AI application booklet 1718

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AIESEC Interna,onal 2017-­‐2018 AI Applica'on Booklet

1 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

AIESEC Interna,onal 15.16 Transform the Movement, Achieve Today

AIESEC Interna,onal 17.18

2 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

AIESEC Interna,onal 16.17 Live and Lead Fearless Genera'on 16.20

a4onal rn te In C SE IE A f o er b em M a g n Bei If you are planning to run for AIESEC Interna4onal, do not hesitate to contact the current AIESEC Interna4onal Team and Elec4on Manager, Katarzyna Nabrdalik at

3 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

Introduc4on This applica4on is include of all AIESEC Interna4onal Role (Vice President, Manager, Director, etc.). In this applica4on you will be able to use all your crea4vity when crea4ng and designing your own applica4on form to stand for AIESEC Interna4onal 2017-­‐2018. 
 The ques4onnaire can be found in the “AI’s Candidate and Ques4onnaire” Booklet.

Job Descrip4on This year we will launch applica4ons to be part of AIESEC Interna4onal, without a specific structure, the general ques4onnaire you can find in a separate document.

The Applica4on Process This is the whole requirements of AIESEC Interna4onal 1718 applica4on : Execu4ve Summary + VIDEO A one-­‐page summary of your en5re applica5on. -­‐ The link to your AI applica5on video that consist of : -­‐

a. Briefly introduce yourself, your AIESEC experiences, mo5va5ons and the main ideas you have for the organiza5on as AI 1718 b. Don’t exceed more than 7 minutes c1. You can choose to give a general answer of the AIESEC that you envision in the next year or c2. You can choose to give further explana5on of one of the ques5ons in the Specific Ques5onnaire Bio: Create your own biography and share it with us. You have just one limita5on, one page!


CV: Give us all important informa5on we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) page to create your CV.


AI Ques4onnaire: These should not take more than 7 (seven) pages. -­‐ There are 6 blocks of ques5ons separated in the roles of AIESEC Interna5onal -­‐ Each block has 5 ques5ons, in which the candidate will choose 1 ques5on per block to answer. -­‐ All of the blocks need to be answered and the candidate must choose 1 block in which he/she must answer 3 ques5ons. -­‐ In total, the candidate will answer 8 ques5ons in the Specific Ques5onnaire and 3 ques5ons in the General Ques5onnaire for a total of 11 ques5ons.

4 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

Blank Paper Challenge: -­‐ You have 1 page and all your crea5vity to propose what is the biggest ques5on that lies in front of AIESEC today and give an answer to it. You have the license to change the system, to challenge any paradigms and unleash the poten5al of the organiza5on. Endorsement Le^ers : For en44es who have received You must submit three (3) endorsement le\ers. requests for endorsement -­‐ One endorsement le\er from Home en5ty. In the case that the le^ers – gran4ng a le^er means home en5ty doesn’t want to endorse the candidate, they need to you believe that the individual submit a report to AI sta5ng the reason for the same which shall is a good candidate for the posi4on. then be released to the global plenary. It does not mean that you -­‐ One endorsement le\er from other AIESEC en5ty. believe they would be the best -­‐ One endorsement / recommenda5on le\er from external (outside) for the posi4on. Please DO AIESEC. NOT grant le^ers for individuals who you do not feel would be -­‐ An endorsement le\er from AIESEC must be signed by the Member suitable. Commi\ee President of the en5ty and state that it is made on behalf of the en5ty. -­‐ In case we receive more than 3 endorsements, you will be requested to choose 3 that you wish to be enclosed as official endorsements with your applica5on. This limit aims to avoid mass redundant endorsements. Legal Documents If for any reason you were not able to obtain them on 5me, we at least need papers proving that you have ini5ated the procedures for obtaining all the above documents, in order to consider your applica5on is complete. We do need all legal documents, with no excep5on by the 16th of March 2017, whatever candidate that does not provide such documents will immediately leave the selec5on process. Na5onali5es of EU/EEA countries (except EU state of Croa5a) : -­‐ Copy of Passport -­‐ Translated birth cer5ficate Na5onali5es of all other countries : -­‐ Copy of passport -­‐ Copy of legalized, translated and cer5fied birth cer5ficate -­‐ Copy of your diploma (if graduated) with academic transcripts or you need to get latest academic transcripts from your university if you have not graduated yet. -­‐ An AIESEC experience confirma5on le\er addressed to UWV, you can find the example here.

