AIESEC Indonesia Q1 Report

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Table of Contents Letter from MCP ............................................................................................. 1 Our Why & How, and General Highlights ..................................................... 2 Goals Achievement ........................................................................................ 3 Measurement of Success 2015 Progress ......................................................... 3.1 Net Promoter Score ............................................................................................ 3.2

National Focus Area Update ......................................................................... 4 Talent Capability ................................................................................................. 4.1 Brand Positioning ............................................................................................... 4.2 Corporate Reach ................................................................................................. 4.3 Expansion ............................................................................................................ 4.4

Financial Report ............................................................................................. 5 Sub-team Progress ........................................................................................ 6

! ! ! .! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Exchange Operation Team ................................................................................. 6.1 Talent Management Team .................................................................................. 6.2 Business Development Team ............................................................................ 6.3 Marketing Team ................................................................................................... 6.4 Finance Team ...................................................................................................... 6.5


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

1. Letter from President AIESEC in Indonesia Dear AIESEC in Indonesia members, Quarter 1 has gone, and i believe you were surprised in how your life went so far in these previous 3 months becoming the leading generation of 12/13. Quarter has been a busy months for us getting us prepared. We discussed a lot about the clarity of state that we envision as organization, build foundation as a team, and then research about external market needs. We faced many challenges, even, external situation don't really support us to execute our plan. But it's fine. Acknowledging why we exist in this country, and what is actually the calling that we need to answer for this country, Indonesia, was an investment effort and time which worth every penny. September showed how we committed as AIESEC in Indonesia to Indonesia. We started to showcase our contribution in global network, we started to proof that our experience matters to our external market in this country. We progressed significantly during September, but, unfortunately we still need to improve ourselves even more in terms of speed, effectiveness, and efficiency, so we can deliver more impact through great results. Everything becomes too much only happen when we don't focus. This is not again about how busy we need to be able to deliver more results. This is not the aim. This is about being clear about what's important and what matters the most, then mainly focus on it. Embrace the impact of our action in the long-term manner not only short-win, and live the value of working as a team. We are not here for working alone; we are here living a team experience. Yes, it will still be hard, but we pull each other when one of us down. We face everything together. Together we believe we can answer the call. Remember the responsibility of AIESEC now is not only for our members, it's for 62 millions of young people out there, and to the whole society and community we live in. This is next level of responsibility that is in our shoulder. This is what Indonesia calling us for. A calling of indirectly impacting this country by providing more than 2000 international volunteer experiences delivered through our GCDP and GIP. Quarter 2 is here. Let's rock this together. Answering the call, embracing impact. This is what we stand for as one AIESEC in Indonesia, to create leadership which going to change this country, now, and in the near future. Cheers,

Sandro Rayhansyah, President AIESEC in Indonesia !




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

2. Our Why & How, and General Highlights Our Why

Our How Program Focus Synergy Program Focus Synergy is the framework of how we work as a team in achieving our goals. We believe in achieving the MOS, every function needs to have deliverables that support the MOS program, every function plays different critical role in the achievement, and every function is responsible of the success and failure of MOS program achievement progress.




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Sub-teams: 1. Exchange Operation Team Purpose: Enable direction of exchange programs strategy for the achievement of AIESEC 2015 MOS and organizational strategy towards sustainability and expansion. Responsible: • Aseem Goel – MC VP Organizational Development and Operation • Ardian Widjaja – MC Director Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program • Nurul Nauvalita – MC Director Incoming Exchange Global Community Development Program • Tina Huang – MC Director Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Program • Dita Vania – MC Director Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Program 2. Talent Management Team Purpose: Provide talent and HR process which support how talent capacity drive GCDP and GIP result Responsible: • Inez Natalia Putri – MC VP Talent Management 3. Business Development Team Purpose: Ensure operational organization through enabling external organization/institution/corporate support Responsible: • Rizky Helmi Handoyo – MC VP Business Development • Naoki Ishiyama – Sales Manager 4. Marketing Team: Purpose: Develop and implement micro-XP, marketing, communication and public relation activity in strengthen our brand in driving more customers. Responsible: • Aulia Ulhaque - MC VP Marketing & Communication • Riyan Pinasti Rahajeng – MC VP Youth Engagement 5. Finance Team Purpose: Ensure operational organization and sustainability through financial and governance management.




