Newsletter 2019
“Activate the leadership by living AIESEC experience.”
Executive Board of
AIESEC in UNSRI Term 2019
Eva Dessyana Local Committee President
Madonna Mathildah
Amelia Oriwarda
Local Committee Vice President Public Relations
Local Committee Vice President Finance, Governance & Legality
Saprill Berlian
Annisa Isyaturrodhiah
Local Committee Vice President Business Development
Local Committee Vice President Talent Management
Victory for Glory
Khansa’ Siti Nabilah
Arrahma Amruhu I.A
Local Committee Vice President Incoming Global Entrepreneur
Local Committee Vice President Marketing
Nabila Aprilia Yulistiani
Youges Putra Merly P.
Local Committee Vice President Outgoing Global Volunteer
Local Committee Vice President Incoming Global Volunteer
Hoy AIESEC! ello, MUSI! It's been a month since our term officially started. For some of you ,the past month might be so easy but the others might think it's full of uncertainty and you already suffer a lot. There's no such thing as too soon for appreciation so I want to say thank you for what you've done. Uncertainty will always, come but those uncertainties will make us stronger. Please keep in mind that you are not alone, you never be. So, never be a shame to reach someone for help even from someone you never talked before.
Local Committee President AIESEC in UNSRI 2019
02 01. Preface 02. Musi Update 03. Hey AIESEC! 04. Recognition 05. Opportunities 06. What’s Next?
Incoming Global Volunteer Commission
Incoming Global Entrepreneur Commission
Marketing Commission
BTA (Bring The Action) Summit is a mini conference that held every beginning and end of the term. This summit happened on February 8 – 10, 2019, in Bandung. What makes it different this time is, not only operational department that attend the summit, but also from Talent Management and Marketing peeps! Just like its name, hopefully, the delegates that came to the summit can bring real action and implement the output back to their own entity.
External Networking Summit is an event that held specifically for ER commision (ER, PR, and BD department) of all entities in Indonesia. It was held in Jakarta for 3 days, started from 15 until 17 February 2019. The purpose of this summit is to educate ER peeps about national plan, initiatives and product, explore potential areas for collaboration between MCLC for upcoming one year ahead, connect the LCVPs ER to their MCVPs and the Supporting Team, and share Good Case Practices about External Relations management.
Welcoming Party
This event was held on Sunday, February 17, 2019 at Lord CafĂŠ, to give a warmest welcome to our Exchange Participants Returnee. We got a lot of inspiring experiences from them!
On Saturday, February 23 2019, we had our Farewell Party with the theme White Party at Grand Atyasa. Executive Board of term 2018 was handing over their title to the new Executive Board of term 2019. All members enjoyed the night and shared beautiful memories together.
Putri Kumala – OCP Sriwijaya Project 3.0
Ever wonder why did Eva bravely decided to be in her position right now?
Read on to know her answer.
Hey there, I am Eva Dessyana, currently majoring in communication science in Sriwijaya University. Well, one day PR peeps reached me to write a reason why I applied as Local Committee President, and to be honest I don’t know what to write, so I’ll copy my intention letter instead, LOL. But, that’s my reason though. All of my AIESEC journey started from my curiosity towards this organization. No, it’s not that I am amaze by how impactful this organization (at that time), but I am curious by how my friend keep talking about it almost every day, and now here I am. In the end, I found out the reason why she kept nagging and ask me to join. It was because Global Leader peak. Yes, you are right, back then we still called Join AIESEC as Global Leader. Finally, I joined AIESEC in batch 6 and I am officially a part of the organization on April 2016.
I can’t say my journey in AIESEC is as smooth as baby. I cried a lot, I got mad a lot, and I got pissed off most of the time. But, after all of that, I am still here. Don’t ask me why, it will take a long time and a cup of coffee just to talk about it. All I can say is, I am grateful for what I’ve done. I am glad that I didn’t quit AIESEC right after SYC, and I am glad that I am bravely applied for opportunities that were offered. After all of my experiences for the past 2 year (or almost 2 year), I really-really learn a lot. I start to pay attention on little things, and I start to show my feelings for other. If you ever read my very first motivation letter, the reason why I wanted to apply back then was because I want to learn how to care and pay attention towards my surrounding, and I can say I learned that. But, that’s not enough. People keep changing, our environment keep changing and we rarely face the same situation twice. I keep thinking that I am not knowing myself enough, and that what made me want to apply for LCP.
Applying for LCP is a hard decision for sure. It requires a lot of things, and demand you to sacrifice things. I know it sounds so selfish, how can this organization, where we only do volunteer stuffs, demands such a lot of things. But, never take it as a burden, and see it as an investment instead. Because that’s what we do here. AIESEC is only a platform and we are the one who drive this platform.
Last things I want to say is, this is not only happened when you want to apply as LCP. Whatever your role is, the demands stay the same. Your time, energy, even your money. My almost 2 years experiences in AIESEC make me realize, AIESEC never ask me to give my time, energy or even my money. Instead, I am the one who gave it, consciously.
for these brave people! #JOINAIESEC BATCH 11 Dinni Napisa - OC President M. Fiqih Nugraha - OC Finance Salsabilah Fitria - OC Emlog Cut Anggi Sari - OC Emlog Dinda Dwifatyah - OC Marcomm Rizki Dien - OC Marcomm Auriel Fiena - Live Report Team Yusrina Zata Yumni - Live Report Team
SRIWIJAYA PROJECT 4.0 Citra Anggraini - OC President Tasa Qeida Putri - OC Finance Dewa Rizqi - OC Marcomm Muthmainnah - OC Exchange Controller
GREENESIA PROJECT 3.0 Rara Meilania Wulandari – OC External Relation
We need more brave people to challenge themselves!
OCP (1) OC Finance (1) OC Emlog (1) OC External Relation (1) OC Marcomm (2) OC Exchange Controller (1)
OC Emlog (2) OC Marcomm (1) OC External Relation (2)
It’s now, or never.
Public Relations