Alliedinternationalforce AIFMILITARY NYPD USARMY Amg Government curroption 2022 report

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thinkinghewaspoorbuthadbillionsofdollarsinaccountsinthehouse. Foundaround1954-55outhisbodyasalostsoulthekingmadethebody heisinnowholdingthesamebodysincethe1950s. Kevin hisnameinthe Americanstatesmovingherearound1984withloyalkids,familyand friendsholdingmanynameslikeShaorShyStubbsgiventohimbya familyontheislandwholethimboardwiththemforalittlewhileaftera demotion. Yusefwasanothernameuseduntil1984thefullnameis AbdullahYusefAligivenhonorarybywriterAbdullahYusufAlihewrotea versionoftheBiblewiththedeedtotheworldinit. Albertwasachangeof racefortheyoungruler,hefirstnaturallychangedwithasoapthatcan changeorlightenyourskincomplexionwhereIappearCaucasianlaterdone withmypowersourceandcosmetology. Thechangewasjustmywayof sayingblackandwhitearethesame"people"becauseoftheconflictof slavery. Untilthe1960'sIhadwhitefamilieswhotookmeinlikethosein BuckinghamPalaceandWindsorCastle.

RickRubin,theyoungGodsfirstbusinesspartner, thecofounderofDef JamRecordingthefirstmajororcommercialRaprecordinglabel. Rubin mentor/consultanttoAmericawhostarted anowsuccessfulculture"Hip Hop", Albertwasthebodyhedidalotofbusinessinatthebeginningof "HipHop". RickRubindidn'tbelieveitwasmeatfirstinthestates becauseof"Shareefe"cloningmeforcowardlyactsofhate, jealousyof wealthandfamilybondbetweendaughtersandscaredofcriminaldue process, butthemoney,knowledge,workethic,writing anddocuments provedeverythingtoMr.Rubin. ItwastheonlywayIcouldproveitaftera previousademptionandstolendocuments.

RussellSimmonscooperatedwithaschemetocoveruphistoryandancient factsandintentionallyhelpedthenwifeKimoraandRulersbiological daughterAokiastageddaughterforKimorainainternationalcoverupand conspiracytodepriveandmisleadbillionsofpeopleandRuler. Hemisled theworldwithfakeorstagednewsreportsandphotoopsclaimingthat'shis daughterleadingtohimbeingframedandcaughtinhiscurrentrapescandal thatwasinvestigatedandwasfound thatKimorahasan astralbodyandhas beencaughtbeforeinRussell'sbody. NYPD,73pct,69pct,Flatbushpct.and Federalsystemcoveredupreportsandpreternaturalbehaviorandactivityof KimoraLeeSimmonsabusinghercelebritystatustoframeandentrapthe innocent, actingconcernedbuthaveothermotives. Alyingormisleading informantleadingtoRussellSimmons'currentcharacterassassination becauseheliedandsaidfactswereuntrueandpreternaturalcan'thappenor reincarnationisamyth,notmythologicallygoingalongwithKimoraand the criminalenterprisewhoarenotasfinanciallystableasRussellwhenhe hadtokickup muchmoneyandwantedout,theypubliclyassassinated his characterandsethimuptoextortionsometimestheykeephimsilent with threatsnottotalkabouttopicsassensitiveaspreternaturalrape.

Kevin,George,orCigsorAmericaKingauthor"Mr50million"injust 3daysandNas,saidHipHopdead,Lol! (LuvyaNasir)wasusedafter 1984afterlearningaboutthe"PovertyStrickenEpidemic"inUnitedStates andworldwidelivingseeminglyshelteredonhissmallisland. Hiscurrency ingovernmentaccounts(Federal,State,Monarchs)hasbeen misappropriated,misused,mishandle,amongothercharges. Withno resolutionpoliticallyorfromfederalsystem,notevenathoughtprocessfor governmentswhosesolepurposeforassemblyandestablishmentisfor bettercareandupholdingtherightsofitscitizens. Theseinstitutionshave strayedfromtheiroriginalpurpose.

Bringingthemilitarytoconductamilitaryreviewbeforeaguaranteed economicalinfusingtothehandofthehomeless,povertystricken,poorand deprived


Sincerely yours, R. KEVIN LEE JAN21,2019


for proof of Reincarnation Wealth Military Historic status as factual only living God. Please Remind and be clear with all references or reps that your referring to the adempt LLOYD, GOD, RULER, Kev or Sha (use address above to verify the correct Sha or LLoyd), This historic figure family friends ,reps, business associates has been attacked by scams ,cons,schemes in all manners. Some references have not been contacted in decades preventatives measures taken because of dangerous severity's granted by local police and federal authorities covering up, ignoring, cases & reports on preternatural, inherent ,astral body ,secret scientific material now ending mission on preternaturalism by Ruler all reps and references await D-Day.

Rulers Legalist & Rep. Military mentor Verify Reincarnation & historic figure statusGen. Colin Powell 703-847-6992

Turks & Caicos Customs 649-231-0092 (Agent and biological cousin)

Entertainment INVESTMENT Manager Film & TV 310-656-6100 James Cameron (Film Director TiTANIC etc)

718-612-6109 Fred Coscia (Bo Dididly & Chuck Berry Drummer)

Reincarnation Examiners Seaview ave 102 st bk ny Doctor Miller (Moved to manhattan 90's did x-ray,cat scan and mri other bone test and organ age test)

James Cameron (Film Director TiTANIC etc)

Dental Examiner Broadway Near Canal Ny NY

Scientific Proof Medical Scientist Doctor Hirsh (Help explain how spirit hopping (astral or inherent & reincarnation is fact scientifically medically to police and judges etc. in court & creating testing on preternatural)

Desk Officer P.O. Long (She holds Drivers License & Documents she remembers as rich kid from bayview lying family from tc) 69th precinct bk NYI

THE COCHRAN FIRMLawyer Jonny Cochran (He represented me for several years)


"Fallen" Feature Movie starring "Denzel Washington" True story's reports and cases from Royal Commission Executioner's preternatural ,inherent missions explained to a generation in disbelief but exceptive because they were personally effected by preternaturalism in poverty stricken neighborhoods heavily from the 50's -1991.

