26 - 30
NLS National Leadership Summit
“Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind's Potential”
Jan 2017
What is AIESEC? AIESEC is an international non-governmental not-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe, with a focus to empower young people so they can make a positive impact on society.
AIESEC in South Africa With 58 years in the country, we have presence in 8 Universities spread all around the country.
AIESEC in numbers 1500 business partner organizations
126 countries
5200 professional placements (2013)
68 years of experience
1,000,000 alumni 500 conferences anually
2400 universities
70,000 members
What is NLS? The National Leadership Summit is an annual convening of AIESEC and its members from all over South Africa aimed at celebrating youth leadership, cultural diversity and national togetherness. It is also designed to provide space for AIESEC’s leaders to learn, develop and acquire knowledge necessary to push the organization forward.
The Venue The National Leadership Summit will be situated in our beautiful city of Johannesburg. *Venue still to confirm
Youth Speak Forum
Jan 2017
YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-sector and multi-generational space for inspiring conversations around global issues. This will take place at PWC’s Business School.
Expected Delegates Profile
50 Delegates
University students. 18-25 years old AIESEC members and non-AIESEC members
Mainly from Universities where we are present: •
University of Pretoria
University of Johannesburg
University of Witwatersrand
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
University of Cape Town
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Monash South Africa University
CONTACT DETAILS Nkululeko Ngqingo Conference External Relations nkulukoNgqingo@gmail.com +27 63 445 8369
Fabiola Venegas Orozco National Director of Business Development
+27 78 025 0059