AIESEC in Ethiopia youthspeak report 2017

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YOUTHSPEAK ETHIOPIA 2017 March 30 -31, 2017 Africa Hall (UNECA)



Content: Content: Introduction……………………………………………

Part 1 – YouthSpeak Ambassadors Part 2 – Survey Insight.

Part 3 – YouthSpeak Forum 3.1Audience statistics…………………………... 3.2 Main activities………………………………... Part 4 – YouthSpeak Opportunity Fair

Part 5– SDG photosoot….…………………………... Part 6 – Marketing Features ….…………………………...

Part 7– Our Partners….…………………………...

Introduction: Youth For Global Goals (Y4GG) is an initiative powered by AIESEC aimed at activating the leadership potential of young people of the world by engaging and mobilizing them through offering purposeful and cross-cultural projects around the globe that are designed to impact and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. YouthSpeak is a part of Y4GG and a global youth movement powered by AIESEC that allows young people to engage and take action over issues that matter to them. YouthSpeak enables young people to voice their opinions and take action.

YouthSpeak includes 5 platforms: YouthSpeak Survey, YouthSpeak Ambassador, YouthSpeak Insights, YouthSpeak Forum and YouthSpeak Fair.

This event is proud to receive support from a lot of organizations such as EU delegation in Ethiopia, UN agencies (UNECA, UNESCO, UNDP, UNIDO, UNV), government representatives and other business partners 1

PART 1 YouthSpeak Ambassadors

01/12/2016 – 30/02/2017

The ambassadors went to high schools presenting on the Sustainable Development Goals, Youthspeak program and filling in of the Youthspeak survey.

PART 1 YouthSpeak Ambassadors

RESULT The campaign took place at different high schools creating awareness about the SDGs for student between the age 15 – 18 final grade class. Some of the schools visited are: Lycee High school – 25 students, St Joseph high school 25 students, Hillside High school -52 students , Bole Preparatory School, School of Tomorrow CMC branch – 30 students, Bole branch -35students, Cumulative total of 168 students reached.

In Universities campuses the survey was distributed, AIESEC collaborated with different youth organization to reach out to more youths.


PART 2 YouthSpeak Insight

This insights reflect the data gathered in the YouthSpeak Survey.



Do you think your society will be in a better or worse state in 15 years from now?

32% 68%




Choose the Top 3 global goals that you would act upon. (% of respondents who answered this)

Quality Education – 50%

Decent Jobs and Economic Growth – 29%

No Poverty– 44%

Responsible Consumption and Production– 29%

Gender Equality– 32%

Climate Action – 29%

Peace, Justice, Strong Institutions – 29%


Good Health and Wellbeing– 18%

Life on Land– 12%

Clean Water and Sanitation– 9%

Affordable and Clean Energy – 3%

Sustainable Cities and Communities – 3%

Life Below Water– 3%

Partnerships for the Goals– 3%

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure – 0.3%

Zero Hunger– 26%

Reduced Inequalities–



PART 3 YouthSpeak Forum “Action-oriented Generation”

8:30 – 16:45

Agenda 8:30 - 9:30

Registration & Roll Call

9:30 - 9:45

Opening remark

9:45 – 10;00

10:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 10::30- 11:40

Moderator Mr Yonathan Asrat AIESEC in Ethiopia Alumnus, National Business development Director 13 -14

Keynote speech (EU) The UN sustainable Development Goals: An Overview Video UNESCO Keynote Speech Discussion with Keynote speakers

11:40 – 12:00

Tea Break

12:05 – 13:05

Panel Discussion

13:05 – 13:15


13:15 - 14:15


14:20 -15:20

Workshops Keynote: Ms Ahuna –UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian coordinator and UNDP Resident representative

15:20 -15:30

15:35 – 16:05 Panel Discussion 2


16:10 – 16:45

Presentation of top 6 projects, Closing

CONCEPT OF YOUTHSPEAK FORUM YouthSpeak Forum is a global initiative by AIESEC. It has taken place in multiple locations around the world; bringing top young leaders together with business leaders, thought leaders and experts for conversations around pressing global and local issues.


Top business and thought leaders from different sectors are invited to share their knowledge with the delegates about the chosen forum theme.


Our partner organizations engage with youth delegates to let them understand what is being done in the society already to address the question of the day.


