Youth 4 Global Goals Report 2016

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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report 2016

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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Table of Content 3-4

Overview - About AIESEC - About Youth 4 Global Goals








Plan for 2017


Youth 4 Global Goals Team

10-13 Understanding 14-18 Action


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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016


Overview AIESEC is a global youth-led organization striving to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. We develop leaders in youth by providing them with self-driven, practical and global experiences. Every young person’s responsibility is to take a positive role in shaping the future of our planet. We believe leadership is the fundamental solution to create a better future.

Rio+20 UN Conference outcome* mentions young people as “custodians of the future”.

Understanding the importance of this, we, as the global youth-led movement, decided to lead the way to engage young people to achieve the SDGs from the first year of implementation.

*The Future We Want, outcome document of Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Youth4GG is divided into three phases:


Youth is aware of the 17 SDGs. We spread awareness about SDGs and Importance of collaboration for the Goals through global campaigns.

About Youth 4 Global Goals Youth 4 Global Goals (#Youth4GG) is an AIESEC Initiative through which we aim to mobilize youth towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.


We believe that the global youth is an integral part of the equation to achieve the SDGs.


They understand at least one target of the SDGs and know how to take action to contribute towards it. We arrange YouthSpeak Forums globally to discuss the global issues. We mobilize volunteers to be a part of our projects aligned with the SDGs. Through these experiences they are empowering individuals and communities to work towards the implementation of SDGs in their countries, while developing themselves.


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Highlights Youth 4 Global Goals in 2016: Youth4GG is the first fully youth-run initiative on the Sustainable Development Goals.

12.506.074 people became aware about the SDGs +56.000 delegates of YouthSpeak Forums in 200 locations 32.189 youth volunteer experiences 4500 projects a year in +120 countries and territories 10 partners from various sectors


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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016



Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Awareness In October 2015 through the YouthSpeak Survey, AIESEC intended to learn what would engage young people to act, what are their motives and their vision of the world in 2030. One and a half year later we have collected more than 180.000 responses from across 126 countries and territories. As an outcome, 68% of millennials think the world will be a better place by 2030, however only 45% of youth is aware of the Sustainable Development Goals. By 2030, society will be:

Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals:

This is why the first phase of Youth4GG initiative aims to spread awareness about the Goals among youth. We believe before someone can take action it is vital to create awareness about the significance of the Sustainable Development Goals and how important it is to work together towards them in a global movement.


In 2016 our network has reached


12.506.074 people with SDG-related

45% are aware Source: YouthSpeak Survey Report 2016

55% are not aware

campaigns and activities.


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Awareness On the global level, AIESEC has been running following social media campaigns:

Earth Day 733.200 people reached

100 Days of SDGs 210.963 people reached

• Youth4GG Profile Picture Campaign • International Day of AIDS • International Volunteer Day • UN 71st Anniversary • AIESEC Knorr Share a Meal • Hunger Generation • UN Envoy on Youth Post• Yet in Climate Change • International Day of Tolerance • #Ichoosetobehuman • They have had a total reach of 2.687.388 people.


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Awareness In

May of 2016 AIESEC together with PVBLIC Foundation, Kinetic and Mekanism set up an outdoor campaign ‘Youth 4 Global Goals taking over Kuala Lumpur’ in Malaysia. During one month there were 2000 banners (including the Kuala Lumpur tower) promoting the SDGs and Youth4GG initiative.

One of these initiatives is the "Youth4GG Through the Lens" which involves Emily Falconer, a teenager from Traverse City, MI, USA. She is involved in AIESEC Global Volunteer projects to create awareness about how a young person can adopt the SDGs and act upon them. The initiative is taking place under the banner of Youth4GG. Through this initiative she will be going to 15 countries, covering 17 SDGs in 12 months. AIESEC in Mainland of China was also successful in creating an extremely engaging awareness campaign. The campaign called “#DimpleChallenge” was launched through the mobile application Weibo (analog of Twitter). The concept required them to draw the SDG number they supported, take a selfie and post it through Weibo. This Campaign has got 10 million impressions. It also got the support of UN mission in China. In the end it was number 5 trending topic and Public Benefit Topic #1 on Weibo.


