GIP business rules webinar 220714

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AIESEC’s New Global Information System

Flow of this Session 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Why a new GIS now? Why and what of the Business Rules in GIS ? How will LC GIP structures change? Testing and Implementation The resources My questions

Why a new GIS NOW?

Why now?

We are a purposeful, collaborative, and driven generation of 100,00 young leaders, ready to

achieve 2015 and beyond

We aim to deliver nearly 1 million experiences by 2015 (cumulative XPs from 2010-2015).

That’s 60% growth in GCDP and 220% in GIP …in the next 18 months

From 1948 until 2011 we provided

257,079 exchange experiences

But we’ll never make this jump with yesterday’s processes and today’s

& If we can connect our resources‌ 100,000 members of Gen 2015 Opportunity Portals for EPs and Members


Business Intelligence for all our members and customers



...We can achieve 2015

& there’s even more REASONS... External Competition:

Internal Challenges:

External threats: AIESEC’s competitors provide some of the same services as we do, but much faster Customer feedback Our customers say our communication effectiveness and processes need improvement Customer Centric Systems To provide excellent customer experiences, we need a system that supports that experience from the first point of engagement until experience completion

Frequent System Failure So many unconnected systems

Old and inflexible technology

Current systems are expensive

The bottom line?

And don’t forget these...



to become


So what are we doing? Leveraging modern technologies to develop a new Global Information System to optimise our processes and provide powerful business intelligence to speed up operations. This will replace, the Net Promoter Score platform, the Global Online Registration System, the Opportunity Portal and the MarketPlace and put them all into one connected system.

IN a

FASTER & SMARTER nutshell? A


10 years from now... WE WILL SAY...


We achieved 2015 & beyond by empowering a generation with the technology to be

smarter and faster than ever before


: g n i r e d n o w e r ’ u o ? y w o e l f b y r a e m m o t s u c a s i t a h w So let’s look at our current customer flows and how those will change for GIP, GCDP, and TMP/TLP

A customer flow is the activities a customer experiences from their first interaction to the final delivery of the service. For example, everything that happens to the EP in the Ra/Ma/Re customer flow. If AIESEC made their customer flow smarter and faster, I think they could achieve 2015

: g n i r e d n o w e r ’ u o ? y w o e l f b y r a e m m o t s u c a s i t a h w

A customer flow is the activities a customer experiences from their first interaction to the final delivery of the service. For example, everything that happens to the EP in the Ra/Ma/Re customer flow. If AIESEC made their customer flow smarter and faster, I think they could achieve 2015

Business Rules

So let’s look at our current customer flows and how those will change for GIP, GCDP, and TMP/TLP

Why and what business rules?

The reason why behind business rules By having business rules we become more clear and effective

By having business rules, we drive our network as one to have a clear & “clean� system, with accurate opportunities .

By having business rules, we drive our network as one to be more effective, by having faster processes, run by business intelligence

Smarter & faster oGIP

Business rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch






Young Person goes to Creates profile on Opportunities Portal Edits and adds to their profile while browsing Opportunities View is limited based on profile completeness

Matchability guides what they should and can apply for, based on: background, SP, dates, entity partnership TNs may require them to: complete an inbuilt language test, competency test, values test Complete video cover letter

CUSTOMER MATCH TN taker may ask them to interview, this will go in their notifications

If they both accept ANs, then it’s a match!

REalize Standards tracking prompted (home)

PROMOTER Alumni COMPLETE Standards tracking prompted (host)

Integration content Invited to OPS (home) prompted (host) Logistics tracked LEAD content prompted (home) Indemnity, XPP, Insurance requirements prompted (home)

Re-integrate NPS Survey Re-integration seminar

LEAD content prompted (host)

GCM/LEAD content

NPS Survey

Showcasing their story (promoter)

Proactive Fire fighting Upselling to another product Promoter prompt

Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

Users are directed to programs based on the profile they filled at sign-up.


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

View is limited based on profile completeness for externals signing up for GIP/GCDP


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

Members in a current TMP/TLP role have unlimited view.


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

Students cannot apply if they are over 30 years of age


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Person can only apply for an opportunity after completing his/her profile


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

As soon as a person applies for a first application, the person will become an 'active lead'


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

If a person is not applying/searching/in an application process for over 30 days, the person goes back to being a non active lead


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

A person can apply for limitless opportunities at the same time


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

An application is valid for 21 days, if there is no progress in the selection process for over 21 days, the application is rejected (customisable by MCs)


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Out of the total amount of countires you are partnering 5% need to be tier 3 entities.