The youth delegates take their learnings and insights from the day into a space were they are able to generate ideas on the actions should be taken towards the theme of the day.


General Statistics and overview:



100 students joining YouthSpeak Competition


1000 offline , 550 Online survey


350 attendants at YouthSpeak Forum


300 participants at YouthSpeak Opportunity Fair


9 influential companies


6 local and international NGOs


2 Institution representatives


3 inspirational guests and speakers


6 Panel Discussion Speakers


5 Workshop Groups

AIESEC’s Youth Speak Forum is a unique platform for young Ethiopians to voice their vision for the world and directly solve issues that affect them. Youth Speak Forum offered an opportunity to engage over 300 young Ethiopians, for the betterment of themselves and their beautiful country. With the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in mind, as well as partnerships with corporate and Government organizations, the potential positive impact that this Forum will bring is phenomenal. The two-day event was designed with various dynamic learning spaces created for Young Ethiopians to know more about the Sustainable Development Goals and about the organizations and companies working towards achieving these goals in Ethiopia. The event's agenda comprised of workshops, keynote speeches, panel discussions, networking spaces, as well as project inception spaces. The forum began with keynote speeches from partner organizations followed by panel discussions and workshops which gives attendants an opportunity to take control of their event and make it more interactive. Various workshops with the intent to instill concepts of the SDGs, will be running as well.

Field of Study




YouthSpeak Forum





12% 17%

3.1 Audience statistics: 8% 3%

12% 5% 20%

International Finance

Society Science



Business Administration



Natural Science

Finance & Accounting



Human Resources




Ethiopia Institution Architecture Building and Construction ( EiABC)


Addis Ababa University (AAU)


School of Commerce


St Marry University


Unity and Admas University


Rotary Club


Model United Nation


Year of Study 4% 1




Yalda - AU Club


Hill Side School



4 14%

School Of Tomorrow


Bole Preparatory School


AAU – College of Health Science


Global Money Week


Mulufikir Charity Foundation


Others Analysed from 350 Youth that joined forum




5 6



3.2 Main activities:

Keynote Speech and Discussion 9:50-11:10

Mr Sandy Wade : Head of Political Section, EU Delegation to Ethiopia Highlighted the similarities between the challenges faced by youth in European Union states and Africa. Issues such as quality education and unemployment. He addressed the role of Ethiopian youths in achieving the SDGs and discussed the challenges of youth migration in search of greener pastures abroad. Mr. Wade emphasized the responsibility young Ethiopians have for the development of Ethiopia and admonished them to not just speak but take action.

Prof Alphia Wright: Director of UNESCO liason office to AU and ECA “As you pursue your education keep in mind the essence of negotiation. Such brings together different backgrounds to work on a common ground , such as is the case with the SDGs. Take the opportunity to speak up, embrace your education and above all be fair to yourself too.” He addressed the essence of quality education being key to development and self freedom.

Ms Wincate M. Muthini: President AIESEC in Ethiopia 16/17 “ Volunteerism aids in your level of self awareness, solution oriented actions, empowering others and global mindset. The qualities that define the leadership the world needs. Leadership cuts across all backgrounds and essential to move forward toward the 2030 vision.”. She further addressed the importance to ensure lasting impact through the projects that volunteers will partake in. 13



3.2 Main activities:

Discussion 15:30-17:30

Moderator: Luke Dempsey – AIESEC in Ethiopia

The critical role of youth in achieving the SDGs Ms . Rekha Hu - the Head Resident Coordinator’s office Mr Olaf Ezr : Head of party, Save the Children

The session shone light on youth’s role in achieving the agenda 2030. That attitude plays a role in taking action. Level of self awareness in how the youth would best contribute for the society’s betterment as well as their own.

Save The Children


Save the Children strives to achieve a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. They work to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Across all of their work, they pursue several core values: accountability, ambition, collaboration, creativity and integrity.

