AIESEC Interna,onal 2017-2018 AIESEC Interna,onal Guide & Ques*onnaire
1 AI Guide and Questionnaire 2017-2018
AIESEC Interna,onal 15.16
AIESEC Interna,onal 16.17
Transform the Movement, Achieve Today
Live and Lead Fearless Genera*on 16.20
AIESEC Interna,onal 17.18
2 AI Guide and Questionnaire 2017-2018
Introduc)on Dear candidate, In this applica1on you will be able to use all your crea1vity when crea1ng and designing your own applica1on form to stand for AIESEC Interna1onal 2017-2018. The process has been designed to help you step out of the crowd and feel completely comfortable with your applica1on making sure that it reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspec1ves. At the same 1me, filling the applica1on will support you in preparing yourself for a great term on AIESEC Interna1onal.
The applica1on for AIESEC Interna1onal 17-18 is divided into six parts: Execu1ve Summary + VIDEO: A one-page summary of your en5re applica5on and the link to your AI applica5on video that do not exceed more than 7 minutes.. Bio: Create your own biography and share it with us. You have just one limita5on, one page! CV: Give us all important informa5on we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) page to create your CV. AI Ques1onnaire: These ques5ons must be answered by all candidates and should not take more than 7 (Seven) pages. Blank Paper Challenge: 1 page to share with us what maPers most to you (see final page of this document for details) Endorsement LeTers : 3 endorsements ( check AI Applica5on Booklet for more informa5on) Legal Documents: please review the AI Applica5on booklet for detailed informa5on. Addi1onal Notes for the Applica1on: You can create your own design (graphic style and color usage). Make sure you create a separate file for your Execu=ve Summary, Bio, your CV and your answers. We will be expec=ng five PDF files in addi.on to the endorsement le4ers and the legal documents If you have any ques=ons concerning the applica=ons or the applica=on process please contact Katarzyna Nabrdalik ( as elec=on manager for AI1718. Once you finish crea=ng your applica=on package, send all the PDF documents along with the required legal documents to: hVps://
The Deadline for submi9ng your applica,on is: 17:00 GMT Sunday, 10th of March 2017.
3 AI Guide and Questionnaire 2017-2018
AI General Ques)onnaire 1. What is driving you to con1nue in AIESEC? Why have you decided to stand for member of AIESEC Interna1onal? What do you want to take out of this experience?
2. What has AIESEC done for the world so far? How do YOU envision the impact that AIESEC can do for the world? 3. Considering the current context, which trends do you see shaping the world in the following years? In the light of these trends, what will it mean for our global organisa1on to stay ahead of the curve?
Video ATach in your Summary Page, a video that do not exceed 7 minutes length in which you briefly introduce yourself, your @XP, your mo1va1ons and the main ideas you have for the organiza1on as AI1718. You can choose to give a general answer of the AIESEC that you envision in the next year or you can choose to give further explana1on of one of the ques1ons in the Specific Ques1onnaire.
AI Specific Ques)onnaire Instruc.ons: • There are 6 blocks of ques1ons separated in the roles of AIESEC Interna1onal • Each block has 5 ques1ons, in which the candidate will choose 1 ques1on per block to answer. • All of the blocks need to be answered and the candidate must choose 1 block in which he/ she must answer 3 ques1ons. • In total, the candidate will answer 8 ques1ons in the Specific Ques1onnaire and 3 ques1ons in the General Ques1onnaire for a total of 11 ques1ons.
Organiza.onal long term strategy & growth 1. How to successfully deliver AIESEC 2020 and Roadmap together with the network? What is the role of AI, MCPs, MCs and LCPs? 2. Assess the state of AIESEC 2020 and Roadmap implementa1on and suggest 3 improvements. 3. What kind of behaviours and culture is the new Measurement of Success shaping? What kind of evolu1on within organiza1on you foresee? 4. What kind of connec1on is important between Strategy department and other departments within AIESEC Interna1onal? What should be the outcomes of that collabora1on? 5. Assess the current Measurements of Impact and provide next steps.
