Brand Experience Planning and Decisions Guide

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Brand aligned planning, filtering and measurement decisions

What is in here? 1.

Introduction a. Aim b. Why Brand aligned activities? c. How you loose brand value?


PLanning a. GTCM Concept

b. Using GTCM 3.

Filtering Tool a. Basis is Filtering Tool b. How use the tool? c. When to use it? d. Filtering Tool in Action


Measurement a. Quality & quantity


INTRODUCTION This guide aims to prodive tools and concepts for BRAND ALIGNED planning & DECISIONs IN COMMUNICATIONS. Why Brand aligned activities? • To Stay true to our essence and purpose as an organization • To attract the right target audience, who shares the same belief and values • To make contribution to ELD performance • Not running activities fort he sake of running activities • For better brand recall value



Planning Tool GTCM Concept








How & when to use the tool? • To facilitate the creation process of new activities &materials • Every time you have to define a communication strategy for supporting your physical and online operations • Not only for communications! Also for operations vetical • In AIESEC Everyone is a marketer, this is for everyone!

Using GTCM Concept Define the goal of the strategy (Ex: 100 RA OGX GIP). It should always be based only in ELD MoS. Even if the strategy is for PR, follow this process in order to ground your investment or project to support the creation of promoters or customers for a specific programme. This is where Communications should work directly from either the year plan of their entity or with a programme responsible to determine what targets to plan from. It is important that the goal is specified or segmented as much as possible:


• What programme is the focus ? • Can you identify specific products/sub-products (eg. Engineering oGIP)? • Has this goal considered external data and information about the availability of candidates/companies in your market?


Define to whom the product/program is going to be offered (Ex: IT student, 2nd year of university). The target audience can consist of more than one profile, but ensure you repeat the C and M parts of this process for each new profile.

• What types of backgrounds would be interested in the product or benefit you are promoting? • Is this target market fit with the profile that you already communicate with on your online & physical channels?

• What market research have you done about the interests/profile of the profile or company you are trying to attract? Define with what kind of channels the audience is going to be approached (Ex: Online, classroom presentation). The channel you select can be an existing channel you use or a new avenue to reach the target market. Do not restrict yourself only to channels that are online or physical, also consider using influential people (based on your target), to communicate your message to a potential customer.


• Where is your target (organization/student) getting information? • What trusted sources of information to they pay attention to? • How active are they on the channels you already manage? Define how the communication of the product is going to be done to the target audience, what is going to be said to them. Here you develop your customized campaign message, including visuals, slogans, and testimonials. It is attractive to begin at this stage, but ensure that before you start the creative process, you have grounded your promotion ideas and messaging in the information you validate in the G, T and C stages.


• What are the most attractive parts of the organisation/programme to your target?

• What is the core value proposition you are presenting? • How are you tailoring your message to specific channels? But HOW each one should be defined? Watch the Video: <link>

3. Filtering Tool

The tool is to help validate brand aligned decisons regarding activities & material

Basis is Filtering Tool • Essence [Aiesec way] • Primary Benefits [aiesec way] • Brand Attributes [brand belief] • Brand Promise [brand belief] • Brand Positioning [brand belief] • ELD Aspects [products] When to use it? • During Messaging stage include the elements mentioned above to keep your Message brand aligned • Filtering comes afterward

How to use the tool? Conditions for a powerful message: • The first 3 questions should ideally have “Yes” as an answer • Min 25/50 or 2 attributes rank above 7

Filtering Tool in Action: Get to know how to use the tool: <Video Link>



Quality & quantity Quality: • Youth Speak/Brand audit • Customer feedback surveys Quantity: • KPI’s connected to brand

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