Second Round
MCVP Application Booklet
AIESEC in Finland 2016‐17
Opening Note Dear Applicant, Hello you who is reading this. I am very happy that you decided to take the brave step and apply for the MC. I know you might have a lot of questions and you might be even a little bit scared. Good. That is exactly what life is about. Nothing great has ever came out from decisions where you don’t feel scared. Now when I’m writing this I have been MCPe for three days. The induction was started immediately and I can promise you we will have a lot of challenges ahead. It is good. Challenges are what we need when we want to achieve something great. Every challenge is also an opportunity which has to be utilized. Without challenges there is nothing to learn either. I can promise you that it is not going to be easy, but it will be very rewarding. Thank you for applying and let’s do it!
Antti Randell MCPe 2016 - 17 AIESEC in Finland
Let today be the start of
something new!
Contents Job Description Requirements Learnings MC life Timeline Questionnaire
Job Description General Responsibilities
- National direction and strategy creation - Implementation of global/national/local strategies - Supporting LC operations - Research and training for MC and LC development - Preparing and participating in MC meetings - MC planning and review - Regular evaluation of performance and progress - MC team events and evaluations - MC succession planning - MC transition - Review and revision of the AIESEC In Finland compendium - Submission of Global surveys and reports
Information Management - Reporting and general national communication - International communication, contact to AI and other entities - Office management (documentation, physical knowledge and information systems management) - Virtual knowledge and information management
Team and Management - Managing national functional teams - LC/LCVP coaching and mentoring
Internal and External Events - Conference management, planning, participation and facilitation - National functional meetings - Representation in international events - External presentation of AIESEC in Finland Specific JD of each MC member will be defined after selection. The Selection Working Group wants to clarify that if you are applying for this opportunity, you are applying for the MC and giving your preference of which particular tasks you want to do. Please keep in mind that you may or may not be selected for the tasks you applied for.
Requirements Offered Learnings As an applicant you should have knowledge of the following things:
These are some things you can get out of this experience
-Global AIESEC Direction -AIESEC 2020 -Global Exchange timelines -AIESEC in Finland Direction -AIESEC in Finland Products -Current state of LCs -Current state of exchanges
-Strategic Management of an organisation -Leading teams -Work-life balance -Working under stress -Multi-tasking -Advanced facilitation and training skills
Timeline Application Deadline: 22nd May 23:59 GMT +2, 2016 LC QnA: 28th May, 2016 Interviews: between 24 to 27th May, 2016 Announcement: End of May 2016 Transition: Starts upon selection + physical transition from 1st June, 2016 Term starts from 1st July, 2016. All examination periods or other extra commitments of the candidate should be communicated in advance.
MC Life
The MC term officially starts on the 1st of July 2016 and ends on 30th of June 2017. It is expected that you arrive for physical transition as soon as possible and participate virtually in transition during that time.
Full commitment for MC role is mandatory from selection onwards.
The MC position is a full-time role and requires full commitment of 40/hours per week(except for weekends of conferences and special events). Each MC member gets 20 days of paid-holidays for the term. All work related travel costs in Finland are covered. Full or partial coverage for international meetings will depend on the budget situation. The MC office is located in Helsinki. The office has internet, printing and desks for each member as well as shared kitchen and washroom. The MC team will receive 580â‚Ź as financial compensation per month before tax which is enough to cover basic accommodation, internal travel and food costs. In addition to this, you get a maximum of 1800â‚Ź as daily allowance according to the procedure defined in the Finnish Law. The MC team stays in MC flats located in Helsinki and the surrounding regions. The accommodation includes a separate room for every person and shared kitchen, toilet and shower. Wifi, heating and water charges are included in the rent.
Application Instructions The applicant must submit his/her application before 22nd May, 23:59 GMT +2 to and CC it to arranged in the following order in a single pdf file. Name your file as Name_MC_Application_1617. The font must have a size of at least 12 and the size of each page should be A4. The total length of the complete application package should not exceed 10 pages. The package should include: -
Cover page (Optional) Application Questionnaire AIESEC CV Personal CV Endorsement Letter
- Attach a 800x600 size portrait picture of yourself in JPEG format separately to the email. AIESEC CV (max. 1 page) Please divide your AIESEC CV into Roles held in AIESEC and Conferences attended. For each role please specify the title, duration, results achieved, key learning as well as absolute and relative growth in results as compared to same duration in the previous year. For conferences, please specify maximum 3 conferences which were most significant in your AIESEC career as delegate/faci/chair along with size of the conference, dates of the conference and your learnings. Personal CV (max. 1 page) Please mention your full name, citizenship, contact details (email,phone and skype atleast) as well as a link to your linkedin profile. Under academic qualification please mention relevant projects which your were part of (if any) and clearly state your learnings from the same. Under professional experience, clearly state the timeline and responsibilities of each role you wish to mention along with results achieved. Please include language proficiency and hobbies in the end. Endorsement Letters (max.1 page each) Please provide at least 1 of the endorsement letters which clearly mention name, contact details and signature of the person who is endorsing you. a. A letter from someone who led you in the past. b. A letter from someone you've worked with in the same team. c. One recommendation letter from an AIESEC member who received all the team standards and lead spaces. Submit your application in the given order with the necessary details under each category to the correct email address within the given time according to the given timezone. Late submissions, incomplete applications as well as application which exceed page limits will not be accepted. If anything is missing in your application, you will be notified only if it is sent 12 hours before deadline. You are advised to submit your application at least one day before the deadline
Questionnaire 1. In your opinion, what is the relevance of AIESEC, in Finland? 2. Why do you want to apply for MC 2016-17 of AIESEC in Finland? What will you gain from this experience? 3. What are your strengths are weaknesses associated with this position? Please elaborate your opinion on the consequences of the same for the MC role. 4. At the end of your term on 30th June, 2017, where do you see AIESEC in Finland in terms of TM? Explain in detail some key strategies you will implement to make this happen. 5. How will you ensure sustainable growth in LC Talent Capacity? Why is this relevant? 6. What would you do in order to keep people in LC’s engaged with AIESEC? Name strategies or actions LC’s should take in order to have people that invest enough time in AIESEC. 7. How can LC’s accelerate the inner and outer journey of their AIESECers? What should they do to develop the 4 leadership qualities? Indicate practical examples. 8. How can we improve in our marketing strategies in order to achieve 100% growth in all our programs, provide 5 key elements and justification supported with data.
General Information The selection process will consist of interviews and LC QnA. The Selection Working Group (SWG) will assess the candidates throughout the process & provide recommendation to the General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland. The SWG consists of current + elect MCP, one LC representative, representative of the Board and two externals.
Current MC Contacts