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AIESEC Local Committee of University of Indonesia (LC UI) INTERNAL POLICIES 2012/2013 A. General I.

Local Committee (LC) 1. AIESEC LC UI structure consists of Executive Board, Management Board and Staff(s) each functional and passive member(s) which is not listed in any kind of parts written before. 2. AIESEC Local Committee of University of Indonesia (LC UI) Executive Board consists of one Local Committee President and ten vice presidents of ten functional which supervised by Local Committee President. 3. Ten functional of AIESEC LC UI which supervised by Local Committee President sorted below: a. Finance and Governance b. Communication c. Expansion d. External Relation (ER) e. Incoming Exchange Global Community Development Program (ICX GCDP) f. Incoming Exchange Global Internship Program (ICX GIP) g. Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program (OGX GCDP) h. Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Program (OGX GIP) i. Project Development (PD) j. Talent Management (TM)

I.A. Management Team 1.

The Management Team shall manage Local Committee financial resources and decide on:


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a. Budgeted expenses over Rp 10.000.000,- (except maintenance and operational expenses) b. Unbudgeted expenses over Rp 5.000.000,- (or budgeted items that are running over the budget) c. Contractual or legal issues or commitment d. Cases not planned by internal policies e. Investments 2.

Vice President of Finance and Governance will be the decision maker for all other expenses. Those expenses must be requested in advance, at least two days before the expenses occur


The Management Team will review the implementation of Internal Policies and Local Compendium, at least quarterly

I.B. The Management Team Procedures: 1. The Management Team will have meetings at least once in a month (or else, more in a need basis) 2. All Local Committee’s expenses must be budgeted and approved by the Management Team or Vice President of Finance 3. Only the expenses accepted by the Management Team or Vice President of Finance will be allowed. In case of unstable financial condition, the Management Team or Vice President of Finance have the authority to reject expenses 4. Any expenses that need approval but not first requested will be charged to the individual 5. Any wrong expenses or purchases occurred, even though already budgeted, will be charged to the individual I.C. Cash Control: 1. The Management Team or Vice President of Finance possess the authority to approve any budgeted expenses


2. Local Committee’s financial resources are: exchange activities, projects, fundraising, and/or other revenues that are not against the law and violating the aim and purpose of the organization 3. Vice President of Finance is responsible for every expenses related to the Member Committee (example: Exchange Management Fee, Travel Cost Sharing, etc) 4. In case of projects, the person who is mainly responsible to manage financial activities is Organizing Committee of Finance. Organizing Committee President may, in some cases, help and/or make decision with Organizing Committee of Finance to solve financial matters. Example: to decide whether budgeted expense that is over budgeted by a certain amount will occur or not I.D. Budgeting 1. Budget is the basic for every revenue and expenditure administration, and also for audit 2. Local Committee’s financial budget uses Indonesian Rupiah standard 3. Budgeting involve all Executive Boards 4. Each functional propose a budget according to their annual needs. The budget must be as specific as possible, as any unbudgeted expenses will not be funded under normal condition. However, the Management Team may judge otherwise 5. Vice President of Finance will be the person in charge to approve the budget proposed, and then compile it 6. Vice President of Finance and/or Controlling Manager is responsible for the budget tracking 7. Local Committee’s budget will be reviewed before the end of each month. This activity involves all Executive Boards. 8. In case of projects, Organizing Committee of Finance is responsible for the budgeting process. The budget must be presented in the project hearing, and Vice President of Finance will judge its feasibility


9. Financial report must be presented in the end of each month (for Local Committee as well as projects).It may consists at least one of the following format:Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement. 10. Expense planning is monthly budget adjustment that presented in weekly format. Expense planning should be done in the last week of previous month. Any late submission means related functional wouldn’t be reimburse for any expense occurred. I.F. Asset and Supplies Pollicies: 1. Local Committee asset consist of personal computer, printer, telephone, LCD projector, LCD projector screen, Internet modem, external hard disk, and speaker. 2. Member who use any asset in the office must return it back to its appropriate place 3. Member who wants to borrow Local Committee’s asset for any occasion outside Local Committee office must have permission from Vice President of Finance or General Administrative Manager and it must be recorded on ASSETS BORROWING FORM 4. All damages caused in Local Committee’s fixed assets caused by individuals are to be repaired by the individuals 5. No asset is to be used for personal usage 6. Any member can use stamps only if you get permission from Local Committee President, Vice President of Finance or General Administrative Manager 7. General Administrative manager responsible to review stationary in weekly basis and should be refilled if the amount doesn’t fulfilled the standard of office stationary amount. I.G. Reserves 1. The minimum reserve funds for Local Committee is 9 times its average monthly operational expense. 2. If this minimum reserve is reached, any non-urgent Local Committee’s activities that will potentially attract expenses should be halted and wait for the reserve to increase I.H. Pricing


1. For Outgoing Exchange pricing is following the Members Committee as stated in national compendium. 2. For Incoming Exchange pricing could be adjusted from Members Committee minimum pricing by Local Committee President, Vice President of Finance, and related Vice Presidents. I.I. Project Policies 1. Project Flow 1.1 Project Ini7a7on

1.2 Recruitment & Alloca7on

1.3 Project Induc7on

1.6 Project Realizaton

1.5 Project Prepara7on

1.4 Project Planning

1.7 Project Closing & Evalua7on

1. The purpose of the standardized project flow is to ensure the relevance of the planning and creation of bigger impact and better quality of program. 4 aspects which must be covered in the project flow to ensure the deliverable of these two purposes are: i.

Understanding about project through project induction.

ii. Planning assessment through 1st and 2nd hearing iii. Project control through progress tracking iv. Project evaluation through last hearing and project report.


At the end, the relevance of the planning is measured by the actual project plan. The creation of bigger impact is measured by growth in quantity in terms of number of people engaged, while the creation of better quality is measured by NPS. 1.1 Project Initiation Executive Board has the authority to initiate a project concept in the beginning of the term. Vice President related has to inform TM for the talent planning. The initiation of a project that is not included in the beginning planning has to be discussed and agreed by all LCEB 3 months before the opening event. 1.2 Recruitment and Allocation

Talent Planning

Open Opportunity

Applicant's Screening Process

Annoucement of selected applicans

1.2.1 Internal Recruitment The Recruitment internally is done to fulfill the short term/long term position needed in team or project, including OC of projects (e.g. PBoX, AIESEC Fair, &EwA Project), team member in every functional, and Recruitment Team for external recruitment. Procedures of the internal recruitment are as following: i. Executive board should make a talent planning at the beginning of the term to define what teams or project that will be made for one term ahead and the resources needed with tracking from VP TM. ii. Open opportunity for teams or project done by the recruitment manager to all active members by the supervision of VP TM and VP related functional based on the talent planning document.


iii. All opportunities should be opened in as Team and the url link of team should be stated in any promotional media. iv. All active members have the rights to apply for the opportunity. v. All of the EB and MB team are recommended to be recruitment team to ensure the quality of assessor. Once the RT and the OC already selected, they need to have the coaching before running the recruitment process vi. Personal approach and tracking for the member pipeline are done by TM functional to help fulfilling opportunity with the right people and to ensure all opportunities are filled. vii. The applicants for team member or project should contact recruitment manager and apply in for having interview. viii. The interview is conducted by the recruitment manager/VPTM/representative of related functional, with the standardized interview list for the applicants in order to ensure the quality of assessment tool and assessor. ix. Once the applicants already selected, he/she will be announced by the recruitment manager. 1.2.2 External Recruitment Recruitment externally is done to fulfill the position needed in functional by recruiting new members. Procedures in having the recruitment externally are: i. Executive board and VPTM, should make a talent planning at the beginning of the term to define whatthe needs of every functional for one term ahead are to define how many members will be recruited. ii. Recruitment Manager is responsible to track the recruitment both for the recruitment team and AIESEC fair committee. iii. AIESEC fair committee is responsible to conduct and organize the recruitment in terms of applicants, booth, seminar preparation, etc. iv. Recruitment team is responsible to conduct the recruitment for the applicants using the GCM assessment tool.