Special notes: The minimum font size is 10 for all documents.

5 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

The selec4on process

The deadline for submiang your applica4on and all the needed materials (blank paper challenge, etc.) is 17:00 GMT Sunday, 10th of March 2017. • You shall send your applica4on and other materials to Katarzyna Nabrdalik (Elec4on & Selec4on Manager AI 1718) at fill here: h^ps:// o Late applica4ons -­‐ even by a few minutes -­‐ WILL NOT be accepted, and no excep4ons will be given, including in the cases of email/computer dysfunc4on. Extensions will not be given. As such, we strongly recommend you do not wait un4l the last minute to submit your applica4on, as you will be risking it not being accepted should unforeseen events occur. • You will receive confirma4on of receipt of your applica4on as soon as it has been received (only if recep4on of the applica4ons happens during AIESEC Interna4onal working hours). o If recep4on of applica4ons occurs out of working hours you will be no4fied of recep4on within a maximum of 24 hours. • Any member considering to apply or re-­‐apply for any role on the AIESEC Interna4onal team should not be involved in any part of the forma4on of the applica4on or selec4on process (including but not limited to the forma4on of general and role specific ques4ons). This is with the excep4on of the forma4on of job descrip4ons. • For more details on the AI Applica4on Process, please look at the Suppor4ng document L that outlines the AI applica4on process. • Should you have any ques4ons about the applica4on process, please contact Katarzyna Nabrdalik at (Elec4on & Selec4on Manager AI 1718). Special notes: • Remember to include the number of the ques4on you are answering with your answers.

6 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

lands er h et N e h t in it m er p k or w e th Requirements of

Together with applica4on form you have to submit:

Na,onals of EU/EEA countries (except EU state of Croa,a): Copy of passport – the pages that contain your pictures and personal details. Have your translated birth cer3ficate ready, because you will be asked to show it when registering in the municipality once you come to the Netherlands. Na,onals of all other countries • Copy of passport – ALL pages including the blank ones. The passport should be valid at least 2 years a9er the start of the new AI term. • Copy of legalized, translated and cer3fied birth cer3ficate. By "legaliza4on" we mean that the authori4es in the country where the documents come from sign a statement saying that an official body issued the documents. This statement is usually provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Jus4ce in your country. Birth cer4ficate of na4onals from India, Nigeria, Ghana, Pakistan, and Dominican Republic must be verified and approved by the Dutch diploma4c representa4on (embassy or consulate) in your country of origin. Verifica4on might take a number of months! Please note that birth cer4ficate should not be mistaken for cer4ficate of • birth registry -­‐ these are two separate documents, what we need is the birth cer4ficate. (To find the contact informa4on of Dutch embassy or consulate in your country for birth cer4ficate legaliza4on, please can refer to following link: h^p:// • Copy of your diploma (if graduated) with academic transcripts (this is the paper that you get from your university's registrar that outlines all the courses that you have taken in the university and the corresponding marks for each course. The document should be translated into English or Dutch if it’s wri^en in another language.) If you have not graduated yet you need to get latest academic transcripts from your university. • An AIESEC experience confirma3on leKer addressed to UWV that includes your complete name and passport number in which it is stated your date of joining AIESEC and all your relevant roles held within the organiza4on signed by the MCP (elect is applicable in case you are current MCP). • The name of the city and country where you will pick up your Dutch visa if you get elected (you should pick up your visa in your home country unless you have an official residence of currently residing country that valid for at least 5 months auer the new AI term). See the addresses of Dutch Consulates/Embassies here: h^p:// fill here: h^ps:// 17428698/1172117 • Your home address (with a zip code) in country where you will pick up your Dutch visa. fill here: h^ps:// • o No4ce: The process of issuing the Dutch visa might take up to 6 months (!) • You may not have a criminal record. ALL Documents should be translated into English, Dutch, French or German. Transla3on should be notarized. All the above-­‐men3oned documents should be provided at the applicant’s own expense. NOTE! Copies of ALL the above documents must be provided otherwise we CANNOT apply for work permit and working visa. Keep original documents with you, because the Embassy may request them again in your country. The above documents should be scanned in good quality (in resolu5on good enough to be able to print and read all numbers and le\ers) and a\ached together with your applica5on for AIESEC Interna5onal. If for any reason you were not able to obtain them on 5me, we at least need papers proving that you have ini5ated the procedures for obtaining all the above documents, in order to consider your applica3ons complete. *Legal documents requirement might be changed during the process, we will immediately update this document and inform candidates throughout the process. Should you have any ques4ons or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Monica Lombana at