Over the past three decades, UNDP’s interventions in Ethiopia has remained people centered and focus on 1) Promoting coordination, efficiency and effectiveness of the United Nations system as a whole at the country level; 2) Providing policy and technical support by working on and advocating for the multi-sectorial challenges of poverty reduction , democratic governance , disaster risk management, environment and sustainable development; and 3) Acting as an administrative agent for several multidonor pooled funding arrangements in Ethiopia , including for the Development Assistance Group (DAG ). 16

3.2 Main activities:

Workshop &

Action Space 14:20-15:20

SDG 3: Health and Well-being

SDG 4 Education

SDG 12, 1 and 2

SDG 8:Decent work and economic growth

SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

WORKSHOP CONCEPT As part of the forum, workshops were initiated on 5 key areas namely: Agriculture, Health (SDG3), Education (SDG4), Employment and Economic Growth and Technology and Innovation. Blue Moon, WHO, UNESCO, UNIDO, and Ice Addis (respectively) facilitated these workshops. At the end of the workshop these groups presented their project ideas to the delegation and a group of judges made up of partner agencies. Each workshops produced its top project. The judges then screened 5 projects and selected the winning project. The winning project will be implemented by the group with support from AIESEC and other UN agencies. 15

3.2 Main activities:

Workshop &

Action Space Featured Workshop


Session Brief: The new world is committed for integration and all SDGs set are inter-related and interdependent. These goals are based on the five themes - People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. Translating these principles to action, SDG 3, Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, through universal health coverage that is based on health system strengthening, has a solid orientation/link with all other SDGs in ensuring that all people and communities receive the quality health services they need without financial hardship. This will result in public health security and resilience, equitable health outcomes and well-being, inclusive economic growth and employment. Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) is among other health-related SDGs, where diseases can be prevented through safe water and sanitation. The achievements of SDG3 are monitored against the set of 13 targets. In general, integrated approach and multi-sectoral collaboration are key elements for attaining 2030 agenda.

Facilitator: Fikir Melesse (Dr.)


3.2 Main activities:

Workshop &

Action Space Featured Workshop


Session Brief: In line with the 3 SDGs pertaining to poverty, hunger, and responsible consumption and production, the blueMoon team came up with a startup design challenge for workshop participants. This design challenge, mirrored after their own blueMoon Incubator Program, is an interactive exercise where participants got into cofounder teams and came up with scalable and innovative agribusiness ideas specific to these 3 SDGs. Guided by their values and mission at blueMoon, the goal of this workshop was to understand the economic and social challenges faced by millions of Ethiopians and used those very challenges as opportunities to create sustainable scalable businesses that are transformational. The blueMoon team provided design challenge guidelines and cofounder teams were grouped and given 30 minutes to develop their ideas. Ideas were then pitched to the blueMoon team and winners selected, with an opportunity to apply for the next round of the blueMoon Incubator in August of 2017.

Facilitators: Ms. Heldana Tekeste (left) and Ms Hellen Kassa (right)


3.2 Main activities:

Workshop & Action Space 14:20-15:20

Workshop by UNESCO Facilitator Ato Demissew Lemma

Workshop by UNIDO Facilitators Ludovica Marangoni (Right Picture) Jakov Bozovic (Left Picture)

Workshop by ICEADDIS


Facilitators Nebiyu Yirga Temesgen Feseha Melaketsehaye Kebede

3.2 Main activities:

Keynote 15::20-15:30

H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson, President of The United Nations General Assembly He used the opportunity of his visit to Ethiopia to encourage the youth to participate in the SDG implementation.

Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie, UN Resident Coordinator , UNDP Resident Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia. In her address she stressed the importance of volunteering as a platform for young Ethiopians to gain work experience. She committed UNDP’s support on the implementation of the selected project.




3.2 Main activities:

Discussion 15:30-17:30

Moderator: Sharon Georgewill– AIESEC in Ethiopia

Volunteerism Mr. Daniel Adugna : AU Youth Volunteer Program Manager

Ms. Selamawit Tsige : Programme Assistant UNDP Ethiopia United Nations Volunteer Mr Benyam Mekonnen– VSO Program Manager - Youth

The Panel addressed challenges young Ethiopians face on volunteering as well as the benefits of volunteering. The panelists shared their experience as volunteers as an encouragement for young people joining those ranks.

AUYVC AUYVC (African Union Youth Volunteer Corps) promotes volunteering to deepen the status of young people in Africa as key participants in the delivery of Africa's human development targets and goals. It brings people together to share skills, knowledge, creativity and learning to build a more integrated Continent and by implication strengthen Africa's relevance in the globalized world.

AU-YVC is a continental development program that recruits and works with youth volunteers, to work in all 54 countries across the African Union.



