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Greatings from the Royal commission Government and Allied Powers on another podcast dealing with law
Greatings from the Royal commission Government and Allied Powers on another podcast dealing with laws you are and are not bound by any more . Now U.S Gov politics out the world filed call any united nations
with feds FBI and Congress forever gone .Here are the laws for child support laws for store fruads laws for fake false arrest laws for judges to go to jail in exonerated case
Royal Commission Government find the world with food stamps ,train station s new sewage system free lighting bill , Paved countries , with afro turf ,new school system ,free college like fed student loans 9 hour Global revamp movie that came to lives .While Closing Congress who established politics forever document sealed in the United Nations .while the rob and steal from a country held as a.Melton pot giving the world back
money forensicing whole banks
finding stolen like lost accounts handed back classified mission Sneak America Politics a sneaky nation sneak a nation also Government jobs no lunch money handed back fraud state supposes to build money handed back plus businesses that are private you can get a check from.your first job McDonald's with Will and estate fraud looked back investigation over 200 years as Congress around and same age as earth World garnishment parking tickets summons fines handed to officers a old procedure Lawsuits ,Conjunctions investment money paid to courts before the 1970's never proper marked off by courts or police handed back to the hand of proper
owners . Rooms of money held by feds and Congress seized and Classified Sneaky nation legal banks closed by the Federation gov legally closed and Federal never approved to open stole moms home bank in her house Rush by fraud FBI agents with a illegal fee of 1million dollars when feds pay 10k from the government licence then over charge 300k more a year All given back to the hands of the proper owner By International force Allied AIF 2 year similar Assembly meaning full 24/7 Work all over the world Policy illegal taken at Laws former. U.S.government passed can't use to day .
App fraud Laws for Citizen to Self defense Execute a citizen can Kill
Legally By hand "Self defense"
Execution book of Laws .I ain't afraid to use violence or gang violence to defend my self to protect my self
App fraud easy to get your money back . In Google put "Computer forensic" near meForensic Accountant : check business accounts for fraudDisclaimer All U.s NY or state police are legal so if you have corrupt NYPD or any state Law enforcement Commissioner have taken their ability to train at Shooting
Ranges and Closed the Academy 10 yes so any police less than 10 yrs
commit a false arrest You can self defence Execution Because Kevin Lee said No NYPD has received no paycheck for 2 yrs no NYPD will ever get a paycheck or back pay for defience of Unwilling Order and Place because of the Legacy of NYPD Tamir
Rice ,Trayvon Martin ,Eric Garner
,Amadudalo etc Law enforcement Commission will not grant Kevin Lee
Gov general God a license with just a name change fromNypd to ---------all old U.s dept transfer to Royal Commission Gov.for 3 yes got pay hikes proper pay for college matching the last salary .Police come to work to fraud .Self Defence Laws : The ability for a citizens to Kill legallya regular person By law beat them with a bottle chair and Timberland stomp
they face to the found Even police officers who responded to 911 call and the broke 1 law is Miscarriage of justice Military can execute by shooting or by hand with A2 training But a normal Citizen can Kill a police ,Friend , neighbor or family in Law its called Self defence laws Personally effected your life : Witch craft is Voodoo ,Spanish fly ,Santa maria
,Lutherian Studies Anglican studies
,Cabballa ,Lumitie ,Mason etc any Secret society books or study Beating someone to death by any means Police in U.S.A have no law enforcement license since 2010 so any officer who don't know law can be beaten to death on the street for exudes like this is a Civil matter not criminal lie is law but Conjunction
can be made on. The scene Over 5 minutes not on the scene of the crime infraction on arrest no arrestThe person who wave the first hand or take the first blow or verbally aggressive scream to loud vouger or treat the defender can back up and self defence Kill you no arrest .Over 1 billion dollars debt execution after complete payment by lawSomeone found in your house or property Trespassing or robbery you can self Defence execution personLaw criminal : Inherent ; Existing in someone Spirit or soul taking over your body .Know how to work Black
Magic Santa Maria Law : Tamper with Secret Scientific MaterialLeaving or Ability to secerttlly leave your body or sepearte soul from body List
of Law: Astro Body Over 1¢ in App fraud you can self defence execute
Call your local medical examiners office death line and report a death: My life was personally Effected state what person did Before or After the Self defence execution . On your record if police ever puck you up illegally the judge and courts will release you because you reported properly someone "Personally effected your life" Law and Clause in law " .Computer Forensic Services : Handel all app fraud tablets , bank accounts , cell phones ,Laptop ,Desk top etc .On Google in google 'Computer Forensic' near you . All app fraud is returned on the first phone over the phone call in minute's or less with the ATM footage for less
than $600 Start up and major company's "Computer Forensic" is the name of businesses who cover app fraud to computers ,cell phones , tablets any device . The legal process over the phone call or text Computer forensic services app fraud is not new or undeveloped by investigation teams your money is returned and fee is transfered back to the company after app fraud is scanned and only your name and bank name is needed no bank account number is nessecary . Legal rates Fee :App fraud is usually $300-$599 for regular checking personal account . Business accounts start at $1000-$2000Tip √G$√1000 no less .Forensic AccountantHire to cover Business accounts or Investigation on lawyers and Bank
account issues of business when a Lawyer or accountant who had or has access to your business account .
