October 2011 %282%29

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AIH_Connect The Australian Institute of Higher

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CIMA Chair of Australasian Regional Board addresses AIH, AICL students.....

Education Newsletter

Inside this issue: CIMA….




Council AIH_Connect


The Dean’s Column


What’s in the Library


Around the World and Back Home




Recognitions and




The third event in the Australian Institute of Higher Education (AIH) Speaker Series was held on the 18th of October 2011. The series was inaugurated this year to provide a forum for students from AIH, and interested students from the Australian Institute of Commerce and Language (AICL), to widen their knowledge of industry and the operation of professional accounting bodies in Australia.

of AIH Higher Education will be exempted from the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting and at operational level paper E1 Enterprise Operations. In addition, AIH Bachelor of Accounting graduates will also be exempt from paper F1 Financial Operations at the operational level.

This event was a huge success judging by the enthusiastic response of the larger than anticiMr. Paul Thambar with AIH and AICL students pated number of students who The event titled ―Management attended. AIH Higher Education Accounting and CIMA: Adding Business Accounting. Students who looks forward to hosting the next Value to Business‖ was addressed complete the Bachelor of Accounting event in the Speaker Series soon. by Mr. Paul Thambar, Chair, Aus- and Bachelor of Business programs tralasian Regional Board, of the Chartered Institute of Management STUDENT COUNCIL AT AIH Accountants (CIMA) UK, following a welcome by the Executive Dean, By: Christine Ivy C. Valeza (cont. p. 2) Professor Joo-Gim Heaney. Mr. Thambar emphasized the need for The AIH Student 2011 during a meeting held in the Management Accounting skills in Council is the first AIH Board Room. The members business and industry, as the CIMA student organisa- present at the meeting selected offiqualification, in addition to developing core financial, accounting and tion at AIH. Its formation was spear- cers for the Student Council. Elecmanagerial skills, cultivates strate- headed by a few senior students who tions will be formally held in 2012. gic awareness and business under- believed that there was a need for a The officers are as follows: standing across the value chain. He student organisation at AIH which added that the CIMA qualification, would assist in developing friendly President: Christine Ivy Valeza with over 180,000 or more members relationships among students, up- Vice President: Tanim Ahmad Secretary: Swarna Chowdhurry and students worldwide, is recog- hold their welfare and organise ac- Treasurer: Adolfo Concepcion, Jr. tivities and events that would help nised in over 160 countries. AustraPublic Relations Officer: Kumar Dhakal lia is its third largest member base promote and develop students’ social BAcc Representative: John Paul Medenilla with over 3000 members and stu- and academic skills. dents. Currently in Australia, under The AIH Student Council was fora mutual recognition agreement, mally instituted on 13 September CIMA members may apply for CPA Australia membership without any AIH_Connect, the official campus Newsletter need for further examinations and vice versa. CIMA has also anBy: Abigael Placido-Candelaria (cont. p. 2) nounced a joint venture with AICPA (American Institute of CertiIt’s final and offi- interesting news, articles and other fied Practising Accountants) which cial. A newsletter information to be published interwill be launched in 2012 and will that will deliver mittently throughout the year. provide further value to members. great news and In July 2011, AIH Higher Education information to The newsletter will comprise: headline stories (front page) from in and was awarded self certification status students is now in your hands. out of campus; the second page is by CIMA for exemptions from its program. The CIMA Qualification AIH_Connect will strengthen rela- reserved for the Deans’ Column as Framework consists of 4 levels in tionships between students and their well as opinions and suggestions from addition to the CIMA Certificate in AIH institution. Its purpose is to the Librarian featuring a book and provide the AIH community with magazine every month; Around the

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