GoGlobal Booklet

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Volunteer & Teach Abroad This Summer


GoIndia 3 GoEgypt 5 GoColombia 7 GoBrazil 9

GO TEACH GoChina 11







Your AIESEC Experience Starts Here. Taking part in “GoGlobal this Summer” with AIESEC UK gives you an opportunity to volunteer, work and ultimately immerse yourself in a new and exciting country, with a global network of young people to support you along the way.

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organisation, meaning your international experience will be facilitated by fellow students or recent graduates across the world. As a not-for-profit, AIESEC keeps its costs as low as possible to simply remain sustainable as a charitable organisation. AIESEC, and the impact it has, is recognised globally by world-leading employers, such as PwC, Deutsch Post DHL and UBS. AIESEC provides a truly global support network, both in the UK and the hosting country.



Volunteer abroad this summer and make a real impact in the developing world. Project options include supporting local charities in Brazil, HIV/AIDS awareness in India and building environmental education in Egypt.

Teach abroad this summer, to develop yourself and others, and to impact international education.

You’ll be able to immerse yourself in a new and exciting culture, working as part of a truly international team and gain valuable experience, while contributing to a local community.

By working in the private education sector in China, you will you enjoy delivering a learning experience and add fantastic employability skills to your CV. Having the opportunity to have such an impact on others, is one not to be missed!


GoVolunteer GoIndia



India is simply a kaleidoscope of ethnic, cultural and demographic diversity, offering a natural environment of freedom of choice and voice to all who reside in its democracy. Its unique combination of vibrance and spice is part of it’s extraordinary spectrum for travelers, leaving the ability to inspire, thrill and frustrate. India’s ancient culture, rivers, mountains and vegetation make it a wonderful place to stay, a seemingly distant land from the busy streets of Mumbai. Such variety in one country, from electric Delhi to butter-chicken rich Chandigarh, enables so much to explore. You can imagine the range of experiences, love them or loathe them, they are all part of the Indian experience.



£350 administration fee


6 weeks

Create awareness, educate about the power and role of environmental issues and organise green initiatives to impact the local environment.

Home-stay or volunteer shared house Awesome AIESEC experience Choice of 3 projects

PROJECT INCLUDES .: Deliver workshops on environmental issues .: Research for future green implementations .: Organise and deliver environmental campaigns .: Work in conjunction with local charities






Help underprivileged children, by developing their skills in music and arts, promote healthy living and child empowerment.

Develop education processes, encourage responsible involvement to work against the spread of HIV/AIDs and equip locals with knowledge and motivation for the future.



.: Deliver workshops on skills development for children

.: Deliver workshops on HIV/AIDs initiatives

.: Teach english in rural schools

.: Work in conjunction with local charities

EPIC 2013. Exchange Participant Induction Conferences are perfect to prepare you for your international experience with AIESEC. Local support from both AIESEC in your university in the UK and in the local community where you traveling to, including an initial arrival orientation. Support from an AIESEC UK member who will be working in India during summer 2013. 24 hour support telephone line from AIESEC UK. Flight and insurance support provided by STA Travel.

Eligibility Checklist Are you:

A University student in the UK? Experienced in travelling?

Passionate about volunteering? If you ticked the boxes above, you are ready to apply for an AIESEC exchange experience this summer in India.

India is one of the most culturally challenging opportunities we offer.

HomeComing 2013. Our Reintegration Conference to complete your volunteer or work abroad experience upon your return.

OTHER COSTS TO CONSIDER You will need to account for third party fees including personal support funds, your Indian visa, insurance and flights. For the latter two, we recommend our partner travel providers STA Travel.

While thoroughly rewarding, it is not for the


Read some exchange stories at www.aiesec.co.uk/stories 4

GoVolunteer GoEgypt



Egypt has a rich and mysterious past which is now embarking on an exciting and modern course. The stunning monuments of Ancient Egypt, its beautiful landscapes and its warm people never fail to astonish. A cruise along the world’s longest river dazzles the senses. No place has the magic, mystery and pleasures of Egypt. Perhaps the most striking characteristic of Egypt is the way everyone is made to feel at home. The moment you set foot on Egyptian soil, you experience this typically Egyptian ease and friendliness. Visit Egypt now!



£350 administration fee


6 weeks

Support local charity development, by building social entrepreneurship, personal development and child education.

Home-stay or volunteer shared house Awesome AIESEC experience Choice of 3 projects

PROJECT INCLUDES .: Development Studies: Identifying solutions for development-related problems. .: Marketing: Market research about Egypt’s tourist sector. Building promotional campaigns to improve tourist development. .: Business Development: Strategic development plans for the local charities, marketing strategies.






Target local charities on tackling environmental issues, spreading awareness and delivering workshops on growing issues in Egypt...

Horreya means freedom in Arabia. After the Egyptian revolution, supporting local Human Rights charities from young people with an international mindset is vital, to enable them to take an active role in the community.



.: Building Awareness

.: Education: Workshops to children about their rights and duties in society

Workshops and activities with children about environmental issues.

