Dare to Believe
AIESEC in Ethiopia
Volunteer Projects 15.16
Collaborating for a sustainable customer centric and globally positioned AIESEC Ethiopia
LOCAL COMMITTEES LC AAU Anteneh Tesfaye Mobile: +251 (0) 91 241 9794 Email: ant.goite@gmail.com
Anteneh Tesfaye
LC EiABC Sofonias Solomon Mobile: +251 (0) 91 235 1680 Email: sofoniassolomon1@gmail.com
Sofonias Solomon
LC Hawassa Shewit WORES Mobile: +251 (0) 92 002 4797 Email: shewit.wores@aiesec.net
Shewit WORES
LC SOC Emnet Endihnew Mobile: +251 (0) 91 320 6216 Email: emnet.endihnew@aiesec.net
Emnet Endihnew
LC Unity Milliyon TESHOME Mobile: +251 (0) 92 133 7211 Email: milliyonteshome50@gmail.com
Milliyon TESHOME
Volunteer Projects
Project Description
EduPower is the mother project in of a collection of projects consisting of several other projects. These projects targets charity schools, and institutions with low access to teachers. The target group are children from the age of 3-16. It focuses on literacy and subject education within the various target groups.
Job Description
The intern will be working for a charity school, teach English, mathematics, basic computer trainings and develop soft skill training for the kids whilst also teaching other subjects that he/she will agree on with the director of the school. The intern will also prepare reports of the activities run during the duration of the internship.
Benefits for Intern
1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities, 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival, and LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
6 Weeks
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Product Price
90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
Intern Profile
The intern should have a background in the following; 1. Social Studies (Social Work) 2. Teaching & Language Education (Introductory Teaching, Subjects Education) The intern should possess the following Skills 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) 2. Professional Skills (Leadership Skills, Marketing /Selling Skills, Presentation Skills, Team Management,Project Management, Training / Facilitation Skills) Languages: English speaking
F.L.A.T Project
LC Unity
Project Description
F.L.A.T: This project is designed to provide widely spoken language trainings to university students in Ethiopia. This program integrates cultural understanding project and Foreign Language Training.
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. Giving language training sessions to university students. 2. Participate in the organizing an event on presenting the cultural and traditional history of the country. 3. Preparing a cultural package of the interns home country (Describing the cultural relationships and image of the two countries) 4. Preparing a training module and Curriculum.
Benefits for Intern
1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival 4. LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
F.L.A.T Project
LC Unity
6 Weeks
Accommodation Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Product Price 90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
Intern Profile The intern should have backgrounds in the following areas; 1. Teaching & Language Education (Introductory to Teaching, Subjects Education) The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills 1.Leadership Skills, 2. Marketing / Selling Skills 3. Presentation Skills 4. Team Management 5. Project Management 6. Training / Facilitation Skills The Intern should be able to fluent in the following languages; 1. English speaking 2. Japanese
JOY Centre
LC Unity
Project Description
Joy Center for Autism, is one of our partnering organizations that provides care and support for Autistic children and young adults. With the help of Interns in the school the school hopes to increase the quality of the care given to the handicapped and the disabled of our society.
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. The Intern will work with the school administration and teachers to support in the implementation of the lesson plans for the kids. 2. Evaluation and tracking of the progress in the development of the children. 3. Organize awareness campaigns in the community 4. The intern would also work in providing care and support for the kids in the school.
Benefits for Intern
1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival and LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
JOY Centre
Duration 6 Weeks
LC Unity
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Intern Profile
Product Price Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
The intern would be required to have the following backgrounds; 1. Social Studies (Social Work) 2. Teaching & Language Education (IntroductoryTeaching, Subjects Education) The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills; 1. Leadership Skills 2. Marketing /Selling Skills 3. Presentation Skills 4. Team Management 5. Project Management 6. Training / Facilitation Skills The intern should be fluent in the following languages; Languages: English
90 USD
Young Entrepreneurs LC EiBAC Project Description
The Project involves training university students on how to develop their entrepreneurship and business development skills. The project mainly outlines creating different exercises or assignments to be given to the trainees and also to track and consult the participants in and out of the training sessions.
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. Design curricula to effectively teach entrepreneurship 2. The intern will guide and train the trainees on howto develop their entrepreneurial and innovative skills. 3. The intern will create different exercises and assignments to be given to the trainees. 4. The intern will identify the winners of the “Business Game� and prepare an award ceremony with the project manager
Benefits for Intern 1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival and LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
Young Entrepreneurs LC EiBAC Project Timeline
Start date nov 30 - ongoing
Duration 6 Weeks
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Intern Profile
Product Price 90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
The intern would be required to have the following backgrounds; 1. Business Administration The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer Usage (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills; 1. Leadership Skills 2. Marketing /Selling Skills 3. Presentation Skills 4. Team Management 5. Project Management 6. Training / Facilitation Skills The intern should be fluent in the following languages; Languages: English
Project Clean Drop Project Description
This projects aims at creating awareness on the value and use of water conservation, spread of HIV/AIDS, bacterial growth and the benefits of a cleaner environment. We focus on the youth primarily in KG, elementary, and high schools. By teaching students and giving training to cleaning services in the school. Volunteers that chooses this Impactful project would: get trainings from chemical industries on how to use the products, get a chance to design curriculum for the students for the next five coming weeks, water conservation, teach about bacterial growth, what HIV/AIDS means and its effect, and on how to keep the environment clean. The schools would plant trees (if we have permission from the school), clean the school, and have Q&A on our go green day in each school.