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Responsible: • Akmal Sulistomo – MC VP Finance and Governance

Overall Key Highlights: MC physical support and visit to LC We conduct lots of physical interaction from MC to LC in planning preparation and for functional visit in quarter 1. We never really did that before except for LC visit twice a year. It helped a lot in having more detail support from MC to LC, also to have more impactful visit. Which program to focus? We haven't set yet which exchange program to focus in beginning of the quarter. So everything is being focused, and in the end we ended of being too much in everything, and the result is not like what we expected. Knowing what 1 or 2 exchange programs to focus will help us in allocating and managing our work. On September, every LCPs has decided which are 1 or 2




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

exchange programs that they focus on. But as consideration, it doesn't mean the other exchange programs beside focus are not important. Every program is important, but in the current moment, there are some programs which are considered as the most potential one in product life cycle format, that need to be pushed even more. Program Focus Synergy concept acknowledgement We introduce this concept to the network of program focus synergy to change our football synergy from 11/12. We want to make a simple framework of how function can synergies and collaborate in achieving goals. Program focus synergy emphasize in the role of functions, how each function matters, in setting deliverables to support the achievement of program MOS. There isn't any function which is more critical than others, and not only exchangers who only care about achievement of program MOS, then each function has different role in helping our organization closer to our goals, and all of them are critical. Synergy won't happen if one of the function is not aligned in achieving program MOS. In quarter 1 we faced lack of synergy nationally. We saw that program focus synergy was not being implemented yet, and members lack of acknowledgement about program focus synergy. The mis-alignment of this caused that every function worked separately, they didn't see something that aligned them to work in common purpose. Having the behavior of every function -not only exchangers- to have sense of belonging in the achievement of every program MOS, will help every function to be self-driven in managing synergy.




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

3.1 Measurement of Success Quarter 1 Report AIESEC Indonesia 12/13 Incoming Exchange Global Community Development Program (ICX GCDP) Q1 Performance













42,!31%!Achieved,!:27,98%!Growth! !


Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!

64,24%!Achieved,!69,11%!Growth! !

ICX GCDP Realize Q1 418!






70,57%!Achieved,!32,28%!Growth! ! RAISE!:!42,!31%!Achieved,!:27,98%! Growth!

Unclear Transition ! Long holiday in July and August

• • !

MATCH!:!64,24%!Achieved,!69,11%! Growth!

• !


Lack of LC ! partnership database Late raising impact the quality of matching Still haven’t optimal in implement survey and SnD research

REALIZE!:!70,57%!Achieved,!32,28%! Growth!

• !

• •

Lack of preparation for ! the realization Intern Jobdes allocation system Good implementation in Hostfamily and Buddy utilization



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

MAIN(STRATEGIES(ICX(GCDP(in(Q1( ( Raising(Compe44on( • One!of!the!naQonal! iniQaQves!for! member!Reward! and!RecogniQon! that!focus!on!the! raising!process.!(1st! Sept:!5th!Oct)! • The!objecQve:! • :!Discover!and! develop!sales! capacity! • Progress:! • 165!TN!have!been! raised.!

LC(to(LC(Partnership( Educa4on(and( Database( • !Create! standardizaQon!of! the!flow!in!building! LC!to!LC! partnership!and! accessible!database! of!each!informaQon! about!LC! partnership.! • ObjecQve:! • Drive!LC!to!build!a! strong!LC! partnership! • Progress:! • Ongoing.!!

Research(and( Network(U4liza4on( • Research!the! market!based!on! supply!and!demand! analysis!and!focus! on!re:raise.! • ObjecQve:! • Drive!LC!to!do! research!and!SnD! analysis!in!order!to! opQmal!their! process!from!raise! to!match.! • Progress:! • More!than!70%! GCDP!TN!have! been!re:raised.!

Country!Partnership! • Building!country! partnership!by! create!a!survey!and! database!for!the! informaQon!of!each! country!partnership! to!ensure!the! quality!supply!and! build!the!pla`orm! for!LC!partnership.! • Result:! • 43!countries!in! database!