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

If the matchability of a person is lower than 30%, you will not be able to apply to the TN


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

EP needs to complete EP contract & AN to approve the match


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

TN manager needs to complete TN contract & AN + confirm end and start date to approve the match


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

EP & TN manager need to approve the match before the EP manager can approve approve the match


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

Insurance & indemnity form have to be uploaded/completed before changing the status to realized


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

Standards (till realize) checkboxes has to be filled before changing the status to realized


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

TN Manager will put the form on realised


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch COMPLETED

Standards (till completed) checkboxes has to be filled before changing the status to completed


Smarter & faster oGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch COMPLETED

Internship is completed when the end date expires


Smarter & faster iGIP

Business rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch






Young Person goes to Creates profile on Opportunities Portal Edits and adds to their profile while browsing Opportunities View is limited based on profile completeness

Matchability guides what they should and can apply for, based on: background, SP, dates, entity partnership TNs may require them to: complete an inbuilt language test, competency test, values test Complete video cover letter

CUSTOMER MATCH TN taker may ask them to interview, this will go in their notifications

If they both accept ANs, then it’s a match!

REalize Standards tracking prompted (home)

PROMOTER Alumni COMPLETE Standards tracking prompted (host)

Integration content Invited to OPS (home) prompted (host) Logistics tracked LEAD content prompted (home) Indemnity, XPP, Insurance requirements prompted (home)

Re-integrate NPS Survey Re-integration seminar

LEAD content prompted (host)

GCM/LEAD content

NPS Survey

Showcasing their story (promoter)

Proactive Fire fighting Upselling to another product Promoter prompt

Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

Companies must be in territories where AIESEC is present


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

If a member registers a company with more than 10,000 employees AI receives a notification or prospect list


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

Members signing up a company are required to complete Company Name, Industry, Country/Territory, Employee Size, Description


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch SIGN UP

Companies can be signed up by AI, MC, LC EB, iGIP members, and others given permission by LC VP iGIP


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

All MC members can create an opportunity is company profile is 100% completed.


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

MC can delegate permissions to create opportunities to LC EB and members


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

All opportunities must be approved by host MC prior to going live on the system


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Can delegate approve the opportunity to go on raise


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Maximum 1 sub-product and 2 backgrounds


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Opening an opportunity prompts the TN Manager to receive an overview of the matching and delivery process and when each thing should happen (content provided by MCs)


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Company can only have an opportunity opened once their profile is complete


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

MC can put a certain amount of days per step in the selection process as deadlines for the applicants to fulfill the step


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch APPLY

Following should be required: JD, backgrounds, education (graduate, undergraduate, postgraduate), country/regional preferences, language requirements, skills, location (connected to main/branch accounts), salary per month, duration, any additional information required)


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

TN Manager can only accept one EP per role at a time


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

TN Manager accepting an EP prompts a notification to the EP and the EP Manager to approve the match


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

When the EP and EP Manager accept the match, the TN Manager can automatically send reception materials, visa information, LEAD content, etc to the EP


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

MC can set materials to be automatically sent to any EPs upon match


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch MATCH

TN manager needs to complete TN contract & AN + confirm end and start date to approve the match


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

Insurance & indemnity form have to be uploaded/completed before changing the status to realized


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

Standards (till realize) checkboxes has to be filled before changing the status to realized


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

TN Manager will put the form on realised


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

Realised Stage begins with the first day of work of the EP


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch REALISED

Process Survey results sent to TN Manager upon realization


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch COMPLETED

Standards (till completed) checkboxes has to be filled before changing the status to completed


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch COMPLETED

Internship is completed when the end date expires


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch COMPLETED

NPS Survey sent to TN Manager upon completion


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch RE-INTEGRATION

TN Managers prompted to contact TN-takers every month (or another standard set by MC)


Smarter & faster iGIP Business Rules for the proposed customer flow For AUGUST Launch RE-INTEGRATION

TN Managers prompted to meet with TN-Takers every quarter (or another standard set by MC)


HOW our structures will change?

OGIP Front Office Role 1) To capitalize on the business intelligence to work with more accurate marketing strategies for promotion (MKT sinergy) 2) To guarantee the right alignment with ICX partners for promotion alignment (MKT sinergy)

Key deliverables - Alignment with MKT to guarantee a marketing strategy based on EY Parterships and students needs - LEAD for EPs

3) To deliver expectation setting and alignment for the EP (LEAD, OPS, interview alignment) 4) To guarantee a good delivery and fast response to any necessary Fire Fighting 5) To make process improvement based

- OPS delivery - Guarantee legal support and insurance for the EP

KPIs • • • • • • • •

Conversion Rate (Apply -> MA) # MA # RE # Complete XP MA Time NPS % Promoters % Response Rate

- Overall EP support throughout the experience

on customer feedbacks

Lc structures Towards the customer flow implementation

OGIP Back Office Mkt-Comms

Role: To guarantee a more aligned and focused promotion in order to increase the number of MA from high matchability Key deliverables: -Targeted attraction -Management of sign-ups as potential leads (direct marketing with opportunites connected with matchability) -Incentives to actively search / apply to TNs -Showcasing of the experiences -Entity Partnerships – Based marketing KPIs: -Website visits -Website to GIS Conversion -# Sign-ups -% MA from over X matchability -Sign up to apply conversion rate and time -Sing up to match conversion -NPS Satisfaction

