AIH Connect Semester 1, 2014

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Australian Institute of Higher Education- Graduation Ceremony 2014 by Md.Nur-A-Alam Chowdhury, AIH graduate

Higher Education Newsletter

Inside t his issue: Graduation Ceremony 2014


Dr Heaney’s Column


Library Visit




Recognitions 6 and Announcements

12-04-2014, one of the most memorable days of my life. That day I received the final recognition of my graduation –my Bachelor of Accounting degree. It was Saturday morning. I woke up full of excitement. I got myself ready to attend the ceremony and started my journey to Sydney Customs House (the place of the graduation event) which was situated in Circular Quay. My uncle and aunty accompanied me. As soon as we arrived, I was taken to the students room and my uncle and aunty were led to the ceremony hall. Ingrid provided me the most desirable costume for graduates and she helped me to put it on. All my classmates were there as well. We had a photo session for fun and around 11 am we started walking towards the hall

room. The seating arrangement was nice and we took a seat according to

Alex Greenwich. It is impossible to explain how I felt at that moment.

our name written. Graduates were sitting to the left and guests to the right side. Stefan played the music of honour and our honourable

But that time I was missing my parents a lot. Anyway after that we started congratulating each other. Delicious lunch was waiting for us, I

Dean, teachers, chief guest and Chairman of the academic board came towards the stage. We all

was not too late to grab it, despite talking to my fellow graduates a lot. After lunch we gathered at the

honoured them by standing up. The program finally began with the speech of our honourable COE Dr.

ground floor of the Customs House for a photo session with teachers and my mates. Stefan took us to the opera

Joo-Gim Heaney. She said some valuable words which would help us to go forward in our coming careers. After her speech the Hon-

house for a group photo and the ceremony came to an end. I received a hug from my Honourable Mam Dr. Heaney and some advice from

ourable chief guest Member of Parliament of Sydney, Alex Greenwich, gave us some guidelines through-

Dr.Vivienne, the AIH Dean, which I will never forget in my life. I went back home with lots of memories and

out of his speech. And then the certificate giving ceremony started. One by one students were collecting their testamurs and finally my

remembering the first day I came to AIH. Sometimes I miss my lovely campus, friends and especially Natalia. But this is life and we need to

name was called and I went to the stage full of joy. I took the certificate and took a photograph with Mr.

move forward with new challenges, that is what I learned from AIH. Md.Nur-A-Alam Chowdhury

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Dr Heaney’s Column To

Persevere Dr. Joo-Gim Heaney

is to

Chief Executive Officer A Win-Win Strategy for AIH students


When I was a student of higher education in Australia, and then a post graduate in the USA doing my PhD, people always asked me, “Why are you spending so much time and money studying?” My answer was,“I want to succeed in my life.” If you look at my response, it was not just to succeed at my studies, but to make something out of my life. At that time, I was in Australia and then in the USA and then back to Australia. No matter where I lived and worked, I wanted to succeed. This is what I hope AIH students


INVITATION To visit the AIH Library Language Section

would say if they are asked, “ Why are you studying at AIH? Why did you come all the way to Australia to study here?” I hope the AIH student will say it is because they wish to succeed in their life. I firmly believe AIH gives students a quality education that will pave the way to sustained success. I have learnt over the years, that the course that one takes, e.g. Bachelors, does not take that long. But it provides the foundation to show others that you, as a student, can learn new things, be organised, persevere, work in teams, support your colleagues and most importantly, be scholars. At AIH, being a scholar means you are independent learners. At AIH you learn how to learn. So that is why face-to-face lectures and tutorials are important; that is why attendance is important, as are assessments, working in groups, and getting feedback. Lecturers are here to support you and the next thing you know, you have a Bachelors degree which you earned because

you have proved that you are a scholar. The Win-Win strategy is: You Win when you have a quality education; you have already won half the battle toward succeeding in life. You have a Bachelors degree. The other Win is when you can continue to achieve because you are a scholar of quality education; you can do anything, go places with that quality education you have in your hand no matter where you live. So when the going gets tough and you are thinking of taking short cuts, just to get that piece of paper and not care if you learn something or not......remember that you need a Win-Win Strategy to succeed in life. Dr Joo-Gim Heaney CEO

Library—Language Section Did you know... That the library at AIH not only has books to help you with your accounting and business studies it also has resources to help you write your assignments and improve your English. Here are a few of the titles the library has. Writing for Accounting Students by Cotesta, Crosling & Murphy When you need help writing reports or completing case studies this is the book to look for. It also gives guidance for writing essays and techniques to help you pass your exams. Writing Guidelines for Business Students by Emerson This is one for the business students. It covers such topics as writing reports, essays, research proposals and reports and conducting litera-

ture reviews. It also has chapters on finding information and note taking. A useful all round guide to help you complete your assignments.

with grammar, pronunciation and reading. Here are some of the books that will help you pass your IELTS test.