4 AI Guide and Questionnaire 2017-2018
Network Management & Implementa.on Strategy 1. How would you assess the global 2016 organiza1onal performance? How and why was it achieved? What can be improved? Please include product performance, en1ty health and performance and regional performance evalua1on. 2. What is the most effec1ve way to implement global strategies through a network that is so diverse, in terms of performance and reali1es culturally speaking? 3. Please assess AI’s main implementa1on touch points, both physically and virtually, What would you stop, start, and con1nue doing? 4. Please assess how the management of regions has evolved over the past 3 years, how do you see regional management in your term. Please be specific per region. 5. What are the main evolu1ons that you propose for the management of the global network by AIESEC Interna1onal? Why? Organiza.onal health & Risk Management 1.
What does it mean to you to have all en11es being sustainable? Based on your answer, how do you assess overall AIESEC's sustainability currently? Why do you think that it is this way?
What are the biggest challenges in finance and legal for the global network?
What are the main risks and poten1al crisis that might affect AIESEC in the near future? How would you avoid/minimize the impact of them on the organiza1on?
How would you integrate the finance standards into an OD model?
What would be the key indicators you would measure from all en11es to know how healthy is AIESEC? How would you collect data? What are the analysis you would do with the data?
Strategic Partnerships and PorEolio Evolu.on 1. How does AIESEC as a whole organiza1on has to evolve in order to develop more global partnerships needed for whole AIESEC vs sustaining the global office? 2. What do you see as the role of the global partnerships team? Based on that, how would your strategy look like to achieve short-term budget goals (2017-18) and long-term ones (un1l 2020)? 3. Highlight key strategies in order to foster and capitalize on the partnerships network inside the global associa1on. What could be the poten1al benefits and main boTlenecks of these strategies? 4. If you could downscale three current premium partners, which ones would you choose and why? How would your downscaling approach look like? 5. If you could only keep three current premium partners, which ones would you choose and why? How would you evolve them to be even more impacnul?
5 AI Guide and Questionnaire 2017-2018
Organiza.onal brand and posi.oning 1. How do you see the Brand and Customer Experience team’s role evolving by 17.18. Take into account our roadmap and the services that need to be provided to the network. How do you see the approach towards products, digital marke1ng and external rela1ons. 2. Elaborate on the future of the Open-mul1sided Planorm for customers and AIESEC. 3. What does it mean for AIESEC to be a global organiza1on in terms of brand and opera1ons? Assess the current reality and how can we leverage on the power of 126 countries and territories. 4. AIESEC 2020 states "When people think of leadership, they think of AIESEC". How can AIESEC become a thought leader on leadership development externally in 17.18? 5. Outline your approach to work with media in 17-18. What would be your strategy for content produc1on and rela1onship building to guarantee constant coverage of the AIESEC Brand?
Organiza.onal process and systems. 1. AIESEC has become a mul1sided planorm organiza1on, taking in considera1on the 2020 context during the term 1718: a. How would each of the planorms (YOP, EXPA, COP) contribute to each of the statements of AIESEC b. What is the evolu1on that you see our systems evolving to? How would you manage the evolu1on and the focus of each of these planorms? c. What would you take in considera1on when decided what to develop or not, and why? 2.
How do you stay current on technology trends and innova1ons?
3. How do you decide what to outsource and what to keep in house 4. If during your year you could select only 1 feature to develop, what would that be and how would this impact AIESEC, our ecosystems and bring the organiza1on to the next stage. 5. What would be the 3 API partnerships would you work on during your term and why? Elaborate on the effect on these partnerships on our processes and their evolu1on
Blank Paper Challenge You have 1 page and all your crea1vity to propose what is the biggest ques1on that lies in front of AIESEC today and give an answer to it. You have the license to change the system, to challenge any paradigms and unleash the poten1al of the organiza1on.
Enjoy! 6 AI Guide and Questionnaire 2017-2018