7 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

The selec4on procedure To stand for the posi4on of AI, you must par4cipate in the selec4on process as follows: 1. The PAI elect decides on the final structure and the posi4ons of the AI team within the legislated budget 2. AI will announce the applicants that have successfully submi^ed the complete applica4on. 3. PAI elect can shortlist the candidates based on applica4on and videos and then proceed to have interviews with the candidates if deemed necessary. 4. AI will announce all candidates that are s4ll in the selec4on process. 5. The announced candidates will par4cipate in an online Ques4ons and Answer sessions that will be arranged.. These will happen within the 5 days of the announcement of candidates. All candidates are required to be available for the period specified in the process within the 5 days when candidates are expected to have basic Internet access during this period. 6. Auer comple4on of the Ques4ons and Answers sessions Global Plenary online confidence vo4ng will commence, based on the applica4on, endorsements, videos and Ques4on and Answers session. The deadline for vo4ng should be announced along with the nomina4on of all the candidates. The deadline can be no sooner than 5 days auer the nomina4on and announcement of all candidates. The online confidence vo4ng will be for the AI team, and not for a specific posi4on. 7. PAI Elect will decide from the candidates that receive vote of confidence from the Plenary. 8. Once a result is achieved for the selec4on, the announcement should be made to Global Plenary. 9. No candidate will be selected if he/she fails to submit the legal documents required to be legally hired by S4ch4ng AIESEC Interna4onal.

8 AI Application Booklet 2017-2018

AEer the selec4on procedure Transi3on Transi4on commences immediately auer your selec4on. Discussions and work will be done through the use of EXPA, e-­‐mail etc. • Transi4on will start immediately auer selec4on. • Full 4me transi4on for TLs and Management Team of AI 2017-­‐2018 starts 15th of June , team members start on 24th of July. • AI will pay salaries from these star4ng dates (if candidate has work permit for the Netherlands or since the candidates receives it). • Your own transi4on (at na4onal level, if you are on a Member Commi^ee) has to be completely finished by the 4me you come to Ro^erdam. • It is vital that all candidates are commi^ed to being in Ro^erdam no later than the above men4oned 4mes.

Role of AIESEC Interna4onal Please read Part 8 of the Interna*onal Compendium for more details regarding the: legal structure, obliga*ons and responsibili*es of S3ch3ng AIESEC Interna3onal, as based in Ro<erdam, the Netherlands Please read Suppor*ng Document “L_AI Applica*on Process” (for more details regarding the AIESEC Interna*onal elec*on process.) Upon reading all this, let me wish you luck and all the best in the process. The simple fact of deciding to stand for candidate of AIESEC Interna@onal is already a brave ac@on! I have the privilege of being part of an incredibly life-­‐changing team experience, and one thing I can assure you is that every AI experience is unique. I wish you to create yours as powerfully as your imagina@on can take you.

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