Supervisory group aiesec 9 july 15

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Supervisory Group Meeting Minutes Global MoS • The migration is problematic, so not all the numbers are in the system • Here is only what is on EXPA. Growth by 500 internships for GCDP compared to previous year and for GIP -­‐ by 400 • Plan vs. realized -­‐ around 60% of achievement for both programs this year • Counting migration -­‐ growth is slightly bigger compared to last year • Disclaimer: some experiences released but were never added and probably won’t be • Plan fulfillment with the final migration -­‐ almost 90% in GCDP and 74% for GIP • The regions have been growing in the past 5 years in matches in most f the programs in most of the regions so we can expect to keep growing in realizations • Projection for 2015 -­‐ 4 scenarios for GCDP and GIP • Regional contribution -­‐ evolution from 2010 to 2014. Until now AP is one of the biggest contributors, but LATAM has been growing a lot since 2010 • 14/15 term -­‐ growth from MENA and LATAM • Growth per regions in this year -­‐ MENA and LATAM grew in all programs, others grew in some and slightly dropped in some • Meaning: challenges in the system, learning about regional structures (collaboration within regions), still small number of entities are the biggest contributors, and in GIP -­‐ with the efforts we are still not close to the goal, from Global Entrepreneurs this is a contribution but we will see in the future • In the past 5 years we had different strategies to grow in GIP because we’ve set the ambition to achieve. Every year different strategies, but it was not enough to get us closer to this 2. Projects Presentation • Reminder of the plan: Leaders of Now, GIP Elephant, Fundamental changes (Issues with Quality) and Shape the organization around what the world needs (Unique Value Proposition) + 3 strategies (business model, bottom up culture, shape what we do around what the world needs) + behaviors Bottom Up: • The idea -­‐ how can we evolve culture to make sure every member is engaged with the purpose of the organization • Key activities: I am 2015 campaign (engage every member, sharing successful stories in the last 5 years), values assessment, knowledge center and booklet with business model • Values assessment -­‐ healthy level of cultural entropy, few limiting values, almost non existing values in survival level (we should analyze why -­‐ do we not talk about it? are members not aware of it because we are not-­‐for-­‐profit?). In

general all the regions are aligned except of AP where there is a big gap between personal values and the organizational values. They do not see what they gain form working in AIESEC on local and national level • Advice -­‐ cultural assessment is an MoS and we should continue with it and measure how the organization advances Phil’s input • Efficiency and transparency jump is huge • 11% entropy -­‐ low which means organization is clearly not driven by fear • Unusual -­‐ no white dots (which represent fear) • Many values based on personal but desired a lot of organizational values. What people want is a much more efficient system for people to do what they want to do • All the words in black in desired are “new requests” -­‐ aka areas to focus on. Those are the key messages about what people are looking for • Pick key priorities, do not try to work on everything • Although across regions there are slight differences, the differences are not huge. Some other organizations have 10% and 50% • No 1 factor of cultural anthropic -­‐ fears of the leaders showing up in the culture of the system. So something is working there • We should see this as point of the reference is every meeting -­‐ what are we doing with this piece of information Leadership Development: • Not a project -­‐ summing up what the org has been doing in the past 2 years about this -­‐ and what was missing • First half of the year -­‐ defining leadership development model • Then started working on assessment of the 4 qualities • Now we have the right questions -­‐ not completed • The video talking about LDM, page on the website explaining it + website + templates for entities • LEAD -­‐ developing lead. Questions -­‐ even if it’s a global partnership leadership development is going to happen on the local level. So there were piloting entities but the timing was not great so the momentum is expected in the future • Mobile app -­‐ connecting people and gathering data on how @ reacts to mobile for the future mobile (r)evolution Interested • Leadership development -­‐ @ has become interested • Is there a connection between leadership development and projects happening? • Mobile app -­‐ AIESEC World -­‐ Why is it created limited? Why not alumni? It should be don in order to be more inclusive. Maybe the components (experiment) • You have to design it for a purpose so you can learn out of it • General learning -­‐ don’t do an app unless it’s a killer app

