AIESEC in Ethiopia Member Committee 1718 application booklet

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in Ethiopia



Message from MCPe 1718


MC structure


About Ethiopia


About AIESEC in Ethiopia


Application Timeline


General MC roles


Application attachments


Application questions



/ , first thank yourself for being a brave individual for clicking on the application.

Now I am not one for big words I don’t mean. I will tell it to you straight. This will be one hell of an experience for you. From generations of MCs you will understand that in Ethiopia you will find growth, challenges and much of cultural shock in abundance. It will be mine and your job to cultivate them into a success story you want to write. If it so happens that you do decide to apply for an MC role for AIESEC in Ethiopia, I can promise you that it will be one of those experiences that will change your lives forever. Although I promise to bring you the best experience I possibly can as your future leader, your experience will completely depend on you. Your experience will be what you make of it. So I urge you to make a conscious decision on how you want to shape your experience for the term 17/18. I will promise to be a guiding hand in your experience. I will promise to lead you in the best way we see fit. If you believe that you can work together with me to grow this entity and partake in every moment, kindly proceed to the next page.

Sara Yahya MCP AIESEC in Ethiopia 17/18







Notice: FLA position is not be available since the current will be re-terming.

has rich cultural heritage and is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Being one of the oldest countries in the world, Ethiopia’s great geographic diversity encompasses a land of rivers and deserts, mountains and lowlands. Today it is Africa’s second most populous nation and home to 80 ethnic groups who speak 84 languages. of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa is known as the capital of Africa due to it hosting the head quarters of the African Union, of which all but 1 country in Africa is a part of. If you need a visa for any country in Eastern Africa, or any country in Africa for that matter, you should come here. It is home to the largest market in Africa, has gorgeous churches, cathedrals, and mosques to see. For more info please check out our

RECEPTION BOOKLET Know more about the culture

AIESEC in Ethiopia was founded in 2008 by cooperation between AIESEC Italy and KPMG Italy, with the support of then called GTZ and various AIESEC Alumni from AIESEC International Network in Ethiopia AIESEC began official operations in Ethiopia in 2011, after being recognized and registered as an Ethiopian Society under the Ministry of Justice, Agency of charities and society. Currently its registered as under the Ethiopian Residence charity and society. AIESEC in Ethiopia has 4 Local Committees and 1 expansion initiatives: 1. LC Addis Ababa University [Faculty of Social Science, Business and Economics, Law, Technology Campus] 2. LC EiABC – Ethiopian Institute of Architecture Building Construction and City Development and the Ethiopian Institute of Technology 3. LC Unity [City based Private campuses] 4. LC Hawassa University (Hawassa University) 5. Expansion School of Commerce [Business School] ( Co relates with St. Mary University

The membership status is subject to change in the upcoming NLM.

Addis Light train system accessible from Mc house and office.

MC LIFE MC Team will live together in MC apartment in Addis Ababa – accommodation is currently provided at Lideta Condominium (Background Image), This is subject to change based on budget implications. Rent is covered as per entity performance. MC currently works in Addis Ababa, EiABC – 10 min walk from Lideta condominium, internet infrastructure is accessible.

There is currently No salary provided. Vacation days will be defined by the team at the beginning of the term. The AIESEC in Ethiopia term is officially starting 1st August 2017 and ending 31st July 2018. MCPe is required to be in Addis Ababa by June 1st 2017. Transition with the current MCP and LCPs starts immediately after MCP selection.

For international MCVP applicants – Budget of 75 dollars will be needed upon arrival to process the residence permit aside visa costs. The two will be will be facilitated by AIESEC in Ethiopia and upcoming partnership. Have adequate finances to support your way of living , minimum 100 dollars per month. You can google and ask our members to gauge further on the cost of living in Ethiopia.

Lideta Condominium

3rd May MCVP Application Release

14TH MAY MCVP Submission Deadline

23rd may

15tH – 19th May MCVP Evaluation week


Confirmed applicants


Internal Assessment

2nd -4th

Case study and Online Q&A

5th 5th

External Assessment Election Prep

8th May Transition Begins

MCVP Election


1st July

August Official Start to term

MCVP Physically present (Based on agreement with MCPe)


• Report weekly to the MC team • Report quarterly to the National plenary and BoA • Record and store all information, materials and contacts to the IM strategy • Being aware of national and global trends • Being constantly up to date with non AIESEC resources on functional areas that can be adopted to the entities reality


• Represent AIESEC in Ethiopia in National and International Conferences • Co-create with the National plenary the plans for 17.18 • Understand and foster the national plans regardless of position • Create spaces and support systems for the LC’s • Align Global direction to National reality and delivered tailored approach to the LC’s • Attend quarter team days, monthly and quarter reviews and re-planning • Deliver on Member Education cycle as designed by MCVP LCD • Management of all national conferences

: Special Attachments


Five (5) Endorsements Letters. One from each of the below listed. a. b. c. d. e.

Your former Team Leader Someone you have led. Your teammate An external from AIESEC Your MCP/MCVP of your entity– if From Ethiopia ,MCP/MCVP from another Entity

2. Executive Summary: 1 PAGE LIMIT for each role you are interested in- Design your Plan for 17.18. Use it wisely. 3. Short inspiring story – I don’t need a whole lot of biography from you. Just write in short your story that can inspire members [This will be posted on Facebook when announcement of applicants is done] – 150 words limit 4. Online a. b. c. d.