Project Issue: Project(Issue(



14%! 22%!




Environment! Culture! Tourism! Children!

New(Framework(of( Na4onal( Collabora4ve( Project.! • Create!a!pla`orm! for!LC!to!have!a! collaboraQve! environment!in! managing!project! and!increase!their! sales!potenQal.! • Result:!Ongoing! meeQng!



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program (OGX GCDP) Q1 Performance


OGX GCDP Raise Q1 172!












Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!


OGX GCDP Realize Q1 151!







RAISE!:!68,60%!Achieved,71,01%! Growth!


: Long holiday in July and ! August made us can’t do regular physical promotions : Failed in 1st Non Peak Season Initiative (July – early of Sept)

! :


Failed in 1st Non Peak Season Initiative (July – early of Sept) We didn’t have EPs that have to be matched for Sep until Nov realization.

REALIZE!:!121%!Achievemed,!10%! Growth! : Good Legacy from the previous term ! : Effective and Efficient matching process : Growth isn’t really big because we have Lebaran holiday in the middle of August and made some EP postpone their exchange.

MAIN(STRATEGIES(OGX(GCDP(in(Q1( Non(Peak(Ini4a4ves(



• Doing!Exchange! PromoQons!during!July!:! early!of!Sept! • Focus!on!September!unQl! November!realizaQon! • !Failed!in!implementaQon! because!!of!a!very!long! holiday!period!

• !Using!Social!Media!as! our!main!promoQonal! tools!in!holiday!period! • !Maximize!online! registraQon!pla`orm! • !Not!all!LCs!doing!regular! online!promoQons!!

• !LCs!start!implement! Exchange!Fair!from! September! • !Having!Physical!(open! booth,!info!session)!and! Virtual!PromoQons! • !Focus!on!Winter! RealizaQon!(December!:! February)! • !The!result!is!really!good! but!only!UI,!Bandung,!UD! and!UB!that!finish!their! Exchange!Fair!in!the!end! of!Sept!


New!Framework!of! Partnership!and!Matching! Mania! • Create!New!ways!of! partnership!(benefit!that! we!offer!and! implementaQon)! • Create!a!new!framework! of!matching!mania!that!is! more!efficent!and! effecQve!

Follow!up!Country! Partnership! • Doing!Supply!and! Demand!Analysis!in!Glbal! Network!for!our! potenQal!new!country! partner! • Contact!Them!by!email! and!chat! • Having!more!than!450!TN! partnership!for!indonesia! EP's!realizaQon!on! Winter!



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Incoming Exchange Global Internship Program (ICX GIP) Q1 Performance


ICX GIP Raise Q1

ICX GIP Match Q1 75!







24! Target!



Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!


ICX GIP Realize Q1 67!







RAISE:!45,80%!Achievement,!:12,1%! Growth! :




MATCH:!32%!Achievement,!41,6%! Growth! :


beginning of quarter :

demand :

Still lack focus in selling implementation


Mismatch in supply and

REALIZE:!56,7%!Achievement,!68,4%! Growth! : Intern integration is one




intern quality

of the main issues :



• ConducQng!ICX!GIP! educaQon!webinar! • ConducQng!AIESEC! Indonesia!NaQonal! EducaQon!Webinar! about!GIP!knowledge! • Online!pla`orm!for! knowledge!sharing!


Selling(Based(on( Customer(Focus( • Each!LC!selects!top!3! target!markets!they! want!to!sell!to! • Selling!SME!sub: product!



managing administration

No project raising



Raising(Compe44on( • !CompeQQon!done!in! September!to!boost! raising!performance! • Scoring!based!on! raising!performance! from!1!September:5! October!



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Program (OGX GIP) Q1 Performance


OGX IP Raise Q1 42!

OGX GIP Match Q1




9! Target!






Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!


OGX GIP Realize Q1 14!




3! Achieved!2011!


RAISE!:!85,71%!Achieved,400%! Growth! : Global Exchange Partner& TN ! based recruitment contribute to raise number : Failed to prepare earlyier promotion before vacation.