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v. Communication and TM functional are responsible for the talent planning to ensure the effectiveness of the recruitment by having a right message and right promotion tools. vi. The targets for the applicants number, submitted form number, diversify member percentage must be achieved as the measurement of success. vii. For ongoing OGX selection, recruitment manager will coordinate with OGX functional. OGX functional is responsible for EP applicants, while recruitment manager is responsible for the recruitment team to assess the EP applicants. viii. In ongoing recruitment, at least one and half week before the day, OGX team has to contact the Recruitment manager for having the recruitment. 1.3 Project Induction 1.3.1 Project Induction Package Each Project Coordinator and OCP will receive Project Package which includes - Project standard guideline - Example of pre-proposal, proposal, and internal & external project report - Tracking template form from project coordinator to OC and from OCP to OC. - Risk management policies and control procedure. 1.3.2 Project Coaching 1. Project coaching is part of project induction to equip OCs with sufficient knowledge about project management and specific skills required. Goal of project coaching is to supplement and improve project management capability which result better understanding and readiness for OC to do project planning, preparation, and execution. 2. During one week after OC being elected, OC will have induction about project in general







Board/Management Board. OC is responsible to contact the Executive Board to arrange the induction time.


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Coaching For Project Coordinator Responsible

Coaching Materials

Coacher LCVP


Project Management

Development/ EwA

- Standardized project flow

Project Coordinator

- Job description of OC - Usage of project quality tools includes tracking form, project report template, and NPS. Synergy with LC -

The importance of synergy with LC


The example of synergy with other functionals in LC.


Big picture of project


- Objectives of the project


- Scope of the project Coaching For OCP


Coaching Materials

Coacher Local Committee President

Role as OCP - Motivation and expectation as OCP. - Alignment of being OCP with his/her personal & professional goals. - Benefits of being OCP (GCP of previous OCPs). - Leader attitude: understand characteristic of team, be mingle, build cooperation of the team, recognition and appreciation, and celebrate diversity. Team Management


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- Essence of team bonding: to create team cohesion involves taking time to get to know working styles, personalities, and preferences. Must be done at the beginning of OC team formed before start working on the project. - How to lead a meeting: check in, check out, minutes of meeting. - Communication in team: importance of wellbuilt communication among OCs – Frequent and open. - Maintaining a team: OC tracking system (work progress and personal feeling of each OC). OCP should aware of the condition of OC and know how to handle unmotivated OC. - Giving feedback – honest and regular, so the team member knows that their contributions are being noticed and evaluated. Include GOOD CASE PRACTICES and BAD CASE PRACTICES of each point above. Synergy with LC - The importance of synergy - Example of synergy with other functionals in LC. LCVP

Project Management


- Standardized project flow


- Job description of OC - Usage of project quality tools includes tracking form, project report template, and NPS.


Big picture of project



- Objectives of the project


- Scope of the project


Knowledge about financial system in LCUI.

Finance General Coaching For OC Responsible

Coaching Materials

Coacher LCVP

Role of OC


- Role as team player


- Role in matrix system Synergy - Synergy with other OCs - Synergy with other functionals in LC Specific Coaching For OC OC Communication

Promotion & Creative Manager and Media Relation Manager

- How to engage the media partners for the project. - How to create promotional tools for the project and create high level of publication - How to maintain good relations with the media partners and other stakeholders. - Brand visual guideline - OC Marketing

VP External


Marketing Skills Knowledge


- How to do the effective research on potential


companies and organizations for the sponsor


of the project.

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- How to conduct effective marketing call (cold & warm call) to be successful in having the meeting with the sponsor. - How to maintain good relations with the potential sponsors and other stakeholders. ER tools knowledge - Organization research template - Marketing Coordination System (MCS) OC Finance

Controlling Manager

- How to maintain the cash inflow and outflow for the sake of healthy budget and control expenditures to conform to a predetermined budget - How to arrange the neat and effective bailout payment systems and payment in advance system for the project - How to prepare the periodically the project financial statement - How to controlling the project process from financial point of view. OC Exchange

Quality & Service

Exchange Process Knowledge - How to do the raising-matching-realization

Manager and



Quality and Service Knowledge


- How to take care the exchange participant related to their arrival, visa, departure, etc. - How to attract people to be a host family - How to manage the welcoming and farewell party


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- How to manage a concept of preconference - How to manage the TN evaluation, EP evaluation, and host family evaluation - How to manage, tolerate, and handle EP with different backgrounds and personalities from all over the world OC Program OCP/ Project Coordinator

Program Creation - How to make an event concept coordinated with the vision of the project - How to think out of the box and create an innovative event concept - How to prepare in making a good concept of event and prepare for the best realization of the concept - How to face sudden/unexpected things in coordinating the event at D-day

Project Coordinator is responsible to ensure the coaching for each OC has been fulfilled and all coaching materials required has been covered by the coacher. Project Coordinator has to fill in Tracking Form from Project Coordinator to OCP in the section “Has each OC got coaching?” and explain if there’s OC who hasn’t got coaching or if there’s material that hasn’t been covered. 1.4 Project Planning 1.4.1 Pre-proposal 1. After the Organizing Committee team has got coaching, they will prepare the preproposal. 2. Pre-proposal should at least include the following points: -­‐ Background, objective & impact of project


-­‐ Organizing Committee’s structure -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s job description -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s target -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s measurement of success -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s timeline -­‐ Budget and budget timeline -­‐ Project’s Standard Operating Procedures -­‐ Marketing plans and corporate proposal -­‐ Project’s programs. For Project Based on Exchange, the events are structured as follow: Opening Event, Learning Event, and Closing Event 3. The pre-proposal’s deadline is one month after the Organizing Committee team has been formed. 4. Pre-proposal must then presented to the Executive Board through hearing. 1.4.2 First Project Hearing 1. 1st project hearing is decision stage for Executive Board to approve/reject a project pre-proposal. 2. Project hearing is conducted with, at least, attendance of 3 Vice Presidents and three fourth of Organizing Committee team members. The project hearing will be postponed if the requirement is not fulfilled. 3. The purpose of 1st hearing is to know the readiness of the project from every aspect including the relevance of the issue, team cohesion, budget review, brand filter, EwA activity filter, and technical things related to each Organizing Committee. 4. The content of 1st hearing includes OC introduction and SWOT analysis as individual and team, expectation setting of OC towards project, EB and LC, 360 assessment among OCs, tracking mechanism of OC team, and pre-proposal presentation from the Organizing Committee’s team to the Executive Board. 5. After the presentation is done, the Executive Board will give the Organizing Committee a review and feedback for project’s improvement.


6. The project officially starts after Executive Board accepts the pre-proposal. 7. The working capital will be given after the projects pre-proposal has been approved, with consideration to the project’s budget. Vice President of Finance has the right to approve the project’s budget 8. LocalCommittee will give working capital for project that doesn’t have certain source of revenue Rp 1.000.000,00. For Talent Management project such as recruitment and local conference will gave working capital as budgeted in LCUI master budget and with consideration of LCUI financial condition by Vice President of Finance. 9. The profit or loss sharing will be discussed between Executive Board and Organizing Committee team on hearing. If there’s no discussion, the profit sharing will be 75% for LC and 25% for project, and the loss sharing will be 50:50 between the LC and project. 10.Organizing Committee of Finance is responsible for the overall financial aspects of the project 11.The Controlling Manager will supervise all project’s Organizing Committee of Finance. There must be regular meetings between Accounting Manager and Organizing Committee of Finance, at least once in every two weeks 12.The progress report between Controlling Manager and Organizing Committee of Finance, at minimum, should consists of: -­‐ Review on project’s financial condition -­‐ Comparison between budgeted and actual financial activities (revenues and expenses) -­‐ Review on revenue generation action steps and its timeline -­‐ Review on bookkeeping 1.5 Project Preparation After pre-proposal approval from EB, OC is able to start the project preparation. Project preparation includes fundraising, event publication, and partner raising (e.g sponsors, TN takers) to support the project realization.