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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016




Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Understanding We want youth to understand how the Sustainable Development Goals are embedded in their everyday life and the daily choices they make as human beings. We consider that someone understands an SDG when they know at least one target of any SDG and understand how to take relevant action to contribute towards its completion. This is where YouthSpeak Forums fit into the picture. An event which brings together youth, NGOs, corporate representatives and government officials to have conversations and more importantly work towards creating an action plan for pressing issues. This year YouthSpeak Forums were specifically designed to address the Sustainable Development Goals, more so to boast the understanding of the SDGs of not only within the youth but all individuals and entities taking part in them.



During the Forum young people attend keynotes and series of workshops where they understand how they may collaborate with government, NGOs and business representatives to create a greater impact on SDGs.

Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Understanding YouthSpeak Forum As the output, the delegates are required to create or improve projects based on the issues they see the most relevant for them and which are aligned to a specific Sustainable Development Goal target.

In 2016 YouthSpeak Forums: Took place in

+200 locations


+56.000 young people

Were held on

global, regional national & local levels

This year the Global YouthSpeak Forum was held in Poland.

1.100 delegates After the creation of the projects they are pitched to a panel which includes industry leaders, government officials and NGOs, so as to select the most impactful and executable project among them. Afterwards, they become implemented as AIESEC volunteer projects in different countries.

122 countries & territories

2.5 million people reached virtually

It is the largest YouthSpeak Forum hosted by AIESEC every year. The virtual reach generated 144.400 views of the Forum’s live stream on AIESEC Global Facebook page.


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Understanding Global YouthSpeak Forum in a Sneak Peek The Global YouthSpeak Forum was hosted and attended by many big names from various industries to present their opinion and expertise about the world’s current issues.

Jay Shetty Huffington Post

Léon Wijnands ING Bank

Piers Bradford Project Everyone

Chris Morris Asian Development Bank

Shadi Rahimi AJ+

Also representatives of Apple, PwC, DP DHL, TCS, JCI, Teach for All, PVBLIC Foundation, Plan International, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development participated.

AIESEC and UNIDO European YouthSpeak Forum took place during UNIDO’s 50th Anniversary and was held at the UN Vienna Headquarters in November. It gathered around 200 people from 50 countries. During this event AIESEC signed a joint declaration with UNIDO to enhance youth entrepreneurship in Europe.


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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016



Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Action The third and most important phase of Youth4GG is Action. We consider that a person takes action if he/she is actively contributing to SDG through daily actions or projects. This is why, AIESEC aligned all our Global Volunteer projects with the Sustainable Development Goals, so as to provide a platform for youth to directly contribute towards the targets of the SDGs.


In 2016 AIESEC has accomplished having

32.189 young individuals involved in SDG projects globally.


Examples of some of these projects can be found below:

SDG #3 Good Health and Well-Being Hometown Project Asia Pacific, Indonesia

10-16% adults almost all over the world experience the symptoms of kidney disease. In Indonesia, kidney failure is the 4th largest leading cause of death. The habit of consuming water is one way to maintain healthy kidneys.

Through the Hometown project, AIESEC strives to help its members together with international volunteers to care for the healthiness of society in their hometown with activities to raise awareness around the importance of water consumption, kidney health, and a healthy lifestyle. The project engaged

180 international volunteers


local volunteers

It took place in


locations across Indonesia


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Action SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities InteGREAT

SDG #5 Gender Equality Empower

Europe: Belgium, Greece, Finland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland

Middle East And Africa, Egypt

This project is aimed to support Egypt in achieving Gender Equality, which is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goal #5). Gender equality is a must in order to ensure all forms of discrimination against women and girls are eliminated, and ensure equal opportunities. Through these efforts, we aim to spread awareness on the issue within the Egyptian community, as well as support women in overcoming the challenges they face on a daily basis. The project is run in partnership with a local organization that directly contributes to enhancing gender equality in Egypt.

