Youth Speak Forum 2017.18

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“The Potential of Ethiopia can not be completely seen without investing so much in its youths” Lehtinen Terhi (EEAS-ADDIS ABABA)

CONTENT About AIESEC About Y4GG About Youthspeak forum Ethiopia 2018 Youthspeak Forum Insight Youthspeak Forum 2018 Survey Result

Youthspeak Forum 2018 Workshops Youthspeak Forum 2018 Seminars Youthspeak Forum 2018 Highschool Edition Youthspeak Forum 2018 Hawassa Edition Youthspeak Forum 2018 Grand Finale Partner Testimonials Participant Feedbacks/Comments


YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD THE KEY TO THE FUTURE AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization, run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national/social origin. In order to address the world’s leadership gap, AIESEC is offering the world’s most advanced leadership framework for young people, by providing young people with hands-on experience as well as providing spaces to reflect on these experiences, learn from them and through them become better leaders. Since we were founded, we have engaged and developed over 1,000,000 young people who have been through an AIESEC experience. The impact of our organization can be seen through our alumni who represent business, NGO and world leaders, including one Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Maarti Atisaari of Finland.

80,448+ Members worldwide

120+ Countries & territories

9,178+ Partner Organizations

90,001+ Last year experiences

1,000,000+ AIESEC Alumni

Y4GG In December 2015, AIESEC’s young global leaders and representatives from its 126 countries and territories gathered at the United Nations Headquarters to promote and drive youth participation in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by creating Youth 4 Global Goals initiative. Youth 4 Global Goals is an AIESEC Initiative through which we aim to mobilize youth towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Our initiative aims to educate youth about the SDGs and provide practical volunteering opportunities to unleash their potential while being an active world citizen.




55% of youth are not aware of the Sustainable Development Goals, according to YouthSpeak Survey. By running advocacy campaigns we aim to reach every young person to know about the 17 goals and their impact by 2030.

We help young people to understand their role and contribution to achieve the Goals. We do it through YouthSpeak Forums on global, national and local levels which engage delegates in creating solutions to contribute to the SDGs.

We provide volunteering opportunities globally and locally to contribute to a cause you believe in. Annually, we facilitate 40.000 volunteering experiences in more 120+ countries and territories that contribute to the SDGs.

“The redefine your voice is to use it. If you don’t use your potential , you automatically forfeit it. ” - Sara Yahya (AIESEC-ETHIOPIA)

BRIEFING YOUTHSPEAK FORUM 17.18 Phases of Execution

Youthspeak Forum Highschool Edition In the past AIESEC in Ethiopia based Youthspeak Forum mainly on Undergraduates, Graduates and the working class. In 2017/2018, AIESEC in Ethiopia extended the Forum to Highschool Institutions in Ethiopia so that they could get involved in contributing to the manifestation of the vision for the Global goals. Youthspeak Forum Hawassa Edition AIESEC in Ethiopia this year also extended it’s reach to Hawassa. Hawassa is a city in the Great Rift Valley of central Ethiopia filled with youths who are willing to delve into the art of sustainability to better their community. This was discovered during a seminar held in the city. More of the Seminar is on this report.

Phase 1 (June - August ) Drew out YSF 2018 Expectation Overview and setting with AIESEC in Ethiopia National Directors and with Partnering organizations/companies. Settings included Partnerships, Delegates, logistics, budgeting, management. etc. A survey was drawn out in Ethiopia with the youths as a focus group, ages ranging from 18-30. This was done to gain statistical understand of where Ethiopian youths stand in recognition with the SDGs. Based on the results of the survey and feedback, we came up with the theme, “Re-define our Voice”. Phase 2 (August – October) -YSF AIESEC in Ethiopia Survey Launch -Raw Survey data collected; analyzed and streamlined for Seminar and Workshop. -YSF Partner engagement on Seminar and Workshop is defined and clarified with Assignment of YSF Ambassadors to Partners. Ambassadors are selected based on entity nominations. -Revised Logistics and Financial analysis on Drawn out Budget Phase 3 (October – December) -Ambassador Trainers were assigned to High schools. Trainers were selected based on entity nominations. -YSF Seminars in Bahir dar, Hawassa Addis Ababa -YSF Highschool Workshops in 6 Different High schools in Addis Ababa

