Ai Ko Portfolio

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Chapter 1 : Underground Reality


01 The Scar of Landscapes 02 The Floting Oasis

Chapter 2 : Modern life 03 The Cave House 04 The Heart of The Tribes

Chapter 3 : Day dream 05 The Corridor of Memory



Publication Workshops Professional Projects

08 25 37 38 53 61 62 73 74 75 78


Under The City Spatial Issues In Rapidly Developing Society Taiwan, my home country, is a lively island, where its uniqueness emerges from the mixture of aboriginal , Dutch, Japanese ,Chinese and modern western culture. Cities in Taiwan are young because our economy just double folded in the past 4 decade. However, the rapid modernization and urban expansion caused serious environmental and social problems. As young generation, we are in the most prosperous and hesitating time. Unintentionally, my architectural perspective is formed from my background. As a young architect, who love lives and care about society, I feel anxious and confusing about our position. Architecture is a double-blade sword that can destroy or improve environment. To me, architecture is about find a singular intervention to deal with complicate context, which including history, urban context, political issue or nature environment rather than simply spatial arrangement by aesthetic or functional consideration. However, no matter how complicate or abstract the project is, the most powerful, effective and beautiful way to solve problem is still the fundamental principles of architecture, which are the relation between positive and negative space , structure and material. Under this perspective, my projects mainly concentrate on the problem caused by modernization, grasping the intangible relations and representing it with visual or physical manner. The selected 5 projects are divided into 3 chapters, each of them address distinctive intervention philosophy.


“Underground reality� is a perspective to observe the what buried under the city :the underground infrastructures. Those infrastructure are the attachment or artery of the cities but usually be ignored by the publics. The revealing of landfill can be a warning of modern lives style, which is built on the endless circulati on of consumption and disposal. Positively, the revealing, reusing of drainage system can bring lives to the city. Infrastructure is a good design intervention because of its enormous power or super scale that a single building can not compare with.

In “Modern life”, I trying to answer the questions that what is the vision and challenge for Taiwanese young generation. In the cities, young people are exhausted for having an affordable accommodation due to the unbalanced house market. Outside the cities, aboriginal tribes facing the lost of traditional culture and the risk of natural disaster. My intervention is not a single master plan but dealing the intimate relation between people. Housing returns to fit the basic need of live by renovation of an industrial building. On the other hand, the new school for the tribes serves as an anchor where represent their traditional spatial arrangement and respect to their ceremony and communal life style. “Day dream” is about escape. The skill of perspective is the authority of architecture representation to visualize our imagination, to convince people and experiment ideals. In addition, perspective can twist our perception to the environment by framing the view, arrangement of circulation or projection. If we can not make change the reality, the chaotic of urban context, changing our perspective and dreaming a better world could be an alternative answer. I find out that sometimes the most intellectual design intervention is irrational or intuitional so that I won’t always fellow analysis or methodology. Inspiring by modern urbanism theories, I realize a smart ideal usually hid in the dynamic and intangible relations. At the same time, classic architectural principles – Scale, contrast, harmony and articulation - are still important to move people. Combining the above ideals is my design process.


After those projects, I’m still on the road, thinking about the position of architects. But one thing I can sure is that I will always pay attention to underprivilage, to environment, to issues occurs under the city rather than admiring the prosperity of the city.


”The city of Leonia refashions itself every day… It is not so much by the

things that each day are manufactured, sold, bought that you can measure Leonia's opulence, but rather by the things that each day are thrown out to make room for the new…A fortress of indestructible leftovers surrounds Leonia, dominating it on every side, like a chain of mountains.

Continuous Cities 1 , Invisible cities

Italo Calvino

Chapter1 /

Underground Reality


01 The Scar of Landscapes 02 The Floting Oasis


THE SCAR OF LANDSCAPES Spatialization of The Landfill As A Mounmental Museum

* 2014 Best Thesis Design Award * 2014 Song Tai-Sheng Scholarship * Nominated by NCKU in 2014 Team 20 Competition 5th Academic Year's Thesis Design, 2014 Academic / Personal


Advisor : Tseng Wei Location: Taipei, Taiwan Program : Museum And Park Key words : Concrete Casting / Excavation Process / Monumental Space

The volume of ”landfills is the measure of the iInfinite desire

How to measure the infinite desire of human being? In the book “The Invisible Cities”, the endless circulation of consumption and disposal is the metaphor of the death of the city, which will be buried by the garbage it created. In my project, the volume of landfill is the measure of the infinite desire. People always buy new things and discard the old one, creating astonishing volume of garbage hidden underground. In rapidly developing cities, the land is being over exploited to make room for landfill. The landfills are the scar of landscapes and the indecomposable plastic is the eternal witness of our history. Therefore, in order to visualize the relation of landfill and human activities, I spatialize the landfill by reversing the solid space into void space.


Fig.1 / View From The New Highway

Fig.1 / Underground reality


People tend to ignore or cover the ugly reality underground, making a fake "peaceful scene".

The astonishing volume of ”interior space represents the

scar of landscape, a metaphor of the wasted modern life style

As architects , we drawing ,with black and white color, to represent our dream and imagination. On the paper, the poche parts means solid space that we can’t visit. By using the strategy of reverse the relation of figure-ground, the underground , concealed landfill becomes a void space, a experienceable space that people can visit. Finally, the astonishing volume of interior space, where the highest part is 24 meter, create a surreal experience in the peaceful wetland plain, representing the scar of landscape, a metaphor of the wasted modern life style.