MATCH!:!63,63%!Achieved,!350%! Growth! : ! :

LC are not confident enough to change picky EP’s mindset. In process of developing matching channel and targeted TN market

REALIZE!:!64,28%!Achievemed,!300%! Growth! : ! :

Lack of pipeline management knowledge. Less match, less realization especially with few legacy.

MAIN(STRATEGIES(OGX(GIP(in(Q1( Student(Market(Segmenta4on( • Segement!ET,!TT,!MT!student! market!and!do!specific!promoQon! • Focus!on!3!main!sub:product!(MT: Marketng,!TT:IT,!TT:Engineering)! • !Develop!2!different!process!of! recruitment:"TN:based"!&! "Regular"! !

Knowledge(Management(PlaQorm(( • On:line,!public!pla`orm!for! funcQon!SOP,!knowledge!storage! • !"oGIP:Salon"!bi:weekly!as!virtual! skill!training!session!to!VPs!! • !Quarterly,!monthly!and! recruitment!planning!tool!assist!LC! planning!skill!!



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Team Member Program (TMP) & Team Leader Program (TLP) Q1 Performance (


`! ! ! ! !













Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!




! !




! Target!





! !


! !


! !












Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!



! ! ! !




! !






162! Achieved!2011!




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential TMP!RAISE!:!197,04%!Achieved,!195,87%! TMP!MATCH!:!163,85%!Achieved,! TMP!REALIZE:!140,33%!Achieved,! Growth;!TLP!RAISE!:!143.40%! 145,77%!Growth! 131,14%!Growth!TLP!REALIZE:!126.92%! Achievement,!115.41%!Growth! TLP!MATCH:!109.81%!Achieved,!64.97%! Achieved,!103.70%!Growth! Growth!

: :

Focus! on! building! awareness! of!!utilization! Organization! structure! being! evolved! impacted! the! number! of! opportunities!being!generated!

: : :




Focus! on! recording! TMP/TLP! Process! in!the!system! Still!using!direct!approach!as!strategy! in!promoting!opportunities! More! structured! on! having! TMP/TLP! Promotion! and! Selection/allocation! process!timeline! Global! initiative! to! have! “Direct! Matcing”! process! on! the! system! (Process!Optimalization)!







! !


! • Massive!PromoQon!from!the!end!of! August! • Expanding!the!reach!of!programs! ! • Synergy!with!OGX!and!CommunicaQon! FuncQonal! ! !


TXP(Process(based(on(system( • !!Training!and!EducaQon! • TXP!Pipeline!Management!based!on! system!

TM(Summit( • !Aligning!NaQonal!Strategy!with!all!LCs! in!collaboraQve!environment! • Talent!Development!Framework! SocializaQon! • Simplify!Scoring!System!Framework!!!



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

3.2 Net Promoter Score (NPS) NPS AIESEC INDONESIA- Q1

# Of responses
















Completed experiences (approx) Response Rate (approx) Detractor %











Passive %






Promoters %












Details and Review: • •

• • • •

NPS Feedback Form sent to people who completed their experience in 2012 before 15th September 2012. All programs are in ‘good’ phase in Net Promoter Score scale. However we need professional help in calculating the error rate, which related to response rate. Higher the response rate; less is the error rate. Individual Analysis of each Program done and we also took feedback rating of crucial areas of good experience delivery. Average Detractor rate- 15.5 % and Average Promoters rate- 41.8%. Detractors who asked for follow-up- 5 (3 for GIP ICX and 2 for GCDP OGX). Total responses- 218. Overall Net Promoter Score- 29.4.

Recommendations and Next Steps: •


Next NPS will be implemented through MC program responsible so there is more connect with LCs and we can have better implementation and response rate. TMP and TLP should have a separate form and analysis.



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

• • •


Behavior of NPS culture to be driven down focusing on improving XP (experience) delivery and not just focus on NPS system/implementation. More education to LCs needed and MC-LC synergy needed so we can use NPS data for our improvement. Working together with AIESEC International to get the services of Customer Gauge (IT services that will help us use NPS effectively). Giving full support on second phase of system piloting.