Youthspeak Forum Grand Finale 2018 Youthspeak Forum Main Event was held at the UNECA on the 26th of April 2018. With over 300 students and non students from different parts of the country acting as participants, facilitators or partners, the event focused on the current SDG Focuses being handled by different UN Agencies in Ethiopia for Ethiopia. The event had a successful online outreach as well as it had youths from different countries being engaged with the issues being dealt with during the Forum. Phase 4 (January-April) -YSF Highschool Edition -YSF Grand finale -internal and External Report

YSF SURVEY 2018 Do you believe the government is doing enough to foster inclusive growth in Ethiopia? 14% 25%

61% Yes


I Don't Know

Survey Results 1108 Ethiopian youths participated in the AIESEC Youthspeak 2018 online and offline Survey. The survey contained questions touching SDGs and the AUEU youth initiative main focus for 2018. At the end of the survey, it was recorded that about 48% Ethiopian youths believe that the way forward for Ethiopia is through Job creation/entrepreneurship (SDG 8), Education and Skills Development(SDG 4) and Peaceful Institutions to enable stable Governance and Democratic inclusion(SDG 17).

According to your view of needful focus for Ethiopia, what are your top three concerns? 12%

28% 60%

Education Decent work and Economic Growth Peace, justice and strong institutions

Workshop and Highschool Edition EiABC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Age Range: 17-19 Partners: 6 Total Number: 281


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Workshop and Highschool Edition Workshop

HS Ambassadors Students who stood out from each school in terms of confidence, organization and time management along with other leadership factors were selected to act as Highschool Ambassadors to AIESEC. Their Tasks included acting as a liaison person for both organization/institution. They were also in charge of conveying students to the workshops as well as ensuring that students were ready for the competition.

The Workshop was created to educated students on the SDG goals, how they could contribute to the attainment of these goals and why they need to be part of the movement. The workshop in total took 20 Hours. After the Workshop, students who took part were awarded a certificate.

Partners Involved -Save the Children -Africa youth panel -UN Country Team -Rotaract -European Union -

Highschool Edition YSF high school edition is an initiative by AIESEC in Ethiopia (1st of it kind), that has come to fruition in Ethiopia as an effort to involve the youth more in the shaping of our future old and young alike; bringing together top young students our country has to offer and business’s thought leaders and experts of all professions to discuss and have much needed conversations around pressing global and local issues. The whole process od this initiative involved Highschool students from 6 different schools taking part in Creative presentation, Project creation, Workshop and Training as well as Panel Discussions.

SDG Competition 6 Schools took part in the project competition where they had to device a way to create awareness and take action, draw up a management plan and implement a structure to sustain the system of approach. Andineth International School took the winning cup home with the highest score from the Judges,

Schools -British international school(50) -School of Tomorrow(50) -Nazareth school(42)

-St. Joseph School(29) -Bisrate Gabriel International School (50) -Andineth International School (50)

World Largest Lesson The World’s Largest Lesson is an initiative created to bring the Global Goals to children all over the world, reaching over 130 countries and millions of children since its launch in September 2015. This year, Highschool Students haven received training, gave informative sessions to Students in other institutions outside the 6 schools selected. A total of 202 students received the world largest lesson.