Fig.2 / Concept Fig.3 / Figure-Ground

Way to Tamshi ,New developed Community

01: Illegal landfill Year: 1975s Volume:115,000

Kendo New Community

Dadu Road( New High Way) Kendo Old Community

02: Constructional Waste Year: 1990s Volume:230,000 Wetland Consevation Area

03: Illegal landfill Year: 1980s Volume:60,000

11: Illegal landfill Year: 1990s Volume:96,000

04: Illegal landfill Year: 1980s Volume:27,000

Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant

05: Constructional Waste Year: 1985s Volume:6,500

09: Constructional Waste Year: 2000s Volume:112,000

07: Illegal landfill Year: 1985s Volume:67,000 (Removed) 06: landfill Year: 1984s Volume:330,000 (Removed)

08: Constructional Waste Year: 2000s Volume:33,000

Way to Taipei City

Garbage Reasrch


Guandu District have the densest illegal landfill records in Taipei City becuase it is once a remote place, where was lack of traffic infrastructures. I research all the locations and volume of the landfills, trying to find a design intervention to revealing this serious enviornmental issue.

�The illegal landfill is an unspoken political scandal„

The Illegal Landfills



Illegal landfills are unspoken political scandal. During 1960s to 2000s, the rapidest economical development period, local politicans consented gangs to manage illegal landfills in order to exchange political supports. Most of it are still buried underground, waiting for excavation and cleaning. The design interventions are very, from urban scale to material texture, all of it concentrate on the same issue revealing the underground reality. 1. Eyes-catching : Dadu Road is a new opportunity, which cross the wetland plan, where once the most remote place in Taipei city.

Excuvating one of the landfill besides the high way can be effective evoke public awareness.

2. Volume :

The real volume of the landfill is about 115,000 cubic,

which is like a monster in the peaceful wet plan. That volume will be represented by concrete casting.

3. Urban Axis : Urban axis is a storyteller that point out the

cause and end of garbage porblem, the cuase is development and the end is the refuse incineration plant.


Fig.1 / Site Analysis Fig.2 / The Illegal Landfill Picture Fig.3 / Streetview on Dadu Road Fig.3 / The Volume of Landfill Fig.4 / The Urban Axis


01 Layout

The Landfill As Mold

The landfill is the mold, it not only help the forming of the free-form shell, the main structure, but also symbolically and physically represent the massive volume of landfill. Accroding to urban axis, selecting part of the landfill as design target, casting it with concrete, then excavating it. Finally, a astonishing space is finished. The shell montypes the texture of garbages. Also, the layout process can shape scratch that aesthetically integrate the whole space as a constant texture. When people in the space, it's just like standing inside the landfill, looking upon, and shocked by the massive volume. They can even see the texture of the garbage on the sureface of the concrete shell. It is a space for people to revise and remember what we done to our land.

It just like standing �inside the landfill, looking upon, and shocked by the massive volume of garbage



Fig.1 / The Main Space Fig.2-5 / Process of Making Model

02 Casting




Monotype The Texture

Fig.1 / Model of Site Plan Fig.2 / The ground park Fig.3 / Exploding View

they approch, �theAsgape will appear


Landfill Monumental Park

It's a monumental park. The gorund part is remained in the original status, occupied by grass and shrubs. On the other hand, the underground part is a monumental museum. There is a big slope as connection. When people come to this place, firstly, they will see a constant landscape. As they approch, the gape will appear and imply the existence of underground spaces.


and people will realize the existence of the underground museum

Shell Aisle and vertical circulation Supplemental Structure


Completeion The final building is simple.The main structure , a shell.the columns and floors.


Excavation The circulation and the location of supplemental structure will be well designed, making sure the opportunity for visitors to visit.


Casting Building up the fences and casting concrete.




Cleaning up the surface.Then, some parts will be digged deeper, reforming the void space as the structure of the shell.

Detial Process

Step1 : Excavation Step2 : Grading Step3 : Strutting(Horizontal) Step4 : Strutting(Vertical)






By doing so, the �meaning of void space can be easily realized„


Fig.1 / Excavation process Fig.2 / Detail Process Fig.3 / Excavtion As Tour

Excavation Tour

The absence of grabage makes the museum completed. Emphazising the construction process, treating it like an open show that people can see how the landfill gradually becom-ing an empty space. By doing so, the meaning of void space can be easily realized.

It seems peaceful and �smooth from the outside, but insdie, the texture and spatial experience are brutal and dramatic


Contrary Experience

Contrary experience can emphazise the dramatic spatial effect. From outside, the concrete shell is like floting in the air becuase the edge looks thin. But inside the building, people will feel compressed in the first place, where is close enough to see the texture of the shell. Then, coming to the main space, people will impressive by its extraordinary scale.






Fig.1 / Plan Fig.1 / Perspective from open plaza Fig.2 / Perspective of lobby Fig.3 / AA' Section


Service Facilities

�Urban axis as the storyteller„ Fig.1 / View to the east (Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant) Fig.2 / View to the weast (Kendo New Community) Fig.3 / BB' Section


The floor is detached from the earth to avoid moisture.