Introduction to Academic Writing by Oshima & Hogue This book is a more general look at the process of academic writing. It covers grammar, sentence structure and the writing process as a whole.

Focusing on IELTS: Reading and Writing Skills

Ready to Write: From Paragraph to Essay by Blanchard & Root Covers the elements of good writing and the different types of essays you may have to write. If you are preparing to take the IELTS test the library has a number of books that can help. You will also find general books to help

Focusing on IELTS: Academic Practice Tests Study English: IELTS preparation resource book Visit the library today and see what else we have to offer.

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Menagerie Conference in Vancouver, Canada Dr Nitya Karmakar, one of AIH’s lecturers attended a conference in Vancouver in November 2013. 34 countries participated and Dr Karmakar had the chance to meet lots of academics from various countries: Professor Willie LuChairman and Co-founder of

Dean’s Scholarship and Dean’s list students Every semester the top AIH student(s )receive a Dean’s Scholarship and all students with Distinction and above average grade receive a Letter of Commendation from the Dean. Semester 2 2013 Dean’s scholarship students were: Muhammad Butt, Mark De Vega, Ma Concepcion Espinase, Maria Suzette Samson, Mai Hong Dao Tran Semester 2 2013 Dean’s List students were: Daiya Marivic Deseo, Maris Esteban, Eva Hamburger, Nguyen Phung Thach Le, Aleli Villaroman Congratulations to all these wonderful students!

Mobile Cloud Enterprise solutions, Ms Xiaohua Zhao-Partner in Perkins Cole, Washington DC,

The Dean, Esteban Maris, Maria Suzette Samson, Kamran Butt, Mr Kwan Yee Hew (AIH lecturer of accounting)

The Dean, Eva Hamburger, Daiya Marivic Deseo, Dr Luz Stenberg (AIH lecturer of business)

USA dealing with Transborder data flow, the president of the Global Forum-Professor Sylviane Toporkoff.

The Dean, Ma Concepcion Espinase, Mark De Vega, Mr Sajan Cyril (AIH lecturer of accounting)

↓ The Dean, Nguyen Phung Thach Le, Ms Sharmila Vivekananda (AIH lecturer of law)

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Menagerie Trip to Blue Mountains The Blue Mountains trip was great and we enjoyed it a lot. As though the weather wasn’t good but at least we saw some beautiful scenery and the enchanted wilderness we discovered in our bush walk through the Wentworth Falls. Of course, we enjoyed it most because of our tour guide who at the same time was our driver. From the time we entered to his bus, he started talking about the history of Sydney, the buildings, people and lots more about history. Our questions were also welcomed and entertained ( which we really appreciated). He tried not to make us bored while we were on the trip. All the way to our trip that day, he was so kind to share his knowledge about the

place, from the formation of the rocks to how the weather change and how it affects the area. We were like a learner who follow our teacher and listen attentively to his lecture. So cool actually! We didn't miss any places, except for walking around in Katoomba, but that wasn’t too bad, the weather was not in the mood to show his mightiest Sun. To sum it up, it was a great experience. An adventure we will never forget. Friendships to treasure. Bonds we will always hold. Charm, AIH student and the Blue Mountains trip photographer