TM Role: To guarantee the L&D of the oGIP

team for a good development and delivery of the members Key deliverables:

1) Guarantee Team Minimums delivery 2) To deliver Educational Cycle based on the members needs KPIs:

%Productivity # Members allocated in every project % Team Minimums fulfillment % Response Rate # IXP

Lc structures Towards the customer flow implementation

Finance Role: Ensure LC sustainability implementing new Financial Model aligned to GIS

IGIP Front Office Role To ensure leadership development of the EPs through a GIP experience with right alignment in the delivery of the experience

Key deliverables - Sales in different markets according to the SP and S&D - Embedding BI for more efficient sales (CRM) - Account management in the company - If company posted a JD to GIS without human interaction, providing consultancy for JD - To guarantee standards delivery - Ensure LEAD and IPS delivery - To make process improvement based on customer feedbacks

KPIs • • • • • • • • • • • •

# Sign Ups # MA # RE # Complete XP MA Time NPS %Promoters %Response Rate %reRA # TNs per TN Taker # cold calls per member per week # meetings per member per month

LC STRUCTURES Towards the customer flow implementation

IGIP Back Office TM Role: To guarantee the L&D of the IGIP team for a good development and delivery of the members Key deliverables: - 1) Guarantee Team Minimums delivery 2) To deliver Educational Cycle based on the members needs KPIs: • % productivitity • # members allocated in every project • % team minimums implementation • NPS • % Promoters • % Response Rate

MKT - Comms Role: To facilitate the promotion for the TN side with company and opportunities promotion Key deliverables: - Opportunity Marketing (Sell the TN) - Leverage on OP-numbers (available profiles per sector, age, etc.) for a more consistent B2B Marketing - Company Marketing (position the TN taker itself to ensure ongoing applicants for even later opportunities - Partnership-based B2B Marketing (supporting Entity Partners' EP Supply) -SEO/SEM strategies for B2B (*)

Finance Role: Ensure LC sustainability implementing new Financial Model aligned to GIS

KPIs: - # Applications per TN (opportunty Marketing) - TN Match Rate (opportunity marketing) - TN Match Time (opportunity marketing) - % of applicants above 80% matchability (efficiency of marketing)

LC STRUCTURES Towards the customer flow implementation

Testing & Implementation

5 Simple steps to test THE GIS 1. Register to the system

2. Log in to the system

3. Do specific actions which are specified in this user guide

4. Give feedback after each action (even when you like everything)

5. Come back to test the system and check if you like the changes

Starts TODAY!!

The Resources

Check which is updated with all the information about the GIS. You can find there ● - All customer flow videos & previous webinar - Implementation plan template - GIS session example with video explanation - GIS testing guides  Visit the site constantly as all new materials are being uploaded 

Read the FAQs which are being constantly updated  Go through all the GIS newsletters that have been sent to MCPs (ask your MCP to forward it)  Check it in your inbox every week 

My Questions

Timeline before IC What is going to happen until IC:

 Contantly update the MC checklist

 Finishing of system development  Cleaning data before the final migration  First round of system testing (4 guides already out)  Creating




What should i do before ic:


financial model (due to the new customer flows)  Every MCP will get an account who can after give accounts for the MC members & LCPs

 Select a GIS responsible from your MC (who is not the MCP)  Read all released materials  Create a detailed implementation plan & submit it to AI  Run session with your LCPs (& possibly all EBs) about why, how, what of the GIS  Test the Beta version of the system & give feedback  Understand in details (with the whole MC) what changes the new customer flows will bring to your entity  Reject all EPs and TNs with starting date earlier than 15th of August (we won’t migrate older EP&TN forms) DDL.:15th of August

What is going to happen between IC and the end of October?  will be still running and we will still run operations there  We will continue to test the GIS (in more details, with more functions) and give feedback about bugs or anything that should be changed until the final switch  The development of the GIS will continue based on that  Data will be migrated at the end of every day from to the GIS ●

Except for files: those will be migrated only twice: once in August and once finally in October

 The two system won’t be complete mirrors so matching & realization should mainly still happen on

Why should I test the GIS if operations will be still done on myaiesec?

 To give feedback and make sure that the time of the switch the system is working the best possible way & has the fewest bugs possible  To understand the logic of the system and get comfortable using it  To start training your members & make sure that „business goes as usual” after the switch  To participate in a competition including the whole network (details coming at IC  )

What should I do from IC till the end of October?  Continue filling the MC checklist  Educate your membership in large scale on what the new customer flow will mean for them  For example: how their roles changes  Test the GIS weekly and get to know the system (log in as offen as you can)  Give feedback to the system  Decide on where to charge the EP fee  Make sure that LCs have a clear implementation plan about customer flows & GIS  Fill country partnerships & entity goals in the system

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