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

4. National Focus Area Progress

1. Talent Capability Objective: We develop our members to become great talents in delivering positive impact to society through our programs Progress: 1. Talent Development Framework implementation: Have a well structured and evolved Pipeline Management Framework, Development Opportunities Classification, and Development Program Design to standardize the development process management in AIESEC Indonesia 2. Renew Individual Development Tracker: Revise and renew development-tracking system of AIESEC Indonesia, have been implemented supported by having Talent Review Week innovation. 3. Training based on needs: Increase number of trainings being held in LC based on the needs to support the result of Programs 4. Renew Selection Process System for all programs: Optimizing the process of recruitment and selection for OGX GCDP, Members Recruitment, and TLP/TMP internal Selection Process 5. Talent Review & Talent Capability Measurement: Have a clear measurement tools to recognize the capability of talents inside LCs. 2. Brand Positioning



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Objective: Deliver the right messages so that people know what AIESEC is and what each of our programs offer. Also effectively and efficiently sell our values so that we can attract more people to take our programs. Progress: 1. Create standardization of design template and messages for each programs and implement that in every LC; 2. Create survey to get to know our positioning and get insights about what to do; partnership with brand consultant. 3. Discussing with each programs (exchange programs and team member/team leader program) so that we agree with messages that we will promote to our market; 4. We haven’t known what people perceived about AIESEC since we just spreading surveys so that we are promoting based on our assumptions; 5. Inconsistency of implementation of brand guideline and messages in every LC, because they feel that guidelines from AIESEC International is not attractive; 3. Expansion Objective: Deliver our exchange and team programs to new markets. And increase Local Entities in AIESEC Indonesia family. Progress: 1. Currently we have 5 Expansion Initiatives (UNHAS, UNSRI, PU, UNS, UMM) and 5 Official Expansions (Binus, PMBS, IPB, UGM, UPN). In Q1, 4 entities could move onto the next stage in terms of status. 2. Specialized Unit (SU) Task force in the MC to work on SU PilotingConceptualization, Planning and Implementation. Progress already started in Q2 with targeting at least 10 SUs specializing in GCDP OGX. *Next Steps: • SU to be the biggest focus in Q2. • Focus on Education, Coaching, Tracking and Transition base for Expansions to have good sustainability. • Focus on increasing Expansion’s contribution in terms of ELD delivery. • Supporting and synergy between sister LC and MC. 4. Corporate Reach Objective: Increase our capability in expanding our corporate reach in any activities to get support for our program Progress: 1. Measurement: Number of corporate partnership raised # of Raise: • LC: 30 Partnership, 66% from target • MC: 8 Partnership, 400% from target MC LC • # of Company • # of Company Approached: 53 Approached: 53



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

• •

# of Sales Meeting: 48 # Partnership: 8

• •

# of Sales Meeting: 52 # Partnership: 30

2. In Q1, we were lack in raising financial partner. This lack is still exist from previous terms. It’s quite difficult for local market to raise financial partner. So we need to improve our product packaging and the value proposition. We raised so many in-kind partner, that’s mean we are not supporting enough yet to our exchange program growth.

3. Here is the graphic how the result of the process run. We can see that LCs had enough preparation to go to sales by doing Research. But from Number of sales meeting it is decreasing, so the lack is in the raising which is in follow up and how they do the sales itself. There are some possible obstacle happened such as how good they intrepret the research result, knowing the product, follow up, account management and how the focus to program sales. Corporate Reach National Business Development Education



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

First Plan: One week webinar about BusDev and inviting external in this webinar Realization: Utilizing NEW program from TM (monthly). National Business Development Competition First Plan: There would be Research Competition, Product Development Competition, Sales Competition . Realization: National Corporate Sales Team, an integrated competition to support GCDP and GIP Raising. From 10 applicants target, only 3 applicants. Corporate Event First Plan: Business To Social Summit in December 2012. An external gathering event and meet them with social communities. Realization: Youth To Business in November 2012 (running). Combining IYLC 2012 with external event to be more efficient and use the time to get the delegates easily.



