AIESEC in Oman
Member Committee President 2012-13 Application Package Contents 2
Application Overview An overview and checklist of the MCP application package
Oman 2012 A Year of Spurted Growth
MCP Job Description All the details you need to know about the job of the President
Job Specifics
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams
The perks and requirements
Application Details Detailed information about the application package and process
Key Resources & Contact Info Appendix A: The Application Questionnaire
If, like in the words of John Quincy Adams, you feel like you have bigger dreams for AIESEC in Oman, that you can do more and become more through AIESEC in Oman—then this application is for you. The journey of being an MCP is an exciting one that many take every year, but that only a few have taken in Oman. Inevitably though, it always starts here; A few pages where you pen your thoughts and collect your ambitions into a focused direction. If you’re ready to grow and to grow AIESEC in Oman, then get ready for an experience of a lifetime. AIESEC in Oman is waiting for you…
v 0.1
Application Components
Overview Please ensure to read the application package in full and to ask any
Summary Profile Page
Application Questionnaire
Motivation Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Endorsement Letters (4)
Candidate Video
questions you may have in advance of the deadlines. When finished, your application documents should be complied in PDF format, and placed together in a zip file entitled
Important Dates
Applications Open December 2, 2011
FirstnameLastname_MCP_Oman_A Applications should be sent to and Late applications will NOT be accepted.
Written Application December 20, 2011 at 19:59 GMT
Video Component December 21, 2011 at 19:59 GMT
Online Q&A Forum December 22-26, 2011
All-Candidates Dinner December 28, 2011 (evening)
Elections Day December 29, 2011
First Day at Work June 1, 2012
2 AIESEC in Oman | MCP Application 2012-13
Assistance Program at the M for almost two years now, an her personal character and h
2 1
Oman 2012
Since the day our organizatio and has progressively been skills and continued motivatio Carleton last September with exchange programs. During worker who put an impressiv
A Year of Spurted Growth
2011 has proven to be a pivotal year of change for AIESEC in Oman. So what has happened in this year to date? We have almost doubled the number of LCs
I have found that Seulmi is th does, identifying gaps in stru and approaches to specific p has had a powerful impact on evaluations of her performan a global organization that sp cooperation, I can safely say people of all sorts of backgro professionally and personall for a completely new and cha with new cultures is a charac the future of AIESEC in Oman. But refugees. although it feels like my team started
My inonly reservation with Seu on just yesterday, AIESEC it is
effectiveness. Unde precisely whenpersonal you grow comfortable unforeseen personal crisis th that it’s time to go.
uncompleted work. Apart fro spotless andupon the quality of he I extend my sincerest wishes all
and are looking into further potential
the hopeful candidates in this exciting
expansions to Nizwa. We have
race. I truly look forward to hearing
stabilized the finances and financial procedures and are on course of generating surplus and paying off our current debts. We are expanding the size of the advisory board. We have increased our membership numbers to triple digit numbers. And of course, we have nearly matched last year’s exchange figures within the first half of
Given what I know about Seu materials and do an exceptio everyone’s ideas and wait in for your refugee refugee cas anticipation to the moment when I’ll be have never observed her in a standing next to my successor in a a lot of pol program requires month’s time!
On the whole, I would descri committed to results. Workin accord her due consideration
Sincerely yours,
the term. Suffice to say, things are stacking up nicely for this little country in the Gulf. The MCP of the 2012-13 year will have the benefit of finding AIESEC in Oman on stable ground—ready to
Rafael Pilliard Hellwig, Rafael Pilliard Hellwig, Local Committee President, President 11/12, AIESEC in Oman AIESEC Carleton!
build the organization to even greater heights and focus attentively on increasing program results. If 2011-12 was a year of change and foundation laying, 2012-13 will no doubt be a year of spurted growth.
AIESEC Carleton | 924 Dunton Office: +1 613.520.2600
Releasing these applications today, I can feel nothing but genuine excitement for what has yet to come in the following year. I take comfort in the membership’s ability to build on this year’s achievements and know that I can breath a sigh of relief regarding
Job Description for the Member Committee President As Member Committee President (MCP) you will have four principal responsibilities: 1.
MCP Job Description Previous MCPs of AIESEC in Oman As an applicant in the 2012-13 presidential race, you are seeking to join the ranks of the following th individuals as the 4 MCP of AIESEC in Oman:
Provide leadership and guidance to AIESECʼs stakeholders including the national executive team, the Local Committees (LC) and the members at large in achieving AIESEC Omanʼs mission and long term strategic direction Manage your team and the operations of AIESEC in Oman; Oversee and drive the financial health and integrity of AIESEC in Oman; and Represent AIESEC in Oman externally and internationally in your capacity as leader of the organization in Oman.