Highschool Edition: Brief Gallery

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Theme: Acting sustainably: innovation; clean water and sanitation Location: Hawassa Attendance:27 Partnering Facilitator: PVH Corps Theme: Demonstrating integrity through Partnership Location: Bahir Dar Attendance:102 Partnering Facilitator: European Union

Theme: Striving for excellence through productive living. Location: Addis Ababa Attendance:48 Partnering Facilitator: Heineken

Hawassa Edition

Operation Segment This was a learning session where partners engaged one on one with delegates to teach them on better ways to tackle issues such as unemployment and Education. The segment had some case studies where Delegates had the chance to express themselves. Partners who took part in this are as follows; -Save the Children -VSO -AIESEC -Hawassa University

Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia

Hawassa Event The Event started with an opening ceremony, an SDG poem written by Agnes Agada. After which there was a Keynote speech by VSO and Save the children. There was a panel of Discussion and an open discussion segment where the participants laid questions back and forth to the panelists and other organizations present. The opportunity fair this year for Hawassa was more intimate for AIESEC as Hawassa is known to have youths with vision but little to no beliefs on how to explore them because the youths were very much engaging and even the partners present were surprised and impressed by the level of engagement that existed that day.

Panel of Discussion The panel of Discussion session was facilitated by AIESEC with Panelist such as representatives from VSO, Save the Children, and AIESEC

Age Range: 18-34 Partners: 10 Total Number: 282


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Opportunity Fair The opportunity Fair was facilitated by the following organizations; -EU -UNYAB -AUYVC -Save the Children

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Hawassa Edition: Brief Gallery

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Grand Finale

UNECA Headquarters Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Age Range: 18-63 Partners: 21 Total Number: 251 Social Media


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Grand Finale

Main Event Workshop

Key Note Why the Youths: Tim Kleinebenne (Regional Coordinator UNILEVER)

A Time to reflect: Berhanu Denu (Representative of Addis Ababa University)

The Workshop segment focused on the different SDGs Ethiopia is currently focused on, What projects the UN is working on to facilitate these SDGs and how the youths can be of support to the process.

Facilitators -UNDP -UNEP

We the youth: Kofi Selom (Representative of AIESEC in Ethiopia)


Youthspeak Forum Grand Finale took place at the UNECA on the 26th of April;, 2018. The event was a full day event as it started with words of affirming thoughts on the SDGs by youths from AIESEC as they gave a quick SDG Poem opening performance. The event continued with organizations and participants linking up for networking. It created a space of understanding an expression where youths were free to express their thoughts on the current challenges in the country. More than that, it created a solution oriented platform of learning as well. This year we were able to involve youths from Bahir Dar, Mekelle and Hawassa thanks to the partners who supported us with transportation and accommodation of these delegates.

Panel of Discussion I The way Forward This Segment was done based on a short documentary done by AIESEC based on the views of Different youths on the challenges in Ethiopia. The basic objectives of this session was to re-define the possibilities of youths changing the hand of responsibility on Societal Transformation.

Panel of Discussion II

Partners Involved -UNDP -UNEP -UN Women -UNESCO -UNIDO -UNFPA

-AIESEC -Addis Ababa University -St. Mary’s University -EiABC

SDG 4: Intentions and Performance This Segment was focused on the role of Education in Ethiopia: Readiness for the Middle-Income status. Among the panelist were representatives from Ministry of Education,, Save the Children, UNICEF, Rotaract, and AIESEC. -UN Country Team -Heineken -Ministry if Education -European Union -Awash Wine -Africa Union

-Unity University -Bahir Dar University -Hawassa University -Mekelle University

OPENING AND KEY NOTE Wincate Muthini (Host I) “ The youths of today should be proud of themselves. They are more aware thanks to easy access to technology. They have an open window of opportunity to explore what they want for themselves. The question that still stands is if the youths of today are well aware enough to utilize the opportunities they have for the better good of Society. Are they aware enough to know that the government can only do so much and that a lot is in their hands to make their dreams a reality.” - Tim Kleinebenne (Regional Coordinator UNILEVER)

“ In my days we only had little to make change possible. Today the possibilities are endless. Do not get carried away by how fascinating these possibilities are but be carried away by what opportunities you can create from them. They are there, just look with open eyes.” - Berhanu Denu (Addis Ababa University)

