XPRO 2017 
 Faci Applica)on
About XPRO The regional conferences in April, widely known as the XPROs, are the biggest regional conferences of the network. They play a key role for strategical alignment of the regions, as well as the collabora>on needed for the fruit peak.
WHERE DO THEY TAKE PLACE? *dates with pre-mee/ng
2-12th of April Peru
28th of March - 6th of April
2-10th of April Bosnia & Herzegovina
3-11th of April Egypt
INFORMATION Anyone can apply as long as you have the endorsement le9er from the MCP of the en/ty 5 hours of availability per week is required before arriving to the conference for session prepara/on For you to be eligible to be FACI, you need to be available to a9end the whole pre-mee/ng, conference and post- mee/ng. If that is not the case, you are not eligible. Reimbursement on % of flight /ckets and coverage of the conference fee depends from region to region. You will be aligned on the condi/ons of the regions that you are applying for by e-mail and can decide to withdrawal from the process. Maximum coverage is up to 50% of flight /ckets + conference fee. For you to note: We are also recrui/ng for at least 1 finance profile per region/XPRO. (MCVP Finance Background preferred)
APPLICATION PROCESS The process of the selec/on of the FACIs involve the XPRO Applica,on (video included) + MCP Endorsement from your en>ty. In total we will be expec/ng 2 PDF files, one of them conten/ng the video link. The ques/onnaire should not take more than 3 pages (font min. 10) and the video 5 minutes. You can apply for more than 1 XPRO (maximum 3) The DDL for the applica)on is Feb 3rd, 2017 at 17h GMT. No late submissions will be accepted. All applica/ons must be submi9ed to xpro2017faci@gmail.com There will be no interviews in the process.
QUESTIONNARE 1. What is your order of preference to be FACI on the regional conferences? Choose maximum 3: AMERICAS, AP, EUROPE, MEA. 2. Please give a brief descripJon of the most relevant experiences you held in AIESEC (Maximum 4) 3. What are your main moJvaJons to apply for this FACI posiJon? What do you see being your main contribuJons to the FACI team based on your profile? Choose one strength of yours and tell us how it would help the FACI team. 4. You have 1,5 hours session based on one of the following topics: a) LEAD based on one defining element for LCPs ; b) Workshop about Value Delivery , c) FuncJonal track for GV or GE Network d) Growth Hacking Space for GT e) Plenary Session about 2020 and Roadmap f) Finance session based on finance standards or product profitability. Please do the session outline of it. 5. Create a maximum 5 minutes video summarising the main messages of the session outline you just created. Treat the camera as the audience, not as a dry run. Logis&cal Ques&ons: 6. Do you need visa for the 3 opJons you are applying for? If yes, do you need invitaJon le^ers? How long does it take for the visa to be ready? 7. Would you be willing to be a FACI in case that no investments are possible for the regions you are applying for? Would you be able to fund it by yourself?