"Down to Earth"Feature movie starring "Chris Rock" A comedic approach bringing closure or understanding on what happens to any one forced out their body (outer body experience). A real experience for some celebrity Kimora Lee Simmons has been perviously been caught tricking or black mailing people out their body targeting drug addicted,homeless shelters, disenfranchised and vulnerable similar to 1980 reports that she even made people sign documents to sell their soul This movie explains astral body and inherent to generations to come.


Divinerightofkings Wikipedia

Thedivinerightofkings,divineright,orGod'smandateisapoliticalandreligiousdoctrineof...Thestateof monarchy is the supremestthinguponearth,forkingsarenotonlyGod'slieutenantsuponearthandsituponGod'sthrone,butevenbyGod... ForthereisnopowerbutofGod:thepowersthatbeareordainedof God.

Queens,God&Government-JuicyEcumenism Nov16,2016 Monarchy is God'ssacred mission to grace and dignify the earth, to give ... believingin“separationof church and state,” and that the clergy are ... And yet this spiritual view of monarchydoesnot claim coercive political power.Thedivinerightofkings,ordivine-righttheoryofkingship,isapoliticalandreligiousdoctrineof royalandpoliticallegitimacy.Itassertsthatamonarchissubjecttonoearthlyauthority,derivinghis righttoruledirectlyfromthewillofGod

meaning- Preternatural vs supernatural -EnglishLanguage... Thefruitoftheactionofanangelicalordemoniacalnatureissaidtobe preternatural Thewordcomesfrom"praeternaturam", beyondnature.Supernaturalistheactionwhichgoesbeyondanycreatednature.ThisformofactivitybelongsonlytoGod.

Bythe16thcentury,theterm"preternatural"wasincreasinglyusedtorefertodemonicactivity comparabletotheuseofmagicbyhumanadepts:TheDevil,"beinganaturalMagician…mayperform manyactsinwaysaboveourknowledge,thoughnottranscendingournaturalpower."


“para” is Latin for “beyond” – so it literally means “beyond natural”


“para” is Latin for “beyond” – so it literally means “beyond natural”

“claimed occurrence, event, or perception without scientific explanation, such as extrasensory perception”

“beyond normal explanation; outside normal sensory channels; extrasensory”

“not scientifically explainable; supernatural”

“defies science; against reality”


“not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material”

“attributed to a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces”

“attributed to God or a deity; demigod, spirit, or devil”


“attributed or pertaining to ghosts, goblins, or other unearthly beings”

“an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; related to the realm of the unexplained”


“surpassing the ordinary or normal”


“transcending the natural or material order; supernatural”

“existing outside of nature”

“another word for supernatural”

1. GOD supernatural 2. Vampire – preternatural

3. Ghost – paranormal 4. Zombie – preternatural

5. Werewolf – preternatural

6. The Fey – supernatural

7. Alien – supernatural

8. ShapeShifter – preternatural

9. Poltergeist – paranormal

10. Witch/Wizard – paranormal and/or preternatural – which one would it be? Paranormal because it goes beyond the five senses but Preternatural because it goes beyond scientific explanation but is from this world.

§ 165.07 Unlawful use of secret scientific material. A person is guilty of unlawful use of secret scientific material when, with intent to appropriate to himself or another the use of secret scientific material, and having no right to do so and no reasonable ground to believe that he has such right, he makes a tangible reproduction or representation of such secret scientific material by means of writing, photographing, drawing, mechanically or electronically reproducing or recording such secret scientific material.

Unlawful use of secret scientific material is a class E felony.

Inherent DefinitionofInherentbyMerriam-Webster Inherentliterally refers to something that is "stuck in" something else so firmly that they can't be separated. in her ent/inhirənt,inherənt/ adjective 1. existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

Astralprojectionisaparanormalinterpretationofout-of-bodyexperiences thatassumestheexistenceofoneormorenon-physicalplanesofexistence andanassociatedbodybeyondthephysical.Commonlysuchplanesare calledastral,etheric,orspiritual.

Astralbody-Wikipedia body

Astralbodyis a subtle bodypositedbymanyphilosophers,intermediatebetweentheintelligentsoulandthemental body composed of a subtle material. The concept ultimately derives from the philosophy of Plato: it is related to an astralplane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology.

AstralBody—WhatisanAstralBody? Theastralbody(alsocalled“energybody”) is the type of bodyone possesses in the astralworld,wheremostbeingsgoafter death. It is made of prana, or life force.

Astralprojection-Wikipedia projection Astralprojection(orastraltravel)isatermusedinesotericismtodescribeawillfulout-of-bodyexperience(OBE)that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an astralbody" that is separate from the physical bodyand capableoftravellingoutsideitthroughouttheuniverse.


“Concerned that a psychical (PSI) gap existed between U.S. and Soviet paranormal research

“Concerned that a psychical (PSI) gap existed between U.S. and Soviet paranormal research efforts, the CIAsponsored discreet research into paranormal phenomena commencing in 1972. Overthe succeeding twenty-three years, the U.S. military and intelligence services were actively involved in paranormal research and operations involving a process known as remote viewing. Remote viewing, which produced specialized human intelligence support, served as part of overallmilitaryandgovernmentorganizations’intelligencecollectionefforts.”

According to Carter, “the woman went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude figures.Wefocusedoursatellitecamerasonthatpointandtheplanewasthere.” (source)

According to Paul H. Smith, PhD., and one of the participants in the Stargate project (now a retired USarmymajor),givesusmoredetailfromhisbookthatissourcedbelow:

“In March 1979, a youngAir Force enlisted woman names Rosemary Smith was handed a map of the entire continent ofAfrica. She was told only that some-time in the past few days a Soviet Tu-22 bomber outfitted as a spy plane had crashed somewhere in the continent. The United States desperately wanted to recover the top secret Russian codes and equipment the Tu-22 carried. Using theirremote viewing skills, she pinpointed the wreckage, even though it had been completelyswallowedbythejunglecanopyintowhichthejethadplungednosefirst.

Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade Maryland by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, originally went by various code names—GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATE—until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project".

Stargate Project work primarily involved remote viewing the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.[1] The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, an aide and "psychic headhunter" to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, and later president of the Monroe Institute [2] The unit was small-scale, comprising about 15 to 20 individuals, and was run out of "an old, leaky wooden barracks".[3]

The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Information provided by the program was vague and included irrelevant and erroneous data, and there was reason to suspect that its project managers had changed the reports so they would fi background cues.[4] The program was featured in the 2004 book and 2009 film entitled The Men Who Stare at Goats [5][6][7][8] although neither mentions it by name.


Aug24,2016 SCIENTISTS have confirmed that outofbodyexperiencesarerealafterplacingstudyparticipantsinabrain scannerandmakingthemthink

Title: NewVentureforJusticeEruptsOntotheSceneofAmerica




(January 28 2018) –Justiceisaverydelicatetermtodealwith.Intoday’sdayandage,justicehas takenaverysubjectiveoutlook.Oneperson’sideaofjusticemaynotmatchwiththeideaofjustice thatthecourtoflawofacertainareahas.Insuchcases,deliveranceofjusticebecomesafarce,with neitherpartyagreeingwiththemethodofexecutionoftheother.

ThisproblemisespeciallyrelevantintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.InsomemajorAmericancities,a verycontroversialcaseofpolicemenabusingtheirpowerinordertobullyand,inworsecases,to fatallywoundinnocentpersonnelhascometolight.Insuchcases,justicehasnotbeenserved properly,accordingtospokesmenKevinoftheRoyalCommission.

“Ourideaofjusticehasbeengrosslymisinterpretedwhenitcomestothesecourtofficialsandpolice personnel.Forheinouscrimesagainstinnocentpeople,theirideaofjusticeistolettheofficersoff withasuspension,atthemost.Thisisabsolutelyderogatoryandhighlyinsultingtothefamilyofthe victimandtothevictimthemselves.

OurmissionattheRoyalCommissionistodeliverswiftandproperjusticetotheaffectedpersonand theirfamilies.Weconductinvestigationsintopoliceofficers, judgesofthecourtoflaw,Federal BureauofInvestigationofficials,armyofficialsandevenmembersoftheDemocratsandRepublicans, regardlessofwhichpartyisinpoweratthetime”,statedspokesmanKevin.

“Asforourownbrandofcourts,wehavethelargestrangeofclaimcourts,whichtakescasesfromall partsoftheworld.Wealsohaveofficerswhohavebeentrainedextensivelyinallfieldsandwill apprehendtheguiltypartywithoutanyhasslefromtheirend”,concludedtheRoyalCommission member.

AboutRoyalCommission: RoyalCommissionisanoutletofjusticedeliverancefortheinnocentsandwronglyaccusedpeopleof theworld,withalargerangeofclaimcourtsallaroundtheUnited StatesofAmerica.Italsoinvests heavilyinthehiphopculture.


MediaContent: RoyalCommission SpokesmenKevin Phoneno:212-470-7309










Some families intentionally siting banishisment using Word & Elam family last name

Website :


Celebritys sexually abused and molested me at a young age of 18. The proof of this is our 15-year-old daughter Aoke Lee.

This happened in Brooklyn where I lived. She was dealing with a man named Allen Jones who illegally impersonated my uncle, but when she came over I use to be asleep and sometimes I would wake up with my pants to my knees with her running out the room. Sometimes, I would wake up to find her on top of me and other times I would wake up with my penis smelling bad and you can see that semen had been ejected. That's how she got pregnant.

I used to see the little girl; now they both have my books and are tempting me. They are misleading the court’s legal, businesses boards, and partners about my sensitive case of reincarnation.

They have falsified documents claiming I died so they can hold on to stolen property with a phony estate with no legal defence. I have been proven to be the first man reincarnated, and the last reigning king of Windsor, Turks & Caicos, and America by Guinness Book of World Records and doctors’ tests. I was transformed from Lloyd Been back to Kevin by a cosmetology transformation done with my device that made radio & TV signals, cell phone, internet and Wi-Fi signals.

Kimora Lee Simmons is a threat to society stealing and sneaking books that deal with inherent behaviour, reincarnation secrets, scientific material, memory loss and other secrets. She wants access to my power source which I am about to use to heal diseases, disabilities, and more. The books to operate this device have been stolen by Kimora Lee Simmon’s cartel or criminal enterprise who is the only ones who knew about these world facts. This led them to rob and kill my housekeeper in Turks & Caicos and the lady who watched me in America has cooperated with this criminal enterprise claiming to be my mother and falsifying birth records. They were all coached by Kimora Lee Simmons Perkins.

Beware of Kimora and her criminal enterprise. They are expert liars, construing facts and when questioned they act naive on purpose. We will see that when the courts are built in Salt Cay,

Turks & Caicos, some will be executed by my squadron after being banished from the island for many robbery attempts.

Charges Suit – Business Obstruction

She has construed facts to business partners claiming I died and that the debt should go to my estate. She destroyed government and intellectual property along with my court documents regarding the sexual abuse and rape case when she was banished from Turks and Caicos Salt Cay.

Kimora and her criminal enterprise stole, looted, swindled, falsify documents, construed facts, tampered with secret scientific material when they stole my book from my daughter at my house. It’s as if they are capable of disconnecting your soul from your body, making you into a ghost.

It was an intentional conspiracy, an attempt to murder using cosmetology tools to give heart attacks, cancer, and other diseases. Celebrities such as Prince, Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston all died because of a cosmetology pill which attacks the body when it is heavily medicated or drugged. It is complicated.

I am bringing a suit against the criminal enterprise which includes the following persons; Gerdes, Clarice, Kingsley, Graff Been, Kimora Lee Simmons,, Aoke Lee, William, Katherine Martin, Shaquana and Rodney Elam, Sheryl Word, Asia and Sharief Gilyard, Erica Tinsley, Maria Escabar, Tammy, Yolanda, Perry Holdman, Ebony Weathers, Barkem, and Michelle.