If you have more than 51% ownership you can call any Forensic account service and have your lawyer or accountant detailed with out him or her knowing better to not tell so me forensic team can see your lawyer or accountant while he or she is using the business bank account
.ATM money never came out the machine . If the ATM ever jam and you never recievied your cash the process is you call the number on the back of your Debit or credit card . The store or Bank ATM will not return your money even if their willing to because thats private company in corner stores it takes 3-5 days for
them to fly in for that one machine when with a commercial back like M & T you money is returned in minutes because they can see or pull the ATM footage faster to see the transaction was a machine default or scam jammer by fraud kids or did you do the fraud they can determine by investigation database that show ATM footage and activities rreal time
. The number on the back of you debit card will have your money back in 10days short investigation the legal length a company has to notify of a lengthy Investigation 45 days max you have to wait before you file a lawsuit walking in court or online which files in your local court any city town or state .
Turbocourt.comWays to discover a
Account lock after fraud is transfered
Laws Immediately granted in cases if a business defraud or fraud u you are granted the Full amount of everything spent in the store from the day of first purchase on a 911 call if you ask no lawsuit is required . Its called asking the police for a "Conjunction" on the scene or the crime when they arrive or the 911 callSo from your first 25¢ Quarter water to every pack or cigar or cigerrettes purchased to beers money , optomo , blunts Strawberry & Vinnella Dutches era, raws the fund or what amonut of money you settle for The corner store or Even Macy's have to pay immediately in a 911call
conjunction in15 days garnishment will happen . With a admittance they admited to you or Police they knew the law or what they were doing is wrong you don't have to wait 15 days its automatically deposit in you bank account on the crime scene .
10days the legal length a company has to notify of a lengthy Investigation
45 days max
Conjunctions are what you ask police for money back for crime with money loss like theft ,grandlarceny larceny robbery ,scam ,scheme or con artist , computer tampering etc involved no lawsuit is needed to be filed police who say its a civil matter report to Military Internal fairs in
your state or file a report at .
You can File a small claims lawsuit a civil relief
$5,000-or$10,000 courts with a note in Description Reward and get Billions (Reward in the a small cliams case) Under 7 small wrong doing is still a small claim and can file at starting at $34.00 which is sent to your local state or town courts properlly prepared and filed with court date and index number . Corner stores
Calitilizing : Any profit earned by store retail coner store who charge over 4 times the worthCup of tea $1.50 now But the profit earned math is a stack of cups are $2.00 a box of 100 cups divide to 2¢ a cup ,water free ,tea bag is $3.00 for 50 pack that's 3¢ . 60¢ is the exact amount estimated . $1.50
Chinese Restaurants
Half of chicken and fried rice or 4chicken wings and French fries .
Profit margin $10 at green acres farm wholesale for 50 pieces of chicken a box of chicken quarters $7 on sale that 20¢ a plate for rice prices divided by weight purchased amount 10¢
.That's Less than $1.00 the price to make Half of chicken and Fried Rice
. Debit card Minimum in Bodega
,Corners Stores Deli ,Convience Store
Debit card Purchase less than $5.00or
$10.00 If you want to purchase something for $1.00 and the Debit card minimum is $5.00 that's more that 4times the profit guilty of the law calitizing .
A pair of Michael Jordan cost less than $7.00 a sneaker if you google
"The average cost to make Michael
Jordan Sneakers" Average price for sale $80-$350 new arrivals .
Law ingenious
Dirty Arabs say its a high card fee by law state on limit card company's to the max they can make to charge every transaction is 23¢ a transaction .
The state down not pick up Tickets for opening a back of Newport or any Phillip Morris brand Ciggerrttes
.Selling Loosely are legal to open a pack of cigerttets and sell single cigs at your local Bodega ,Corners Stores
Deli ,Convience Store .
Signs im being Frauded and laws to defend you self :
Law : Any sales tax charged after 2020 or signs in store 1fraud Conjunction for everything ever purchased from the day I came to this store .
