AIESEC Mexico TMP Sales Profile

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What is a Sales Profile? Description: People who are ideally suited to being Salespeople are driven, results oriented, and resilient. They aren’t necessarily the loudest or the most talkative people, but the person who can persuade, build and foster relationships, and is willing to persevere to accomplish their goals, even when the going gets tough.

Suggested JDs

Why they join / How to market AIESEC to them:  

ICX Marketer OC Recruitment

 


Improve their own network of professional contacts Develop practical business skills Leadership opportunities The OGX GIP program

How to select/allocate:

Look for people who are:

•Results Oriented •Modest & Humble •Reliable •Problem Solvers •Good Planners •Curious

Avoid people who are:

•Easily Discouraged •People Pleasers •Easily Embarrassed

Ways to motivate/retain:     

Public and private recognition of their success Tracking and focus on results Team environment Development of real world business skills Opportunities to learn from and work with externals

EP Suitability: OGX GCDP

Interest in the Program: LOWMEDIUM •Often are more focused on developing their professional competencies than developing communities.

Matchability: MEDIUM •Ideally suited to work with NGOs with fundraising and selling their programs

OGX GIP Interest in the Program: HIGH •Usually leaning towards more developed countries and larger organizations

Matchability: MEDIUM •Many Sales TNs exist but they are usually very competitive. They usually need to be graduated with some work experience.

Recommended Readings:  

Harvard Business Review: Seven Personality Traits of Top Salespeople - Developing a Sales Profile (That Works!) - AIESEC in Mexico | Talent Management | 2012-2013

How to Interview for Sales Profiles Look for people who are: Results Oriented

Modest and Humble

People who continuously track achievements and measure their performance in comparison to their goals.

Problem Solvers

Being able to solve problesm helps them overcome customer objections and create better value propositions

They have a higher resilience to rejection, which is critical for sales people. Genuine humility also builds rapport with clients.

Good Planners


Those who have a strong sense of responsibility take their work seriously and can be held accountable to their results.

Curious Sales is often a long process, and being able to look long term and follow through is key to success.

People who actively seek information are better at closing sales because they can find the truth of what the client wants and needs.

You don’t want people who are: Easily Discouraged

Sales faces frequent rejection, so you need people who can handle emotional disappointments and keep moving forward.

People Pleasers

People who are overly friendly and who want everyone to like them often have trouble asking tough questions and closing sales.

Easily Embarassed

They have to convey confidence to their clients, which they can’t do if they are afraid of what people may say.

Sample Interview Questions For term projects, how do you usually manage your time? Tell me how you prepare for an interview. Describe a time when you innovated a product or process to make it more effective. Why did you decide to make these changes, how did you implement it, and what was the outcome? Pretend you are a recruiter for your University and take 1 minute to prepare. Pretend I am a prospective student, and try and sell me on why I should attend your university. Tell me about a time you were at an event where there were only a few other people you knew. How did you act at this event? When you come across a situation at work where you don’t know the answer, what do you do? What are the things in work or school that motivate you? What demotivates you? Tell me about a time when you faced rejection or failure at work (or school.) What happened and how did you deal with the situation? AIESEC in Mexico | Talent Management | 2012-2013

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