1.6 Project Realization 1.6.1 Event Project consists of 3 main events which are opening, learning, and closing event. a.

The objective of opening event is to officially start the project and raise awareness of external stakeholders about AIESEC and the project.


The objective of learning event is to conduct activities that can create impact to society, especially target participants of the project.


The objective of closing event is to officially end the project and acknowledge all parties that have supported the project.

1.6.2 Second Hearing 1. The purpose of 2nd hearing is to improve and maintain the deliverable quality of project, maintain the team cohesion, and keep the project on track. 2. 2nd project hearing is conducted after the opening event or the first learning event. 3. The content of 2nd hearing includes 360 assessment among OCs, progress update from each OC, synergy improvement between LC and OC, and problem solving.

1.7 Project Closing and Evaluation 1.7.1 Internal Project Report 1. Following the closing event of every project, the Organizing Committee team is responsible to submit a project report to Vice President of Finance and Governance and Vice President related in which the project operates. The submission time is in one month period after the project ended. Any latest submission will be charged Rp 50.000/day using OC’s personal fund. 2. The internal project report, at least, must contain the following information: -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s job description -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s SWOT -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s target


-­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s measurement of success -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s timeline and its deviation -­‐ Each Organizing Committee’s planning/activity deviation -­‐ Budget and its deviation -­‐ Marketing list, contact persons, and/or other things related -­‐ All invoices, Memorandum of Understanding, letters, and/or other documents -­‐ Unpredictable things occurred -­‐ Conclusion and suggestion 3. OC is obligated to fill in the internal project report template provided by Project Development functional. If there is additional information excluded in the report template that want to be included in the report, OC is able to add it in the report. 1.7.2 External Project Report 1. The objective of external project report is for accountability and impact showcasing to external stakeholders, particularly for all external parties that have supported the project. 2. The external project report, at least, must contain the following information: -­‐ Brief about AIESEC -­‐ Project Description -­‐ Organizing Committee Structure -­‐ Exchange Participants Introduction -­‐ Overview Project Activities -­‐ Project Summary including project’s achievements (e.g. number of participants, number of TN Takers, number of sponsors) -­‐ Testimonials (EP, OC, LC, Partner) -­‐ Sponsor (optional) -­‐ Photos during project 1.7.3 Final Project Hearing


1. The purpose of final project hearing to evaluate the overall execution of project and discover things which need to be improved personally and professionally for each party (OC, LC, and project). 2. Final project hearing should be conducted by the latest one week after the project report submitted.

2. Finance System in Project 2.1 Project Reimbursement System 1. All organizing committees have the right to ask for reimbursement via Organizing Committee of Finance 2. To request reimbursement, the person requesting it must give the transaction receipts which includes: - Name and position in the project - Date of transaction - The amount of transaction - Transaction purpose(s) 3. Organizing Committee of Finance possess the authority to confirm or to analyze the receipts to ensure the validity of transactions. He/she may reject reimbursement if the above requirements are not met 4. No empty receipts are to be given reimbursement 5. In case of transactions that didn’t involve receipts (public transportation, etc), Organizing Committee of Finance may reject reimbursement. He/she may also consider giving reimbursement based on his/her judgment. Things to consider, for example: the validity of transaction (whether Organizing Committee of Finance know the occurrence of transaction), whether any self-written receipts are received, etc 6. It is suggested to make a copy of receipts before handing it to Organizing Committee of Finance. The original receipts should be given to Organizing


Committee of Finance, and the copied one should be kept by the person requesting reimbursement. This is done to avoid missing receipts 7. In case of meetings, the maximum amount of reimburse for gasoline is Rp 50.000,- per trip 8. The receipts must be given to Organizing Committee of Finance in 30 days in order to receive reimbursement 9. For other technical things such as when the reimbursement will be given or how the mechanism will be is up to Organizing Committee of Finance to decide 2. 2 Project Cash Advance System 1. Cash advance will be given in a certain amount (example: Rp 200.000,-, Rp 250.000,-, etc). It is up to the Organizing Committee of Finance to decide 2. Cash advance should only be given to cover expenses that are already been included in the project’s budget. Otherwise, cash advance must not be given 3. To request cash advance, one must fill the Cash Advance Form. Organizing Committee of Finance will hold the form and then give the money. If there’s money left after the transaction (as proven by the receipts), it must be returned to Organizing Committee of Finance. Transaction receipts must be stapled with the original form. 4. The person requesting cash advance must tell Organizing Committee of Finance first, at least two days before transaction. This, however, may be customized by the Organizing Committee of Finance. 2.3 Sponsorship 1. Funds from sponsorship are used based on Memorandum of Understanding between Organizing Committee and sponsors 2. Organizing Committee of Finance and/or Organizing Committee President will receive and control sponsorship’s fund 3. Report of the use of fund from partnership and sponsorship is done based on the contractual agreement


4. Any incoming transfers from sponsors or donators should first sent to Local Committee’s Mandiri account. The account number is 157-00-0094063-6, under the name of AIESEC UI 5. The Vice President of Finance will then transfer the money to Organizing Committee’s bank account 2.4 Invoices and Terms of Payment 1. Organizing Committee of Finance is responsible for the invoice mechanism 2. When a company has reached an agreement to sponsor the project’s activities, Organizing Committee of Finance must send an invoice. The invoice should be given simultaneously with the Memorandum of Understanding. 3. Invoice must, at least, consists of: - AIESEC letterhead - Date - Invoice Number - Company Name - Amount of sponsorship - Project’s Bank Account - Organizing Committee of Finance’s signature - Meterai - AIESEC stamp 4. As an illustration, please refer to the invoice example below


A I E S E C U N I V E R S I T AS I N D O N E S I A OFFICIAL INVOICE : November 20th, 2008


Invoice Number : 009/UI/COD/CD09/OUT/FC/XI/2008 To



Payment of SponsorshipFee Rp 20.500.000,00 This amount will be transferred to : Bank Mandiri Cabang FEUI, 157-00-0081806-3, a.nWisnu Trihatmojo


Rp 20.500.000,00

Wisnu Trihatmojo Organizing Committee Vice President of Finance Career Days 2009 AIESEC Universitas Indonesia


5. Organizing Committee of Finance must coordinate with Organizing Committee of Marketing to define the company’s term of payments clearly. This must be stated in the Memorandum of Understanding. Any late payments and how the company and Organizing Committee’s act should refer to the Memorandum of Understanding 2.5 Others 1. Organizing Committee of Finance is suggested to open project’s account in the same bank as Local Committee’s bank account, that is, Mandiri account. It is to prevent any additional transfer charge

3. Communication System in Project 3.1. Information Management 1. OC Communication has to make a wiki of the project and update the wiki each time there’s any activities projects made. 2. OC Communication from any kind of project (Recruitment project, PBoX, etc) must give IM Manager the detail timeline about the project maximum 2 weeks before the project started. Or if there is any changes happened along the way, OC Communication has to straightly inform the IM Manager about the changes. OC Communication is also obligated to fill in Information Management Project Tracker as soon as they’ve made wikis, send contents to IM, and other updates stated in the tracker. 3. OC Communication has to send the article about the project to be posted to the website maximum 7 days before the project start. 4. OC Communication has to send the article about each event to be posted to the website and maximum 3 days after the event was held. 5. OC Communication has to send the content for Internal Newsletter for the latest of 2nd & 4th Friday at 23.59 each month. 6. OC Communication of the project has to send a tweet content about their project frequently to PR Manager and informs the IM Manager.