InteGREAT is the project that aims to foster the integration of refugees in European communities. By working together with NGOs and local communities, it mobilizes young volunteers from all over Europe to contribute to the social inclusion and cultural integration of asylum-seekers and refugees. It supports the Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities. Volunteers were facilitating teaching and recreational activities. Also they delivered workshops about the country's social and cultural context, or language classes. The project brought in:

200 international volunteers


8 countries involved

AIESEC in Italy was recognized with the European Charlemagne Prize for realization of this project.



Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Action SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities Somos Project Americas, Mexico “Somos México” project emerged as an idea to address a major problem in the city of Monterrey, which is discrimination. The project goal was to reduce inequalities that indigenous women suffered and to achieve this, they were going to run workshops on entrepreneurship, global culture and human rights. The final goal at the end of the project was to have a final presentation in front of investors for indigenous women to receive financial support or became partner of one of them for the goods they make. This project is about supporting Mexico in achieving reduced inequalities, which is one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (Goal #10).

PwC Global Volunteer Fund In 2016 PwC has created the “Global Volunteer Fund” to enable cross-cultural volunteer experiences in AIESEC projects for 10 students to work on various issues to pioneer a cross-sector collaboration for the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Stephany Bezerra, Brazil Tolerance in Action project – prepare sessions with NGOs which are working with people who have suffered from discrimination. Volunteer in Bulgaria

Melissa Ungco, Indonesia Help kindergarten kids develop cultural understanding and respect towards differences through interactive activities and games. Volunteer in Greece

Angel Duran, Venezuela Cooperate in inspections and assessments in the hotel and restaurant sector, working with water and energy parameters and developing care strategies. Volunteer in Argentina




Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

- PwC Global Volunteer Fund Mariana Silva, Portugal

Gurin Pal Singh, India

Ramadan Project - donating water to those who are fasting, helping in arranging public events, distributing clothes to the needy and taking orphans on trips. Volunteer in Jordan

Organise community programs for the refugees, such as outdoor activities, language courses and others. Volunteer in Hungary

Chiara Gianola, Italy

Rareș Man, Romania

Work to educate kids and students about nutrition and cultural understanding, reducing school dropouts (both primary and secondary school). Volunteer in Argentina

Inform and educate about the SDGs among young people and conduct a Market Research about pressing issues for youth in the city. Volunteer in Morocco

Marc Chamarro, Spain Help with the daily activities of a school for kids in vulnerable situations and prepare lessons to show the importance of entrepreneurship. Volunteer in Colombia

Michael Jalkio, USA Provide basic education and empower young people to develop open source software and hardware. Volunteer in Peru

Ariza Francisco, Australia Manage marketing, fundraising and education activities of the “Pro Niños de la Calle” foundation for reduced inequalities. Volunteer in Mexico

The project allowed me to work towards something that is perhaps one of the most important reasons for waking up in the morning everyday, which is the willingness to achieve SDG 4 – Quality Education. The little I’ve done in a country with an educational system, I first didn’t know anything about, makes me understand that it only takes will and time to make real impact possible and I am motivated to invest both of them even more to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Rares Man Global Volunteer Fund Participant


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Throughout 2016 we have been able to engage with multiple organization to mobilize young people to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The partnerships look to strengthen youth participation on the 2030 Sustainable Agenda, by enabling young people to experience and create a better world through projects that address the Sustainable Development Goals. The “Leave no one behind� concept, is a call for AIESEC to activate every young person and mobilize them to take part in this better future that the world is envisioning. This is our call and Youth for Global Goals is our response! Asian Development Bank The partnership aims to mobilize 10,000 young people to advance the Sustainable Development Goals through social projects across Asia Pacific. Together with ADB, AIESEC is running the research to identify the tangible impact youth can make on the SDGs. In December 2015 ADB supported AIESEC Youth Action Summit, happening in the UN Headquarters in New York. AIESEC is working on bringing a youth component to the ADB projects.

