AIESEC in Unsri was first established on September 2, 2012 in Palembang City.
AIESEC members in Unsri consist of students from Sriwijaya University and Sriwijaya Polytechnic students. In the last 10 years, AIESEC in Unsri has contributed a lot to the city of Palembang by holding various social projects that benefit the people around the city of Palembang and various interesting events to attract public interest about the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of youth in realizing them.
Local Committee Vice President of Talent Management
Local Committee Vice President of Finance, Governance & Legality
Local Committee PresidentHOY AIESEC! Hello Sedulur peeps!
How's your first quarter going? It must be a bit mixed up, right? looking back about the first quarter, there are a lot of things that we've already experienced together. I just wanna say that if it weren’t cause all of you, we wouldn't be where we are today. Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else, sure
we put our deepest trust on you
Sooner or Later, you’re guys will realize that AIESEC was not just a journey. It was a remarkable experiences that taught you the values of diversity, empathy, and leadership. It provided you with the skills and confidences to make a difference in your surroundings, and it gave you a sense of purpose that continues to shape your life today. I am forever grateful for the opportunity that this organization provides and I look forward to seeing how this experience will continue to impact my life in the future also you.
Musi Musi UUpdate pdate
Bukber Bukber x x Bonding Bonding
Tanggal: Sabtu, 1 April 2023
Waktu: 15:30
Tempat : Perpustakaan Unsri Bukit
Dalam silaturahmi dan kebersamaan yang luar biasa,
AIESEC di Unsri menyelenggarakan acara Bukber X
Bonding yang ditunggu-tunggu pada Sabtu, 1 April lalu.
Diselenggarakan di Perpustakaan Unsri Bukit, acara ini
menyediakan hidangan berbuka puasa yang lezat dan berbagai permainan yang menyenangkan.
afl afl afl
AIESEC Future AIESEC Future Leader Leader
TM Visit TM Visit
Kegiatan rutin dilakukan pada setiap akhir quarter. Kegiatan ini dilakukan oleh departemen talent management dengan
tujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi anggota
selama satu triwulan menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan. Melalui program ini terlihat bahwa AIESEC hadir
sebagai organisasi yang sangat peduli dengan
keadaan dan mentalitas setiap anggotanya.
IImportant mportant ddays ays
Happy Kartini's Day
1444 H
May Allah's blessings be with you today, tomorrow and always