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

5. Financial Report a. Finance Condition in MC AIESEC Indonesia Total Cash in Q1 : Rp 685.344.000,RESERVE MONTH 10 Month

Profit/Loss) 20000000$ 10000000$ 0$ July$$13.806.933$ !10000000$

August$ (38.919.105)$

September$ (12.109.083)$


!20000000$ !30000000$ !40000000$

This chart show that MC loss Rp 37.221.195,00 because we gave the invoice to LC after Q1 finish. So, the revenuein Q1 will show in the next quarter. Revenue Centre in Q1




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

The chart show that the main revenue come from National Fee and LC Exchange Fee, and the second is corporate contribution. The ideal condition is LC Exchange Fee should be the main revenue, because LC Exchange Fee existed of revenue from EP and TN. LC Exchange Fee also can showed the performance of OGX and ICX in each LC. Expenses Centre in Q1




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

This is the ideal one, because the main expenses is come from management fee. Management fee existed of country fee, working capital, travel expense, meeting expense, and salary of MC. b. Finance Condition in LC Cash in each LC




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Cash% UNAND%57.509.313% UI%287.467.814% BINUS%19.748.586% BANDUNG%348.951.250% UNDIP%71.722.257% UGM%10.009.759% UPN%16.000.000% SURABAYA%72.801.464% UNIBRAW%91.000.000%

Profit and Support to Experiential Leadership Program (ELD)




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

From this chart we can see that LC still support ELD Program eventhough they are in the loss condition or the profit less than the expenses for support ELD. Actually this condition is not good becuase the ideal condition is the expenses for support ELD is less than the profit.




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

6. Sub Team Progress 1. Exchange Operation Team Key Projects and Strategies: 1. XP Delivery and NPS 2. IR and Indonesia Calling! 3. Process Optimization (Faster processes, Increase in delivery rate) Progress: • 1st phase of NPS piloting done with a lot of findings and take-backs. • Focus on XP Delivery maintained throughout with webinars and sessions at conferences. • Indonesia Calling brand name used in International Congress 2012 promotions and promotion booklet made. • Process Optimization education and focus after IC 2012, not yet done. Next Steps: • NPS to be implemented more effectively after 1st phase of Piloting. • Indonesia Calling to be a focus with Directors taking charge of compiling the content individually. Once we have content in place, we will have integrated promotional tools. • XP Delivery to be a focus in Q2 – Working on XP Delivery flows in each program and evaluation of XP Delivery and Quality with NPS. • Process Optimization analysis to be done monthly to see whether we are providing faster process (matching rate and realization rate) and increasing delivery rate (decrease in undelivered forms)




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

2. Business Development Team 3 Main Objective and Progress National Business Development Education • MC currently is working on compiling resources to be a modul and designing an education system for next quarter. But in between, we are using NEW (National Education Webinar) which provided by Talent Department to deliver knowledge about Business Development to LCs. And the progress is NEW promotion and communication need to be improved so more members will join. Sales on Conference and GIP • In Q1 there were 2 conferences which is National Functional Summit 2012 and Management Board Conference 2012. External as resource of funding were almost raised, but the problem mostly was about the timeline for preparation was really tight. There were PwC and Nielsen for NFS 2012. And SMBC and Hult Business School for MBC 2012. • Business Development in GIP Sales in overall was supporting in providing the networks. And we raised 8 TN from 3 companies. They are JAC, Buzoo and Adways. National Corporate Sales Team • We create a competition to increase ICX GCDP and ICX GIP TN Raising. With 100 GIP and 500 GCDP target until March 2013, we need at least 10 participants who will get Rp.10.000.000,exchange scholarship for the first position raiser.

• •


Partnership and Account Management of AIESEC in Indonesia We are working on improving AIESEC-ISIC Member Card Partnership as initiator in AIESEC and ISIC Global Networks. In order to increase the card sales and implement the benefits as card holder, we targeting to have 300 applicants to print in one time. By having this number, we can reduce the price more cheaper. LC can have the price from range 75.000 – 80.000 IDR for AIESEC member, and 95.000 IDR for non-AIESEC member. We are arranging the schedule to have monthly training from PwC. It is an opportunity for AIESEC members to have regular training with Public Accounting Company. AIESEC in Indonesia is supporting World Toilet Day which managed by Fortune PR in terms of sponsorship and partnership sales. We are working on Employer Brand program substitution by having



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simple recruitment promotion in Bandung. We are designing a promotion space and its package for online company recruitment for to be sold to some companies.