This is not a case; they lied to the Turks and Caicos government about everything. They say I am an executioner from a small island called Salt Cay, in Turks and Caicos. Clarice and Greffie Been , Jean Been-Baptiste, Patricia Been, Peggy Been ,they attempt to destroy me, cooperating in an identification theft criminal enterprise, tampering with secret scientific material causing conflict of science (global warming) and other natural disasters , and construing facts. The suspects have been claiming to be my family. Gerdes even claim to be my mother, falsifying documents by signing claiming to represent me filing for American citizenship, applying for passport , closing bank accounts at Hank Kong Shanai Banking Corporation.

If you ask Gerdes she still claims over the phone to be my

mother even after bringing a suit and pressing charges when she refused to get tested. They also lied over the phone about being the children of Lloyd Been and Irene Been-Leggett my housekeeper. I stopped using the name in 1954 all of them was born two years after 1954 and they never met him.

They all took cheque books, cosmetology books so they could work my cosmetology device from home. Personally, I think Gerdes Lee cooperated with the whole operation to hide the lie she told about Lloyd been being her father and having children. She also lied about what she did with all my intellectual property and deed to houses ,publishing business earnings and printing cheques.

They tricked me by telling me they will return the books when I get older. Some made excuses that I was too young to have my own property. This criminal enterprise has been misleading family and friends about everything, from who are my real parent to who are their real parents and also misleading judicial and other officials to get to my businesses and other assets and bank accounts. They also told judicial officials what my inherent and secret scientific material is.

They have all been working together to steal, loot, embezzle my accounts and property, they falsified documents and have false power of attorney. They are using fake names to buy several properties in Manhattan and Seattle. They claim Lloyd Been died but cannot present a death record or tombstone because they don't know Lloyd Been. They only heard stories from islanders of Salt Cay along what they got from books they stole.

I am the proven King of Windsor, Turks & Caicos and America given to me by biological father King George VI in an inheritance. I am also the first man reincarnated. You can test me. I have been tested before . The people on this list have destroyed and hidden my documents and all government documents to prove this. I've had to put out fire that Gerdes set to my books that they have stolen from my houses. They sometimes brought crowds of people to distract from what they are doing. This happened when my son died. I never received my inheritance from Gorge Been.

Reincarnation story

Kevin Lee, the first man that was reincarnated still lives in New York in his county of kings. He was reincarnated many times in his native land of Turks & Caicos Islands. He is known since

1984 as Kevin Lee who came to America as a boy simply named Lloyd or Albert. He has many historic status and titles such as Abdullah Yusef Ali, Lord King George, Jesus Christ and more. On record he's been living through reincarnation since the 17th century .

In the 19th century the king and his sons had fought many wars defeating Masonic slave masters, political asylum camps, Hyde’s, purgatory , exile prisons and other societies, claiming land or power sources stolen from the kings homes and secret rooms when he was tranquilized as a child.

Kevin also known AS Lloyd George Been is the last reigning king of Windsor, Turks & Caicos Islands and America. This was given to him in an inheritance by his father King George VI. That’s where he was given the name America King and Albert . This young man also serves as Hip Hop's cultivator with the largest investment in the culture at the building stage, helping to commercialize it. He also invested in the first Hip Hop rap major record label Def Jam Records all found in his book Hip Hop the Last Religion available on Amazon.

Kevin is also an activist who won the F.B.I in a lawsuit at the end of the 2008 recession. This young man has been putting in work since he was a child with campaigns such as "VOTE OR DIE" with P. Diddy or "WATER FOR LIFE" with Jay-z. Kevin was a model, writer, director, producer and editor. He is also a skilled musician who played the drums in churches for many years. He is also a skilled sound operator who is exceptional in live analogy and theatre sound design and operations.

During the 80's until 2010 Kevin spent his time writing for some of today’s top recording artist with hits such as Jay-Z’s( “Lost Ones), 50 Cent’s 50(“In Tha Club & 21 Questions”),Ll Cool J , Beyonce , Biggie & Tupac. He has also been in Hollywood with the classic films starring Denzel Washington (Fallen).He also was script supervisor for movies like “Belly and Love and Basketball.”

For the last ten years Kevin has been shooting short videos, editing and shooting videos for Jay-z's Rocafella Records “Memphis Bleek” by Beanie Siegel. He also interviewed heavy weights like the owner of the Source Magazine, Maino, and Mike Jones, producer Rockweiler, DJ Envy, DJ Kayslay, and Angie Martinez. Kevin also serves as the first artist on Michael Jackson’s record label "Wonderland Records".

Since the 1900's it’s been a proven fact that King Jesus Christ known in the 1930's as Yusuf or King George lived in Turks &

Caicos Islands as Yusef and in England as the king at this time. Reincarnated again around the 1950's he used the name Lloyd George Been after a murder attempt in 1952. His family cloned his body after the 1954's murder attempt and he changed his name to Lord George Been or Kingsley Been in salute of remembering his governing name King George.

In the 1980's the king reached accurate age to accept his inheritance and that’s when he started his new business venture, DEF JAM RECORDINGS. In 1983 he was victimized by his tranquilization and now reaches accurate age to receive business investments and more.

List of Legal names and variations used since 1980


We would like to alert the family and friends of Lloyd George or Lloyd Been of Turks & Caicos Island Lloyd now confirmed to be named Kevin Lee or Kingsley Been living in Brooklyn NYC has been a victim of the identity theft crisis. Any persons who have no knowledge of their father from birth since 1908, and have received money from anyone under the name George Albert , Albert George , George Been , Lloyd Been , Lloyd George, Yusef Ali , Yusuf Ali , Abdullah Yusef Ali , Kevin Lee , Kingsley Lee , Kingsley Been or Nashawn Lee should be aware that Kevin is their biological father or grandfather and is still living .