7. If there are any information related to the event of the project that have to be spread to our members and/or public, OC Communication have to give IM Manager the content of the information maximum 2 days before the event will be held. 8. If there are any information related to the project such as host family thing that have to be spread to our members and/or public, OC Communication/OC Exchange have to give IM Manager the content of the information maximum 5 days before the EPs coming. 9. OC communication of each projects has to gather the database of participants, ask them whether they want to get the frequent updates of AIESEC Universitas Indonesia







the,aiesec.pd1213@gmail.comand IM manager, at maximum one day after the event held. 3.2 Promotion & Creative

1. Do follow the SOP of Promotion & Creative 2. OC Communication must give every design in .jpg format. 3. OC Communication are expected to consult with P&C and PR Managers 4. Coaching for OC Communication must be held min. 1 time with the Communication manager which already assigned 5. Do make the documentation (photos and video) for the whole process and activities of the projects to be showcase to external 6. OC Communication should submit an article about the project activities each time the project made any activities (e.g. opening, learning process, closing) to at least 3 days after the activity held The article also need to be uploaded in the project’s wiki on


7. OC Communication should do a live tweet while doing activities that are good to be showcase to external and favorable for AIESEC UI’s brand positioning. 3.3Media Relation 1. Medias that LC raise are not able for projects to raise the medias. 2. Every project will have one person in charge of media relation team and will be inform when OC communication has already selected. 3. At least one week before project raise medias, they must inform PIC in MR team the list of media which they want to use it. 4. People who is going to approach medias must having coaching, if they haven’t any experience of marketing call. Minimum number of coaching is one with media relation team. 5. Projects must give their progress report to minimum once in week to their PIC in MR team. 3.4 Public Relation 1. OC Communication has to keep using the proper, nice, and spiritful language while sending official information to external. 2. Using smile emoticon at the end of the indirect information. 3. Smiling while speaking directly, either on the phone or in physical. 4. Understand and implement the SOP of Public Relation. 4. Limit Liability of OC 1. In case of accident incurred by the EP during the internship 2. In case of damages caused by the EP to the TN or to any third party during the internship 3. In case of damages or lose of any working material (as laptop, camera, cell phone, etc) provided to the Intern by the TN for work purposes. 4. For any consequential or indirect damages, including loss of income or profits.


5. Where the failure to fulfill their obligations has been caused by circumstances beyond their control.

5. Project Audit Policy 1.

Project Audit is a form that consists of several items to check the overall performance of a project, whether in accordance with standard operating projects of AIESEC LC UI Every project in AIESEC LCUI has to pass project audit that consists of several items The score of the audit decides how much part of profit/loss between the LC and the Project Profit sharing arrangements based on Project Audit is described as follows : a. If the score of Project Audit less than 40%, so all the profit will be given to LC b. If the score of Project Audit is between 40% to 80%, so 50% of profit will be given to LC, and the rest is the right of the project c. If the score of Project Audit is above 80%, 25% of profit will be given to LC and the rest 75% will be the rights of the project.

2. 3. 4.


Loss sharing arrangements based on Project Audit is described as follows : a. If the score of project Audit is less than 40%, the Loss will be a responsible for the project b. If the score of Project Audit is between 40%-80%, the 50% of Loss will be a responsible of LC, and the rest 50% of Loss will be the responsible of Project c. If the score of Project Audit is above 80%, 60% of Loss will be the responsible of LC, and the rest 40% will be the responsible of the project.

B. Functionals I.

Finance and Governance Functional 1.

Finance and Governance Functional takes responsibility to ensure LC’s financial sustainability and the implementation of good governance. Decide on where, when, and how much the allocation of LC’s resources.


The Finance Functional consists of Vice President of Finance; one (1) general Administrative Manager; one (1) accounting Manager; and two (2) controllers.



Vice President Finance and Governance will be the decision maker for all other expenses, which are not decided by the Management Team. Those expenses must be requested in advance, at least two days before the expenses occur.


Vice President Finance and Governance manages, supervises, and takes responsibility of the work and performance of general administrative Manager; accounting Manager; and controllers.


Internal Information Flow: a.







address where every report and related finance and governance things sent. b.

Every member of Finance and Governance functional has to check the email regularly. All members are administrator of this email. Only certain rules of this email apply: i.

Only LCVP Finance and Governance has the right to reply cash advance request email.


Only Accounting Manager has the right to reply or send invoice out via this email.


Only Exchanger Controlling Manager has the right to reply confirmation from exchangers and send the virtual receipt for exchangers needed.

6. Financial Report made by Accounting Manager monthly using QuickBook Enterprise Solution with accrual basis method according to Notes to Financial Reporting and Accounting Policy from MC 7. Project Controlling is responsibility of Controlling Manager. 8.

Project Audit is responsibility of Accounting Manager.


About Petty Cash: a. Petty Cash is small amount of discretionary funds in form of cash used for LC expenditures or reimbursement. Only General Administrative Manager has the right to keep petty cash.


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b. Every transaction using Petty Cash has to recorded in Cash Outflow Report and the Receipt must be collected to Accounting Manager to be save in Receipt Collection Folder. c. Minimum amount of outstanding petty cash given per month is Rp 1.000.000,- . If the actual outstanding amount is already below the minimum, then the petty cash should be refill until the amount of outstanding is Rp 2.000.000,-. d. The General Administrative Manager must confirm to LCVP Finance and Governance whether additional petty cash is needed. The refill from LCVP Finance and Governance must be recorded in Cash Outflow Report submitted by General Administrative Manager to finance email. 10. Reimbursement & Cash Advance are responsibility of General Administrative Manager. 11.

About Letters in and out: a. Letter in is accepted by LCVP Finance and Governance and General Administrative Manager and obligate give it to related functional b. Letter out is controlled by General Administrative Manager. General Administrative Manager only tracks the numbering and purpose of the letter; also keep the copy of the Letter.


Functional Tracking Meeting is responsibility of Controlling Managers. a.

Exchanger Controlling Manager conduct functional tracking meeting with: a. OGX GCDP b. OGX GIP c. ICX GCDP d. ICX GIP e. Expansion


Non Exchanger Controlling Manager conduct functional tracking meeting with: a. Communication


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b. ER c. TM d. Project Development 13. About invoice: a. Invoice in is responsibility of LCVP Finance and Governance b. Invoice out (invoicing) is responsibility of Accounting Manager 14. Merchandising is responsibility of General Administrative Manager 15.

General Administrative Manager must make merchandising strategy first

before the execution. 16. The work of Finance and Governance Functional will be managed furthermore in standard operating procedures (SOP). II.

Communication Functional 1. Communication functional takes responsibility for the communication flow of the local committee, internally and externally; communication role in LC UI; also more about the non-corporate marketing. 2. Communication functional consists of Vice President of Communication which; Information Management Manager; Promotion and Creative Manager and staffs; Public Relation Manager and staffs; Media Relation Manager and staffs. 3. To manage the communication flow of the local committee, Communication Functional must ensuring there’s no lack of utilization of any tools and platforms available for the member of AIESEC University of Indonesia. The tools and platforms which managed by Communication Functional: a. b. Any events to increase the personal and professional developments c. Internal & external newsletter d. Internal & external wall magazine e. Slot in media partners f. AIESEC UI YouTube account


g. AIESEC UI Twitter account h. AIESEC UI Facebook Fanpage i. Promotional tools (3 standing banners, 1 backdrop, 1 banner) 4. Vice








responsibility of the managers’ work and performance below him/her which are: Information Management Manager; Promotion and Creative Manager and staffs; Public Relation Manager and staffs; Media Relation Manager and staffs. Vice President of Communication also takes the responsibility for the managers’ performance below him/her. 5. Information Management Manager takes responsibility: a. to








communication flow in the LC (opportunities, updates, etc.); b. for the communication related with visual spaces and technology (website, blog,, etc) and; c. to make the documentation of LC’s event. 6.