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. The intern will take training for sanitary producing companies, about the chemicals and how to use them, and design curriculum for the next five weeks. 2. Will teach elementary student about bacterial growth, water importance and conservation methods. 3. The intern will create awareness about HIV/AIDS, and prevention methods. 4. The intern will have a go green day at each school, on how to keep the school and environment clean at large and plant small trees (if the school is willing). 5. All session must be interactive and educative as possible.
Benefits for Intern
1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival 4. LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
Project Clean Drop Project Timeline
1st week Monday-integration with LC Tuesday-TOUR around Addis Wednesday-Training from Company Thursday-Training from water supply& WHO Friday-Design CUR & presentation
4th week - HIV/Water Awareness Monday-Ambassador training of theme Tuesday-present to students(HA) Wednesday-Ambassador training of theme Thursday-present to students(WA) Friday-Bright smile, bright future
2nd week - Opening Monday -intro to schools Tuesday -starting event Wednesday-starting event Thursday -ambassador announcement Friday-Bright smile, bright future
5th week - Clean Environment Monday-Ambassador training of theme Tuesday-present to student’s(CLE) Wednesday clean school day Thursday-CE for school CE for school Friday-Bright smile, bright future Closing
3rd week - O&P HEALTH Monday -Ambassador training of theme training Tuesday -present to students(OH) Wednesday-Ambassador training of theme Thursday-present to student’s(PH) Friday-Bright smile, bright future
6th week - Event Monday-conclude report and present to school Tuesday-conclude report and present to company Wednesday-finalize the opening of the club in school Thursday Friday
Duration 6 Weeks
Intern Profile
Product Price
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
The intern should have backgrounds in the following areas; 1. Health & Sanitation The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills 1. Leadership Skills 2. Presentation Skills 3. Team Management 4. Project Management 5. Training / Facilitation Skills The Intern should be able to fluent in the following languages; Languages: English
Project Description
Woman of the World focuses on students in universities and colleges; women that are expected to be part of the professional world after 1 to 4 years after they graduate. The project aims to help them to be competent in today’s international environment and make it easier for them to integrate into globalization. This project focuses to give trainings, workshops & showcases on motivational issues, confidence building & leadership trainings, sharing life
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. Delivering of Training Sessions concerning entrepreneurship 2. Confidence building trainings Leadership trainings 3. Short presentations to make awareness about HIV /AIDS , STDs how to fight challenges 4. organizing Show case event which Women’s who are in a good position or successors come to sit and discuss their experiences.
Benefits for Intern 1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival and LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
Duration 6 Weeks
Product Price
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Intern Profile
90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
The intern should have backgrounds in the following areas; 1. Social Studies (Social Work)
2. Teaching & Language Education (IntroductoryTeaching, Subjects Education) The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills 1.Leadership Skills, 2. Marketing / Selling Skills 3. Presentation Skills 4. Team Management 5. Project Management 6. Training / Facilitation Skills
Language ACADEMY
Project Description
Project LA is a project that provides the platform for better communication of more than one foreign language. This project sees the demand of society for a good skill of communication and tries to fit the demand by providing an opportunity of give great language lessons of French and English.
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. Introducing the skill of speaking and writing of English and French language. 2. Start up on basics for speaking how to approach entities in a professional way (greetings) and group practices. 3. How to develop public speeches on given topics. 4. Basics for writing speeches for professional entities. How to write essay. 5. How to write report. 6. How to write a project.
Benefits for Intern
1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival 4. LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
Language ACADEMY
Project Timeline
1st Round from NOVEMBER 15th to DECEMBER 25th 2nd Round from FEBRUARY 10th to MARCH 20th
Duration 6 Weeks
Product Price
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Intern Profile
90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
The intern should have backgrounds in the following areas; 1. Teaching & Language Education (Introductory to Teaching, Subjects Education) The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills 1.Leadership Skills, 2. Marketing / Selling Skills 3. Presentation Skills 4. Team Management 5. Project Management 6. Training / Facilitation Skills The Intern should be able to fluent in the following languages; 1. English speaking 2. French
Teen Summer Project LC Hawassa
Project Description
Teen summer project is concerned with developing the physical, social and mental skills of children. Interns are expected to teach children from our project partners (SOS children’s village) basic skills of art, music, sports, computer, chess, theatrical art and literature. The project aims to help these children develop their talent, skill, activeness and also have
Job Description
The intern would be required to perform the following; 1. Interns job will be teaching the children on scheduled classes. The trainings are basic skill development. 2. Interns will also work with the stuff of the SOS children’s village in preparing the materials for the trainings. Most of the trainings are expected to involve the children in activities and exercises.
Benefits for Intern 1. A cultural learning opportunity through closely working with Ethiopians and other Internationals. 2. Coming in contact with the Ethiopian culture through various reception activities 3. Internship preparation before and just after arrival and LEAD sessions delivered to each EP during internship.
Teen Summer Project LC Hawassa Project Timeline
1st Round - From AUGUST 15th to SEPTEMBER 30th 2nd Round - From JUNE 20th to JULY 30th **Available spots –10 for each round
Duration 6 Weeks
Product Price
Apartment housing Shared with other Interns
Intern Profile
90 USD
Accommodation plus Airport Pickup
The intern should have backgrounds in the following areas; 1. Teaching & Language Education (Introductory to Teaching, Subjects Education) The intern should possess the following skills; 1. Computer (Internet User Skills, PC/Mac User Skills) The intern should possess the following professional skills 1.Leadership Skills, 2. Marketing / Selling Skills 3. Presentation Skills 4. Team Management 5. Project Management 6. Training / Facilitation Skills
in Ethiopia
et.aiesec.org For More Information on Projects