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Menagerie AIH Multicultural Party Culture is the characteristic of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and art. (Zimmermann, 2012) . In this generation, people from different countries inhabited Australia. That makes this country one of the most multicultural nations in the Asia Pacific Region. People from almost every part of the globe come across seas to live and settle down in Australia. One of the contributing factors, why there is an increasing number of immigrants in Australia, is the government’s Education Program. Through this program, international students have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Australia and at the same time earn an internationally recognised education. Australian Institute of Higher Education (AIH) is one of the institutions that offer competitive education. The AIH program is not just giving a quality, internationally recognised education, but also helping the students to settle in Australia. One of the events that happens every year is the Multicultural Party, held during the last week of second semester each year. This Party encourages students to participate and bond with different cultures in the campus. This proceeding gives the students the opportunity to practice and share their culture and tradition. Last year was very memorable for me, because that was indeed my last Multicultural Party. All the countries did take part in the event, which made the whole occasion successful. It brings a smile to my face every time I reminisce of the things that had transpired that day. Nikko did one of his signature dance moves, which made the whole room steaming hot. There were two Filipino girls who rendered a lovely Visayan (tribe in the Philippines) song and Barbara Streisand, Tell Him. Dr. Heaney, our CEO, made a very welcoming speech, which made me feel that wherever I am, if I go back to AIH I will be welcomed to its premises. I also remember, I was almost drooling over the delectable food prepared by everyone. Of course, the Philippines won the contest. Everyone was astonished and delighted by the mouth watering “bicol express”(spicy pork on coconut milk) of Raymond Ventura, the only complaint was, that there wasn’t enough. The Vietnamese noodles also came in sec-

ond place. I’m sure everyone enjoyed the succulent noodles that melt in your mouth when you ate them. And of course, there is nothing tastier than Ingrid’s chocolates, for me it was like heaven in every bite. It is really good to remember those things. It makes me think that no matter where you are from or no matter what skin colour you have, when you gather together as one family it makes a massive difference. Cultures and traditions are the only things that make us different, other than that we are all equally created. Roland Desamito


AIH_Connect Editorial Board: Editor-In -Ch ief:

Introducing Franziska Gruf

Na talia Kotras ova

It is a pleasure to introduce myself as a fresh member of the AIH Marketing team. As a Marketing Coordinator I am closely working with Stefan Hofmann on expanding and developing markets in Europe and Latin America. I am actively working to establish a broad Nationality Mix among AIH students in the future.

(Student Administrator) Managing Editor: Looking for one. Are you interested? Layout and Graphics Editor/ Photo Editor:

Further I am here to support the Student Service team along with Natalia and the rest of the AIH family. My aim is to make AIH a very study friendly environment and create many opportunities for our current students to get industry linked education and hands on experience. Supporting this by implementing internship programmes , organising workshops and student

Looking for one. Are you interested?

Would you like to contribute to AIH_Connect? Send your articles to Natalia:

events/ trips. In close collaboration with the Student Council we are also trying to constantly improve your study experience at AIH in a fun way, helping you to grow and make your stay in Australia the best experience you have ever had.

Announcements AIH Diary: Semester 2 2014 Semester Break: 30 June 2014—25 July 2014

3 Broadway (Crn Broadway & Harris Street), Ultimo NSW 2007 Second-hand books:

Semester 2 2014

If you are looking for second hand books, please go to the following websites:

Weeks 1 - 8 Lectures: 28 July 2014—19 September 2014 Mid Semester Holiday: 22 September 2014—26 September 2014 Weeks 9 - 12 Lectures: 29 September 2014—24 October 2014 Student Examination Preparation Week: 27 October 2014—31 October 2014 Examination Weeks: 03 November 2014—14 November 2014

Library Opening Times during semester: Monday:


Tuesday: Wednesday; Thursday:

10am—6pm 9am—5pm 10am-6pm

Friday: Saturday:

9am-5pm 10am-6pm

Student Labs: Monday to Friday: 9am—5pm ID Cards:

Did you know AIH has its own Learning Support team? Come and talk to one of us if you have any study related questions. We are here for you during our office/opening hours. English Learning Support or call the UNSW number: 93856111

Natalia Kotrasova 

Office hours: Trisandhya Bhainashni and Mylah Amboang (Accounts Officers) Monday to Friday Morning: Afternoon:

9:30am till 12:00pm 1:00pm till 5:00pm

Natalia Kotrasova (Student Administration Manager) Ingrid Piedade De Araujo (Reception) Monday to Friday 9.00am till 5:00pm

essay writing skills

Learning Support AIH Library 

help with referencing


essay writing

article research

improve your study skills

improve your English skills

WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send your inquiries and/or contributions to

Minimum to recharge: $5 Pay at the Accounts Office Useful Information for students: Co-op Bookshop:

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