On Thursday November 5, 2009, AIESEC SFU and AIESEC UBC cohosted their largest annual alumni event: AlumNight. This was the third ever AlumNight, and it was another great chance to bring together current members, alumni, and our community business partners. This event also allows alumni to re-engage themselves in AIESEC, get updates on their Local Chapter, reconnect with old friends, and relieve some their fondest AIESEC experiences. In addition, it’s a great opportunity to meet new people and expand your network. This year’s event took place at the splendid Circa Bar and Lounge in downtown Vancouver. It was a great venue for a great event. This year we had a good mix of attendees, including 34 students, mainly from the SFU and UBC LCs, but also a few from AIESEC Victoria and AIESEC Saskatoon. We also had 27 alumni attend, mostly from SFU and UBC, but also several visiting alumni, as well as a few from across Canada and North America who now make their home in Vancouver.
Attendees at the 3rd Annual AlumNight event.
After some mingling and cocktails we were treated to a tasty three-course dinner and received updates from the Local Committee Presidents in attendance. As a pleasant surprise, the SFU LC was also awarded the ‘real’ Spirit Keg which we had won at WRC in October. The real keg couldn’t be at WRC due to a shipping delay, but it was nice to finally receive the keg in front of our members and alumni.
Please fill out this feedback survey on AlumNight: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=VTFPUB5CGE8vw4XEjvd9fg_3d_3d
AIESEC SFU | www.aiesec.ca/sfu
AIESEC CANADA | www.aiesec.ca
Special thanks to this year’s organizing committee for working so hard to make it an enjoyable night: Organizing Committee President VP External VP Communications VP Internal VP Logistics & Finance
Bealaine Pamandanan (SFU) Jae Li (SFU) Marcel Glaesser (SFU) David Tang (UBC) Audrey Hui (UBC)
The organizing committee Jae Li, Marcel Glaesser, David Tang, Audrey Hui, and Bealaine Pamandanan are enjoying a successful AlumNight!
Finally, thanks to everyone who came out for supporting AIESEC. Much of AIESEC’s success in turning youth into global citizens comes from alumni support. We hope you enjoyed the event, and if you couldn’t make it, we hope you’ll come out next time. If you haven’t done so already, please fill out our quick online survey. Your feedback is important to us and we will use it when planning future alumni events. Thanks and we hope to see you at AlumNight again next year!
AIESEC SFU | www.aiesec.ca/sfu
AIESEC CANADA | www.aiesec.ca
Thank you to all our major sponsors!
Br oadwa y Br ew i ng www.br oadw ay br ew i ng.c om
C e n t u ry 21 w w w.ce n tu ry21 .co m
D i g i tal H o sp i tal i ty w w w.d i gi tal ho sp i tal i ty.com
AIESEC SFU | www.aiesec.ca/sfu
Stalla www.stalla.com
SF U Al um ni As s oc i ati on w w w.s fu.c a/al um ni
AIESEC CANADA | www.aiesec.ca