Several individuals who were trusted with documents and money from Lloyd Been have been cooperating in an identity theft scam where they mislead and sometimes threaten people not to talk about the reincarnation of their father. Others were lied to and told their father was dead. Please be aware. We send our deepest regrets to anyone who was misled or told false information in the past about their father’s life. Family and friends who would like to meet their father for the first time or be reintroduced to him because of his slight memory loss you can reach him.

Since 1954 it’s been proven fact that reincarnation is a fact of life that is compared to religion in theory. Some may not take part in or believe in it but it is fact that there are other religions besides yours.

Reincarnations has been proven in the case of George Albert

later known as Lloyd George, where family gave alias of the king to other family members to claim inheritances and bank accounts left by the king. This scam has not stopped even to date, because city, state and federal officials haven’t made the proper business changes for this new structure in the American society.

These officials have ignored these developments starting in Turks & Caicos where many activist, religious & iconic figures have visited and believed Lloyd is reincarnated because of his work in human carnality. Precincts also have many reports of these cases, historic figures abducted to “Exile” in unbelievable manners and some emigrants migrated from Turk and Caicos Island using multiple aliases of the King.

A list of aliases and different variations used by identity theft scam circles all referred to the name Kevin Lee since 1984. Sun , Abdullah Yusef Ali, Abdullah Yusuf Ali , Abdullah Yusif Ali , George Been, Yusef Ali , Loyd George , Lloyd George Been , Lloyd Been , George Albert , Albert George, Kingsley Been , Kingsley Lee, Kevin Lee, Nashawn Lee , Loyd Lee, and Kenneth Lee.

What is Reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the act of your soul or spirit exchanging or transferring bodies . There are many forms of reincarnation because of the various reasons why reincarnation came about. Cloning is one form of reincarnation, tranquilization, reborn reincarnation, illegal reincarnation & modern reincarnation. Reincarnation is derived from the word "Carnation" meaning human life or living vessel. For many centuries it has been what some may call beyond human knowledge, the explanation of the material or substance human skin or body organs are made of.

Reincarnation was thought to be myth until after the "Civil War". The Civil War was the freeing of slaves some from concentration camps some held in Masonic Slave Camps after getting caught using the "Underground Railroad " to escape. The method used by King Jesus and his royal army cannot be explained to date. Some of the enslaved still live today . That’s where names Abdullah Ali , Mary, Kathy ,Steve and more became popular. When reaching the United States the Federal Government offered these people numbers. When the king heard of this he was furious and gave them citizenship in America.

Reincarnation was ignored by public officials for decades. In

this decade it’s important to teach about reincarnation because of the degradation to your bodies. The Federal Government and F.B.I agencies have brought harm to the people because of the unknowledgeable personnel holding and operating the "Kings" power source devices and historic documents.

Disease is one body harm that the two agencies have caused with no proper understanding of human Life."It takes a human corpse and soul to make a human body" when some of the slaves were freed the souls were sent to anybody on land souls carry feminine genes.

Investigation Summary

We at the Royal Commission would like the world to be alert of historical facts and updates in modern civilization . This year marks the end of a decade and brings the Mason’s Myth of the end of the world, being the destruction of human civilization .

For the last century the case of George Albert has been opened and closed many times with the concluding investigation resulting in his reincarnation, ethnic transformation surgery, involuntarily by family and friends of the king . Many celebrities, historic & iconic figures have made this case of King George a laughing matter because of the social discomfort. In King George’s case in 2009 at the age of 25 he has 75 year old children. Many did not feel comfortable saying their father is a boy , or what if your daughter is 20 and your 25 it sounds like a good story but it’s a fact.

Now with the F.B.I and C.I.A being investigated for the cover-up of these details and the mishandling of the king’s property since 1952, because he was a mere boy awaiting his belongings and inheritance. The F.B.I was formed because of the case of King George in the 40’s. Documents were found that showed that he left his body a day before his death, supporting the theory of reincarnation.

When the Queen at the time found him with his old family she then plotted his death making him unable to re-enter his body. Mason medical examiners were later arrested for falsifying his examination. The place where the body was found on Turks & Caicos island with him using his power source to transport the

body makes this unbelievable but true for the real family of King George.

The Queen was then dethroned in 1954 mainly because of the conspiracy to murder King George V&VI and the degradation of her character. When the Royal Army found out all of these details they then informed the king that her soul was replaced, meaning it was a different person in the body at the time of the disruptive behaviour. This is what King George calls “Spirit Hopping”, not a mystery of far tongue. To many elderly ,historic or religious figures in society it’s normal to leave your body and go to your next, although kept confidential for many reasons, uncool to talk about, and unbelievable to the unbeliever. But look how much damage, rather than good is done to yourself and civilizations.

It was a fact in the case of Lloyd George Been, the name and body of King George that was found on Turks & Caicos Islands. Some call it his getaway pad where Miss Irene Been Leggett and her husband Sandy Leggett kept him comfortable. Others called it his “nigga” family unhappy pad where the king spent time with his other family. The Queen personally was upset catching him many times on the island with concubines.

Spirit hopping was found true because of the families that came from purgatory, Hyde’s, was exiled to Salt Cay, then transported all over the world.

Throughout the 19th century many families were slaves to Masonic organizations, living in dungeon like atmosphere. Miss Irene housed some of these people. Yusef the young grandfather also contributed to their stay helping to fund businesses for the family when they reach the United States. Others disrespected the islands looting, learning the king’s family business and mishandling business purposely. Many times in the 1900’s the house of Irene Been has been burglarized.

The amount of problems and the severity of their actions is what made “Spirit Hopping” which is the ability to manage or operate a human corpse sometimes while the individual is in the body made it a crime . This is mostly done through sleep. When an individual is asleep the spirits gets in the body awaken the body without awakening the soul . The only way you can tell is by marks if any that is on the body from the night they used it. In some cases the spirit is awaken in the middle of action usually if the person is angered or hurt. The main soul comes to the top or is awaken, for centuries. The Royal Army has dealt with these cases.