Causal Connection

The invisible axis have symbolic function. When people walk toward east, the gap would framing the Beitou refuse incineration plant, which is an symbole of the death or the future of the city. On the other hand, from another direction the gap would framing the city, which points out the cuase of the death of the city. To sum up, I want to use this project to evoke public awareness about landfill, or the wasted modern live style, by visualize, spaitialize the concealed lanfill.


Fig.5 / View of The Main Space Fig.6 / The Entrance From The Top

�Visualize, spaitialize


the concealed landfill



The Floting Oasis

Renovation of Urban Infrastructures As Artificial Wetland 4th Academic Year's Project, 2012 Academic / Personal

Advisor : Tsai Yuan-Liang Location : Taipei, Taiwan Program: Habitate for birds and Microclimate Regulation Machine Key words : Birds Migration/ Rainwater Drainage System / Wetland

Cities, is a completely artificial environment where the living environment of other species are usually ignored. Taipei is not only the capital but also an important bird migration stop in the east Asia. The opportunity hides underground, which are rainwater drainage system. By making use of it and an abandoned bridge, an artificial wetland is completed. The slope of the bridge provide opportunity to create a water purification mechanism. For birds, the oasis is their migration stop. For people , it is a microclimate regulation machine, which can cool down the tempurture, improving the quality of nearby public plaza. Politicans and real estate developers are use to measure the value of architecture by the profit it can create. Howerver, sometimes, we should leave a pure blank in the city.

Sometimes, we �should leave a pure blank in the city„


Fig.1 / North View Fig.2 / Picture of The Birdge







Embankment Rainwater Pipes Rainwater Pumping Station

where provide resources and save shlter


Taipei is an important bird migration stop. The birds come from Japan, North China or Korea, heading south in winter. Usually, they will fly along the river an stop at wetland, where provide resources and save shlter. However, the wetland are fading. It's necessary to find alternative habitate or regenerate wetland for them.


they will fly along �theUsually, river an stop at wetland,

Origin - Bird Migration



The Abandoned Bridge+Drainage System = Oasis

Penatrate flow Pumping Station


Flow Precipitation

Water Drainage

Embankment / water gate

01 | Pumping

02 | Clean Process

Intervention - Drainage System

From the geometric perspective, Taipei have poor drainage ability. Taipei’s surface soil is mainly composed with impervious clay because Taipei used to be a huge lake thou-sands years ago. As a result, people built up long embankment surrounding the rivers, high-density of drainage system and powerful pumping station to drain rainwater. And, that will be a design interface to regenerate habitate for the birds.

Proposal - Urban Oasis


All kind of urban plans were put together here. However, nature spices are never taken account. Drainage system is an opportunity, another one is the soon abandoned bridge. Combining those two elements, creating an artificial wetland. The rainwater can be easily cleaned, as a result, the reuse water can irregate plants and effect micro-climate, bringing benefits for both birds and people.

03 | Irrigation Pipes

Fig.1 / Bird Migration Map Fig.2 / Rain Water Drainage Pipes And Pumping Station Fig.3 / Design Intervention Fig.4 / Design System Fig. 5, 6 / Project Location


Fig.1 / Brid view Fig.2 / Section- habitate design Fig.3 / Section - feeding place design

The Habitate (West Section) In order to provide a suitable habitate, eliminating traffic noises and artificial lights are critical. Also, planting varity of srubs anf trees on both the dry soil and wetland can maximize the diversity of habitate.

Block Light

Sprayer Net

Block Noise




The Feeding Place(Cental Section) Making use the slope, which used to be a lane for cars. Pumping up water to the top, then that it flow narturally along the slope. Thise wetland purification process can provide nutrients for birds and plants.The countless tiny pipes can create a selfcirculation system to keep the dirt moisture.



Self Water Circulation By Capillary Phenomenon

Fabric +


Metal Coat


Block Noise

This oasis is an con�pensation for the birds„

Water, Plants and Birds

Considering traffic noises, lights and water system, different parts of the bridge will serve distinctive program. Most importantly, making sure the diversity of plants and habitat types. So that more speices can find their place. "East Habitate" is composed with tall trees , where can also provide habitate for urban bird species."Feeding" is a purification wetland. " West Habitate " mainly service the miratary birds, with wetland and surbs.

Fig.1 / View Outside The Embankment Fig.2 / Program Distribution( North Elevation) Fig.3 / Water System


For People

East Habitate




Water pool


Clean water Pumping

Purification process

Capillary pipes Water container Drainage pipe


For Birds

Fig.4 / West Habitate Fig.5 / Feeding Fig.6 / East Habitate Fig.7 / Wetland Detail

West West Habitae


Pumping station



�Create the

opportunity for heat exchange„

Inspired by Banyan trees, a kind of common speice in Taiwan, the tiny pipes are like the roots that transport water for a long distance.

Microclimate Regulation


Taipei is a basin, a heating and muggy city. The counless tiny metal pipes can improve this problem by increase the surface for heat exchange. The irrigation system,the spray system, can also provide mositure to cool down the pipes. In addition, the direction of local winds is exactly benefit this design, bringing cool winds to the public plaza. Water and winds can enrich our imagination to the urban enviroment.

