China: Create Your Own Experience

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AIESEC in Mainland of China

Create Your Own Experience!

AIESEC in Mainland of China Create Your Own Experience Not only should you come to China to have a good internship experience, but you should also come and take full advantage of the opportunities to experience Chinese culture. Once you get past the language barrier and culture shock lie ahead are magnificent times where you can relax and have fun! Your experience is your experience and so it is important to make the most of it.

Food & Drink! Food and drink are a must when you stay in China! There are lots of dishes from all over the country, from Sichuan food which is spicy to Cantonese which is not as sweet as some foods and is lighter on the stomach. Famous Cantonese food includes Dim Sum. Also, Peking Duck aka Beijing Duck is a must to try. Another important dish which should be tried is Hot Pot where you can add all the ingredients you want to make the perfect dinner.

FACT: In many Chinese restaurants people order food communally and share many of the dishes.

Many towns and cities also have popular night food markets which are also recommended as street food can taste very good; but as a general rule if it looks dirty then it probably is. There are also many western restaurants available for example, KFC and McDonald’s, but if you after something healthier many cities also boast international restaurants so it can be easy to find Mexican or Italian food for example. Tea is very popular in China and like the food there many different types to try. One form on tea which is enjoyed is Milk Tea also known as Bubble Tea. This type is made from milk along with the accompanying flavours and jelly pearls. It is definitely worth a try! Another past time which is also shared in the western world is to enjoy a beer with friends, if you are lucky to stay in Beijing then it is worth a trip to Sanlitun an area which is renowned for its night life and is also popular with many foreigners.

Shopping! A lot of items in China are cheap and the best way to pick up a bargain is to shop at local markets where you can haggle and find little knick knacks and all sorts of goodies. If you are bargaining try and lower the price to 1/3 of the original as many vendors mark up their prices for foreigners. Also, it may be a good idea to go with a local such as your LC buddy or a friend. Also, China boasts a large proportion of shopping malls and plazas many of which house western stores such as H&M and Zara. Also, when looking for supermarkets you will find stores such as Walmart, Auchan and Carrefour.

Furthermore, you can experience the food markets and others for example in Beijing Wangfujing da jie is one of the most famous streets and it houses both modern and traditional shopping areas, it is definitely worth a visit if you are in the city. As a precaution you should take of your belongings and of yourself when shopping. Also, do not do exchange money on the streets as counterfeit money circulates. Not to mention be aware that some vendors may have a pushy sales technique so be prepared. Shopping in China does not have to be expensive and more often than not sometimes just visiting the different types of markets and malls themselves can be a fun experience!

Handy Tip: Whilst many shopping malls have ATMs and accept most credit cards it is useful to carry some cash, especially when at markets.

Entertainment! Lots of Chinese people enjoy karaoke which is known as KTV, it is not taken as seriously as in the west and is a fun past time enjoyed by many at different ages. A definite must when in Asia! One of the most intriguing forms of entertainment to see is Chinese Opera. Many regions have their own variations but all are dramatic and have fantastic set and costume design. Another past time of Chinese people is to fly kites and many choose nice open areas such as parks to fly their kite. You may see old men gambling on the streets which is another popular past time in China, games such as majong, poker and zhuoyou (table games). Make sure that you pack a camera in your suitcase as China and its landscapes, skyscrapers and architecture are worth capturing so you relive those special moments when back home. Also, you why not catch a soccer, basketball or table tennis game. Many Chinese enjoy these types of sports as well as the traditional martial arts. Another way to create an amazing experience is to pick up some mandarin. It is one of the world’s most spoken languages and is very beautiful when spoken. Not to mention it is handy for everyday things such as ordering in a restaurant or asking for directions, as well as impressing the locals!

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