Lloyd Been’s case is remarkable, because of the loop in time in the 1950’s when Lloyd then known as Yusef in his kid body told F.B.I. and C.I.A. agents that his toy or harmonica could control the world they took it as a game or joke. The loop is now the evident in society, some of the fads never leave, they come back in different styles and manner. But the loop led to the false family of King George claiming his property due to his memory loss. Every few years they take part in a international identity theft and money laundering scandal because of the unknowledgeable personnel at local F.B.I and C.I.A offices.

There is a new Judicial System and Army of Executioner's ready for duty globally. These officer have been assembled by the king of the world. The son of King George VI has reached accurate age to receive his crown and inheritance . This court system is the highest courts on earth with parliament,FBI,and police department, congress and senate under its umbrella mandated by the kings.

Royal Commission Executioners Inherent war

We are alerting you of a war starting in 2018. The King of the world will be taking an operating seat at the world’s table. King Ali formerly known as King Albert of Windsor, the son of King George VI will be at war with congress, politicians , and anyone claiming to be the first family. According to the law anyone who tampered with secret scientific material will be executed onsite by firing squads.

A new Constitution will greet us for the new year signed and decreed by King Ali.

Explanation as to why Congress is going to war

Congressional figures and all other political figures will be investigated by the Royal Commission Executioners Office for conduciveness in society today. The abuse & waste of city, state and federal budgets is the reason why we have seen several recessions and a great depression under their watch.

After King Ali ended the 2008 recession by enlightening the court system with a one page merit declaration which shows how government banks work. There are no deposits made just withdrawals which means that Congress had the power to make everyone in America a millionaire and it would hurt the economy

only strengthen it, but the federal government and the Obama administration made no effort to end homelessness in America. We are suspending politics in America as of 2018. All congressional seats will be put on hold, we want to see how much money we are freeing up marking the end of politics.

After a proper investigation it was discovered that the money raised in taxes do not even cover salaries of city state and federal employees.

The transit system brings in the most money which was founded by King Ali’s money, and congress and politics have taken the money and abused it, charging more for fare when they do not need the money. Also politics has the transit system operating independently. Any money raised in fares is used for track repairs not salaries. Salaries are paid by the city or state government.

There is a new Judicial System and Army of Executioner's ready for duty globally. These officer have been assembled by the King of the world ,the son of King George VI has reached accurate age to receive his crown and inheritance . This court system is the highest courts on earth with parliament,FBI,and police department, Congress and Senate under its umbrella mandated by the kings.

After King Ali ended the 2008 recession by enlightening the court system with a one page Merit Declaration of how government banks work. There are no deposits made just withdrawals which means that Congress had the power to make everyone in America a millionaire and it would not hurt the economy only strengthen it. The federal government and the Obama administration made no effort to end homelessness in America. We are suspending politics in America. As of 2018 all congressional seats will be put on hold we want to see how much money we are freeing up marking the end of politics.

After a proper investigation it was discovered that the money raised in taxes do not even cover salaries of city, state and federal employees. The transit system which was funded by King Ali’s money brings in the most money and congress and politics have taken the money and abused it. They are charging more for fares when they do not need the money. Also politics has the transit system operating independently any money raised in fares are used for track repairs, not salaries. Salaries are paid by the city or state government.

Glossary of terms

Inherent : what by law is existing in humans.

Corpse, spirit hopping, or outer body experience

Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

Secret scientific material

This is a device used only by the king to control weather (climate change).It was also used as a power source, the only power source in the world giving power to some 7 - 9 billion people.

Human organs skin and all body parts or limbs were originated from the device. In this day and age the device is mythical but to the royal family and King Ali this a fact of history. Secret scientific material is a legal term because the books to operate the device were stolen by looters. Slaves, some of who were executed, escape Hyde and purgatory camps, also so members of the first or royal family have been suspected of stealing from father, grandfather or great grandfather.

Some celebrities have been caught using it for their own personal interest or career. It boosts the stealing of songs and beats or music from the device. Some of the artist awaiting execution are Kimora Lee Perkins, Sean Jayz Carter, and Beyonce Knowles.

Police Department who wants training on inherent ,outer body experience, transmigration ,reincarnation, secret scientific material need to contact us.

If you need more information go to the world. They took it as a game or joke. Now the loop is evident in society, some of the fads never leave. They come back in different styles and manners. But the loop led to the false family of King George claiming his property with memory loss every few years they take part in a international identity theft and money laundering scandal because of the unknowledgeable personnel at local F.B.I and C.I.A offices

©It's only one King and he's not self proclaimed©


Sacrilegious Denialtolive"BythegraceofGod"


1. Cooperation with a con scheme to adempt the king, ruler and God. Going as far as using preternatural to cover up and indulge in unjust actions.

2. Intentional ly and ingeniously implementing laws, acts, status policies, rules, procedures, processes etc. This was proven with the Regency Act of 1937 which was created intentionally when the queen found a true royal or God who had hundreds of trillions on the islands with uncle, father and good friends.

The queen denied their dying wishes for the young ruler, the only proven living God to receive his land and other royal and business dealings. The queen, using feigned ignorance to cover up facts, moving books and documents from the ruler's house where the queen's father and uncle came as visitors for the purpose of studying.

Due to the sneaky, secretive nature of the previous women and men in the British Monarch, King George V1 and brother kept the young rulers powers a secret. With the queen not of proper age to understand world dealings or power sources, she was young and sheltered to facts like most royals or celebrity kids and did what she wanted for 50 years; marking 20 government shut downs and an obscene poverty rate with no one overlooking monarch duties, leaving God in no good feeling to leave the monarch open.

3. Deviating from its original purpose.

4. Misappropriating "my" funding and currencies.


According to the dictionary it is a form of government and politics.

The proper purpose of government is as the founding fathers recognized, to protect people's inalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. The rule of law requires that people should be governed by accepted rules rather than by the arbitrary decisions of rulers. These rules should be general and abstract, known and certain, and apply equally to all individuals.

Constitutional governments are based on a previous commitment to freedom under the rule of law. The essential attribute of constitutionalism is a legal limitation on government. Under constitutionalism, rulers are not above the law, government power is divided with laws enacted by


one body and administered by another, and an independent judiciary exists to ensure laws are administered objectively. An efficient and effective constitution allows government to function to protect the lives and liberties of citizens without violating the rights of some to provide gains to others.