.: Workshop Delivery Deliver field trips to students related to school curricula in the fields of physical and earth science, life and environmental. .: Research & Development Data analysis and research about usage of resources on campus, working with local volunteers on improvement of the energy usage.

.: Public Relations: Facilitating the flow of communication within local charities as well as presenting them to the local communities.

Eligibility Checklist Are you:

A University student in the UK? Passionate about volunteering? If you ticked the boxes above, you are ready to apply for an AIESEC exchange experience this summer in Egypt.

EPIC 2013. Exchange Participant Induction Conferences are perfect to prepare you for your international experience with AIESEC. Local support from both AIESEC in your university in the UK and in the local community where you traveling to, including an initial arrival orientation. Support from an AIESEC UK member who will be working in Egypt during summer 2013. 24 hour support telephone line from AIESEC UK. Flight and insurance support provided by STA Travel. HomeComing 2013. Our Reintegration Conference to complete your volunteer or work abroad experience upon your return.

OTHER COSTS TO CONSIDER You will need to account for third party fees including personal support funds, your Egyptian visa, insurance and flights. For the latter two, we recommend our partner travel providers STA Travel.

Read some exchange stories at www.aiesec.co.uk/stories 6

GoVolunteer GoColombia 7

ABOUT COLOMBIA Colombia is a surprising fusion from modern cites with skyscrapers and nightclubs, to beautiful Caribbean beaches, not to mention the possibility of Amazon safaris. With such a dreamlike quality to Colombia, with endless sun at the equator and the warmth of locals, the only problem is you won’t want to leave! The culture, as well as the weather, varies by altitude, across the vast Colombian landscape, with geographical isolation keeping aspects natural. Such is also the case with the easy to understand Spanish. This leaves the Colombian paradise to enjoy and the perfect place to fall in love with, and ultimately explore.



£350 administration fee


6 weeks

Work with local charities in both social and professional activities supporting them to develop their processes.

Home-stay or volunteer shared house Awesome AIESEC experience Choice of 3 projects

PROJECT INCLUDES .: Marketing: Develop social network identity, campaign creation for publicity, evaluation research for partners and manage the brand. .: Finance: Organise charitable events and donation campaigns, as well as identify partnership opportunities. .: Educational: Deliver workshops about entrepreneurship, leadership and sustainability, as well as language education.






Embrace the opportunities to work and practice facilitation skills, be creative in group dynamics and experience being a teacher.

Take the opportunity to work and practice facilitation skills, being creative in group dynamics, learning about lolcal social issues, and showing more of your local culture.



.: Workshop Delivery Deliver workshops based on a range of topics, such as cultural diversity, leadership and entrepreneurship. Each requires planning with supporting material, from both a local and international background.

.: Teaching Support local teachers in English classes, focusing on conversational skills, as well as leading classroom discussion and coordinating group activities.

EPIC 2013. Exchange Participant Induction Conferences are perfect to prepare you for your international experience with AIESEC. Local support from both AIESEC in your university in the UK and in the local community where you traveling to, including an initial arrival orientation. Support from an AIESEC UK member who will be working in Colombia during summer 2013. 24 hour support telephone line from AIESEC UK. Flight and insurance support provided by STA Travel. HomeComing 2013. Our Reintegration Conference to complete your volunteer or work abroad experience upon your return.

Eligibility Checklist Are you:

A University student in the UK? Passionate about volunteering? If you ticked the boxes above,

OTHER COSTS TO CONSIDER You will need to account for third party fees including personal support funds, your Colombian visa, insurance and flights. For the latter two, we recommend our partner travel providers STA Travel.

you are ready to apply for an AIESEC exchange experience this summer in Colombia.

Read some exchange stories at www.aiesec.co.uk/stories 8

GoVolunteer GoBrazil



Brazil is South America’s giant, dazzling adventure, renowned for its white-sand beaches and the world’s largest tropical rainforest. It is South America’s most influential country, having a giant economy and being among the world’s biggest democracies. Besides that, Brazil is one of the most exciting countries in the world, as it has great diversity; cultures, ethnicities, colours and beliefs. The excitement often continues throughout days and into the night! Such a vibrant and colourful lifestyle brings the best of Brazil out, with the great people, great food and great environment allowing the place for a perfect summer .



£350 administration fee


6 weeks

Generate a direct social impact by supporting, developing and impacting small and medium sized foundations, offering a great opportunity for personal and professional development.

Home-stay or volunteer shared house Awesome AIESEC experience Choice of 3 projects

PROJECT INCLUDES .: Fundraising: Lead fundraising events, develop projects and campaigns. .: Communication: Institutional branding, communication, web portals and volunteering recruitment focus. .: Management: Project and programme management, as well as more general management in other aspects of the charity.






Deliver educational activities in schools about culture, global issues and language among other concepts such as sustainability, entrepreneurship and social responsibility, as part of an international team.

Deliver cultural and educational activities as part of an international team. Exchange academic and cultural knowledge, translating into personal and social development.

