Largest Youth-run organisation in the world wins the Youth on Board award for youth leadership from the British Youth Council. By Charlotte De Ridder December 17, 2012 London, UK – The UK Chapter of AIESEC a worldwide youth leadership organisation has been awarded the Youth on Board award by the British Youth Council during their Annual Parliamentary Reception on the 17th of December at the House of Commons for its outstanding performance in developing youth in the world. The Youth on Board award recognises youth-led organisations that are providing a platform for young people and young voices and making a difference at a local, national and international level. This is a cause that AIESEC has been determined to achieve since its creation in 1948. AIESEC has been making this difference by providing self-driven, practical, learning experiences to its members. It has an internship programme, which consists of sending students and recent graduates abroad to any of the 113 countries and territories where AIESEC is based and gives the opportunity for youth from abroad to come to the UK for internships in local companies. Through the programme it develops students’ cultural awareness and their view of the world they live in. The unique aspect of AIESEC is that the entire organisation is run by youth, for youth! AIESEC UK is based in 20 universities across the United Kingdom. The awards ceremony was a two-hour networking event with some keynote speeches. David Blunkett MP and Ed Timpson MP, and Children and Families Minister gave out the award to the organisation congratulating them for their work. The National President of AIESEC UK , Dan Bell, with two of its National Vice Presidents collected the award, along with two local presidents. Lee Dalchow, student president at the University of Sheffield and Pavan Surepeddi, student president of the University of Bristol to recognise their incredible effort to make a difference in their local communities. Contact To learn more about this award or AIESEC, please contact Charlotte De Ridder, Vice President Communications and Marketing 29-31 Cowper Street, EC1V8DX, London UK Office: 02075491807
AIESEC United Kingdom
29-31 Cowper Street, London, EC2A 4AT Tel: 020 7549 1800
Fax: 020 7336 7971
AIESEC (UK) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered # 01206976. Registered Charity # 274779