Promotion and Creative Manager takes responsibility to support the Vice President Communication for: a. external communication in terms of promotion (posters, fliers, etc) of LC’s activities; b. the design of the promo, on tools and for brand internally and externally.


Public Relation Manager takes responsibility: a. to support the Vice President Communication in terms of relation with public; b. to do market research; c. to make newsletter for student, parents, and public; d. to make a cooperation with other student body organization; e. to strengthen AIESEC LC UI’s brand positioning.


Media relation Manager takes responsibility to support the Vice President Communication in terms of relation with media partner(s).



Except Information Management Manager, the other managers below the Vice President Communication must manage their staffs.

10. The work procedure of this functional will be managed furthermore in standard operating procedures (SOP). III.

Expansion Functional 1. Expansion Functional takes responsibility for




development of new AIESEC entities, especially in Jakarta area trough training and coaching. 2. Expansion Functional consists of Vice President Expansion Functional; Expansion Coordinator; Expansion Controlling Manager; and Expansion Youth Alliance Manager. 3. Vice President Expansion Functional manages, supervises, and takes responsibility of the work and performance of Expansion Coordinator, Expansion Controlling Manager, and Expansion Youth Alliance Manager. 4.

Expansion Coordinator takes responsibility for coaching, tracking, and maintaining relationship with the LC expansion and also the bridge between the LC Expansion and Vice President Expansion Functional.


The Expansion Controlling Manager takes responsibility for compiling the exchange number and progress tracker, branding, external relation, and financial audit, and make the report for Vice President Expansion Functional.

6. The Expansion Youth Alliance Manager takes responsibility for searching new potential market for AIESEC Representative (Youth Alliance) Program; conducting a market research; being the connector between potential universities and AIESEC UI; and takes responsibility to be the front man of expansion to the third party and will also be responsible for the Jakarta Collaborative Project and will be responsible to be the ‘coach’ for Youth Alliance teams.


7. The work of Expansion Functional will be managed furthermore in standard operating procedures (SOP). IV.

External Relation (ER) Functional 1.

External Relation (ER) is





partnerships and maintain relationships with AIESEC UI’s external stakeholders. 2. External Relation consists of Vice President of External Relation; one ( 1 ) Business Development Manager; one ( 1 ) Non – Corporate Manager; and one ( 1 ) Alumni & BoA Relation Manager. 3. Vice President of External Relation manages, supervises, and takes responsibility of

the work and performance of Business Development

Manager; Non – Corporate Manager; and

Alumni & BoA Relation

Manager. 4. Alumni & BoA Relation Manager takes responsibility to build cooperation with BoA ,and Alumni in order to fulfill the LC’s need. This Manager is also responsible to maintain the relationship with local alumni and local BoA . 5. Business Development Manager takes responsibility to create strategic partnership with companies, especially Financial Partnership and also manage other type of partnership and joint project with corporate (e.g. surveys, company brandings, etc),as well as supporting other department in raising MT/TT, TNs for LC UI. 6. Non – Corporate Manager takes responsibility to create strategic partnership with NGOs, Government Institutions, and also SME entities, as well as supporting other department in raising DT/ ET TNs for LC UI. 7. External Relation (ER) offers products to external stakeholders. Segmented products that ER member can offer to external stakeholder: a. Partnership, including:



Project Partner: Partnership that includes external opportunities of project engagement, which conducts not only a short-term project engagement, but also long-term project engagement.

b. Exchange Partner: Partnership that includes external opportunities of exchange engagement, which examples are sponsorship network, quality development, and proper programs connection. c. Youth Partner: Partnership that includes external opportunities, specifically that is related with youth parties, which conduct any collaboration in process of reaching and give larger impact to more number of youth. d. Learning Partner: Partnership that includes external opportunities to give exclusive development system of learning and education for AIESEC UI Members through all of the activities, which are related. e. In Kind Partner: Partnership that includes external opportunities to provide facilities in process of AIESEC UI program development. f. Financial Partner (Champion Partner): Partnership that includes external opportunities to contribute in all sectors of partnership engagement in AIESEC UI. b.

Sponsorships for every project that involve sponsors on it, with division of

revenue stated below: a. 50% for LC – 50% for Project if the sponsor attained through ER member b. 30% for LC – 70% for Project if the sponsor attained through OC project c.

Board of Advisory raising, with criteria of Raising: a. Have specific set of skill that relevant to AIESEC UI Organization and member development. b. Willing to give active coordination and contribution to maintain the development of AIESEC LC UI strategically and technically.


d. Alumni Engagement, which will provide access of alumni to actively give inputs to the actual AIESEC UI development with the Quality Relationship based-system e. Access for Partners, to contribute and take part in internal activities of AIESEC UI and external activities that related with AIESEC UI. f. Other product, such as company branding and youth surveys a. Vice President External Relation has authority to do review and take corrective action for things related to External Relation Products. b. All of the products defined are based on external relation strategy to define and segment external relation market and will be synergized in the process of utilization. 8. The work of External Relation Functional will be managed furthermore in standard operating procedures (SOP).


Incoming Exchange Global Community Development Program (ICX GCDP) 1. Incoming Exchange Global Community Development Program takes responsibility for the incoming exchange participant that coming to Indonesia for Global Community Development Program and also managing the Project Based on Exchange on our Local Committee 2. Incoming Exchange Global Community Development Program Functional consists of Vice President of ICX GCDP, two ICX-GCDP TN managers, one Research and Relation Manager and one Quality and Service Manager. 3. Vice President of ICX GCDP manages, supervises, and takes responsibility of the work and performance of ICX-GCDP TN managers, Research and Relation Manager and Quality and Service Manager. 4. Any parties (members, functional, projects) involved in ICX-GCDP area must refer to the Internal Policies


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5. Responsibilities







Development Program Team (ICX-GCDP Team): a. Responsible for raising process. Raising process is the process of co-operation with Non Governmental Organization (NGO) or organizations alike which are deemed to be suitable as TN Taker for accepting Exchange Participant (EP) to work for them. b. Find out about the Organizations culture and profile as a part of raising process. c. Giving Proposal of ICX DT-GCDP to some NGO’s that we want to approach. d. Making Presentation about AIESEC University of Indonesia to the targeted organization if it’s needed. f. Helping organizations in order to fulfill Job Questionnaire. Job Questionnaire is requirement form from TN Taker to EP if the organization has agreed to take EP in its project/task. g. Making Memory of Understanding as an agreement between the organization and ICX GCDP team to have corporation that EP will be involved in its project or tasks. h. Responsible for the Matching process. This matching process is to find out EP that is suitable with requirements of the organizations. i. Responsible for making Trainee ship Acceptable Note (TN AN) for the Matching process. j. Making Invitation Letter to assist EP for getting Visa. k. Making Traineeship Contract with the interns for before their arrival date. l. Responsible in monitoring the jobs of the incoming EP’s by taking quotation / informal report about their job in their end of the first week and the end of the job. 6. Limit of GCDP team:


