Invezt Sri Lanka - Concept Sheet

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Sri Lanka 2020 Asia's No . 1 Financial Hub

Why this “Invezt Sri Lanka”?

"C A P I T A L" We need FDIs !!!

Invezt Sri Lanka Concept Sheet

Growth No. of Broker Companies Vs No. of Listed Companies

Big Trading Houses Vs Foreign Individual Investors

What is the impact of Random Road Shows?

Is there any Cost

Fast Forward the

Effective Alternative ???

which can

current Pace?

And to take CSE out of current

Vicious Cycle !!!

AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Our Dream

Gov. Securities

Target Market

Key Focus Areas

Listed Equity


Listed Debt Private Equity





Unlimited Potential!










Fund Managers

Broker Houses

Investment Banks

Commercial Banks

Finance Companies

Insurance Companies

BOI Companies




Fast Forward Sri Lanka

Step Forward Sri Lanka

Global Investment Promo Event Series

• Via Global Internship Program of AIESEC • Undergraduates & recent graduates from different foreign countries • with academic & corporate exposure in marketing, investment management & securities analysis • for a comprehensive Job Description • For Min 6 weeks to max. 18 months • Going back as Ambassadors of Sri Lankan Investments

• Via Global Community Development Program of AIESEC • Duration : 6 Weeks-8 Weeks • 30 Selected Companies • 2 Interns per Company • Intern can select the industry they want get hands on experience in… • Companies can select the counties according to their preferences… • Going back as Ambassadors of Sri Lankan Investments

• Carefully filtered Team of 6-8 AIESECers coming to SL from each country • Getting hands on experience in different sectors related to Investments • Duration : 6 weeks • Coordinating with the fund managers & HNIs of their respective countries • Going back to their counties & organize "Invezt Sri Lanka" Investment Promo Conference • Even in Developed Countries such as France, UK, Germany and… • Singapore, Turkey, Dubai, Egypt, Hong Kong

Colombo Investor Summit • 3-4 Day Conference • Learning, Networking & Investment Opportunities • Marketing Team > Foreign Interns from AIESEC

Global Investor Tour • Just after that Conference • Facilitating Prospective Investors to have an idea about strategically important locations in SL

Sri Lanka 2020 Documentary Series • To Interview CEOs of 30 leading listed companies • Core Theme : "How do I see my company in next 5-10 years" • Project Output will be a Corporate Website, Online Video Library & DVD Series • Core Team Consists of International Students with Web Developing, Graphic Designing, Photography, Cinematography, Video Editing, Content Writing Backgrounds…

Sachith Sumanathilake Vice President : Business Development AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura


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