- To enable the members of society to collectively achieve important human goals, safety, order and welfare of all.


- To talk or politick about topics, no change or resolution required.

- In the Urban Dictionary of Politics it is used in slang or Ebonics as polling, chilling, relaxing.

British monarch including Harry and William, known since trio was a lad may have denied ever meeting ruler or God because of a mummy rap non-medical procedure which changed the structure of my face in the late 80s-90s. Some unintentional, because of the sensitive topic of reincarnation, even denying future revelations to be revealed or made public like "dream weaver experiment" sessions which led to my ruler/god biological children , family and friends living in poverty stricken neighbourhoods some of whom were raped, molested and encouraged by millionaires and celebrities to get jobs as ( strippers and porn stars) to seemingly belittle or dishonour the king's family friends and legacy, to give the appearance of being delusional etc.

This was dismissed in Mental Health Court after congress sent a statement to intentionally adempt me. Also situations leading to government not having enough funding for society because they were personally hiding government money with government shut downs, six recessions and great depression now under the queen and this bitch still doesn’t at least read the paper in the morning.

With backing from corrupt Obama's administration whose main agenda was to kiss ass for eight years, promising change, living with excuse like, (he inherited someone else's problems), illegally covering up lawsuits by rulers. That proved that financing is in the government and to place one million dollars in the hand of the poor was too much caring, change for this coward black man for the poor who end up with 40 million dollars after coming in the White House with seven hundred , then the policies in the form of a bill for him to sign change in the internet to even check old celebrities' worth, then detoured the secret service on the block of my job when he was supposed to go to court to see the lawsuit, but I am delusional.

American Press is worried about the queen's husband who wants a little freedom from wickedness of what Americans think. A king claiming to know kings and queens knows only self proclaimed kings like P. Diddy and Jayz, Barack Obama, Kimora Lee Simmons secretly observed by military with operations similar to Illuminati operating secretly in cahoots to intentionally adempt with acts of greed and hatred with criminal offenses as far as trafficking children. Using preternatural acts learnt from books they never reported moving when entrapping ruler was mentally ill in 2010.

They start by using star power or their celebrity to mislead commoners and paupers who were also poverty stricken to get to rulers property through re-routing finances. Proven intentionally starting with the excuse "Kevin is somebody's son, we know his mother or he did this before or he is a liar. He presented fraudulent, perjured birth certificate after a case # 101396 in civil court 2018." It was proven that Kevin was not born at the hospital. The physician agreed she lied to meet celebrities also another proof was that previous court records were removed, some intentionally by secret society which used ingenious and fiend ignorance to avoid litigation which left judges and law enforcement not looking at proof or totality of the circumstances.

King Ruler God 1900th century Records of God

On record living through reincarnation since 1909 coming back to his island Belfour Salt Cay, changing his appearance around the end of 1930's-1954 to Lloyd George Been who was said that people impersonating his family tried to kill him. Some claim he was swallowed by a whale or fish but no body was ever found and funerals were staged. Later it was learned the criminal enterprise made his body astral and inflected memory loss to forget his wealth, children or accomplishment and how to operate supernatural power.

At times the young Ruler would be attacked by criminal enterprise and left not even remembering how to read or write. Also framed attempts as a drug dealer or gangster around the 1950s after criminal enterprise was caught stealing his family bodies (Astral Body)to get to finances was caught selling drugs under his name and using his body unbelievable to American police and federal authorities but Turks and Caicos police knew of Lloyd's wealth. Many adempt attempts and supernatural power, also demonic disowned son Shareefe Gilyard and mother. She and some of the Elam family are repeat fugitives convicted and banished for parallel schemes. The local police of Salt Cay helped prove memory loss with bank account he forgot about thinking he was poor but had billions of dollars in accounts in the house.

Found around 1954-55 out his body as a lost soul the king made the body he is in now holding the same body since the 1950s. Kevin , his name in the American states moving here around 1984 with loyal kids, family and friends holding many names like Sha or Shy Stubbs given to him by a family on the island who let him board with them for a little while after a demotion . Yusef was another name used until 1984 the full name is Abdullah Yusef Ali given honorary by writer Abdullah Yusuf Ali he wrote a version of the Bible with the deed to the world in it. Albert was a change of race for the young ruler, he first naturally changed with a soap that can change or lighten your skin complexion where I appear Caucasian later done with my power source and cosmetology. The change was just my way of saying black and white are the same "people" because of the conflict of slavery. Until the 1960's I had white families who took me in like those in Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.

Rick Rubin, the young Gods first business partner, the cofounder of Def Jam Recording the first major or commercial Rap recording label . Rubin mentor /consultant to America who started a now successful culture "Hip Hop", Albert was the body he did a lot of business in at the beginning of "Hip Hop" . Rick Rubin didn't believe it was me at first in the states because of "Shareefe" cloning me for cowardly acts of hate, jealousy of wealth and family bond between daughters and scared of criminal due process, but the money ,knowledge ,work ethic ,writing and documents proved everything to Mr. Rubin. It was the only way I could prove it after a previous ademption and stolen documents.

Russell Simmons cooperated with a scheme to cover up history and ancient facts and intentionally helped then wife Kimora and Rulers biological daughter Aoki a staged daughter for Kimora in a international cover up and conspiracy to deprive and mislead billions of people and Ruler . He misled the world with fake or staged news reports and photo ops claiming that's his daughter leading to him being framed and caught in his current rape scandal that was investigated and was found that Kimora has an astral body and has been caught before in Russell's body . NYPD, 73pct,69pct,Flatbush pct. and Federal system covered up reports and preternatural behavior and activity of Kimora Lee Simmons abusing her celebrity status to frame and entrap the innocent, acting concerned but have other motives. A lying or misleading informant leading to Russell Simmons' current character assassination because he lied and said facts were untrue and preternatural can't happen or reincarnation is a myth, not mythologically going along with Kimora and the criminal enterprise who are not as financially stable as Russell when he had to kick up much money and wanted out, they publicly assassinated his character and set him up to extortion sometimes they keep him silent with threats not to talk about topics as sensitive as preternatural rape .