a. Responsible for raising process. Raising process is the process of co-operation with Non Governmental Organization (NGO) or organizations alike which are deemed to be suitable as TN Taker for accepting ExchangeParticipant(EP) to work for them. b. Find out about the Organizations culture and profile as a part of Raising process. b. Giving Proposal of ICX DT-GCDP to some NGO’s that we want to approach. c. Making Presentation about AIESEC University of Indonesia to the targeted organization if it’s needed. d. Helping organizations in order to fulfill Job Questionnaire. Job Questionnaire is requirement form from TN Taker to EP if the organization has agreed to take EP in its project/task. e. Making Memory of Understanding as an agreement between the organization and ICX GCDP team to have corporation that EP will be involved in its project or tasks. f. Responsible for the Matching process. This matching process is to find out EP that is suitable with requirements of the organizations. g. Responsible for making Traineeship Acceptable Note (TN AN) for the Matching process. h. Making Invitation Letter to assist EP for getting Visa. i. Making Traineeship Contract with the interns for before their arrival date. j. Responsible in monitoring the jobs of the incoming EP’s by taking quotation/informal report about their job in their end of the first week and the end of the job. 7. Limit liability for Organization Committee: a. in case of accident incurred by the EP during the internship b. In case of damages caused by the EP to the TN or to any third party during the internship


c. In case of damages or lose of any working material (as laptop, camera, cell phone, etc) provided to the Intern by the TN for work purposes. d. For any consequential or indirect damages, including loss of income or profits. e. Where the failure to fulfill their obligations has been caused by circumstances beyond their control. 8. The work of Incoming Global Exchange Internship Program Functional will be managed furthermore in standard operating procedures (SOP).


Incoming Exchange Global Internship Program (ICX GIP) 1. Incoming Exchange Global Internship Program takes responsibility for the incoming exchange participant that coming to Indonesia for internship in professional sector, such as companies etc. 2. The ICX GIP (MT/TT/ET) Functional consists of Vice President of ICX GIP, Non Corporate Manager, Quality Delivery Manager, and Corporate Manager. 3.

Vice President of ICX GIP manages, supervises and takes responsibility of the work and performance of Non Corporate Manager, Quality Delivery Manager, and Corporate Manager.

4. The ICX flow consists of three main parts, which are : raising, matching, and realizing. This whole process can be futher broken down in the TN taker flow which has been divided into four main steps: sales preparation, selling, delivery, and re-raising. 5. All ICX GIP managers will be responsible for the raising and matching process of the ICX flow (mostly for Corporate Managers and Non Corporate Manager). 6. The Quality Delivery Manager will mostly be responsible for the realization part of the ICX flow and will coordinate realization activities with other ICX GIP managers.


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7. The type of research on specific organisation conducted on organisation before approaching it as a TN can help in identifying what type of product to market to it, how to approach it and where AIESEC can fit in its business. While there are two types of basic organization needs: tangible and intangible needs. 8. Few points to keep in mind : a.

Use information from internal research to match with organizational needs


Ensure the Quality of the Job Role while raising it


Outline how you want to present the AIESEC Internship Program to the organization


Look at the exchange pricing and define it

9. Sources of research: a.



Current clients




Alumni and BoA




Personal contacts

10. Apart from these, there are several other untapped bases of information insurroundings such as relevant umbrella organization, bi-lateral agencies etc. 11. ICX GIP managers and Vice President of ICX GIP will conduct targeting of specified companies/institutions that would like to be approached as TN takers from the market segmentation results Coordinate with ER in order to avoid double approaching Coordinate with MC and LC expansions to avoid market clash 12. The purpose of selling or marketing is to raise qualified and worthwhile jobs for interns to come to Indonesia. The process of marketing is about finding out your customer needs and finding a way to satisfy them through


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the Global Internship Program, while clearly communicating the purpose and objectives of the program. 13. Marketing is consists of general Marketing, which are: a) What is AIESEC? We provide youth a platform to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society. This platform includes exchange, leadership opportunities, conferences, and learning networks. b) What does AIESEC do? AIESEC provides an integrated development experience which includes a variety of forms of learning such as team experiences, mentorship, personal reflection, seminars and conferences, and other ways in which we can grow our own leadership and connect to a diverse array of partners. We also integrate management and leadership roles in the organization itself with international internships which is the key role our 3500 corporate partners around the world provide as an experience. c) Why does AIESEC do this? We believe that this process has been designed in way, that if a student goes through this process, he would have had experience to be a change agent who provides positive change in society. d) What is the advantage of taking an intern through AIESEC? i.

AIESEC takes care of all the logistics of bringing the intern.


Adapting the intern in the city/culture.

iii. You choose the kind of intern you need based on your organizations requirement/need. iv. You also select when and for how long you need the intern. v.

You are the end decision-maker on selecting the intern you want.

vi. Our main objective for doing this – is the opportunity of self vii. Development of the individual and thus you might perceive these internships as cost-effective. e. The types of marketing: i. Marketing call, consists of:


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(a). Cold call: Cold calling is contacting organization unfamiliar with AIESEC and ask for a meeting to sell exchange product. Contacts for cold calls are generated through identifying organizations in specific market segments AIESEC wants to target. Cold call objective is to explain AIESEC to company representatives or to get their agreement to taking internships and to get physical meeting with a relevant company representative. (b). Warm call is a phone call made to a lead an organization that is already familiar with AIESEC or one that you have been referred to by an individual/organization known to the target recipient of the call. Warm call objective is to get physical meeting with a relevant company representative. ii. Marketing meeting and presentation (a). First Meeting: First meeting is very important because it creates first impression to AIESEC from company representatives. It could influence the result of the marketing process. The objective of this meeting is to make the companies understand about AIESEC along with the GIP and we hand over the Job Questionnaire to be filled in. (b). Follow up Meeting: Total of follow up meeting depends on the needs both from AIESEC and organization. It usually takes 3-5 meetings until finally raise the organization as TN Taker. Second meeting’s objective is to make the company already filled the Job Questionnaire (JQ) form and we ensure it is filled properly, means easy and quick to match, and also discuss about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Sections that are crucial on the job questionairre form: 1. Job description (JD)


ü Create JDs that are interesting and challenging, such as create strategies to attract new clients, instead of do marketing to search for new clients. ü Give inputs and propose JDs to the company because sometimes they don’t have thoughts about good JDs that are suitable to the EP. 2. Duration and dates of internship ü Persuade the company to be flexible with the duration and starting date of internship. ü Explain that we should adjust to the supply of EP, which is the availability of the EP itself. 3. Region of the world ü Do not picky with country of the interns! Because it will prolong the delivery time and make it difficult to match. ü Tell that all of EPs have the same standard since they follow the same procedures at the selection process. 4. Salary and administration fee ü Point the minimum salary and its’ necessity. ü Explain the purpose of administration fee and its’ payment period. ü There are 2 periods of administration payment. First payment is paid when the company signs the MoU. And second payment is paid when the intern come to the company (realized). ü List of administration fees Management /Technical Traineeship: •

SME & Non-SME (6-8 weeks): Rp1.300.000,00

SME (>2-4 months): Rp2.500.000,00

Non-SME (>2-4 months): Rp3.500.000,00

SME & Non-SME (>4 months): Rp4.000.000,00

Educational Traineeship: •

AIESEC University (6-8 weeks) : Rp6.000.000,00


Public Institution (>2-4 months) : Rp2.000.000,00

Private Institution (>2-4 months) : Rp2.500.000,00

Public & Private (>4-6 months) : Rp3.500.000,00

(c) Third meeting After agree with JQ and MoU at the second meeting, bring the final JQ and MoU to the third meeting. The objective of third meeting is for finalizing the agreement to taking internship and sign the JQ and MoU. 14. The matching process is part of the delivery process. It starts from the moment the JQ (Job Questionnaire) is entered on to the system to integration of the EP in the hosting LC. 15. The visa for EP in ICX GIP is socio cultural and AIESEC will help the EP to apply this visa or renew the visa by making invitation letter or sponsored letter. For most of LC, invitation letter from AIESEC is enough. But in case there is LC which needs recommendation letter from university (Dean), the procedures will be manage in the standard operating procedures (SOP). VII.

