In this application you can find: # Positions
Accountable to
Part/Full time
Global BD Coordinator
Orion Joss
BD Manager
Global Employer Branding Specialist
Orion Joss
Global Talent Sourcing Specialist
Global Internal CRM Manager
BD Manager BD Manager/ Rafael/Zs贸fia/Jesus Sourcing TL Rafael Carvalho BD Manager
Global Engineer Growth Project Manager
Kevin Cornwell
ASEAN Project Manager - AP
Vishant Kothari
BD Manager
GST Role
WELCOME AND TIMELINE Dear candidate, You will be able to use all your creativity when creating and designing your own application form for AIESEC International Global Support Teams 2014-2015. The process has been designed to help you step out of the crowd and feel completely comfortable with your application making sure that it reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspectives. The aim of this questionnaire is to give us the opportunity to get to know you as a person and as an ‘AIESECer’. Your thoughts, aims and strategies are very important for us in order to make the right choice. Working within an international team striving for common goals for the global association is a very rewarding and learning experience. Enclosed in this document you will find additional information to prepare you for the application and selection process. Deadlines have been clearly highlighted, and we are available should you need further information. If you have any questions concerning the whole process, please contact us in Rotterdam. Good Luck!
Application released
Application deadline
Results released
THE DEADLINE to submit your application on this Podio Link is GMT 3rd of March and by email to + email of the GST Responsible. Please: attach you file on PDF format on Podio following this name structure:
“GST Role Title_Your name_Entity”
PROCESS AND CONTACTS APPLICATION PROCESS The applications for the Global Support Teams 2014-2015 are divided into three parts, and we will be expecting three PDF files: 1. CV: Give us the all important and relevant information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) page to create your CV. 2. Questionnaire (General and Specific Questions): These questions should not take more than four (4) pages. 3. Endorsement Letter – An endorsement letter from your AIESEC Entity. If you are applying for more than one position or team, make sure you attach a different file with the answers to the specific questionnaire for the additional position (second option) that you will be running for.
CONTACTS AI VPBD: Kevin Cornwell, AI BD Manager: Orion Joss, AI BD Manager: Rafael Carvalho, AI BD Manager: Tala Mansi, AI BD Manager: Vishant Kothari, AI BD Manager: Zsofia Szabo, BD GST Talent Sourcing Team Leader: Jesus Navarro,
If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact us. Keep in mind that the BD Team is currently at IPM, so their responses might take some time. For quick responses you can contact our GST, Jesus.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS Business Development Coordinator 1. Role Purpose The BD Coordinator will support Global Partners Account Management and New Sales on the Swedish market. The BD Coordinator will support AI BD Team with recruitment process for the Global Partners Electrolux, Alcatel-Lucent, UCB, Euromoney and future partners. 2. Bottom-lines % Shortlist delivered % New Sales Meetings Scheduled 3. Specific deliverables • Shortlisting process centralized for Electrolux, Alcatel Lucent, UCB and Euromoney; • Support new Global/Regional sales strategy of global partnerships from Sweden 4. Structure of the GST This position is accountable to AI and the MC of AIESEC in Sweden. This position is a brand new initiative that AIESEC International in cooperation with AIESEC in Sweden is launching to support the deliverables of Global Partners and Global Sales in Swedish Market. 5. Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) • Strong AIESEC Experience. (LCEB, LCP, MC). • Process and Details Orientation • Autonomy and Proactivity • Discipline to deal with operational work and strict deadlines.
AIESEC Knowledge BD, iGIP, oGIP, TM Specific Skills Shortlisting HR – Recruitment and Selection Sales Workload required Up to 30 hours a week in the first 2 month Up to 40 hours after first two month Monthly Stipend/Salary: March - 500,00 EUR April – 500,00 EUR May – 1,000 EUR Jun – 1,000 EUR Host Host provided on MC Sweden’s flat as temporary for two month. For April and May, AIESEC in Sweden will support to find a new place. Host costs after 2 first month is responsibility of the GST to pay with his salary. Duration 2 – 4 month To 05/03/2015 – 30/06/2015 * Under approval for the first 2 month Location: Stockholm, Sweden. It is expected that the GST selected moves to Stockholm on the first week of March.
