spark Conference 2016 Payment Evidence Form to provide your payment evidence: h p:// on
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CANCELLATION IS ONLY ALLOWED FOR INTERNATIONAL DELEGATE If you wish to cancel your a endance a er transferring the fee, please follow the cancella on procedures below. Cancella on Procedures 1. Send a cancella on email to Subject: Delega on Cancella on_Your AIESEC Local Commi ee_Your Name
2. OC team will send a cancella on confirma on email 3. Refunding will be available a er the conference N.B. Please note that delegate is responsible for all addi onal cost regarding to transac on fee AMOUNT REFUNDED = FEE PAID – CANCELLATION FEE – TRANSACTION FEE Cancella on Fee For the interna onal delegates in all rounds, the following charge rate and dates are applicable for cancella on. Un l Wednesday 5 October (23.59 GMT+7) 25% of total fee Thursday 6 October – Wednesday 12 October (23.59 GMT+7) 50% of total fee From Thursday 13 October (23.59 GMT+7) 100% of total fee
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Visa Visa-exempt countries Requirement for visa-exempt countries: 1) The visit is strictly for tourism purpose 2) Passport of visa-exempt countries valid more than 60 days a er the planned departure date from Thailand 3) Return cket with ďŹ xed date according to the period of stay, open date cket are not qualify 4) Prove that you have funds of at least 10,000 THB per person during your stay in Thailand Note: Entering Thailand by land border checkpoint from neighbouring countries will be granted a maximum of 15-days-stay except (1) Malaysian na onals who cross the borderline from Malaysia (2) Na onals of the G7 countries: USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, whose granted period of stay will not exceed 30 days each me
Visa Countries that are allow to do Visa on Arrival (for 15-days-stay) Requirement for visa on arrival: 1) The visit is strictly for tourism purpose 2) Passport of visa-exempt countries valid more than 60 days a er the planned departure date from Thailand 3) Return cket with ďŹ xed date according to the period of stay, open date cket are not qualify 4) Prove that you have funds of at least 10,000 THB per person during your stay in Thailand 5) A fee of 1,000 THB is payable upon entry and subject to change without no ce List of countries: Andora Bulgaria Bhutan China Cyprus Ethiopia India Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania
Maldives Malta Mauri us Romania San Marino Saudi Arabia Taiwan Ukraine Uzbekistan
Other countries Please apply for tourist visa at Thai Royal Embassy near country of your residence, you need to obtain Thai visa before your arrival. This is the link of Thai Embassies, please look up for more informa on and requirement for applying visa on the embassy you’re going to apply at: h p:// If you need any further help from our oc, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Pre-Stay Service Pre-stay Service is NOT AVAILABLE but we highly recommend you to book your accommoda on at Lub D Hostel Siam or any hotel/hostel where can be easily reached by the BTS Skytrain or MRT (Metro). The mee ng point to conference venue will be announced later.
OC Assist OC Assist will be available on 20 October from 8PM - 8PM OC Assist is a service provided by delegate service team which the team will assist you with transporta on at the airport.
Pick-Up Service Pick-up Service from airport to conference venue will be available on 21 October from 8AM - 3PM
N.B If delegates arrive outside the period that pick-up service is provided , delegates must cover their own transporta on, food,and accommoda on expenses, and come to the mee ng point which will be announced later.
More informa on for Spark Conference 2016 will be on the Recep on Booklet which will be sent to delegates’ email and published on Facebook. PLEASE STAY TUNED!