Accroding to season, the dirction of wind will changed, so that is a point to design. The sprayer will only open during summer at the upper layer.

2 1


1 3




1 - Planning As Historical Park 2 - New Metro Station 3 - New Skyscraper 4 - Administration Building 5 - New Public Plaza 6 - Heritage : The North Gate (1884)

01 02 03


Fig.1 / Heat Exchange Diagram Fig.2 / Effect of The Spray (AA' Section) Fig.3 / Winds Chart Fig.4 / Effect of winds(North Elevation)


crosspoint �forThetheonly birds and A


people is a small path, under the slope



There are no vertical circulation for people to approch the oasis because the primary consideration is birds, preventing every disturbance, creating a pure habitate. The only crosspoint for the birds and people is a small path, under the slope. After a graduately compress linear spatial experience, people will cross a small, dark tunnel, then see the great scene of nature , at the end of wetland. The perception of the space will be effected by moisture So, the constrat experience will be more dramatic.


Fig.1 / View of the slope Fig.2 / GroundPlan Fig.3,4,5 / experience sequence


”I got a loan from a bank to buy a house. From now on, I can't drink too much. I can’t travel at will. Until one day I pay off the loan. My hair had turned white,. My teeth had rusted.

from the song "Buy A Hosue"

by Zhou Yun-Peng

Chapter2 //

Modern life


03 The Cave House 04 The Heart of The Tribes


The Cave House

Reforming The Industrial Office Building as Social Housing 5th Years Project, 2013 Academic / Personal Advisor : Tensg Wei Location : Taipei, Taiwan Program : Social Housing Key word: Rennovation / Openness / Hybrid


Fig.1 / View From The East

Housing, is the most fundemental need for people. Our ancestor lived in the cave house, where has little boundtary between human and nature, privaacy and publicity . To me, this primitive living style, however, is a good model for future housing. Housing is a serious social problem in Taiwan, especially in Taipei, the crowed capital. Here, the young generation are nomad, moving around accroding to house price. They have to spend half their life to buy a house, a golden cage. Because of wrong real estate po-licies and unbalanced market, the young people have to face the extravagant housing price and the lack of social housing. At the same time, people still have the hope of having a comfortable and affordable accommodation.

A comfortable place that winds �can blow, the natural light can

come in and people are no longer indifferent to neighborhoods.



The proposal is a renovation design for an office building ,Tatung Building, which is located at the last industrial zone in Taipei downtown. Encounter is the most important principle that can really improve spatial quality. Abundance of void spaces let sunlight and winds come in. Different level of public spaces give the resident more opportunity to interact and share resources. Hybrid program is a typical live style in Taiwan, what I do is to maximize its benefits. Also, the flexibility of living units can assemble to different types of cells in the existed structural system, fitting the need of different group. I wish that house is no longer unaffordable for young people. House is a comfortable place that winds can blow, natural lights can come in and neighborhoods are connected to support each other.

House Price / Income Ratio Hong Kong




New Taipei City




San Francisco




San Jose






San Diego


Los Angeles




House Price / Rental Price Ratio


64 yrs


42 yrs


38 yrs

Hong Kong

35 yrs


35 yrs


22 yrs


20 yrs


19 yrs

Cambodia Indonesia Philippines

19 yrs 14 yrs 13 yrs

Social Housing Movement


Social housing movement have stared since 1989s. In 1989 August 26th people occupied the most expensive zone in Taipei to appeal for the reform of housing policy. Unfortunately, there are less progress during the past decades. The house price is still unaffordable. If a young couple want to buy a house , generally they have to spent 30 years to pay off the loan. In additional , the loan will account for 68% of their family expense. That is a heavy burden.

Social Housing Rate 35 Hong Kong 30


25 Austria






Finland 15

10 35






House-ownership Rate 65


Germany 5


70 Belgium US






Iceland Norway Portugal Spain Greece


Taiepi Is Defined As Special Municipalities

Taipie As The Capital

Land Use Zoning Policy


10000 USD National Income per Capitia

10.76 % of Economy Growth rate

100sq appartment 200/400sq appartment

Affordable Housing: It was the most typical housing type in Taipei.The affordable housing was used to nominate the real estate market. Their size are about 100 – 120 Square meter, which is a proper size for a normal family to live. Furthermore, it is also affordable for most middle class family.

30yrs 68%

Hardship of Living

for a young couple to pay off the house loan. of family expense is for the loan.


Fig.1 / Picture of Social Housing Movement Fig.2 / Comparation of Social Housing Policy Fig.3 / History of Housing Development

Although Taiwan becomes more and more wealth, as the statistic show, having a accommodation the Taipei becomes more and more difficult. There are used to be abundance of affordable housing in Taipei. As the rise of house price and the exploding of wealth inequality, housing or real estate become the tool of investment. The affordable housing was replaced by the new housing type, which are biger in order to increase its profit. Because of the homogenization of housing, living in Taipei is not easy at all. If a young couple want to seattle in Taipei, having a family and children, they have to become the slave of loan.