UNV( United Nations Volunteer) is inspired by the conviction that volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and that everyone can contribute. UNV advocates for volunteerism, integrates volunteerism into development planning and mobilizes volunteers. Every year, about 7,500 qualified and experienced women and men of around 160 nationalities serve as UN volunteers in some 130 countries. Annually, there are more than 16,000 online volunteering assignments offered by development organizations through the UNV Online Volunteering Service.


VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) has been working in Ethiopia since 1995, changing lives through their work in health, education and with young people. Their work is focused on impoverished and marginalized people living mainly in emerging regions of the country where access to basic social services is very low compared to other regions of the country. It’s in the belief that sharing your knowledge, skills and energy with others makes a huge difference.

3.3 Top Projects Presentation:

Panel of Judges from far left : Mr. Daniel Adugna : AU Youth Volunteer Program Manager Ms. Malebogo Bowe: UNESCO Liaison Officer Mr Olaf Ezr : Head of party, Save the Children

Ms. Wincate M. Muthini: President AIESEC in Ethiopia 2016- 2017

Presentation from workshop by WHO

Presentation from workshop by UNIDO

Presentation from workshop by Bluemoon

Presentation from workshop by UNESCO


3.3 Winning Project – Health from WHO hosted workshop: Action Space 3.2 Winning Project: Health

SDG : 3 – Good Health and Well Being Target: 3.9 – By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination.

Problem Statement According to research, Ethiopia’s urban and peri-urban areas are characterised by poor sanitation conditions, indiscriminate dumping of wastes, open urination and defecation. Urban and peri-urban pollution creates significant vulnerabilities for the overall population, particularly the poor. It is estimated that up to 60% of the current disease burden in Ethiopia is attributable to poor sanitation. Many people in the country have limited knowledge and understanding of good sanitation practices that reduce the health risks from poor hygiene and waste management, hence the need for this project. Projected Impact 5000 Lives

Target Group University and High school students



8:30 – 09:25

Agenda 08 : 30 - 09:25

Ms. Samrawit Geteneh AIESEC in Ethiopia Alumnus, President AIESEC in Ethiopia 2013-2014

Registration, Assembly

09:30 – 09:45

Keynote 6: British Council

09:45 – 10:20

Employability Skills Training by Ethiojobs

10:25 -11;50

Tea Break

11:00 – 11:45


11:50 – 12:00

AIESEC Opportunities

12:05 – 12:45

Opportunity Fair

12:45 – 13:00

End of Event






3.2 Main activities: Ms. Helen Gambold : Head of Exam British Council (BC)

Keynote Speech and Keynote Discussion Speech 9:50-11:10

9:30 – 9:45 Shared her story on how the love for travel and teaching English led her into British council. She went on to highlight the current BC activities that include IELTS exams, preparation for profession based exams, Master Open Online Course delivery among others to guide those interested in further studies abroad. Ms. Helen Gambold : Head of Exam British Council “Competitiveness is not the thing that you only keep it for yourself, but to utilize it and bring benefit to the company, organization you are working for”.

Ms. Hilina Legesse: HR Business Services Manager Ethiojobs Highlighted on the importance to showcase your personality, what is different about you that sets you apart from your fellow thousands of graduates. Keeping the CV simple and a reflection of where you are applying to plus what you are applying for.

Ms. Malebogo Bowe: UNESCO Liaison Officer Mr Olaf Ezr : Head of party, Save the Children They added extra emphasis on capitalizing on internship opportunities and exercising professionalism.

British Council - Ethiopia


They connect people with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK. Whether you want to learn or teach English, take an exam or study in the UK, this is the place to start. is the first online recruitment solution provider introduced in Ethiopia. The website advertises jobs across a wide range of job types by different employers, including private, local, international, multinational, who are hiring in Ethiopia. 13


3.2 Main activities:

Workshop &

Action Space 14:20-15:20

The Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) is a quasi-governmental entity established under the framework of the Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP), which has been implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction (MoUDHCo) with the support from UNDP in order to help the Government accomplish visions and goals envisaged in the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) by developing best practices and piloting promising initiatives of entrepreneurship development.

Harnessing the power of youth, DOT Ethiopia transforms young people into leaders of change in their communities. Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) is a leading international social enterprise headquartered in Canada with local operations around the globe. DOT Ethiopia operations were established in 2009. Harnessing the power of youth, DOT Ethiopia transforms young people (DOT Interns) into leaders of change as they facilitate technology, business, and entrepreneurial learning experiences to people in their own communities.