2. 3. 4.
Accountable to the membership, the Board of Advisors, and the shareholders, you will be expected to ensure the LCs, as key stakeholders, are apprised of the performance of the national operation and its on-going health and success. In addition, you will report directly to the Board of Advisors on all matters related to the operation and organization in Oman. The mandate includes stewardship of AIESECʼs long-term strategy, coaching Vice Presidents on the leadership team, and administrative and management duties typically associated with running a national organization.
As MCP, your core priorities will be:
Rafael Pilliard Hellwig President 2011-12
Priority 1 – Leadership and Guidance Activities o o o
Anjali Thakrar President 2010-11
o o o
Develop and execute a 12 month operational business plan aligned with AIESEC Omanʼs long-term strategic direction Oversee an operational budget upwards of OMR 40,000 Manage and support (including formal evaluations and feedback) all team members in the national office Manage and fully participate in team meetings and retreats Coach and mentor LCPs Develop session content for and facilitate at conferences
Priority 2 – Management Activities
Ekaterina Khaletskaya President 2009-10
o o o o o o o o o o o
Contribute to and implement long-term strategy with the Board of Advisors Oversee the long-term financial and organizational health of AIESEC in Oman Report and communicate with the Board on a regular basis Prospect, cultivate and recruit future Board members Sign contracts and agreements Review and make financial decisions Manage MC transition Oversee MCP election and MCVP selection processes Manage the National Support Team Structure Develop and apply office policies and procedures Ensure that AIESEC in Oman is meeting all of the necessary legal requirements in Oman to operate (employee registration, visas, bank accounts, documentation, etc.)
Priority 3 – Representational Activities o o o o o o o o o o
Act as a spokesperson for AIESEC in Oman Recruit and communicate with members of the National Partnerʼs Group Support Vice Presidents of External Relations in servicing national partnerships Attend and leverage networking opportunities Communicate with AIESEC International Submit global membership criteria Contribute to international discussions and governing policy at international legislative meetings Gain understanding of and apply international strategy Leverage Omani good case practices internationally and apply international good case practices in Oman Educate and inform AIESEC in Omanʼs stakeholders as to international strategies and developments
4 AIESEC in Oman | MCP Application 2012-13
Job Specifics of the Member Committee President st
Term: Transition begins on 1 June 2012, and official term spans from 1 th July 2012 to 30 June 2013. It is expected that the entire outgoing MC team stay in Oman for ASPIRE conference in early July 2013.
National Office: House 226, Ezdehar Street, Mawalleh, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman (please note the AIESEC office will likely change location soon)
Job Specifics
Mandated conference attendance As the leader of AIESEC in Oman, the MCP is responsible for attending various conferences and meetings throughout the year. These include: o o o o o o o
International Presidentsʼ Meeting (February 2012 and 2013), Budapest, Hungary, and Serbia. ASPIRE National Conference (July 2012 and 2013), Muscat, Oman MENA MCPsʼ Summit (October 2012, tentative), Rotterdam, The Netherlands National Presidentsʼ Meeting (August and December 2012), Oman International Congress (August/September 2012), Moscow, Russia Gulf Conference (September/November 2012), TBD Winter Conference (January/February 2012), TBD
The MCP may need to attend additional conferences and seminars throughout the year such as National Leadership Development Seminar and Kickstart.
MC Structure 2011-12 The current MC is composed of one MCP and three MCVPs. The structure for the 2012-13 year is expected to stay identical, though this will be up for discussion between the elect and incumbent MCPs. A fourth MCVP may be added to the team in 2012-13, budget allowing.
MCP Rafael
Compensation and Benefits Base Salary: The monthly gross salary for full-time AIESEC in Oman 2012-2013 MC members will be OMR 200.00 (approx. 500 USD). At the time of writing, no personal income tax is payable upon this amount and the current salary level is sufficient to live comfortably in Oman.