Renovation of Tatung Building


Tatung industrial zone is the last industrial area in Taipei downtown, a suitable location for social housing, which is mainly for young people who don't have car to live in suburban. There, Tatung building,an abandond old build, is my design target, renovated as an hybird program building. The main ideal is to open this building, making the natural winds and lights can come in. Also, the once typical 100sq housing type will be represented, filled into this vertical frame, because this typical type was proved as an ideal and comfortable accommodation in context like Taipei.The original structure will be remained and attached with retrofit structure.

01 : Original The original structure system is regular concrete frame. 7 meter of span and the east side is cantilever beam.

02 : A New Urban

Removing parts of structure

Reference Plane

It is a place for the resident and connects with other citizen. The urban plaza provide public facilities,including day care center, gallery and resturant.

Urban plaza level(+11) Park level(+0)

03 : Negative Space

Considering the angle of sunlight (23.5Ëš in summer)

Opening the solid mass, letting sunlight reach all over the buliding to creat comfortable living environment

04 : Addtion

Adding concrete structure

Adding additional space at the north and the east side can bring many benefits. The additional floors will not block the south sunlight, which is sufficient all day long. Also, the additional volume can block the deadly west sunlight.

05 : Penetration


Creating more shadow fot the park Retrofit steel structure

Taipei is a muggy and burning city. The private terrace , the urban plaza and the community plane provide the opportunity for winds and light to penetrate. Those holes are designed for the constant east winds so that the resident can reduce the need of air conditioner.


Fig.1 / Picture of Tatung Building Fig.2 / Original Plan and Elevation Fig.3 / Picture of Model Fig.4 / Desing Process




x H=1:7






Tatung Office Building

Tatung Industrial Zone


The location of the project is a terminal control area, where the hight of building will be strictly controled accroding to flight path. Also, here is the windiest place in Taipei towntown. Winds would blow from the east all year long. Tatung office building is one of the highest building at this area.As a result, the east wind will be a useful element. The winds can cool down the muggy environment, which is an annoying problem in Taipei, a burning basin.


The winds can cool down the �muggy environment, which is an annoying problem in Taipei„

Terminal Control Area

01- For residents

Pa r (C t4: S om o mu cia na l Ho l U us nit ing s)












Da rt2 yC: C ar om e/ Re m stu un ar ity an t

02- For residents (only family units)

m un ity ing P











ar e



a Ga Pu llery bli cF

Pa St




Pa r (F t3: S am o ily cia Un l H its ou s )


or : e/ C Gy om m m


er cia






03- For All


Fig.1,2 / Terminal Control Aera Fig.3 / The East Winds and Airport Fig.4 /Exploded View

There are different level of public spaces so that different user need different vertical circulation. For the public, they come to the bottom of the building, which connects with the park, for shopping. Coming up to the urban plaza, they can share the public facilities with the resident. The community plane is a share space for residents, there are classroom and co-working place. The micropublic space is the terrace of SOHO units, where they can start their own business at home.


Fig.1 / Section Fig.2 / Site Plan

Openness is a live �style to deal with publicity and nature„ Openness


Opening spaces in urban environment can enrich the diversity of urban live. Even the socical house is not an exception. The central atrium space is the heart of this project. It create opportunity for sunlight to come, air to flow and people to interact. From the park to the urban plaza, it's is a constant space that people can approach. The park is the only green area along the main road. In every weekend, there will be market or other public activities.

[11F - 13F] East Communal Unit 2

East Family Unit 1

[10F - 12F] West Communal Unit

West Family Unit



/ W02 Additional Terrace

/ W01 Living Unit




360 320


[6F - 9F] East Unit


2 180

/ E01 Family Terrace

/ E02 Private Terrace

/ E03 SOHO (office or shop)

/ E04 Living Unit

/ E05 Atrium




175 425




[6F - 12F ] West Unit 5

27 Types of space

Social house is for everyone, especially for young people and low income families. The units must fit different spatial needs and different living types. Well locating service spaces and terrace makes the units simple and flexible, creating high degree of diversity in a limited scale. The living room, or public space, in the units is a flexible space that can change.



Well locating service �spaces and terraces

makes the units simple and flexible




5 x3


Terraces as The heart

Type 01

Single or Young Couple

Terrace is an interesting space in housing. It is a transition space between interior and outdoor space. However, such charming spaces are usually rarely used. I define the terrace as the entrance, the heart of the units. Sun-light reflects into the room and winds penetrate. Terraces create indirect opportunity for people to approch the nature and to keep privacy at the same time.

Type 02

Young Couple

Type 03

Single or Young Couple

Type 04

SOHO ( working at home)

Community Plane Fig.1 / 6F Plan Fig.2 / Units Design Details Fig.3 / View In The East Unit Fig.4 / Units Types

Type 05 7 Types of Unit

Two young Couple

+ Type 06 Share Unit

(Two floor as one unit) Friends/ Classmates Colleague/Family





Type 07 Family Unit

Parant and two child




Fig.1 / View of The Urban Platform Fig.2 / Picture of Section Model

�The essence of housing is living.

Providing affordable price and best living quality.