Kevin, George ,or Cigs or America King author "Mr 50million" in just 3days and Nas, said Hip Hop dead, Lol ! (Luv ya Nasir) was used after 1984 after learning about the "Poverty Stricken Epidemic" in United States and worldwide living seemingly sheltered on his small island . His currency in government accounts (Federal , State,Monarchs ) has been misappropriated , misused , mishandle , among other charges . With no resolution politically or from federal system ,not even a thought process for governments whose sole purpose for assembly and establishment is for better care and upholding the rights of its citizens. These institutions have strayed from their original purpose .

Bringing the military to conduct a military review before a guaranteed economical infusing to the hand of the homeless, poverty stricken , poor and deprived.



Divine right of kings - Wikipedia

The divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandate is a political and religious doctrine of ... The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth, for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God ... For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Queens, God & Government - Juicy Ecumenism

Nov 16, 2016 ... Monarchy is God's sacred mission to grace and dignify the earth, to give ... believing in “separation of church and state,” and that the clergy are ... And yet this spiritual view of monarchy does not claim coercive political power.The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God.


Meaning - 'Preternatural' vs. 'supernatural' - English Language ...

The fruit of the action of an angelical or demoniacal nature is said to be preternatural. The word comes from "praeter naturam", beyond nature. Supernatural is the action which goes beyond any created nature. This form of activity belongs only to God.

By the 16th century, the term "preternatural" was increasingly used to refer to demonic activity comparable to the use of magic by human adepts: The Devil, "being a natural Magician … may perform many acts in ways above our knowledge, though not transcending our natural power."


“para” is Latin for “beyond” – so it literally means “beyond natural”

“claimed occurrence, event, or perception without scientific explanation, such as extrasensory perception”

“beyond normal explanation; outside normal sensory channels; extrasensory”

“not scientifically explainable; supernatural”

“defies science; against reality”


“not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material”

“attributed to a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces” “attributed to God or a deity; demigod, spirit, or devil”


“attributed or pertaining to ghosts, goblins, or other unearthly beings”

“an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; related to the realm of the unexplained”


“surpassing the ordinary or normal”


“transcending the natural or material order; supernatural”

“existing outside of nature”

“another word for supernatural”

1. GOD - supernatural

2. Vampire – preternatural

3. Ghost – paranormal

4. Zombie – preternatural

5. Werewolf – preternatural

6. The Fey – supernatural

7. Alien – supernatural

8. ShapeShifter – preternatural

9. Poltergeist – paranormal

10. Witch/Wizard – paranormal and/or preternatural – which one would it be? Paranormal because it goes beyond the five senses but Preternatural because it goes beyond scientific explanation but is from this world.

§ 165.07 Unlawful use of secret scientific material.

A person is guilty of unlawful use of secret scientific material when, with intent to appropriate to himself or another the use of secret scientific material, and having no right to do so and no reasonable ground to believe that he has such right, he makes a tangible reproduction or representation of such secret scientific material by means of writing, photographing, drawing, mechanically or electronically reproducing or recording such secret scientific material. Unlawful use of secret scientific material is a class E felony.

Inherent | Definition of Inherent by Merriam-Webster

Inherent literally refers to something that is "stuck in" something else so firmly that they can't be separated.

in·her·ent/inˈhirənt,inˈherənt/ adjective 1. existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

Astral projection is a paranormal interpretation of out-of-body experiences that assumes the existence of one or more non-physical planes of existence and an associated body beyond the physical. Commonly such planes are called astral, etheric, or spiritual.

Astral body - Wikipedia

Astral body is a subtle body posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental body, composed of a subtle material. The concept ultimately derives from the philosophy of Plato: it is related to an astral plane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology.

Astral Body What is an Astral Body? -

The astral body (also called “energy body”) is the type of body one possesses in the astral world, where most beings go after death. It is made of prana, or life force.

Astral projection - Wikipedia

Astral projection (or astral travel) is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.

Remote Viewing And The Lost Plane In Africa

“Concerned that a psychical (PSI) gap existed between U.S. and Soviet paranormal research efforts, the CIA sponsored discreet research into paranormal phenomena commencing in 1972. Over the succeeding twenty-three years, the U.S. military and intelligence services were actively involved in paranormal research and operations involving a process known as remote viewing. Remote viewing, which produced specialized human intelligence support, served as part of overall military and government organizations’ intelligence collection efforts.”

According to Carter, “the woman went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there.” (source

) According to Paul H. Smith, PhD., and one of the participants in the Stargate project (now a retired US army major), gives us more detail from his book that is sourced below:

“In March 1979, a young Air Force enlisted woman names Rosemary Smith was handed a map of the entire continent of Africa. She was told only that some-time in the past few days a Soviet Tu-22 bomber outfitted as a spy plane had crashed somewhere in the continent. The United States desperately wanted to recover the top secret Russian codes and equipment the Tu-22 carried. Using their remote viewing skills, she pinpointed the wreckage, even though it had been completely swallowed by the jungle canopy into which the jet had plunged nose first.

Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, originally went by various code names GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATE until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project".

Stargate Project work primarily involved remote viewing, the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.

[1] The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, an aide and "psychic headhunter" to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, and later president of the Monroe Institute.

[2] The unit was small-scale, comprising about 15 to 20 individuals, and was run out of "an old, leaky wooden barracks".

[3] The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Information provided by the program was vague and included irrelevant and erroneous data, and there was reason to suspect that its project managers had changed the reports so they would fit background cues.

[4] The program was featured in the 2004 book and 2009 film entitled The Men Who Stare at Goats,[5][6][7][8] although neither mentions it by name.

Major breakthrough as scientists confirm out of body experiences are.. -body-experiencesare-REAL Aug 24, 2016 ... SCIENTISTS have confirmed that out of body experiences are real after placing study participants in a brain scanner and making them think .

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