On Saturday, May 8th, 2021 AIESEC Ngabuburit was conducted in the theme of Gabung Obrolan Ramadhan with AIESEC in UNAND (GORENGAN). It is an engagement event presented by Talent Management to cherish our Ramadhan and have some fun before Eid al Fitr. The agendas of this event consist of Mini Talkshow with our guest speaker kak Siti Meilina Lubis, Fun session (playing, Special session: Eid al Fitr letter where we wrote letter(s) to those who we adore or appreciate, and THR AIESEC Announcement as a reward given to members who win our challenge for Eid al Fitr Poster and Best outfit/dresscode. We also rewarded the THR AIESEC to participants who was proactive and winning the
Halal bi Halal event was held on Saturday, 22nd May 2021 with theme “Mempererat Silaturahmi Dimasa Pandemi”. In AIESEC Halal Bi Halal we had a very warm moments with the alumni, senior member, and current member. The agendas are Mini Talkshow with one of the alumni that is Bang Jurman all the way from Syria, Fun Games, and Free Space as the space when we can had conversation each other.
UKM Visit is a gathering event with student activity units at Andalas University. In May, this event was held on the 26th with UKS (Art Activity Unit) and on the 27th with Neo Telemetry. The agenda for the UKM Visit includes introductions, sharing sessions, and promoting AIESEC in UNAND programs and projects.