6. Work conditions This role is under Pilot phase as an AI Project. This position will be under evaluation for the first two month and based on performance assessment will be/not be approved to extend the job period.
Visa Restriction: Due to visa restrictions, we are just accepting European Passport Holders for this position. (Double nationality also welcomed)
GST responsible: Orion Joss
Flight Cost: You have to cover it from your location to Sweden.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS Global Employer Branding Specialist 1. Role Purpose The Employer Branding Specialist has as main purpose to execute two Employer Branding Campaigns for Global Partners. As secondary activities the Employer Branding Specialist will create a measurement system to measure the results of current Global Partners Employer Branding activities to improve the report system and apply it with all the current Global Partners. 2. Bottom-lines % of Employer Branding campaigns successfully implemented according to plan. % implementation of the Employer Branding Measurement System. 3. Specific deliverables Execute Employer Branding Campaigns for two of our partners: Electrolux (Excellence Awards Campaign) and DPDHL (Social Media Campaign). Refresh the Electrolux Excellence Awards brand and create new graphic materials. Support the AI BD Manager on planning/execution of the Electrolux Excellence Gala Dinner for IC 2015. Measure the current impact of Employer Branding activities and develop a new measurement system for the Global Employer Branding portfolio. 4. Structure of the GST The Employer Branding Specialist will be led by the respective AI BD Manager. He will also coordinate his work efforts with AI’s Digital Marketing and Internal Communications responsibles. Lastly, the Employer Branding Specialist may be on contact with the partner’s Global Coordinators according to ongoing needs. In case future employer branding deliverables comes up, the GST will be also accountable to possible another BD manager (depends on the demand). 5. Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience No need of previous MC Experience EB or MC experience. Experience in marketing campaigns (focus on digital/social media) Partner delivery and servicing is a plus, but not a must. AIESEC Knowledge BD, Marketing. Specific Skills Marketing, graphic design, digital media, project management. Strong focus on details, proactive and autonomy. Workload required: Up to 8 hours a week Duration: To 31/06/2015
Important: for this position please include a PDF file or a web link to a portfolio of previous graphic materials, designs and/or campaigns you’ve designed before. GST responsible: Orion Joss
JOB DESCRIPTIONS Global Talent Sourcing Specialist (2 positions) 1. Role Purpose The Talent Sourcing Specialist has the role of prospecting suitable candidates to apply to Global Exchange Partners. The main target is to headhunt candidates in the network, run promotional campaigns for his Opportunities and manage communication with candidates. *Sourcing is a HR strategy which is focused on the identification, assessment and engagement of skilled candidates through proactive recruiting techniques.
2. Bottom-lines # of EPs recruited for GEP Opportunities % candidates shortlisted that were sourced by you. # Candidates above 80%Matchability applying for GEP. 3. Specific deliverables Sourcing diverse profiles for Global Opportunities. Headhunt suitable candidates internally and externally for Global Partners Opportunities. Build Market Intelligence Strategies within the right MCs or LCs in order to have more accuracy on candidates sourcing and to get the right applicants. Manage Supply and demand for Global Partners along with the rest of the Sourcing Team. Execute promotional campaigns according to plan. 4. Structure of the GST Each Talent Sourcing Specialist will be led by 1 different AI BD Manager in terms of opportunities’ requirements/details and trained by the current GST of Talent Sourcing. The team will be composed by 3 GEP Talent Sourcing responsibles in total. This JD will directly interact with the respective AI BD manager, the overall GST Team, the Candidates for the GEP Opportunities, the MCVPs OGIP as suppliers and with the partners’ Global Coordinators as needed. 5. Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Able to work virtually, network relationship building, team work, self-motivation and solution oriented, fast-paced executor, analytical, account management understanding, able to work with tight deadlines. Previous experience Current or former MC experience (preferred)
Workload required: Up to 8~10 hours a week Duration: To 31/06/2015
AIESEC Knowledge BD/ER, ICX, TM – Recruitment and Selection.
GST responsible: Zsófia Szabó, Rafael Carvalho, Jesus Navarro.
