OVEMBER ewsletter 2018
“Shaping youth as a leader that impactful to create sustainable movement based on Palembang needs.�
Executive Board
d 2018
“Bringing the New Glory”
GIGA WIDYA PUTRA Local Committee Vice President of Outgoing Global Volunteer AIESEC in UNSRI term 2018
ear AIESEC in UNSRI members,
Given the opportunity to sending people abroad to do volunteer for (minimum) 6 weeks, I might say is a huge responsibility and at some points it terrifies the hell out of me. But knowing that I won’t be handling all of those phases all alone, knowing that I will always have you guys on my back helps a lot to calm me down on doing all the work. What I’ve been trying to say to you all is that, we, as OGV Department, won’t be achieving this much if it’s not because of your contribution as well. So thank you, for helping our department. It almost come to an end now, knowing that it has been around 10 months that we, as an AIESECer, have been together hand in hand. It has been a total roller coaster ride for sure, there is the sweet and also the bitter as well, the joy and the suffer. Yet we are now still doing our best for resulting things that we have been expected in each of our department.
Giga Widya Putra Local Committee Vice President of Outgoing Global Volunteer AIESEC in UNSRI 2018
Preface Musi Update Hey AIESEC! Recognition Opportunities Offered What’s Next?
Quarter Review
We had our last Quarter Review on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at Gloria Merdeka from 10 AM till drop. All departments presented the things that they have been done during previous months ago and we were giving each other feedbacks to be better. Now, we’re ready to give our best for the last sprint!
Good luck for all of us!
You made it this far. You overcome so many hardships. Count your blessings and keep going.
Better things are coming.
On November 15-18, 2018, for the very first time, AIESEC in UNSRI was hosting Indonesia Youth Leadership Conference! It is one of our national conferences, where all AIESECers around Indonesia gather in the same place, which is Palembang this year! The conference took place in Fave Hotel until the third day, and we move to Grand Atyasa Convention Center on the last day. Not only we get to know each other, we also discuss, share our experiences and giving impact to the society. It was so fun and amazing!
A glimpse of DAY 1
This is Azalia Zatadini, Member Committee President of AIESEC in Indonesia, giving her speech to open the conference!
And this is Daniel Rezende, Member Committee President of AIESEC in Thailand (but he’s originally from Brazil) suprising us and come out of this thing. It was hilarious!
A glimpse of DAY 2
On the session ‘World Largest Lesson’, all of delegates of IYLC 2018 came to Paramount School, MTS 2, and SMKN Sumsel. We told the kids about the importance of SDGs and how we, as youth, can contribute to make it come true on 2030.
We also had Halloween Party and all of us dressed in unique costumes. Most of us wore scary make ups but it was funny at the same time.
A glimpse of DAY 3
From morning to afternoon, we had several fun sessions and meaningful as well. A few of facilitators and co-facilitators shared their AIESEC experience to the delegates there.
At night, we had gala night. We wear our formal clothes and had MCP Fictitious election. The winner is Zul, from AIESEC in Bandung!
A glimpse of DAY 4
On tne last day, we had alumnae sharing session with Ruby, former Local Committee President of AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya and Widy, former Member Committee President of AIESEC in Thailand (she is Indonesian) It was really cool and inspiring!
Shout out to the people that had made this conference happened:
Especially to our dearest Conference Committees:
Thank you so much for your efforts and make us, as the host entity of IYLC 2018, feel so proud.
Local Committee President of AIESEC in UNSRI term 2018
Apa arti ‘damai’ bagi dia?
"Ah AIESEC omong kosong aja deh untuk mewujudkan perdamaian dan segala macamnya. Duh, itu terlalu gede mimpinya, mana mungkinlah!" Yaps, kalimat seperti itulah yang terlontar dan berputar di kepalaku ketika mendengar AIESEC. Muak? Gak juga, tapi lebih kayak mengerutkan dahi. Bisa berada di titik sekarang sebagai seorang Local Committee President, bukan berarti aku bisa langsung menerima dengan akal sehat segala macam tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh AIESEC. Sempat mau diberhentiin? Iya, pernah. Sempat mau ngundurin diri? Waduh, kalo ini gak usah ditanya. Banyak momen-momen suram yang udah aku lewatin selama di AIESEC, tapi, momenmomen itulah yang semakin menamparku kalo AIESEC emang bisa mencapai itu semua.
