March MarchNewsletter Newsletter

External Edition

AIESEC in UNSRI pertama kali berdiri pada 2
September 2012 di Kota Palembang. Anggota
dari AIESEC in UNSRI terdiri dari mahasiswa
Universitas Sriwijaya dan mahasiswa
Politeknik Sriwijaya. Dalam 10 tahun terakhir
ini, AIESEC in UNSRI telah banyak
berkontribusi pada Kota Palembang dengan
mengadakan berbagai projek sosial yang
bermanfaat bagi masyarakat di sekitar Kota
Palembang dan berbagai acara menarik untuk
menarik minat masyarakat mengenai
pentingnya Tujuan Pembangunan
Berkelanjutan dan peran kaum muda
dalam mewujudkannya.
Local Committee Vice President of Extenal Relations Business Development
Local Committee Vice President of Brand and Marketing
Local Committee Vice President of Engagement with AIESEC
Local Committee Vice President of Product Development
When seeing March, I got reminisced about the words that said, "Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour", so wherever you are, I hope your day is always bright like the shimmering sun! Just like a blink of an eye, we passed our first-two months with its hills and valleys. In facing the upcoming April, I already crafted memorable moments that make me still believe in you with my fullest trust! Talking about the LC, indeed those blood and sweat of yours are the reasons why we can come to this point. We weaved ourselves to execute the responsibilities, then deliver the impacts to others, as well as larger and wider within the time itself. Hence, let's celebrate what we already achieved and prepare the certainties that will come, with the deepest connection and the upmost commitment!
Capacity building adalah program yang
bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana
cara menjalin sinergi antar departemen