MCVP Exchange Katya
MCVP Talent Mgmt & LC Dev. Jamie
MCVP External Relations Antonio
Travel Expenses: Up to OMR 100 in moving expenses to and from Muscat is covered (with current MCP approval, budget allowing). Travel for purposes of AIESEC Oman is covered (including international conferences), and a per diem is provided for each business day out of the office, though personal travel is not. Additional Benefits: Members of the AIESEC in Oman Member Committee are entitled to accommodation at the MC Villa free of cost. Furthermore, transportation (car rental, gas, taxi) and phone expenses are covered through the MC budget. Days-out-of-Office: Supplementary to the (generous) statutory holidays of the Sultanate of Oman when the office shall be closed, all MC members are entitled to 15 vacation days during their term (specific dates to be authorized by the MCP). Furthermore, each MC member is entitled to 5 professional development days during his or her term, which may be applied to opportunities such as facilitating international conferences. The MCP if needed may grant a maximum of 5 bereavement days to national staff. Legal & Other Costs: Visa expenses with the Omani government, including residency and driverʼs license fees, shall be covered by AIESEC in Oman for the duration of their work with the organization. However, successful candidates are responsible for finding their own travel and health insurance for the duration of their stay. 5
Details for Member Committee President
Candidates are required to submit/participate in all components of the application listed below, unless otherwise stated. You will receive confirmation of receipt of your application as soon as it has been received. Any questions on the election process can be directed to Rafael Pilliard Hellwig at Maximum Length
Important Notes
WRITTEN COMPONENT DUE December 20th 2011,19:59 GMT send zipped file to and A creative 1-page summary of who you are as a candidate and what you stand for. Must include personal results of the Belbin test (found here) and 1 page PDF A. Summary Profile Page your 360 Degree Evaluation (found here). Feel free to include pictures!
12 pages
Candidates must answer ALL questions unless otherwise instructed. A title page should NOT be included. See Appendix A for questions. Incomplete applications may result in disqualification.
C. Motivation Letter
1 page
A letter of intent, addressed to the stakeholders of AIESEC in Oman, expressing your motivations for running for the presidency.
D. Curriculum Vitae
1 page
Please include your CV with details of your professional experience outside of AIESEC. CVs longer than 1 page may result in disqualification.
E1. First Endorsement Letter
<not defined>
This letter should come from the MC of your original AIESEC entity
E2. Second Endorsement Letter
<not defined>
This letter should come from a member in another AIESEC entity
E3. Third Endorsement Letter
<not defined>
This letter should come from a colleague within AIESEC
E4. Fourth Endorsement Letter
<not defined>
This letter should come from an external person or entity (college, previous employer, professor, etc.)
B. Application Questionnaire
NB: No two endorsement letters may be accepted from the same individual. The entire application should be in Arial 12 font, and creativity and professionalism are encouraged. All PDF files should be zipped into a single file entitled FirstnameLastname_MCP_Oman_Application, where you replace “Firstname” and “Lastname” with your first name and last name respectively. Your zipped file should be emailed to th and and received before 19:59 GMT on December 20 , 2011. Late applications and applications exceeding the maximum length with NOT be accepted. You are advised to send your application in advance of the deadline—we cannot be held responsible for rejected applications due to slow internet speed.
Maximum Length
Important Notes
VIDEO COMPONENT DUE December 21 , 2011, 19:59 GMT send to and and upload to youtube F. Candidate Video
avi, mpeg, mov, or wmv
5 minutes
This video should introduce who you are in a fun and creative way.
NB: Please email your video file entitled FirstnameLastname_MCP_Oman_Application_Video to and st such that it is received before 19:59 GMT on December 21 , 2011. Late applications and applications exceeding the maximum length with NOT be accepted. Please upload your video publicly to and send the URL link to the above email addresses as a precautionary measure. You are advised to send your application in advance of the deadline—we cannot be held responsible for rejected applications due to slow internet speed. Start Date
Q&A COMPONENT From December 22
End Date
to 26 , 2011 Online forum
Online Questions and Answers Forum
Important Notes
(details to be announced later)
Members will have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates in advance of Elections Day. Candidates are expected to participate and answer in a timely fashion.
Important Notes
ELECTIONS From the evening of December 28th to the 29th, 2011 All-Candidates Dinner (optional)
28-DEC, evening
Noodle House Restaurant
Elections Day & Announcement
29-DEC, all day
Omantel Building (tentative)
An opportunity to have dinner with the Board members and shareholders of AIESEC in Oman. Election day will include multiple speeches, a multistakeholder panel interview, a candidate’s debate, and roundtable discussions with each LC. Further details will be sent to candidates upon submission of their application.
NB: Physical attendance on Election Day is mandatory as the stability and availability of online communication tools cannot be guaranteed. International candidates are strongly advised NOT to purchase flight tickets to Oman until they have received confirmation of successfully nd having submitted their full application on the 22 of December.