Specific Skills Recruitment and Selection, Sourcing, Headhunting; Effective Communication skills; Data Analysis; Ability to work in virtual team, but very independently, draw conclusions; Account Management skills; Customer Relations skills; Basic Graphic Design skills are a big plus.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS Global Internal CRM Manager 1. Role Purpose Will work with the pre-sales/pre upscale process of a Global Partner. This specific JD is focused on creation of a database of the activities of the AIESEC Network regarding the activities with some specific companies. In case needed, this GST will support the Global BD Team in other aspects of the sales process. 2. Bottom-lines # of companies data compiled Decrease % of random partnerships Centralize the knowledge of what is happening with the Global Partners # of contracts Up-scaled 3. Specific deliverables CRM Creation Salesforce Update Inputs for product Evolution Migrate data from CRM to GIS 4. Structure of the GST The Internal CRM Manager will be led by an AI BD Manager and will be working together with GEP Talent Sourcing team. This JD will directly interact with AI BD manager, the GST Team , GCs and the Global Network. 5. Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Able to work virtually, network relationship building, team work, self-motivation and solution oriented, fast-paced executor, action driven, sales account management understanding, excellent written and spoken communication. Previous experience Current or former MC experience (preferred) At least current or former LCVP/NST (minimum required) AIESEC Knowledge BD/ER, ICX, Operations.
Specific Skills CRM Management, Communication Skills, Details Oriented
Workload required: Up to 8~10 hours a week Duration: To 31/06/2015 GST responsible: Rafael Carvalho.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS Global Engineering Project Manager 1. Role Purpose The Engineering Growth Project Manager will have the responsibility of working with AI and the Global Coordinators to succeed where AIESEC has always failed: finding more engineers who are attracted to our value proposition . The role will be challenging, and sometimes a bit vague, but it has massive potential. 2. Bottom-lines % Increase in Engineering TNs matched with GEPs % Increase in matchable Engineering profiles on the OP 3. Specific deliverables Execution of mini-projects identified by GCs/AI/partner recruiters/GST, communication and integration between high potential LCs, possibly marketing campaigns to find engineering talent. Creativity is highly required. 4. Structure of the GST The Engineering Project Manager will work with the AI VP BD as well as Global Coordinators, but often quite independently. Co-ordination with MCVPs OGIP and LCs will also be required. 5. Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Able to work virtually, network relationship building, team work, self-motivation and solution oriented, fast-paced executor, analytical, marketing profile. Previous experience MC experience is not required nor preferred. Marketing experience and understanding is necessary. AIESEC Knowledge Marketing. Supply & Demand (for GIP). Specific Skills Digital marketing, finding attraction opportunities where nobody has found them before, analytical and objective thinking Workload required: Up to 5~8 hours a week Duration: To 31/06/2015 GST responsible: Kevin Cornwell.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS ASEAN Project Manager - AP 1. Role Purpose Will have the role of heading the ASEAN sub regional initiative. The main goal is to support MCs and track the progress of the projects, deliver ASEAN Y2B at SEA congress and define next steps. This is a high impact project to set AIESEC up as the premium youth mobility expert in the sub-region, before the ASEAN free trade kicks in, end of 2015.
2. Bottom-lines # of opportunities raised with partners # of partners Successfully delivery of Y2B 3. Specific deliverables Support with sales and communication with the MCs involved with the project; new sales; ensure implementation of Youth Speak with the MCs; coordinate delivery of Y2B. 4. Structure of the GST Will be led by an AI BD Manager for overall direction, but will have a team of MCVPs to carry the project forward. Mostly will be a self-led project with coordination with the regional PR, regional AI VP Operations, MCVPs BD, Marketing, etc.
5. Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Strong project management skills, eager to learn and quick to adapt, proactive, focused on executing. Previous experience Current or former MC Experience. (Proffered) AIESEC Knowledge BD, ICX.
Specific Skills Project management, sales, creative execution. Workload required: Up to 5~8 hours a week Duration: To 31/06/2015 GST responsible: Vishant Kothari
Why do you want to be on the Global Support Team for 2015? What do you consider is the role of the Global Support Team in the AIESEC International 1415 Plan? What do you consider as being your role in order to achieve the targets set?