EXPA: • Knowledge management and internal communication challenges/ should be improved • achievements : focusing on the leadership development not what to make the IT development faster • redesigning the UX to make it easier for our users • Vendor relationship : Engaged with AIESEC and understanding our purpose which helped with the development and the vision of the system • Things to be taken forward: matchability, NPS, GIP changes • QUESTIONS/Feedback: • How can you guarantee that people must pay before going to an exchange • Over all countries using the system fully 60% to 70% • How can the system help for the future we should just let go of whatever happened in the past ( if it happened it happened/ it doesn’t matter) • The only thing that matter is who is using it now and in the future • it is very fundamental for AIESEC and check what is the value that @ deliver through the system • charge the MCs for the usage of the system? • Get common agreement of what is being delivered from the system • Everyone should be aligned of how to use the system and how the flow goes everywhere cannot be different from one place to another as it will create chaos in the future • What is the platform in the end and what is it going to drive for the next years to follow • What is the feedback process and is the users in the chain of feedback to give their inputs? • systems of big associations fail as the system was built for 1 particular reason but if it doesn’t provide it then it doesn’t matter • we de-­‐prioritize Top level features on the systems over bottom up features from the end user • Why would people come to you and your platform? What else are you offering? is it the relationships or the partners? its the value proposition that is mainly the technology is just a way of doing it • The unique value of the system is changing the efforts of the system so we can focus on the leadership development • you might have to change the financial proposition • you need to move very fast and talk with people in IC about it • Anyone can build a system to match/ we need to stop charging people for that • Partners are paying for a skills matching and the students are being charged for access of the system • Plan on the basics of the system to actually work as once it fails there is no bringing it back • how do you make these National entities your allies? • What do you make the network see the business opportunities that is in the

system? • What is the 3-­‐year technology plan and what will come next to the system? Company OP -­‐ The project and main learnings: Milestones: Pilot entity visits done. The others (Public Beta Completed, Learnings from Public Beta Implemented, 1st Wave of Implementation Started) = not done. • Digitalize our B2B Business Model. Basic version to be put out in the market. • Q2: gather feedbacks to the platform. Visited all pilots (4). • Most of the milestones are red. A lot of things that were planned to do became obsolete. • Pilot entities hesitant to implement the platform to their customer. • Bottlenecks of conversion took weeks to figure it out. • Worked very statically with the developers, which complicated the situation. • Wanted to pilot in specific segments. After interviews, realized that a lot of assumptions were not correctly (e.g. it did not solve much of the pains of the start ups). • Reconsideration of the target segment. Willingness to focus on alumni as a segment to tap in quickly and scale up rapidly. • Overall, not very happy about the current state. But overall a learning on starting small. Public Beta is postponed to at least 2-­‐3 months. Developers using the AGILE method. Questions: No questions. Global Entrepreneurs -­‐ The project and main learnings: Milestones: all 100%, with the except of Resources for the network and network support, which is 90% • 2 months internships in start-­‐ups. High goals (right now 5% of RE according to plan). 176 opportunities MA. Prediction to August is to have 200-­‐250 RE. • The goal that is closer to achievement is number of entities running it (36 out of 40) • Late on launch it (re-­‐plan was already done) • Entities cautious about it • 200% growth from last peak to this peak in RE Questions and inputs: • Company perspective: to study doing it for 6 months. 2-­‐3 months is not attractive. • To not plan it based on global goals by itself, without ~global chains~. For it to have the goals based on the program.

