MCVP 16 17_AIESEC in Rwanda_application questionnaire

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In Rwanda




MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

Application Package Instructions Application rules. I.

None of the MC roles is a virtual role.


The position highlighted in the Informative booklet are all open to locals and

internationals except the Finance & Legal Administration. III. Any AIESECer who is motivated, brave enough to take a bold step of changing her/himself and his/her surrounding can apply, IV. Candidates can apply for more than one position. V. AIESEC in Rwanda National Committee 15.16 has the right to disqualify a candidate with no appearance. VI. All AIESEC in Rwanda LCs and SUs will participate in the election process. VII. All candidate are expected to be creative, to show commitment and demonstrate integrity while applying to any of the positions. VIII.Not following the guidelines provided in the present Application package might led to

an automatic disqualification.

MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

Application Package Instructions Application Package. Your application must consist of the following in a separate PDF file: 1. Executive Summary: A one-page summary of your entire application 2. Recent Resume or CV (Max. 1 page) 3. Answer to general and MC Role questions (max 5 pages with minimum font size of 10). 4. Answer to specific questionnaire (max 3 pages with minimum font size of 10). If you are applying to more positions, the general & MC Role question(max 5 pages) remains, while a specific questionnaire of 3 pages each for each position must be submitted. 5. Endorsement letters (Min 5): All letters must be signed and with contact details (phone and email).  A letter from someone who is or has been your leader;  A letter from someone whom you are in the same team with;  A letter from someone who is or has worked under your leadership;  A letter from an AIESECer who is not from your country;  A letter from your MC or current entity.

MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

Application Package Instructions (Cnt’d)

6. A link to application video (Max. 4 minutes) The video should contain information about yourself, your AIESEC experiences and your motivation to stand out as candidate. 7. Complete the Team Building and Personality Test attached to the package and send the results got with your package: i. For Belbin Test save the Excel doc with your results ii. For MBTI Test Make an excel sheet for preparation of your results and copy your out-put in Word doc and send both docs.

MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

Your application must be zipped with the title:

“MCVP1617_Application_Position_YourName”. e.g. MCVP1617_Application_MCVPiGCDP_RaoulrogerNSHUTI.

Please submit your application as email attachment to and cc &

Application deadline: 12TH of March 2016, 23:59 GMT +2. Late submission and/or incomplete application will not be considered. Confirmation of application will be sent within 24 hours after your submission. MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

SECTION 1: Personal Brief introduction. No 1.

Full Names:


Birth Date:




AIESEC E-mail Address:


Personal E-mail Address:


Phone Number:


Skype ID:


Academic Background:


Year of Graduation ( or Anticipated):


Current AIESEC Position (Entity/LC):


Position Applying for:


Personal of Emergency Contact & Relationship:


MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

SECTION 1.2 : General Questions 1. What are the three personal values you uphold and why? How does this reflected in your daily life and decision making process? 2. What is driving you to continue in AIESEC? Why have you decided to stand for MC of AIESEC in Rwanda? What do you want to take out of this experience? 3. Please list your top 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses with practical examples for each (describe the context, action and the result). How will these help/challenge you in your

term? 4. (International applicants only) Describe your understanding towards the Rwandan culture. What makes you suitable to be the next MC of AIESEC in Rwanda ? 5. Please describe your leadership style and illustrate it with a real situation on which you had to lead others, highlight your role and the results of your team. 6. What is your biggest achievement and biggest failure in AIESEC? What have you learned from that?

MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

SECTION 2 : MC Role General Questions 1. Identify Two key global/national trends that are shaping Rwandan society and explain in a few words how those trends are influencing AIESEC’s Growth in

General. 2. Assuming you have been selected for the position you’re applying for, share how your weekly calendar would look like in your respective portfolio. Consider the normal working hours (8Hrs/Day), MC Meetings, Weekly touch point with your coaching LC. 3. How would you lead your LCVPs & SUVPs in the first Semester of your term to maximize everyone’s performance, as well as personal development while adapting to the working pattern of AIESEC in Rwanda ? MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda


1. Make a brief analysis of the Talent Management in AIESEC in Rwanda. 2. Analyze the current LC structures and explain what you would keep, what you would change and why? 3. What is the Link between Productivity, Number of Members and engagement of Members ? What kind of activities would you recommend in the LCs to ensure that members are living a quality AIESEC experience and Building their capacity as well as for the organization. 4. If you could tackle only 1 bottleneck in TM during your term, which one would it be and how would you tackle it? 5. What according to you are the main challenges AIESEC in Rwanda is facing regarding leadership pipeline and what are the underlying reasons for these? MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda


1. Make a brief analysis of the GVP in AIESEC in Rwanda. 2. What is going to be your main strategy to ensure a financial stability of

GVP in AIESEC in Rwanda (3 main strategy) ? 3. What is your ONE strategy for the implementation of standards and satisfaction in the entity? How will you track LCs to fulfil the 16 standards and ensure interns satisfaction and leadership development? 4. What needs to be done to ensure that AIESEC in Rwanda keeps its growth in GVP and its linkage to SDG’s ? 5. Highlight the 5 key things that you would like to see at the end of your term in June 2017 as MCVP GVP.

MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

SECTION 3 : Specific Questions (Cnt’d) Out Going Exchange and Expansion.

1. Make a brief analysis of the OGX and Expansion in AIESEC in Rwanda. 2. What is the relevance of OGX in Rwanda? What is the unique value

preposition that this product can offer to the Rwandan society ? 3. What key strategies will you implement to drive OGX at SU levels in Rwanda. 4. What is going to be your strategies towards the expansion framework in

AIESEC in Rwanda while ensuring the sustainability growth of newly expanded entities ? 5. What do you want to see changed in OGX and Expansion portfolio at the

end of your term in June 2017 ? MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

SECTION 3 : Specific Questions (Cnt’d) Marketing and Business Development

1. Make a brief analysis with an emphasize on the potentials of Marketing and Business Development in AIESEC in Rwanda.

2. How are you going to focus on Digital Marketing to drive the entity programs (Be specific on Tools and platforms and their clear contribution). 3. Describe how AIESEC in Rwanda will position itself externally during your

term? What strategic partnerships will you pursue during your term? 4. What is going to be your strategies towards AIESEC in Rwanda Impact Showcase to our stakeholder and attraction of new partners ?

5. What do you want to see changed at the end of your term in June 2017 ? MCVP Application 16.17; AIESEC in Rwanda

All the best of luck !!! Amahirwe masa !!! Bon courage !!!

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