Please describe your (up to) three previous experiences in AIESEC that you consider to be most important
SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Business Development Coordinator Account Delivery: 1. Please, make an analysis of the current selection process for Global Partners opportunities, considering strengths, weakness and improvement points. Please, make sure that you address the following topics: a) EXPA; b)Companies’ Internal Recruitment Process vs. AIESEC Recruitment Process; c) Process Optimization; d) Shortlisting (Max. one A4 page for this answer). 2. Business Case: you have 20 Global Partners Opportunities to shortlist in 1 week. Please, come up with an Operational Plan for this week. Make sure you include in your answer: a) Activities; b) How to execute the activities; c) Number of Hours spent on each activity; d) Stakeholders involved. (Max. 1 page A4 for this answer)
Sales: 3. Please, build a GEP Sales Plan for 6 months in Sweden (Mar-Aug 2015). Make sure you include: a) Target; b) Timeline; c) Segment; d) Prospection list; e) Sales Strategy; f) Sales Activities. (Max. 1 page A4 for this answer) 4. What's your motivation to apply to this position? What will be your personal contribution? (question to be answered by Video) Upload the video on YouTube and include the link in the application.
Employer Branding Specialist 1. What is Employer Branding from an AIESEC’s Global Partners perspective? What are the possibilities for a Multinational company to invest in this kind of strategy with AIESEC? What is the Return on Investment, value proposition, channels and expected results from such investment? (Max 1 A4 page). 2. Please, choose between one of the Global Partners Campaigns and build a Marketing and Implementation plan. (Please include goals, activities, timeline, touch-points, channels, audience, KPIs). (Max. 1 A4 Page) a) Electrolux Excellence Awards Campaign b) DPDHL Social Media Campaign 3. Please, design a Employer Branding measurement system for the current Global Partners of AIESEC International and present in a Report Format. (Max 1 A4 Page). 4. What's your motivation to apply to this position? What will be your personal contribution? (question to be answered by Video) Upload video on YouTube and paste in the application.
Talent Sourcing Specialist 1.
Please, make an analysis of the state of GEP Sourcing status before the onboarding of the 1st Global Partners Talent Sourcing Coordinator and now, keeping in mind bottlenecks, solutions and proposing new ideas. (Max. 1 A4 Page) - Feel free to approach the BD Team and the other GSTs in order to get to know better the scenario.
Please, build a Operational plan for Sourcing candidates to the following subproduct: - Business. Consider using real TNs of any of the following Global Partners: UCB, Microsoft, EF Education First or ING. Please include: expected results, timeline, KPIs and MoS. Make sure you mention the interaction with the each one of the stakeholders involved in the processes (Max. 1 A4 Page)
If you had the chance to think of working with a Global Partner for a pilot of a subproduct that AIESEC has never worked with before, how would you assure the delivery of 40 TNs of this subproduct in 1 Semester. Please Think outside of the box. (you can chose the subproduct e.g. gastronomy, pharmaceutical, architect, etc). You have 1 A4 page for this.
How do you see "sourcing" working within the implementation of the new GIS? (Max. 20 lines)
What's your motivation to apply to this position? What will be your personal contribution? (question to be answered by Video)
Internal CRM Manager 1.
Please, chose 2 global Partners and make an analysis of the current state of their interaction with the network. Keeping in mind bottlenecks, solutions and proposing new ideas. You have 1 A4 page for this.
How will you ensure the engagement of the network to provide you the needed data? How would you use this data to benefit the network? (Max. 1 A4 Page)
You have just been assigned a new analytics project. Where do you begin and what are the steps that follow? How would you use the output of your analyses? Please, be detailed.
How do you want to use the GIS to facilitate your data Collection? How do you think we can improve the analytics in the system? (Max. 20 lines)
Engineering Project Manager 1.
Why do you think AIESEC has failed to attract (or place) enough engineering talent despite so many efforts in recent years to do so?
What are some channels AIESEC should explore for attracting engineering talent?
How do you think we could keep a high number of engineers engaged with AIESEC if we can't place them right away?
What's your motivation to apply to this position? What will be your personal contribution? (question to be answered by Video)
ASEAN Project Manager - AP 1.
What could be AIESEC's unique contribution to the need of the ASEAN sub region? Clearly identify the need. Feel free to approach the AI BD team, if needed.
Create a solution to meet this need, in a project template (include timeline, resources, entities involved, contacts with prospective partners, etc.)
What challenges do you foresee in the implemention of this project?
What would be your unique contribution to this, as project head? Whats in it for you?