CCommunity ommunity
PPartners artners
To Remember To Remember
November has a lot of meaning to November has a lot of meaning to everyone in our LC. So, to make the everyone in our LC. So, to make the memories stay memorable, here will memories stay memorable, here will be presented some of our be presented some of our highlighted moment in AIESEC in highlighted moment in AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya. Universitas Brawijaya.
External Relations External Relations
In this month, External Relation Departement has successfuly In this month, External Relation Departement has successfuly to hold another series of Youthentic One Door Event, which is to hold another series of Youthentic One Door Event, which is Study Abroad workshop, and the first offline event, which is Study Abroad workshop, and the first offline event, which is the Offline Talkshow, and also annouce the winner of #YOLO the Offline Talkshow, and also annouce the winner of #YOLO Business Case Competition Business Case Competition
Outgoing Global Talent Outgoing Global Talent
Who's wants to experience the journey of becoming the global Who's wants to experience the journey of becoming the global teacher, and having the priviledge to be able to do an teacher, and having the priviledge to be able to do an internship outside? Well, if yes, let's not hesitate and go internship outside? Well, if yes, let's not hesitate and go abroad with Outgoing Global Talent! abroad with Outgoing Global Talent!
Local Project Local Project
Local Project is back to town! Bringing the fresh and Local Project is back to town! Bringing the fresh and insightful volunteer action, Eduphoria will be the right insightful volunteer action, Eduphoria will be the right activity for everyone to fill up their holidays! So, let's not activity for everyone to fill up their holidays! So, let's not waste the time and sign yourself for the most insightful waste the time and sign yourself for the most insightful holidays ever! holidays ever!
For remembering this November together! For remembering this November together!
Although November will pass, the adventure Although November will pass, the adventure won't stop there. There are still many exciting won't stop there. There are still many exciting event in Desember! event in Desember!