Aku selalu bingung, kenapa AIESEC harus membantu orang luar negeri untuk mendapat ‘kedamaian? Karena, kita membuat social project, kita yang pontang-panting sana-sini mikirin project ini bakal kayak gimana, eh malah orang bule yang nikmatin jalannya social project itu. Hmm, hal itu semakin membuat aku bertanya-tanya, apasih yang AIESEC ingin capai? Sampai tibalah di suatu momen saat aku ikut terlibat sebagai Executive Board term 1718 untuk membantu project TOURISM 1.0. Bisa dibilang, project ini bikin aku kilas balik ke momen saat aku juga menjadi Organizing Committee bayangan di project ENTREVOLUTION 1516, karena aura dari OCs nya yang kuat dan kedekatan yang sangat jelas terlihat dari si OCs dan juga EP yang ada di project ini. Banyak waktu aku habiskan untuk berinteraksi dan menjalin pertemanan dengan OCs ataupun EP, dan tanpa aku sadari, interaksi yang aku lakukan dengan salah satu EP di project ini telah merubah cara dia "memandang" dunia. Disini adalah momen yang membuat aku 100% langsung yakin dengan ‘kedamaian’ yang ingin dicapai AIESEC itu benar adanya.
Ini Bui Trung Anh. Dia salah satu Exchange Participant dari Vietnam yang tidak punya agama. Anh bisa dibilang sosok orang yang supel, sangat masa bodoh, dan super lawak. Dan, ketiga hal inilah yang membuat aku nyaman untuk lebih sering berinteraksi dengan dia. Lewat berbagai macam momen yang aku lewatin bersama dia, tanpa aku sadari, percakapan kami mengenai kenapa dia tidak punya agama, telah membuat dia berpikir berbeda.
Inilah arti damai bagi aku. Akhirnya aku yakin, ‘damai’ di AIESEC emang bisa aku dapatkan lewat kegiatan yang mereka lakukan. Aku beruntung dengan kegiatan yang AIESEC tawarkan, aku bisa bertukar pikiran dan saling membantu dalam "memandang" dunia.
Have a sweetes IIQ
st birthday for: FIQIH
for elected Local Committee Vice President of AIESEC in UNSRI term 2019!
Arrahma Amruhu I.A LCVP Marketing 2019
Youges P
LCVP Incoming Glo
Madonna Mathildah LCVP Public Relations 2019
Putra M.P
Annisa Isyaturrodhiah
obal Volunteer 2019
LCVP Talent Management 2019
Khansa’ Siti Nabilah LCVP Incoming Global Entrepreneur 2019
and also,
Congratulation for elected Organizing Committee of National Project Farah Arifah Khofifah Indar F. OC Emlog
OC Finance
Andhika Raka Nurizki
Yulpa Septariani
OC Exchange Controller
OC External Relation
Annisa Isyaturrodhiah OC President
Have fun storming the castle of your project! Go hit jackpot!
Exchange Number Progress Incoming Global Volunteer 6 Approved
Outgoing Global Volunteer 10 Approved Incoming Global Entrepeneur 3 Approved Outgoing Global Talent Entrepreneur 1 Approved
To all departments: With your hard works, you have taken us to the top. You don’t stop when you are tired. You stop only when you are done, and it’s two months left. Let’s pull out our best and slay the rest of the term together!
Boo! National Project team still needs you to make them complete! GO APPLY! OC Marketing and Communication (2) OC Event Management and Logistic (1) OC Exchange Controller (1) OC External Relation (1)
Taking chances is really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, everytime you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you’re always glad you took it.
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