PROJECT INCLUDES .: Workshops: Deliver workshops offering a global perspective on issues such as social responsibility, entrepreneurship vision and citizenship. .: Facilitation: Participate in language based education.

PROJECT INCLUDES .: Presenting: Represent your country, among topics such as international career opportunities and international relations. .: Facilitation: Lead discussion groups offering an international mindset from skills to career workshops. .: Above & Beyond: Go the extra mile and assist in negotiating international cooperation agreements internationally.

EPIC 2013. Exchange Participant Induction Conferences are perfect to prepare you for your international experience with AIESEC. Local support from both AIESEC in your university in the UK and in the local community where you traveling to, including an initial arrival orientation. Support from an AIESEC UK member who will be working in Brazil during summer 2013. 24 hour support telephone line from AIESEC UK. Flight and insurance support provided by STA Travel. HomeComing 2013. Our Reintegration Conference to complete your volunteer or work abroad experience upon your return.

.: Above & Beyond: Assist the institution on finding new education methodologies.

OTHER COSTS TO CONSIDER Eligibility Checklist Are you:

A University student in the UK? Passionate about volunteering?

You will need to account for third party fees including personal support funds, your Brazilian visa, insurance and flights. For the latter two, we recommend our partner travel providers STA Travel.

If you ticked the boxes above, you are ready to apply for an AIESEC exchange experience this summer in Brazil.

Read some exchange stories at www.aiesec.co.uk/stories 10

GoTeach GoChina



China is the fastest growing economy in the world. Our opportunities span he largest cities like Shanghai and Beijing to the more rural areas further inland. The nation has such a rich tapestry of history and culture which frankly hasn’t been exported accurately enough to our western eyes. You can imagine that there are huge differences throughout the country; differences only really appreciated when witnessed first-hand.



TEACH ENGLISH IN CHINA £350 administration fee 6 weeks Paid teaching placement Awesome AIESEC experience

Teach English to students ranging from 8 years old upwards, preparing cultural introductions and organising extracurricular activities. TEACHING .: Develop your communication and presentation skills, by educating the youth of the world’s fastest growing economy. EDUCATION .: Showcase UK culture and activities based from this.


Last summer, I traveled to Xiamen, China for 2 months to teach English at King’s International English. Working in an international team, we developed lesson plans, engaged with the local youth and threw ourselves into being teachers! Such a responsible role for my summer abroad was insane, challenging, but ultimately so rewarding. And that’s not to mention living a very Chinese lifestlye! Tom Murphy, Bristol Unviersity

Taught English in Xiamen, Mainland China

EPIC 2013. Exchange Participant Induction Conferences are perfect to prepare you for your international experience with AIESEC. Local support from both AIESEC in your university in the UK and in the local community where you traveling to, including an initial arrival orientation. Support from an AIESEC UK member who will be working in China during summer 2013. 24 hour support telephone line from AIESEC UK. Flight and insurance support provided by STA Travel. HomeComing 2013. Our Reintegration Conference to complete your volunteer or work abroad experience upon your return.

Eligibility Checklist Are you:

A University student in the UK? Passionate about teahcing? If you ticked the boxes above, you are ready to apply for an AIESEC exchange experience this summer in Brazil.

OTHER COSTS TO CONSIDER You will need to account for third party fees including personal support funds, your Chinese visa, insurance and flights. For the latter two, we recommend our partner travel providers STA Travel.

Read some exchange stories at www.aiesec.co.uk/stories 12


Your AIESEC Experience

AIESEC facilitates over 20,000 global experiences a year. There are AIESEC exchange opportunities in 113 countries and territories, with GoVolunteer projects available across the developing world. However, the availability of these are not guaranteed and are usually advertised closer to summer. State your preference on your GoGlobal application, and we’ll let you know whether its possible! But with such great GoVolunteer opportunities in Brazil, Colombia, Egypt and India, with GoTeach in China, why look anywhere else! Our GoGlobal programme will provide you with an amazing life experience, which ever country you choose, which can all fit into just a summer!


A little bit about AIESEC Tens

of thousands of students and recent graduates, each year, in over 100 countries manage an organisation that facilitates tens of thousands of international exchanges so that young people may experience and understand cultures other than their own.


AIESEC develops responsible, global leaders.


by providing a self-driven, practical learning experience.

WHAT WE ENVISION Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential

AIESEC BENEFITS Personalised flight booking service, perfect for long-distance travel

We believe

that being part of this global community, taking these management and leadership opportunities and having the chance to learn and question our roles in society gives us as AIESECers a bit of power and direction in becoming change agents for positive impact.

20% off travel insurance for exchange participants, when booking their travel insurance through STA travel 10% off a wide range of STA extras, such as tours, day trips and activities if you want to stay & play! For more information please contact aiesec@statravel.co.uk or call 08714680668 mentioning AIESEC 14


AIESEC UK Ltd. 29-31 Cowper Street London EC2A 4AT 020 7549 1800

www.aiesec.co.uk © AIESEC UK Ltd. 2012

AIESEC (UK) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered No 01206796 AIESEC (UK) Limited is a registered charity. Registered Charity No 274779

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