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program (OGX GCDP) 1. Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program (OGX GCDP) consists of one Vice President; Research and Relation Manager; Exchange Process Manager Region Asia Pacific; Exchange Process Manager Region CEE & MENA; Exchange Process Manager Region CEE & Ib. America 2.

Vice president of Outgoing Exchange Community Development Program manages, supervises, and takes responsibility of the work and performance of Research and Relation Manager, Exchange Process Manager Region Asia Pacific, Exchange Process Manager Region CEE & MENA, Exchange Process Manager Region CEE & Ib. America.


3. Research and Relation Manager takes responsibility on research and relation of team member(s). 4. Exchange Process Manager Region Asia Pacific takes responsibility on exchange process team member(s) in Asia Pacific region. 5.

Exchange Process Manager Region CEE & MENA takes responsibility on exchange process team member(s) in CEE & MENA region.

6. Exchange Process Manager Region CEE & Ib. America takes responsibility on exchange process team member(s) in CEE & Ib. America region. 7. Any parties involved in outgoing exchange flow or activities must refer to: a. International Exchange Policies and Procedures. b. AIESEC Indonesia Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Guideline. c. Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Policies and Standard Operational Procedure AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Indonesia. 8.

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program (OGX GCDP) act as sending local committee by organizing the exchange program.

9. OGX GCDP takes responsibility before the exchange program, during the exchange program, and after the exchange program. 10. The roles OGX GCDP takes for the exchange program: a.

Organize an “Exchange Participant Selection” according to the definition of Selection in the Quality Standards and ensure that every member participating in an internship has passed through it.


Assign an Exchange Participant Manager (hereafter, “EP Manager”) to assist the Exchange Participant (hereafter, “EP” or “Intern”) in completing the expectation setting, all required paper documentation, completing the EP Form on, finding a project for the


EP, monitoring the EP condition during exchange, and manage the feedback from EP after exchange. c.

Train and assist the member in matching procedures and use of matching tools ( Exchange Module, Wikis and Classifieds).


Inform the EP of his/her current match status. In case the EP is responsible for his/her own matching, the LC should consistently track his/her matching status as well as provide guidance and overall support.


Provide necessary support to the EP to send official Acceptance Notes when needed.


Verify if the EP can legally travel abroad independently, with or without parents’ formal authorization and without requiring the Hosting LC/Hosting MC/TN to have legal power of attorney over the Intern.


Provide adequate pre-departure preparation as outlined in the Exchange Process Standards


Educate the EP on the responsibilities of all parties involved in the exchange process.


Educate the EP on the complaint procedures.


Guide and support the EP through all quality issues using the International Exchange Policies and Quality Standards.


Communicate with the Host LC and intern to coordinate the reception so the requirements in the reception section Exchange Process Standards are met

k. Periodically evaluate the internship and communicate with the EP throughout the duration of the internship at least on a monthly basis. l. Encourage the EP to complete and submit the measurement surveys. Inform the intern of the timeline for completing measurement surveys and facilitate the online or offline completion of surveys.


m. Provide the EP with the opportunity to re-integrate into the sending LC as outlined in the Re-Integration section of the Exchange Process Standards. 11. OGX GCDP must inform the exchange participant about intern responsibilities, which are: a. Participate in the EP selection process that is organized by the Local/Member Committee. b. Attend the Pre Outgoing Exchange Seminar that will be held 2 (two) days after the EP announcement. c. Complete and sign all documentation pertaining to participation in an AIESEC internship. This includes, but is not limited to, the Student Contract, EP Resume, and Agreement of Expectation. d. Choose whether the EP wants to get matched based on the project available or country preferences. e. Complete the student resume template that will be uploaded by the EP manager on as the EP form. f. Pass the language test(s) for all proficiency levels in non-Native languages or have written proof of the language level(s) as specified in the EP forms. g. Attend preparation events and complete the preparation requirements of the country and territory h. Provide the required information to the Host LC and TN in order they can verify the EP i. Can legally travel abroad independently and would be able to work legally in AIESEC internship in the Host Country. j. Communicate continuously with the Home LC of the matching status and any changes of preferences or issues that arisen. k. Re-evaluate written or unwritten specifications if unsuccessful with matching after one month of consistent matching.


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l. Inform the Local and/or Member Committee if they become unavailable for an internship, or if they are looking into other opportunities. m. Have sufficient funds to incur all expenses related to transportation to and from the host country and territory. n. Have sufficient funds to cover all living expenses for the first four weeks of the internship. o. Review the visa/work permit regulations for the host country prior to the purchase of a ticket to travel to the country (air/sea/land transportation) p. Acquire the necessary legal documents to participate in an internship in the foreign country (visa, insurance policies, medical certifications, working and residence permits and other required documents). Intern shall incur all costs related to all legal documentation or processes. Even if it is not required for obtaining visa, work permit or residence papers, it is highly advisable to have an international insurance that covers at least expenses of illness and accidents. q. Ask the Hosting LC and search by themselves all the information related to life conditions in the Hosting Country in order to be aware of any potential risk in the country or local area. r. Officially register with the home embassy in the host country. s. Maintain communication with the Sending and Hosting Local Committees throughout the internship. t. Provide current contact information to the Local Committees (host and home). u. Prepare to give presentations about the home country and culture to organization employees, AIESEC members, and other audiences. v. Take a proactive and independent role in getting involved in the community and in other activities outside the internship.


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w. Take a proactive and independent role in integrating with the local AIESEC chapter and its membership. x. Participate in AIESEC activities relevant to interests and goals. y. Give input to the Host Local and Member Committees about future internship opportunities with the organization they are working for to provide similar opportunities to other Interns in the future. z. Participate in reintegration activities after their arrival to their home country with their sending LC. 12. The liability limit of the OGX GCDP (which act as the AIESEC sending Local Committee) is the same with the liability of AIESEC International, and AIESEC hosting local committee, AIESEC sending Local Committee may only be held liable for their personal respective responsibilities as described in this Statement of Understanding, its annexes and appendixes. 13. In particular, AIESEC International, AIESEC sending local committee and AIESEC hosting local committee shall never be held liable: a. In case of refusal from the authorities to provide a visa, work permit or any other legal document or authorization needed by the individual to participate in the internship b. In case of false, inaccurate or incorrect information provided by the EP or the TN resulting in the match/internship c. In case of accident incurred by the EP during the internship d. In case of damages caused by the EP to the TN or to any third party during the internship e. In case of damages or lose of any working material (as laptop, camera, cell phone, etc) provided to the Intern by the TN for work purposes. f. For any consequential or indirect damages, including loss of income or profits. g. Where the failure to fulfill their obligations has been caused by circumstances beyond their control.


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Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Programme (OGX GIP) 1. Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Programme or known as OGX GIP is one of the new functional in AIESEC in these past two years. This function have a job to have communication and relation with other Local Committee in 110 Countries in order to send Indonesian (our local) people which taking Outgoing Exchange for Global Internship Programme or known as OGX Corporate which provide Professional Internship by having exchange to another AIESEC countries, the member of OGX GIP will have responsibility to make our client get their internship in the company at another AIESEC country by international virtual process. 2. In this functional also, we have to manage our relation with other AIESEC Local Committee by having cooperation and research of international internship database in our AIESEC system. 3. OGX GIP consists of Vice President of OGX GIP; Research & Relation Manager; Exchange Process Manager; Exchange Process Manager. 4. Vice President of Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Program takes responsibility on maintaining and managing the functional OGX GIP by developing strategy within analysis based on external and internal team performance and LC strategies as a whole. With responsibilities through LC and on how guiding the functional to synergize with other functional in order to achieve the goal of organization itself. 5. Research and Relation Team consists of: a.Research and Relation Manager (Team Leader) The role of this portfolio

is developing strategy and managing the outgoing exchange activity focusing on segmenting for market research for external market for OGX GIP, developing on cooperation between LC to LC and analysis about current available TN on which fit to potential market in Jakarta and collaborating together with the VP OGX GIP and the OGX GIP team.