Enlarging public spaces.Condenseing the others




The Heart of The Tribes New School For Post-Disaster Aborigional Community 3rd Academic Year's Project, 2012 Academic / Personal Advisor : Cheng Yu-Lin Location : Kahoshion, Taiwan Pogram : Elmentary and Junior High School Key words : Community / Sustainable / Aboriginal Culture

Namashia, the traditional Bunun tribe,which is one branch of south aboriginal group, had been severely damaged by the typhone - Morako -in August 8 2009. Half of the tribes and school had been buried in dirt. Therefore,the government have a plan to rebuilt the community and school in nearby location. The rebuilt plan is an opportunity to solve certain social problems becuase school is not only a education field but also an anchor for the community. Inspired from traditional Bunun culture, I identify the new school as the heart of the tribes, where closely connects with the community. They share resources and form an sustainable unity. Also, the central plaza serves mutiple function, inclusing ceremony, sports and other public activities. There, different layers of spaces are formed, circling the plaza as a constant space. For each units, they have their owen identity, just like the traditional Bunun tribe,but also have connection to share public space. The school is for education, community activies, and shelter during disaster. Taiwan is an island have more than 12 branchs of distinctive aboriginal groups.The conflict of modernlization and tradion is a important issue for me, because I am part of them, some of my relatives suffering similar situation, therefore I can understand their hardship. This is a big issue, architecture design have its limit. But what I can contribute is to provide a shelter, a sustainable building and an opportunity that people can gather and support each other.

school is �forTheeducation, community activies, and shelter during disaster.


Fig.1 / View From The North Fig.2 / Conceptual Sketch


After Morako 5

New Tribe

423 5


tribes are composed

hours to the city By one road

New Campus

75 10

Students Grade, from kindergarden to Junior hight school

Water Level During tTyphone

Fig.1 / Evacuation After Morako Picture shows the power of typhone, some tirbes were burried into dirt.


Inspiration of Bunun Culture

The concept is to respect the local culture. Bunun is an communal society. Each family have indepent spces and share public resources an the same time. That is a design portotype.I reflet the spirit of "share" in spatial planning.That design strategy is suitable for this remote school because of it flexibilty. For example, when the typhone striking, the school could be a shelter. The infrastructure is self-sufficient. Also, after analysing the traditional culture and spatial character, I represent it in the architecture design, from planning to details.

Laye2: Relative Family

Layer3: Tribe Management

1 2 3

{ { }} { }

{ }

Traditional Tribe Pattern Family units are constantly settled. Each of family have idependent spaces and plaza, but they also share a stream of public space as social space. The settlement respect to the isoline of landscapes.


Traditional Bounon House Holy Column





Family Plaza



The ideal of �share is the spirit of Bounon society„

Society Structure Layer1: Family Unit

[Level] 1 5% ~10% [Level 2] 10% ~15%

Direction to the community

[Level 3] 15% ~20% [Level 4] 20% ~30%




Forest Conservation


Fram land


Central Plaza


Open spaces are the primary consideration. Units are bound as curve shape, creating a intimate atmosphere by visual and physical connection.

Traffic circulation

Slop Level Analysis & Zoning Plan

Each units have independant service spaces to suport the need for emergency shelter. In that stage, each units serves as independant house.

Service Spaces & Water System


The curve shap ereating an �intimate atmosphere, which let people feel safe and close„

The axis allows people to approach to central plaza, and also serves as air passage, avoiding uncomfortable moisture.

Slop Diretion Analysis & Mass arrangement

Corridor and interior constant public space is important, which serve as the activity space for students.

Constant Public Spaces

Site Plan Strategy

Overall, the tight connection of spaces can serve the requirement of education, tribe ceremony and emergency shelter. Psychologically, the curve shape circle a plaza creating an intimate atmosphere, which let people feel safe and close. The challenge of site planning is to keeping the connection of spaces but also fellow the isoline, where some parts are too steep to be used. Therefore, my strategy is defining the central plaza as reference, then creating 2 streams of building, one is elemetary school and another is junior high school. The barn and teacher's dormitary are located at between,The public facilities are located under the plaza.




9. 8.



1.Chapel 2.Dining Hall 3.Kitchen 4.Elementary School 5.Kindergarten 6.Teacher's Office 7.Teacher's Dormitary 8. Teacher'Office 9.Junior High School 10.Barn

6. 7. 2. 3.



Happiness and Intimation I pay much attention to think what's the meaning of school. To me, happiness and intimation is the best memory of childhood. Kids need to see each other, to play or run. As a result, I design different scale of public spaces, like the family plaza,including space between class rooms, spaces between units. There are little boundry as can be seen from the hight of wall. In addition, the free flow of people and sound can create lively atmosphere.


Fig.1 / Plan (+900m) Fig.2 / Educational units Fig.3 / Bird's eyes view of the campus

Elmentary Unit

The wall serves as "holy column" Play ground serves as "family plaza"

Junior High School Unit

1F: Education


Traditional Ceremony

1F: Shelter

2F: Education

Detail Design

For the climate condition, in Namashia, it is cool and moist. Therefore, the ground floor is designed as double-layer. Also, the high, steep roofs can let air flow. In the elementary school, the central walls serve as "holy column", the anchor and the spirit of the space. It's the structure of stairway, kids can set here or paint the wall as will. Also, the walls serve as educational purpose,such as blackboard or projection screen. In the junior hight school, the outdoor corridor is the first view when people walk in to campus. There,they can overview the central plaza. More, The axis points to the old tribes to memory the past memory.