“..All Hail the Future, One heart, One Hand, One Head. As we embrace Peace, justice and strong institutions while SDG 16 Sits and smiles at our accomplishment. All Hail Us, All hail Diversity, All hail transparency, all hail integration, all hail SDG 17 as without it synergy would be a myth. “ -Agnes Agada (Chief of YSF 17.18)

“ There are change makers you know, the ones the media picks up on for the incredivle things they do. But then there are those who the media never gets in action, the ones that would rather than have their names out there do good in silence, the ones that put in blood and sweat to ensure that the society is better than it was yesterday, the ones that are broke yet would prefer to see others feed. Are you part of these ones?” -Kofi Sylvester Selom (AIESEC in Ethiopia)


By 2030, UNESCO’s goal in Ethiopia is to ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States

The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, making sure all people – especially children and the more vulnerable – have access to sufficient and nutritious food all year round

. This involves promoting sustainable agricultural practices: improving the livelihoods and capacities of small scale famers, allowing equal access to land, technology and markets. It also requires international cooperation to ensure investment in infrastructure and technology to improve agricultural productivity. Together with the other goals set out here, we can end hunger by 2030.

A representative of the UNDP Throughout 2016, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and UNIDO, together with partners, worked on mobilizing resources for PCP priority sectors. Discussions are ongoing with international financial institutions for investment in infrastructure amounting to USD 400 million, of which the GoE allocated USD 300 million for integrated agro-industrial park (IAIP) development.

Grand Finale: Brief Gallery

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Gala Dinner Celebration Most Active Organizing Committee Member, Youthspeak Forum 2018 -Kibur Kibret Best Performing Local Committee: (Marketing and Communications) -AAU Most Engaging Parent of the Year -Kelemework Bekele

Outstanding TN Taker - Mulat Aid - Project-E - Whiz Kids

The 2018 Gala Dinner celebration was to commemorate Individuals and organizations past and present that have consistently added value to AIESEC in Ethiopia with the aim of achieving peace and fulfillment of Human Kinds Potential. This includes Partners, Alumnus, and External enablers.

Outstanding Partner of the Year -Save the Children

Best Performing Local Committee: (Incoming Exchange and External Relations) -SOC Most Supportive Enabling Partner -United Nations Country Team(Eth) -European Union

Outstanding Person of the Year -Agnes Agada

Overall Best Local Committee -SOC

Most Engaging Alumni -Wincate Muthini

Most Supportive Institutional Partner -Hawassa University -EIABC

Best Performing LC: (Talent Management) -AAU Best Performing Local Committee: (outgoing Exchange) -EiABC Most Inspiring Member Committee Director of the Year -Agnes Agada Most Improved Newbie Year 2018 -Kibur Kibret (SOC) -Lungelo Manana(Unity University) -Eden Tigabu (EiABC) -Shalom Abeba (AAU) -Lidya Yitbarek (Hawassa University) Best Conference Management -Hawassa University

Best Performing LC: (Finance and Legalities) -EIABC

Gala Dinner Celebration: Brief Gallery

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Olaf Erz Chief of Party, Save the Children

Collaborating with AIESEC, we have been participating in series of youth speak forum platforms since 2017. The platforms were held in ECA compound, higher educations, high schools and others places and we found all platforms effective instruments to create awareness in Sustainable Development Goal agendas and issues that add constructive input for the participant youth. As a youth-focused intervention, Building the Potential of Youth Activity /POTENTIAL/ shared its learnings and best practices in line with SDG agendas for hundreds of high school and university students in the series of platforms held by AIESEC. We believe such efforts should be supported to continue creating awareness and inspire everyone to think about how to contribute as an individual for the success of SDG. We also would like to thank the volunteer facilitators and leaders of AIESEC who strive to make a difference dedicating all their time and energy. -Save the Children


This program did a great job providing actionable concepts in a way that encouraged young people to explore existing platforms and opportunities to tackle the challenge they face and their aspirations towards creating a better future for themselves and their society. YALI EA RLC ACE would like to thank AEISEC for providing us this interesting opportunity to share and promote our work in Ethiopia. The program was insightful, engaging and relevant. We are very happy and committed to work with AIESEC to identify more opportunities to influence and persuade partners we work with to help grow our common goals. -YALI Ethiopia

Students of Bahir Dar University


Youthspeak Forum 2018 was very insightful and made absolute sense in terms of promoting the engagement of youth towards achieving SDGs.