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b.Junior Supply and Demand Researcher (Team Member) maintaining

Research process and cooperation by international virtual AIESEC system with other AIESEC Local Committee around the world. c. Junior External Market Researcher (Team Member) maintaining Research

process for potential target (such as Universities, Companies) as our client for Intern Supplier from Indonesia to another countries for taking our Global Internship Programme Exchange. d.Junior Public and Media Promoter (Team Member) maintaining

collaboration of promotion for our product of Global Internship Program which is International Internship. 6. Exchange Process Team which are : a. 2 Exchange Process Managers (Team Leader) The role of this portfolio is developing strategy and managing the outgoing exchange activity focusing on raising matching and realizing process, together with the VP OGX GIP and the OGX GIP team. b. Junior Exchange Ambassadors (Team Member) Manage searching process of available job on international system, set the international virtual meeting between our local Intern with potential companies which cooperated with other AIESEC Local Committee in other countries. 7.

Global Internship Fair Team which are :* a. Organizing Committee President (Team Leader) b. Organizing Committee Finance (Team Member) c. Organizing Committee Programme (Team Member) d. Organizing Committee Communication (Team Member) e. Organizing Committee Marketing (Team Member) f. Organizing Committee Logistic (Team Member) *(Job Description explanation will be explain on Project Policies of Corporate Fair)


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For any parties (members, functional, projects) involved in TM area must refer to the Internal Policies.

Interview OGX X Noncorp


and Raising


Rp1,500,000 Rp1,500,000
















LCEB LR Rp750,000 X

Rp Normal






LR Non-

Corp X+L


200,000 Rp






200,000 Rp

LCEB LR Rp1,000,000






9. Exchange and fee system is described in table below: 10. Raise fee paid on the day of Signing Contract Week Process. 11. Match fee will be paid when the Intern status in system already Matched and the Intern should pay the match fee within the deadline 2 weeks after the Intern matched on system and will get penalty in each day of their lateness based on Fee Policies from Finance Functional. 12. Break Match Fee Rp 1.000.000 is paid in due situations in the amount not smaller then the initial fee in period up to 14 days after the decision of Break match. 13. Additional conditions for match break from EP side : a. 2 weeks deadline for Hosting Entity to provide all the necessary documents for visa application (unless other timeline was agreed). b. Visa process delay (other delay caused by third party/authority) that fundamentally changes internship conditions or timeline.


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c. Family reasons – The Intern may be requested to provide proof of emergency. After breaking a match due to family emergency the intern is not allowed to put an EP form on “Available” or raise new EP form on for the next 6 weeks. In this case EP has to be withdrawn from X ( program for 6 weeks. 14. Additional match break clarifications: a.

If there is a problem with internship ( Section 6) that can’t

be resolved AIESEC LC should provide new internship within the same country within the period that corresponds to 20% of total internship duration but no longer than 1 month (Old IXPQS defined a period of 2 month that is irrelevant in case of 6 week internship). b.

(To the previous policy) If suitable internship can’t be found, or If

the immigration or labor law don’t allow the intern to stay in the country Intern has a right for full compensation of travel expenses and other expenses caused by violation of the policy. Claims to any such compensation must be made within 1 month of the date that the problem occurs. c.

Intern and hosting entity should

consider that If a minimum of three Internships corresponding to the specifications of the

EP form are presented

within certain period and the Intern rejects them, the Hosting AIESEC entity is under no further obligation to the Interns. 15. Break Match from TN side: a. In case there is an issue with intern Intern may be asked to pay up to 50% of the Exchange program fee (TN fee) paid by organization before or other expenses incurred on the Intern by organization b. Notification! If the TN fee the TN form is (0) zero, there can be no TN fee

mentioned on reimbursement

through complaint procedures.



In case of AIESEC entity itself runs projects where TN fee is mentioned as (0) zero, the Hosting Entity shall not be entitled to TN Admin fee reimbursement.

d. However, if the Hosting Entity can provide evidence of expenses incurred




by organization, the amount can be scrutinized or considered for reimbursement during complaint procedures. IX.

Project Development (PD) 1.

Project Development takes responsibility on creating projects/events for youth in Jakarta to get them know more about AIESEC and maintaining the quality of all projects in AIESEC UI.


The Project Development Functional consists of Vice President of Project Development, Youth Engagement Research & Development (R&D) Manager, Youth Event Manager,and Engagement with AIESEC (EwA) Project Coordinator.


Any parties (members, functionals, projects) involved in PD area must refer to the Internal Policies described below.


Vice President of Project Development takes responsibility, manages, and supervises the work and performance of Youth Engagement Research & Development (R&D) Manager, Youth Event Manager,and Engagement with AIESEC (EwA) Project Coordinator and the staffs below them.


Youth Engagement Research & Development Manager is responsible: a. to conclude and communicate the result youth research to LC, especially LCVPs related; b. Evaluate the youth organizations/communities research, whether the organization is aligned with AIESEC values and approve the organization to be approached for partnership establishment; c. Establish








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d. Analyze the feedback from participants of every project; e. Maintain relationship with AIESEC Buddy Community through physical and virtual acitivities; f. Manage facebook group AIESEC Buddy Community; Manage all data of AIESEC Buddy Community. 6. Youth Event Manager is responsible to: a. Create







communities, and AIESEC Buddy Community. b. Conduct recruitment of volunteer for PBoX. c. Youth Event manager will be responsible to recruit volunteer from associate members (youth outside AIESEC). d. Manage collaborative projects with other functionals. e. Be project coordinator of Youth Talk and Lead Talk of AIESEC LCUI. 7.

Every functional that want to have collaborative event/project will coordinate with Youth Event Managers.


EwA Project Coordinator is responsible to: a. Develop project tools including pre-proposal, hearing, and project report template. b. Evaluate the effectiveness and revise the project tools. c. Conduct EwAactivity Filtering to every project that is related to youth engagement. d. Be project coordinator of EwA project in LCUI to supervise OC team and ensure the implemented project flow is aligned with project standard guideline. e. Control the project quality through OCP tracking.

9. The work procedures of Project Development will be mangaed furthermore in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).


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Talent Management 1.

Talent Management is responsible in managing and developing the human resource of the organization. For example through allocation of member to functional, training, conference, and assessment.


The Talent Management Functional consists of Vice President of Talent Management, Recruitment Manager, Consulting Manager, and Talent Development Manager.


Any parties (members, functionals, projects) involved in TM area must refer to the Internal Policies described below.


Vice President of Talent Management takes responsibility, manages, and supervises the work and performance of Recruitment Manager, Consulting Manager, and Talent Development Manager.

5. Recruitment Manager is responsible for choosing the right and best talents, make sure ‘the right man in the right place’, have the future leaders in LC UI on his/her hands. 6.

For ongoing OGX selection, recruitment manager will coordinate with the OGX functional. The OGX functional responsible for the EP applicants while recruitment manager is responsible for the recruitment team to assess the EP applicants.


Recruitment Manager is responsible to track the recruitment both for the recruitment teams and AIESEC fair committee

8. Consultant Manager Responsible for maintaining each members get a quality experience through feedback system and be a consultant for personal and professional development of member. 9. Talent Development is responsible for increasing the quality of LC UI’s leaders through induction, training, and conference. Give LC UI its global atmosphere to all members through implementation of Global Learning Environment. 10. The work procedures of this functional furthermore will be managed in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).



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