Electrolux Electrolux was involved in developing a Sustainability initiative together with AIESEC, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals through their strategy "For the better". Electrolux has established a fund to support projects aiming to advance SDG #2 Zero Hunger and SDG #12 Responsible Consumption and Production. The company engages AIESEC volunteers into created projects. Currently there are two running projects in Singapore and Brazil, as well as approved projects in Sweden and Poland. As well as ADB, Electrolux has supported Youth Action Summit where they shared their knowledge about sustainability with leaders from 100 countries and territories.

Unilever Unilever, being an advocate of sustainable development, partnered with AIESEC to create and run a social media campaign to raise awareness about the Goal 2 Zero Hunger. The campaign was held on the World Food Day.



Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Plan International Being a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls, AIESEC and Plan International decided to collaborate on the project advancing SDG #5 Gender Equality. Plan International also took part in the Global YouthSpeak Forum.

Project Everyone Together with Project Everyone, AIESEC aims to spread awareness about the SDGs. Thus we are engaging our membership to teach the World Largest Lesson and provided Project Everyone a platform to speak about their work at 2016 Global YouthSpeak Forum. Currently we are co-creating ambitious plans for how to deepen this relationship over the coming years.

PVBLIC Foundation PVBLIC supports AIESEC in raising awareness in young people around the Sustainable Development Goals. PVBLIC set up an outdoor campaign in Kuala Lumpur with 2000 banners promoting the SDGs and Youth4GG initiative. Being a non-profit media organization, PVBLIC has been providing media support for the Youth Action Summit and other SDG-related initiatives, as well as spaces at their Digital Media Zone at the biggest events of the development sector.

PwC In 2016 PwC upscaled their Global Volunteer Fund to the global level, providing an opportunity for 20 participants from over 10 countries (10 of them were part of the German Global Volunteer Fund) to volunteer in the SDG-related projects. In total 20 projects were supported all over the world. Through these projects over 600 young people have interacted with the volunteers through language classes and NGO development activities. Additionally, PwC also supported the Youth Action Summit and Global YouthSpeak Forum.

UN Habitat The partnership aims to raise awareness in young people on the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically on Goal 11, Sustainable cities and Communities.. AIESEC collaborating with UN Habitat on the #UrbanAction campaign which aims to create youth projects in the urban context. AIESEC has presented #UrbanAction and Youth 4 Global Goals at Habitat 3, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development.


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Partnerships UN Volunteers

AIESEC and UNV partnership aims to engage 11.000 young women and men through direct awareness raising in the 11 targeted countries in East and West Africa on the importance of achieving the SDGs through volunteerism and the establishment of SDG Partnership Platforms. The plan for collaboration is to implement one community based project in each targeted countries, contributing to the achievement of one of the identified SDGs (3, 4, 8 and 9) through young volunteers.

UNIDO UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The partnership started in late 2016 and aims to create a youth strategy for UNIDO, promote SDG #9 and youth entrepreneurship in Europe.

Testimonials from our partners Eloise Haylor

“ “

Project Manager World’s Largest Lesson, Project Everyone Project Everyone’s mission is focused on awareness of the SDG agenda – with the belief that this awareness raising will ultimately lead to the implementation of the Goals. AIESEC’s focus on bringing the Goals to life for a young generation is absolutely key, and Youth 4 Global Goals can become a really powerful movement. Young people are powerful changemakers - they have the creativity, determination and optimism to drive momentum and action behind the Goals, and make them a success.