6 AIESEC in Oman | MCP Application 2012-13
AIESEC Oman Member Committee 2011-12: From Left to right: Jamie, Antonio, Rafael, Katya
Contact Information & Key Resources Contact Information of the National Leadership Body Candidates are highly advised to contact the members of the national leadership body (see right column) during the application process to familiarize themselves with the reality of AIESEC in Oman and ask any questions they may have. Individuals may be contacted via email by clicking on their name. Candidates are kindly requested not to contact Board members regarding their application, and to keep all communication free of references to other candidates and their platform. Applicants familiarize themselves with the Elections Ethics Officer, Ms. Walaa Hamdan, an AIESEC Alumnus who will oversee the entire election process for fairness and equity. She may be contacted at any point in time at and her role as whistleblower is to draw attention to any concerns that may arise with the process.
National Staff Mr. Rafael Pilliard Hellwig President
Ms. Jamie Wernet National Vice President, Talent Management & LC Development
Mr. Antonio Lobo National Vice President, External Relations
Ms. Ekaterina Donina National Vice President, Exchange Program
National Support Staff Ms. Gunjan Kak NST Director for Talent Management
Mr. Hala Jamal NST Director for Exchange
Key Resources for the Application Process In the course of filling out your application, you will likely need to do some research on the reality of AIESEC in Oman and dig through several important documents which will give you insight into key information about AIESEC in Oman. These are: • • •
The 2011-12 Business Plan, accessible here. The Compendium of AIESEC in Oman, accessible here Financial Statements of the 2011-12 year (balance sheet, income statement, budget, etc.). Q1 statements are accessible here, and more recent financial statements can be acquired by email request to the current MCP (Rafael). The Q1 Progress Report, accessible here.
Local Committee Staff Ms. Aisha Al-Bulushi Local Committee President, AIESEC Bousher
Mr. Abdualaziz Haddad Local Committee President, AIESEC Downtown
Mr. Fayas Fazil Local Committee President, AIESEC Waha
Mr. Samir Khan Expansion Coordinator, AIESEC Sohar
Mr. Jihad Bilal Expansion Coordinator, AIESEC Caledonian
1 2
Application Questionnaire Part A: Personal Information Ø Name Ø Age Ø Nationality Ø Email Address Ø Telephone / GSM Ø College Information (Date of graduation, concentration, university attended) Ø Original AIESEC MC and LC Ø Date of joining AIESEC Ø Driver’s License (Y/N) Ø Languages spoken (under AIESEC criteria) General & AIESEC Experience 1. Please provide all details of your highest academic level achieved and professional experience outside of AIESEC. 2. Please list all roles you have held in AIESEC. For each role, please list responsibilities and measurable results. 3. Please list all relevant AIESEC conferences you have attended. Include the role you played in each conference (OC, faci, chair, etc.), in which country the conference was held, and the date (month/year) of the conference.
Appendix A
Application Questionnaire Part B:
MCP Questions 8. Why are you standing for the role of MCP (Oman)? 9. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now (Occupation, contribution to society, financial condition, country of residence, family, etc.) and how do you think a term as MCP will contribute to your future? 10. Describe one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses in team management and provide a specific example on how you have demonstrated this strength and weakness. How will each this impact your leadership as MCP? 11. What do you think will be your biggest challenge as MCP of AIESEC Oman and what will you do to overcome it? 12. During your term, what role would you like to see AIESEC in Oman playing within the MENA region and international network? How will your team get the organization to that point? 13. Please describe your AIESEC and non-AIESEC fundraising and external relations experience: Activity Type
Team or individua l effort?
Attendance at external networking events TN Marketing calls Company servicing calls Cash Fundraising In-kind Fundraising Alumni Fundraising Recruited a BoA members or Champions/Supporters External Representation (i.e. Public Speaking)
8 AIESEC in Oman | MCP Application 2012-13
AIESEC in Oman Questions 14. Please outline the main strengths/weaknesses/ opportunities/threats of AIESEC in Oman. 15. Identify 3 key trends that are shaping Oman as a whole and explain how they are influencing AIESEC’s contribution, structures and processes. How will you ensure that LCs are able to capitalize on the opportunities from these trends, or mitigate their risks in order to be successful in 2012-2013? 16. Describe AIESEC in Oman’s current financial situation and what you will do about it as MCP. 17. Please evaluate AIESEC in Oman in each of these organizational pillars and point out improvements that can be made: • Sending People Abroad (OGX); • Bringing People In (ICX); • Renewing the Membership (TM); and •
Managing the Business of AIESEC (F & LC Mgmt)
18. What should be the three main national focus areas for AIESEC Oman in 2012-2013? Please include what initiatives you propose for each and what results you would like to see from each by the end of your term. 19. The MCP role has many important responsibilities. From the list below, please identify your TOP 3 priorities and explain your rationale for each. Please do not delete the other 3 options from your application. • • • • • •
Coordination of the LCP network External Representation Team Management Setting Strategic Direction Financial Management and Decision Making Board Management