Partner Diversity

So far, we achieved partner the biggest is from NGO sector, we can see that they raised to be learning partner. And then from Education and Human Resource, that’s mean our business is growing in supporting education sector. And the rest is from Finance, Communication,




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Government and SME who take corporate program such as GIP, Conference and Employer Branding. 3. Talent Management Team

TMP/TLP Management

•  Objective: have clear system on how managing TMP/TLP pipeline as the main driver of other Programs •  Progress: •  Ensuring basic education for TXP Management National Coordinators focusing on National Strategy implementation •  Implement TMP/TLP Pipeline Tracking •  Renew Scoring System for TMP/TLP Recruitment •  AIESEC Exhibition implementation

Conference management

•  Objective: managing National Conferences as collaborative platform to ensure National Strategy allignment •  Progress: •  Ensure basic education for National Conference Management Team •  Managing National Functional Summit (NFS) and Management Board Conference (MBC)

Talent Capability Management

•  Objective: to build a strong framework on how to develop and measure the capability of talents in AIESEC Indonesia •  Progress: •  Having TM Summit with LCVP TM in AIESEC Indonesia •  Finalized and launch Talent Development Framework •  Renew Individual Development Tracker •  LEAD Program Implementation •  Talent Review and Capability Measurement Tool

Recruitment Report




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

TMP/TLP Recruitment in Q1 (6 LCs)


Gap$Form$Taken$and$ Submitted:*1292$(49,28%)! Retention'Rate:'50,72%'!!!

2622! 1330!

#Form! Taken!



#!Form! #! #! Submitted!! Applicant! Applicants! in!FGD! in! Interview!

4. Marketing Team 4. 1 Marketing & Communication Objectives: 1. Promoting each programs to attract more people to take our programs; 2. Make sure each members utilizing; 3. Delivering external communication to stakeholders. Key strategies: 1. Consistently delivering updates to externals and internals; 2. Market segmentation and continuous promotion; 3. Education about Progress: 1. Lack of synergy between communication department and programs (We are still working based on demand); 2. Lack of human resources so that we spend most of our time in technical things; 3. We haven’t implemented market segmentation for each programs yet which makes us unplanned in terms of promoting each programs (not focusing on our organizational goals which is number of raisings); 4. Lack of updates to external parties so that they don’t know about what we do and what are the opportunities that they can utilize from us. Key Informations:





The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

4.2 Youth Engagement


Objective: Engagement with AEISEC is aiming to give am opportunity for a young person to get introduced and interact with AIESEC, without having joined or experienced one of AIESEC’s ELD programs. This program is designed to engage more young people with AIESEC, our purpose and our values.



ELD! Progress

Program Applicants 2775! 3000! 2500! 1490!



1500! 1000!



570! 104!


500! 0! Target!

Challenge analysis:

Driver analysis:

TMP/TLP: 1. Mispredict about recruitment 2. Lack of human resource

TMP/TLP: 1. Program recruitment

O-GCDP/GIP 2. Lack of synergy with EwA



O-GCDP 1. Exchange Fair



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Engagement(Activity( 6824! 7000! 6000! 5000!

4369! Youth!Engaged!

4000! 3000!

Youth!Apply!for! ELD!

2000! 1000! 0! Youth! Youth! Engaged! Apply! for!ELD!

64% youth engaged apply for ELD


The Drivers: 1. TMP/TLP Recruitment Promotion 2. Exchange Fair 3. Youth Talk 4. AIESEC University 5. Expansion Challenges: 1. We don’t have integrated database as a resource 2. Virtual space, especially quality of Facebook forum as an engagement platform 3. Mindset and understanding about Engagement with AIESEC



The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

5. Finance Team LEGALITY


In progress

Hasn't started yet

Hasn't started yet

Hasn't started yet

•  meet with the Notary •  Collect all document from LC •  Prepare all document •  signature from the previous MCP •  Meet the Notary

External Audit Process




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Field Audit Just Finish

Document from previous term (In process)

Draft of Audit report

AUDIT Report

Internal Audit Process

Full Team (DONE)


Prepare the SOP (in process)

Audit Process Started In the end of November




The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

~The End~ Thanks for Reading!


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