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova

Co-Founder & Chairman, PVBLIC Foundation We today use media and advertising to influence people and everything they do. We believe that this power of influence could also be utilized to connect people at a level of consciousness that engages them to affect change, to do good and care about building a better tomorrow, today. That's why we think it is important to support initiatives such as Youth 4 Global Goals. Youth are the leaders of now and are creating the future for themselves and their grandchildren, therefore youth always will be the most important influencers of any times to affect and make change. Always.

Douglas Ragan Chief, Youth and Livelihoods, UN-Habitat AIESEC has been a tremendous partner to us in promoting the SDGs and engaging young people into action, particularly in urban context. AIESEC's wide outreach and representation in over 120 countries made it easier for us to disseminate information about the SDGs as well as UN-HABITAT's work to wider youth network. We at UN-HABITAT have been working on youth issues for decades, helping to bring out the voices of marginalized young people and engage them in various political processes. Partnership with AIESEC makes our efforts easier and more efficient.


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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Plan for 2017


Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Plan for 2017 February

Youth4GG Day

March - April - May

MDBs Annual Meetings

Youth4GG Day 13th February, 2017 Venlo, The Netherlands


Global YouthSpeak Forum



International Youth Day

Youth4GG at UNGA


• 250 young people • 120+ countries and territories • 20 partners Objective: Create the Young Person's Guide to Saving the World, a list of daily actions per SDG for youth. It will be published on, as well as spread to various youth networks and partner organizations.

MDBs Annual Meetings IaDB: Paraguay (30 Mar-2 Apr) ADB: Yokohama, Japan (3-7 May) AfDB: Accra, Ghana (24-28 May) EBRD: Cyprus (TBD)

Presence at the Annual Meetings of 4 major development banks as representatives of youth and its contribution to the SDGs.

Global YouthSpeak Forum 12th July, 2017 Cartagena, Colombia

• 1000 young people • 120+ countries and territories • The world largest SDG young activists forum • AIESEC volunteers will run SDG activations in 100+ countries

Objective: Showcase the impact young people make on SDG achievement in different regions. Launch the Youth4GG Fund which aims to support youth action on SDGs.

Objective: Deliver World’s Largest Lesson (lessons about the SDGs) amongst with Delegates in Colombia & volunteers around the world. *The Future We Want, outcome document of Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016


Plan for 2017 March - April - May


Youth4GG Day

MDBs Annual Meetings


Global YouthSpeak Forum



International Youth Day

Youth4GG at UNGA

Youth Day 12th August Global Campaign

Working with influencers, media and organizations to promote youth action on SDGs.

Youth4GG at UNGA September, 2017 UN Headquarters New York, USA

AIESEC and partner organizations run an event during UN General Assembly to promote youth participation in 2030 Agenda.

Objective: Gather 1 million pledges for the SDG action and showcase the importance of young people in the 2030 Agenda with the campaign.

Objective: Deliver 1 million pledges of people ready to act for SDGs, showcase youth impact on the SDGs and promote the Youth4GG Fund.

We will continue striving to create awareness, understanding and action towards SDGs, so future events and campaigns are coming soon.

*The Future We Want, outcome document of Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Youth For Global Goals Team

Federico Restrepo

Alonso Salazar

Tanya Landysheva

Larissa Demel

Youth for Global Goals Manager


Public Relations

Measure of Impact Project

AIESEC International

AIESEC International

AIESEC International

AIESEC International

Diego Tibamoso

Anna Otalora

Mei Kok

YouthSpeak Forum Manager

ADB Partnership Manager

AIESEC International

AIESEC International

Mariana Silva

Zahin Hussain

Partnership Manager


Asia Pacific Partnerships

Youth4GG for AP

Youth4GG for AP

Youth4GG for AP


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Youth 4 Global Goals Annual Report | 2016

Special thanks to all our members, volunteers & partners around the globe that made this possible. AIESEC International


2016 Annual Report Youth 4 Global Goals

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