• Tie this up with relevant AIESEC. • To not focus on numbers just yet. (GCDP started from 0 as well). • To grow fast may be the wrong focus. The ideal is to grow it with quality (Rolf). Again, to let go of the chains of the goals. I don`t want it to grow a lot. Relevant AIESEC -­‐ Project and main learnings: -­‐ Included a lot of projects and how they are connected to the core -­‐ Inclusion in the organization with the insights gotten with the projects -­‐ Global Youth Insight project (YouthSpeak) -­‐ YouthSpeak Forums (Globally, Regionally, Locally) — Project for creating projects based on needs -­‐ Strategic Alliances to run those projects (PwC, TeachForAll, UNDP) -­‐ Improvement of global portfolio Questions and inputs: -­‐ Importance of insights from the survey and how to actually use them for AIESEC purposes -­‐ Press plan and PR plan for presenting YouthSpeak data (Super important) —> Look to a bigger and global scale -­‐ Usage of Social Media and relevance for the upcoming terms (experts in communication) -­‐ Press in regional, national and local basis (relevance in the marketing and the insights this provides) —> Localize the target points, translation into their own languages and expanding it to make it loud -­‐ Insights needed of how to monetize the YouthSpeak data —> Using GIP for it or X in general. -­‐ More frequently than once a year (report quarterly) —> Using technology to automatize it and do it more frequently and involve more partners AIESEC 2020 -­‐ Project and main learnings -­‐ Definition of milestones for the next upcoming milestones and create momentum for the organization -­‐ AIESEC Way definition of the organization and everyone of the same page -­‐ 2020 statements process design -­‐ AIESEC Experience -­‐ Structure Evolution

Finance Report -­‐ (2.000 loses in the operational budget) -­‐ More loses coming from the funds investments and reserves for concrete or extraordinary purposes -­‐ So far the status is yet alarm but there are 2 years in a row with no surplus to refill the funds used Questions and inputs: -­‐ No raise enough funds as much as the salaries -­‐ Raise enough money as much as AI cost -­‐ Cash positions are lower than investment funds (3 months of cash, no money to pay) Business Development Report -­‐ 4 major partnerships -­‐ New partnerships to come (Alkon, Apple, one in UK, one in Australia) -­‐ BD revenues achieved and for 1516 almost to go Questions and inputs: -­‐ Questions regarding what is the final status for the partners pending to sign that usually sign in summer -­‐ Expectations for the upcoming sales term AI 1516 Plan `2020 `project Question for clarification How much time is anticipated for the team to develop the concept; and how much time will the team need to execute along with the core business? -­‐ Support team members on AI (project responsibles) -­‐ Support teams from the global network 3 Full-­‐time-­‐equivalents working on the project. Ground the decision-­‐making process/points with the network -­‐ so that there is buy-­‐in from the network. “It might be a little complicated. Steps make sense. But, what is the best way to simplify this, so that it doesn’t take so many efforts. -­‐ There are a lot of moving

points; a lot to communicate; and all of this along with the onus to run the business -­‐ the project looks ambitious." Maybe the process can be depicted properly -­‐ to signify consequent steps, milestones, check-­‐points etc. Right now the project comes across as a mix of everything. What is not clear is what is priority; what leads to the other; what will happen when etc. One key thing to answer would be -­‐ What is the end goal I am trying to achieve through this? To be clear about when is the question frozen and when is a question still open to communicate better with the network to avoid uncertainty. What is important is to have an event (even if it is not UN), but to have an interim event because IC to IPM to proceed with decision-­‐making is a very big gap in the timeline. Another good idea is to have a series of events in the network to drive the message. External event is a crucial game-­‐changer for this MTA. It could define the piece for the next 5 years, because till now it been about ‘what can AIESEC do for the society” but its a good time to now address “what can the society do to support AIESEC in its mission" LDM Centered AIESEC A simple pager of simple explanation of how AIESEC offers LDM -­‐ programs and elements connection. A simple explanation for even things like abbreviation (for SG members to understand) SG wants to understand the actual value proposition (in addition to understanding the project itself) Reconsider the name -­‐ replace ‘centered' Project might not be clear for people to understand Balance between what needs to be created LD delivery, and what is happening already that is working for 60 years -­‐ what’s the story of what is happening Make the intention clear that it is behavior that we want to change and not control what the organization will do. Rather answer the question how can AI impact behavior -­‐ which might be easier. Power of Stories Recognition -­‐ most powerful tool to drive behaviors Assessment is the pillar here -­‐ should be the priority of the project. Having the