Fig.1 / Picture of Elementary Unit Model Fig.2 / View of The Junior Hight School Corridor Fig.3 / Section of Elementary School Unit Fig.4 / Section of The Junior High School Unit Fig.5 / Site Section (AA' Section)




You see what you want to see, and you let it happen.

Because of you, I am behind the glasses colored rosy And I see the unusual happiness and fantasy. You have an amazing beauty.

from the song "The rosy-colored you"


by Deserts Chang

Chapter3 ///

Day Dream


05 The Corridor of Memory



The Corridor of Memory New entrance for the Wu's Garden 4th Academic Year's Project, 2012 Academic / Personal Location : The Wu's Garden, Tainan, Taiwan Advisor: Tensg Wei Program : Installation as Pavilion and Entrance Keywords : Perspective Manipulation / Tensioned Fabric / History

The Wu’s garden was one of the largest Chinese garden in Qing dynasty period. Now it is a historical park, with few parts of original remanded. Wu’s garden, Japanese colonial building and modern department store are mashed together. All of those elements gather in this small block, without harmony and asthitic intergration. Adding a corridor, a installation, as a integreation and introuction of the environment. Inspired by traditional chinese garden design principles, it is a representation of different historical fragments. By framing, penetration and interaction, people can use new perspective to interpret the memory of Wu’s garden.In reality, the city is a chaotic collage, which is timeless and disorder. But the corridor provides selected view and athetic representation. Just like traditional Chinese garden, which aim to create a mental utopia for people, the corridor let people remember the beautiful memory of Tainan City.

Just like traditional Chinese ”garden, which aim to create a mental utopia for people„

Path & Sight




What inspries me is the �concept of leding visitor to detach with the real world„ Inspiration of Chiness garden

In traditional chiness garden, desinger concern people's mental perception about the landscape. Designer use mutiple strategies, mainly visual perception, to encourage visitor to construct a imagnary scene. Also, the elements in the garden are seem as indepent obects, so they all have their own identity and symbol.What inspires me is the concept of leading visitor to detach from the real world. That is a intelligent strategy to give visitors abstract ideals by spatial design.

The program is a entrance of the Wu's garden historical park, also serve as an memory pavilion that introduce the urban context and the history for visitors. In such chaotic environment, the layers of different periods are mixe. However, here was once the most atrractive place in the city. By using those garden design principles, I can separate different history fragment, then recomposing it as an introduction.

[ Sight direct led design ]

[ Seletion by framing ]


[ Symbolic object ]

Rise and fall of the Wu's garden

The Wu's garden is the largest and oldest chiness garden in Tainan. Unfortunately, It didn't be well conserved. It was occupied and reformed in different period by different governers. As a result, now the only remained garden is a choatic park , surrounding by different styles of building, which were buit in different period.










1800s Qing Dynasty Peri od 1895-1945s Japanese Period 1949-1968s ROC Period Illegally Occupied 2000s ROC Period Identified as heritage Renovated as park and exhibition space


Fig.1 / Design Principles of Chinese Garden Fig.2 / Design Concept Fig.3 / An Old Picture of The Wu's Garden Fig.4 / Mapping of The Change of The Garden Fig.5 / View From The Front

Fig.1 / View for the alley Fig.2 / Site Plan an framing analysis


change of a percious heritage

Integrating visitor's circulation in this linear space is an ideal proposal to improve the spatial quality of the park. This installation is lightly, gentally touch the ground with thin metal frame and fabric. The historical landmarks are selected and well exhibited to the visitors. The corridor aim to evoke public awareness about the change of a percious heritage.


This installation aim to evoke �public awareness about the

New Perception













1.Brick wall of the garden(1825) 2.The Wu's Garden (1830) / Historical Park (2000) 3.Liu restaurant(1923) 4.FormerTainan assembly hall(1930) 5. SOGO department store (1999)







Roughly, the project can be seperated into two parts. The south part is a thin, transparent fabric wall. It is a contrast with the old brick wall. The north part is seris of "windos", which are tensioned flexible fabric.The fabric becomes extrem deep windows that can framing different part of landmarks. Each fragment can represent their own story.


The fabric wall becomes extrem �deep windows that can framing different part of landmark„



City Heritage

Mountains The Pool

The Fragile Wall

The structure of the corridor is light. Steal fram as the main structure system, and thin fabric as the skin. For the south part, the fabric wall is hanged in the air by three lines. Without direct connection with structure, the fabric will move with winds and the shadow of trees will projects on it, creating a unstable scene. This is a contrast with the stable,solid and old brick wall, wich is the oldest remain of the Wu's garden.

Inpring from Japanese paper window, which can keep the projection of shaow on it.

The fabric wall is hung in the air by three direction of froce, so the wall is fragile.

The Framing Windows

For the framing windows, it make use of the flexibility of material to form the shape. In addition, the fabric is transparent so that the shadow of trees and leaves will be projected on the wall at afternoon. All together, forming the frag-ment of memory. The collective images represent the layers of the past and present.