Law ; Galching :the charge a extra fee or only me they went up 2¢
price you charge $1.00 or 25¢ more .
Law ; Inconvenience : To get on your nerves to get in your way to . To take you out you regular scheduled ,To antagonize you .
Law ; Computer Tampering : Any app fraud punishment of Execution for 100 years for over 1¢ 1penny ,A alter or as small as aname change in a or Instagram profile or bank account is computer tampering Over 1¢ penny capital offence Death row .
Security and Police standing in a ATM detail or patrol is illegal according to your security training 6-8 hours or Criminal justice school the police academy in all 50 states .Law 2000 years old .Any crime a police or security official take or do is punishment by Execution by shooting by A2 training and hire or 100 years each offence with regular arrest 100 year is a execution sentence by stats courts .
Allied International Force" Law updates are in effect now since 2022 law status ,sentencing in all states ,court and gov. Guidelines , procedures and processes has changed and updated . The rules and
policys of politics and the United States Government no longer apply to society America and their citizens .
Like no smoking indoors it's law smoking is permitted indoors building can make no smoking policy but must make a disernated someking area in inpatient and detained jail or prison center . No more common wealth states for 2 years same sentence and arraignment process 24hrs from 3 days central booking process in city's till some commonwealth states it was 2 weeks till arraignment to get a court date for trail , time served or a contest in the case . Marijuana is legal to smoke indoors or out door s at any time of the day since 2020 . Marijuana has been legal to sale since the 1970
with a gov. Weed license for $500 or wholesale $1000 . Thousands of other updates properly implemented at the top of the year in mimorando the top of the year submitted to all government officials ,offices ,police , justice ,courts etc from the Royal Commission Government coming directly from the International government office . Supreme CommanderKevin Lee finished theHoly war and Anyltical war With everyone signed or killed "spills of war" like Osama Bin Laden , Quasimodo, Saddam Hussein , Barrack Hussein Obama , Pas a rape
William Alfred Martin , Issis
Mohammed and the fraudulent Sunni Muslims 500 members of the some 1115th congress Former Queen
Elizabeth II with pledges of government distruction , terror and mass rape for 100 years over May Day May . Also Supreme Commander Lee ended the Anyltical war on politics and Congress with 2-3 documentary's , A book
"Reincarnegro" in all bookstores Paperback , Ebook and Audio form the book that grossed over 10 billion dollars I sales in 2 years
"REINCARNEGRO" We the black Royals Gov. Review" to alert society what the Government did also to end the Anyltical war Singned and granted that the United States Government , Federal System , Politics & Congress are abolished indefinitely out the world filed in the United Nations . We find out United
States Government who used politics to serve the people frauded society and citizens for 2000 yrs .The Recovery stage in Anyltical war have 3 sets of Forensic teams with whole businesses working under them contracted by Royal Commission Government and Allied International Force 1) Dept. is Will and Estate fraud by the Gov. And police of the U.s. gov
,2) World garnish 60 hundred million people are getting money returned every day from Investments , Conjunctions (Like a Lawsuits at the time of arrest) Lawsuit money paid to the courts to hand to person with relief in the case or out of court the process . Up into the 1970 United States Government policy was to hand the money payment or
garnishment to the precinct , court or police officer . Also business fraud by lawyers during employment at 1000 of companies are being Forensiced if the job didn't give you lunch they may transfer the hourly wage for lunch for all the days not offered by job private or government who didn't offer lunch .If proper salary wasn't paid for the position or matching your previous job salary starting you can receive a bank transfer with the explanation as a investigation in email and bank memo or $20 a week was missing for 10 years will be returned from 17 pages of companies won in court now the proper owner lawyers are looking over and Forensiced old bank accounts of companies like McDonald's , Ford ,
Microsoft , AT& T , Mighty Quinn's , Universal Music Group & Universal Pictures , Sony , Def Jam Recordings and hundreds more .
United States transferred to the Royal Commission Government world Gov. form updates .
Royal Commission Government is a registered world Government . Which welfare ,snap , ebt , ssi and all government payroll is now funded
with The Royal Commission Government a world government plus former City , State workers world wide are now paid by the Royal Commission Government . Replacement of the abolished indefinitely United States government , Federal systems, Politics & Congress. Royal Commission Government is registered as a Aristracy & Communal government the original and most successful government form , like democracy we are now Communal "Every one treated equal" and the state of our Country is still America "Land of the Free home of the Brave" like a Republic state of the country in Dominican republic our stance or state of our country goes back to the people stance before the United