same might just make everything fall into place in terms of behavior of AIESECers to implement LDM. If you could do this without anyone in the network noticing -­‐ you would do an awesome job. Nobody needs to feel that things are changing! GIS Evolution The word is Automated; not automatized! “Is the rolling out approach old?" Choose the most important thing(s)a and put all energy into that, finish it, and then move on. Do not over-­‐burden/torture yourself. Seconded opinion -­‐ It seems like you are trying to cover the universe. Eg. take NPS, finish it in a quarter; then iterate and move on to other things. What seems to be missing is what is external (customer needs), and internal. Eg. Interface is important than analytics. From Andrew; Almuni really want to help in goals for GIP, but it does not reflect in the plan on the technology front! Company OP You might be solving a problem that might not exist. You might be digitalizing an old process that the end users do not need anymore. The network might ask for it, but are the companies going to ask for it? Is this AIESEC’s value proposition? “I already use LinkedIn to hire, it is higher scale. Why would I come to AIESEC’s platform?" So what problems are you trying to solve. What needs self-­‐service? People aware of AIESEC’s value -­‐ this is what will solve their problem to search for interns through AIESEC. There needs to be commitment from the companies side to co-­‐deliver leadership with AIESEC to trainees. That should be the dialogue between company and the EP -­‐ for this to truly make the digital approach to this work out. Companies want people who want motivated and purposeful people, but still why would a company go to an AIESEC site over LinkedIn to serve the same purpose.

What is the differentiating factor? Scope of B2B Marketing for AIESEC. Major input for GIS and CoOp: User stories need to be created. (Get more clarity on this point from SG) Mobile Strategy Usually web processes are not transferrable to mobile processes Maintaining two platforms is extremely costly Challenge yourself and get guidance around it. What is it that you can do -­‐ get inputs Maybe drop other things: other companies are giving up web platforms and taking up mobile -­‐ two things are difficult Mobile is the way to go definitely -­‐ but this is extremely ambitious. “Will people look for jobs on mobile; or will they be working on the web for something that is a significant decision for their life" Mobile -­‐ you will have to get into multiple platforms and it gets extremely costly. There can be certain processes that can be only be mobile and that is what we work on. And the others that can be better run on web, so leave it to that. Mobile is the future, but, the future of what. There are elements of customer experience that are apt for mobile, but there are things that are not apt for mobile. Mobile does not necessarily apply to everything. Key question -­‐ what on the customer side is definitely needed to go mobile. Only the most compelling things should be worked on, the rest -­‐ dropped. The answer to customer input will be different from the behavior of the same customer. Spend more time on the entire technology strategy -­‐ do not rush into it without validation. In October, we can have the conversation taking into account the feedback and inputs from the network. YS HR Capacity to arrange for grants and drive projects? What is the deliverable that you are giving to MCs -­‐ maybe infographics in their languages! Press Releases! Let markets translate YS to all languages and use it as a product.

How do you not duplicate but execute the matching process of grants and projects -­‐ which other organizations do and requires a whole new level of effort. Contact Kiwa Don’t underestimate the value of repeating success by focusing on doing newer things and putting more effort on that. (Referring to how successful YS has been in 201415) Find the right balance by using fewer resources how more people can engage in this. “Its an on-­‐going marketing program. Its a massive way of inspiring passionate audience to engage in projects, but also make people know about AIESEC and youth voice” It is not a project, but an ongoing marketing program to drive more youth and orgs towards AIESEC. Since its working, drive more campaigns, gasify it, keep it going so that it makes AIESEC viral. Take a stand and determine what is emerging in the next generation -­‐ and that is how you become experts.

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