Test Attach Your Enneagram Test result Sixteen personalities True Colours test StrengthsFinder

5. Your Résumé : 1 PAGE LIMIT – AIESEC career 6. Filled in application question booklet - Section A and B 7. Blank page Challenge: You have 1 page and all your creativity to put forward, “Imagine AIESEC in Ethiopia as a start up entity , few members and no finance – What will be your ideas , based on portfolio choices, to grow it to a 500 exchange entity in 2yrs? )

8. Video a.


Max three (3) minutes video. Please answer the following questions in the video a) Current role b) Why are you applying for this role / roles? c) What is your vision as an MCVP for AIESEC in Ethiopia 2017/18? (Make sure the link is live)

Danakil Danakil Depression Depression

14th may 2300hrs Gmt +3 MCVP Submission Deadline Email: MCPc, MCVP TM& OD, and MCPe

All documents in PDF and labelled accordingly. Compressed .zip file Syntax: Name_Portfolio(s)_ AiE MCVP 1718 Application

Section A: All MCVPs You are the creator of your application questions.

To better understand this entity. It’s not a matter of seeking the right answers for fixed questions, rather about Asking the Right Questions and answering with your understanding plus vision to steer it forward. Guideline: Sections to observe : Max 1 page for each section. 1. Who am I – express what we need to know about you and a bit of your past 2. Why am I doing this - What is your life goal and how does this role tie in, your strengths and weaknesses? 3. How will I lead – Your own experience , team and entity overall? 4. What do I know and understand about the entity- portfolios, LCs, external environment? 5. What will I do – vision and strategies? 6. What will I have set up for the next 3 generations to 2020? 7. How will I sustain myself – Given the current resources of AIESEC in Ethiopia ensure sustainability on day to day living TIP: 1. Go through most previous MCPs’ and MCVP’s answered application booklets, you can draw some of the questions from them. 2. Don’t limit yourself to who you ask - Member , MC, alumni etc 3. Be open minded. And hone your emotional intelligence along side your logic and strategy. This will be key in your possible term.




Overall responsibilities for OGX Managing of LCVP and NSTs Driving down marketing strategies for youth to sign up on YOP Overall brand management of AIESEC in ETHIOPIA to the youth Create and implement strategies for improving of conversion rates

QUESTIONS 1. Do a SWOT analysis of the current state of OGX in the entity? 2. What are the key brand definitions of AIESEC in Ethiopia by current and past customers? How would you revert or build up on them to promote exchange, local volunteer and forums 3. Propose main strategies to make sure AIESEC in Ethiopia delivers 200 exchanges 4. How will you ensure the delivery of IXP happens within the entity? 5. What is the current customer flow model being used in Ethiopia. Analyse each stage and give recommendations or none to make is flexible in the Ethiopian Market.




Digital marketing Final responsible for internal information management Stakeholder communication End responsible for showcasing strategies and public events in the network Managing of LCVPs and NSTs QUESTIONS

1. Do a SWOT analysis of stakeholder management within the entity 2. What are the key brand definitions of AIESEC in Ethiopia by current and past enablers? How would you revert or build up on them to promote exchange, local volunteer and forums. 3. What are the current bottlenecks you see currently in communications and how do you suggest on overcoming them? 4. What strategy would you propose to document and properly utilize YSF?




End responsible for IGV Managing of LCVPs and NSTs In charge of overall sustainability and impact valuation Quality delivery of projects in accordance with global standards and exchange policies Responsible for national alignment of projects according to national standards and policies QUESTIONS

1. Do a SWOT analysis of the current state of IGV in the entity 2. How will you ensure financial sustainability and securing of accommodation for the portfolio? 3. Propose strategies on the implementation of IGV project with regards to partnerships made at YSF? How will you ensure its implementation for this peak and then its sustainability and continuity? 4. What are the projects being run in by AIESEC in Ethiopia. Analyse their impact valuation, customer and enabler CF. What are your recommendations or none?




National sales of YSF, conferences, national partners and national exchange partners Responsible for creating a national PD management system, PD policies and CRM management End responsible for managing PD managers Coaching LCs on local sales development and stakeholder management Partnering with like minded organizations and ministries to drive strategic partnerships End responsible for IGT and IGE Ensure delivery of all MC partnerships QUESTIONS

1. Do a SWOT analysis of the current state of PD 2. Analyse current partnerships and details of co-delivery. What are your strategies to ensure full delivery and engagement by AIESEC and partners. 3. What are your plans to have running IGT and IGE? Choose 3 possible sub products and respective companies with justification and how you make it work in terms of work permit? 4. How would your PD manager system look like and what tools would you use to track and manage them? Provide GCPs in this field from other entities.




National head responsible for TM and Expansions End responsible for entity membership experience in network Responsible for EXPA management, knowledge management and hub and driving down education cycle in the entity Responsible for overlooking and nurturing NST and CEEDership opportunities Responsible for coaching model and alignment of functional coaching QUESTIONS

1. Do a SWOT analysis of the current work ethic, culture, skill and knowledge capacity of the entity? 2. Define the Leadership development elements and how you would implement them in AIESEC in Ethiopia. Consider members and customers. 3. How will you ensure the implementation and tracking of team standards within the entity? 4. What do you propose to increase high performance of LCs and increase pipeline for the next MC term? How would you utilize NST and CEEDership opportunities? Provide GCPs from other entities in this field. 5. Which areas would you propose we expand to for the term 17.18 and what would be your strategy for constant communication and touch points for campuses outside of Addis Ababa?

MC 16-17 NAME



Phone /whatsapp


MCP 16/17

+251 929 479 731


+251 912 363 400



+256 700 410 647



+234 815 350 7485



+254 715 757278



+251 913 791 320



+251 967 283 645




LCP 16-18






+251 921 877 646



+251 910 903 446



+251 919 659 781



+251 910 338 282



+251 925 267 530

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