From preparatory phase I of the event, VSO had a good foresight of what the event was going to be because AIESEC carried us Along. Through the workshops and Seminars.

Benyan Mekonnen Youth Project Manager, VSO Ethiopia

Highly enjoyable and informative program. We are very thankful to AIESEC in Ethiopia for Creating the opportunity to work us to achieve the vision towards peace and fulfillment of Human Kinds Potential. -VSO Ethiopia


Working with AIESEC in Ethiopia has so far been a step worth taking. As a company that works on sustainability, having the opportunity to collaborate with AIESEC this year has opened doors to many opportunities especially in taping to the youth talent pool through the AIESEC network. Youthspeak Forum 2018 was a success because AIESEC in Ethiopia has youths who believe in the growth and well being of the country and we are proud to be working with youth that peddle their work towards a cause for Societal development through sustainability. -Unilever Ethiopia Tim.Kleinebenne Regional Coordinator Unilever Ethiopia

IMPACT DATA 2018 Outreach Workshop

High school WLL Main Event


271 202 281





Main Event 282

Addis Ababa

Seminar 48 Training 43 Main Event 251

Outreach Summary

Feed Backs

With the introduction of High school Youthspeak Forum Edition and reaching out to the city of Hawassa, AIESEC in Ethiopia this year was able to attain more than expected.

“…because of AIESEC, I now see the possibility of opening my business and keeping it opened. I have to plan to fail to go far with it. I’m no longer scared to fail.” -Meriam A. 20

On average, from all events, we had above 95% positive feedbacks and the growth of youths engaging more with the organization increased over 40%. Partnership Engagements did not stop after the event as most partners kept their engagements with the Organization in Anticipation of future collaborations. Delegate Outreach Total was 1420 Exceeding the anticipated goal of 700 by over 50%

“Thank you save the children for believing in the youths of Ethiopia. Thank you for helping us understand the power of our voice….” -Emawayish K. 19 “I’m proud of my generation because we are making things happen for the sustainability of Ethiopia. Thank you AIESEC for this.” -Samuel M. 24 “I didn’t use to believe that Ethiopia will grow but after the workshop by AIESEC and Unilever, I now believe I can be valuable to the growth I want.” -Mohammed S. 18

APPRECIATION AIESEC in Ethiopia would like to sincerely appreciate each and every partner who took part in the making of this event. All through the preparation process we had our partners follow through either by engaging in one or two pre-events or by checking up on the team responsible for this event. Special Thank you Save the children for the commitment, we a re humbled to have an organization with such a heart for growth and development believe in us so much to invest an open time for us. We would like to thank for believing in the cause of Youthspeak forum, for committing so much time and energy into ensuring that the workshops went fine and that the school pairings were effective, we appreciate you. We would also like to thank Heineken and Unilever for making sure that they were with us in every step of the way. Aqua Addis, VSO, AYP, YALI, it wouldn’t have been the same without you. Our Institutional Partners, thank you. The EU and the UN for following up with us and ensuring that the goal of this forum was met, we sincerely appreciate you all. Special thank you to the UN Country team for making sure that the grand finale was a success. Through all the hitches we were able to have an effective event. For the Accommodation support, Transportation, Logistical support, Mental and psychological support, for all the financial support, we say thank you. We believe that with your support for the youths of Ethiopia, Youthspeak Forum 2018 is only a milestone away from many milestones to come. Thank you





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