The workshops were on Entrepreneurship basics covered the following topics: o Decision making, productivity: Effective Vs Efficient o Team Management, coaching and change management o Customer centric, creative and critical thinking o Attracting funding and finance

GMW is an annual global celebration, initiated by Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI), with local and regional events and activities aimed at inspiring children and youth to learn about money, saving, creating livelihoods, gaining employment and becoming an entrepreneur.

4.1 Main activities:

Workshop & Action Space 14:20-15:20

Workshop by DOT Facilitators: Sara Seyed Bruk Yosef

Workshop by EDC Facilitators: Selome Mekonnen Bineyam Tesfaye

Workshop by Global Money Week Facilitators: Salem Gulitat Abselom 27


PART 5 SDGs Photo-shoot


Photoshoot coordinated by UNESCO. Selected models showcased the diversity of the SDGs represented.




- Launching YouthSpeak

January 2017 Youth speak wokshops in high schools

March 2017

December 2016

Launching YouthSpeak Ambassador s

February 2017

YouthSpeak Forum

YouthSpeak Competition YouthSpeak Project implementation

May 2017

6.1 Channels:

Facebook & Website




Facebook & Website Key Fan-page: Ethiopia YouthSpeak – 2000 + Likes. Official website: Supporting Fan-pages: AIESEC in Ethiopia – 8500+ likes , Public groups & external fanpages. AIESEC internal groups

E-mail: - AIESEC’s Newsletter - Direct promotion e-mail.

Activation: - Partnership with university clubs, high schools and youth organization. - Getting promotion support from universities, clubs, organizations

Livestream: - Event livestream on Facebook


6.2 Reactions:

6.2 Reactions:


6.3 Posts:

6.1 Materials:

I. Proposals II. Budgets III. Facilitator Guide IV. Delegate guide V. Keynote speakers Invitation letters VI. Agenda pamphlet VII. Banners VIII. Social media posts IX. YSF 2017 report







As the organizer of Youth Speak 2017, AIESEC in Ethiopia would like to express greatest gratitude towards all of all partners, event supporters for your kind support and priceless contribution towards the success of our events.


Developing the leadership potential of youth through experiential learning, volunteer experiences and professional internships. Enabling both employers and organisations to connect with a global network of talent. We are one of the world’s largest providers of high-calibre youth talent and volunteers. We develop the next generation of leaders and connect them with businesses and NGO’s. Find out more at


Through the new Strategic Engagement and the Cotonou Agreement the European Union is strongly committed to further expand and deepen its cooperation to augment Ethiopia’s efforts of achieving the current Growth and Transformation Plan which envisions Ethiopia as a middle income country by the year 2025. The European Union's priority areas for cooperation are in infrastructure, health, rural development and food security, and of course democracy and human rights and support to civil society organizations. Find out more on their projects. Find out more on the 2017 Erasmus + programme and celebration of the 30th anniversary of the programme this year.

UNESCO supported Youth Speak as its within the framework of the AU theme of the year , Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in youth, and in line with UNESCO Youth strategy on capacity building of youth. The mission of UNESCO Addis Ababa is to contribute to sustainable human development in a culture of peace underpinned by tolerance, democracy and human rights through programs and projects in UNESCO's fields of competence: Education, Natural Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, Culture and Communication and Information. As a liaison office, they further identifies opportunities for new partnerships, and further strengthen existing ones with UN entities, inter‐governmental and regional organizations, donors, the private sector and civil society.

CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS All in all the 2017 Youth Speak forum was a success. The following recommendations are important to ensure sustainability of the forum and achieve its objectives on a much larger scale:


The SDG conference be scaled up to meet a larger audience; Organizing a smaller (breakaway) further SDG awareness programs in schools.


Further partnership with AIESEC to implement the victorious project.


The winning team should elaborate on the concept note for the project. With the support from UNESCO and AIESEC, the project will be submitted to the Resident Coordinator’s Office for support.



March 30 -31, 2017 Africa Hall (UNECA)

CONTACT Uwara Ekanem National YouthSpeak Project Coordinator National Vice President of Partnerships Development AIESEC in Ethiopia | Term 2016 - 2017 Phone: +251(09)967283645 Email:

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