Materail : elastic fabric (transparent) Structure system : tension one end attachs on the structural fram another end is pulled to form the shap


Fig.1 / Section of The Framing Windows Fig.2 / Section of The Fragile Wall Fig.3 / View of The Framing Window Fig.4 / View of The Fragile Wall



01 01 02 03



International Workshop

Construction Workshops

Professional Projects


NCKU Thesis Design Projects Review: Hello World Publicity, Grarden City , 2014 Coordinator

Group Members: Kao, Shi-Hang / Lin, Yia-Bai Wu, Shi-Shin / Li, Ting-Ging / Gung, Sung-Chung

The most challenging ”things are tight schedule and intergration of visual design„


As the president of graduate student council, I was also responsible for publicity and exhibition. ”Hello World„ is a collective review of thesis projects from NCKU 2014. The most challenged thing is that we want to sell the book during our exhibition, which means we only have two weeks to publish the book. The schedule is tight. Besides helping the executive work, as a coordinator, I also have to integrate publicity and exhibition. From the posters, exhibition design, advertisement, to book design, they all share the same visual concept. It's not easy to carry out this ideal because there were too much works in the same time. My position is to deal with it, integrating and solving problem from the conflict of this two group.


Architectual Heritage: A New Source In Architecture International Workshop ,Santiago,Chile, 2013

Participant Partner : Central University of Chile (Chile), University of Cagliari(Italy),NCKU(Taiwan) University of Pavia(Italy), University of Rome(Italy) , Federal University of Bahia(Brazil)

Our task is to design a new building in a heritage area, a triangle block. The Location is complicate and the shape of the site is challenging. After flying for 33 hours, we came to Chile, a beautiful and mysterious country for me. In the workshop, students from Taiwan, Chile ,Italy and brazil came together to work. Communication is an challeng. None of the participant is native English speaker, they speak Spanish better than English. Fortunately, language is not always a problem because drawing,images and models are the universal language for designers.


One of the most fantastic thing is to realize the different perspective of group members from different country. Taiwanese, rather like Japanese or Hong Kong, would consider the complicity of urban context, especially the activities and connections.

For Italian, they pay more attention on the relation of solid and void spaces, they care about the physical form more than the invisible activities. For Chilean and Brazilian , they tend to develop a project from a strong concept. Also, of course, I really enjoy all the beautiful and fresh things in Chile. I can’t say I’ve been to Chile if I didn’t drink Pisco, visiting Valpariso and surfing snow at Andes mountain.

One of the most fantastic ”thing is to realize the different perspective of group members from different country


Bamboo Workshop Construction Workshop In 2013 Agriculture Expo,Wuinlin,Taiwan, 2013 Participant and Staff D.Z Architects & Associates

I have two roles in the workshop, both a staff and a participant.As a staff, I have to handle the program, including planning the scheduling, inviting lecturers and other works. As a participant, I learned bamboo architecute by real construction, bamboo industry. I worked on this project during my internship at D.Z Architects & Associates. The goal of the workshop is to construct part of a pavilion in 2013 Agriculture Expo. The architect wants to promote environmental friendly knowledge and bamboo architecture to the publics and the students. From harvest material in bamboo forest to practical construction, we aim to let people understand the whole chain of bamboo industry. Also, we invited various lecturers ,including the film director, the farmer, artists and the landscape architect, to address their perspective about agriculture and sustainable desgin.

See The Video

have two roles �inI the workshop, both a staff and a participant



Outdoor Facility Construction Workshop For St.Rapeal Opportunity Center Construction Workshop , Yuguan Island , Taiwan , 2011 Participant Guest Advisor : Fieldoffice Architects + Huang sheng-Yuan Advisor :Hsueh Cheng-Luen(NCKU)


It is a cooperation with St.Rapeal opportunity center. To provide a place for visitors to take a break, we design a multiple function wood arbor. Peo-ple can set or lay down on the arbor, in the forest. The wood plan extends to becomes wall , sets and roof. The wall can protect visitor from chill and harsh north winds. Winds dominate this site because it is a sea shore forest.



Historical Building Structure Analysis Professional Project , Tainan , Taiwan, 2014 Full-Time Designer Justin CH. Shih Structural Engineer & Associates Location: Tainan , Taiwan Specific work : Structure Analysis Risk Assessment Report

My works are risk assessment of historical heritage by using MIDAS as tool. After structural analysis, I can find out the structural weakness. Then, we made a report to the government to point out problem and soulution. One of the most notable project is “ Chihkan�, the most early Chinese castle in Taiwan.


Kucapungane : Aboriginal Heritage Research Project Professional Project, Pintung , Taiwan, 2014 Full-Time Designer Justin CH. Shih Structural Engineer & Associates Specific work : Architecture measurment and drawing, Documentary Interview thet residents


Kucapungane is an aboriginal tribe and the only existing national heritage of aboriginal settlement. Oure research team have to docu-ment and record the visible and invisible information about this endanger heritage and culture. First , we have to climb the mountain for 8 hours, since the location is lack of modern infrastructure. Taking picture, drawing and interviewing the residents are our tasks.


Taitung Train Station Professional Project , Taitung,Taiwan, 2013 D.Z Architect Specific work : Supervisor assistant Architecture Drawing Pattern design


D.Z architects & Associates had series train station project in Taitung, the east costal city and the most remote city in Taiwan. Some of the projects are new construction and most of the projects are renovation design. My position is a supervisor assistant so that I have to go to the construction field, taking picture and drawing supplemental details.

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