Executive Summary for Husqvarna Quality Group Award

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Executive Summary AIESEC Indonesia !

This slides always appear in our National Conference and what our President always mention is, "If we compare this number with amount of leaders that we want to create for the world, do you think this number is BIG or it's not enough for the whole world?" This question actually one of the biggest motivation for our members to contribute more in this organization, but then, there's always be a second question that follow after that session, "Do we really create those leaders that this world or at least Indonesia needs? and Have we deliver that great experience that can help people to those kind of person?”


So many times in a summit MC always challenged delegates "If you have to ask your brother or sister to go on exchange tomorrow, are you sure they can get those leadership experiences that we always promise?”


Those challenging questions are a trigger for us to really think about Who we are and What we promise as an organization? Which the answer suppose to be organization that providing leadership development experiences to achieve our Vision which is Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind Potential. Those are a basic reason why we, AIESEC in Indonesia commit to Back to Our Essence. It’s been a while for us to focus on impacts that we provide and experiences that we delivered but ITS TIME FOR US TO provide more and better with leadership development experiences inside. Since 2012-2013 AIESEC in Indonesia always put Quality Experience as our main focus. “Our Ways of fast moving and customer centric organisation enable us to bring out relevance to our society” MC Khatulistiwa 12-13

“We aim the bigger brand, better quality, and more impacts through the success of our collaborative environment.” MC Garuda 13-14

That’s a promise that we made and that’s why in 1314 we did our best to make sure it happen by : having a quality board as our main structure that can help us to focus and maintain the quality of our experiences. We created Minimum Promise for all of our programs in order to set a standard that all entities under AIESEC in Indonesia have to deliver. We made all the EPs & Interns LEAD with all of tools to guarantee that they will get a great experiences. by havingNPS Score 38 (oGCDP) & 45 (iGCDP) , promotors 47,9% & 55,5% with % responses 67% & 59% are simple prove a progress of our commitment in delivering leadership in every experience that we provide.

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Together we believe that Quality or Leadership development experience is something that we can’t negotiate, and Our Promise as generation 2015 is

! “Making Sure Leadership Development in every Experiences is a MUST for AIESEC in Indonesia.”

Yours, AIESEC in Indonesia

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