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Entrepreneur Incubator Plan copyright gkraft @ 2010 The product names and concepts will change in this Plan, due to copyright or trademarks contention if necessary, this typically happens from time to time because more than one person can think of the same idea. Even though we often think we have the greatest idea in the world, sometimes a simple Google search will tell us differently. The intention of this Plan is to establish a rapid implementation of Entrepreneur Incubator connections, and begin the marketing hype to promote the idea. The timing is critical, if it can’t be done almost immediately, the results will be too far off for the ROI curve. First it is important to agree on format and function, then meet and greet the Entrepreneur Incubators management teams at a conference in Disney World, or Dallas, or SF, etc. Use the Entrepreneur Incubator Association to assist in the conference. Entrepreneur Facility Entrepreneur Incubators are now located in many locations across the US. The possibilities are unlimited for these independent Incubators to connect across the net. I recommend that we develop a standardized layout plan similar to a retail store “rollout” using a Apple Store clean look, but with closed WorkSpaces of all sizes based on the project, the walls might be moveable within the Incubator. Or at least use Videos to demo the concepts, and make the audience believe that the Incubators are a connected family of incubators from a visual standpoint, there is no real need to spend any substantial funds on Capital improvements and equipment. Video conferencing is a awesome tool but lacks some close personal interaction as is enjoyed by Apple iChat users. The Entrepreneur Incubator needs to utilize Video conferencing as much as possible in order to improve the purpose of Video conferencing... The usage of Video Conferencing on a constant basis will connect the Incubators into natural groups of interest. This will create the family linkage that is necessary for the connection of the Incubators to succeed, otherwise without Kreitsu, or a common sharing of interest it will be difficult to cause people to want to work together. Therefore it is important to bond initially the people who want

to make the concept work. If they are currently not performing to the level desired, the people will be motivated to make it so. Everything exists today from the Technology standpoint, the effort will be to integrate as fast as possible using existing development teams from Google, Amazon, Ebay, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. With these resources we can implement a working prototype in a month. There will be many prototypes and if possible we should do several in parallel. We might want to include the Incubators in a parallel to get some work for their tenants. If this approach blossoms as fast as expected, the product will be usable across the world, and allow Virtual Incubators. The entire point of this connection is to create and evolve solutions for mankind, and to make a few bucks in the process. The Incubator should provide a continuous flow of new technologies, not purchase a PC and leave it there for several years. Tech development needs current state of the art Development equipment. The major manufacturers will provide some of this equipment if they can have a “Room� in the Incubator to use for demos on prearranged schedules. Promotion of a Entrepreneur Incubator: The way to bring private investors into the Angels Group is to have them visit the Incubators, they will need a reason to do so. Press releases are insufficient, but local TV needs some hip hip horay news once in a while, and what better purpose for Social Media experts to work with. Everyone needs employment, if a Social Media Expert works with a Incubator, they will find consulting opportunities from their interaction.

Entrepreneur Incubator Usage possibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

eLearning Courseware Development Distance Learning SDKs Collaboration Tools such as Skype, AVchat, etc. Video Edit Suite for Marketing Presentations, Prototype Animation. Product Concept and Development Training. Entrepreneur Training. Entrepreneur Incubator Facility Management Services. Fast to Market Prototyping. VC and Angel Group. iTunes University. Demo Rooms similar to Home Theater Demo rooms, using DomusRoom Interface.

DomusRoom: Virtual Labs The inclusion of Virtual Labs would create the image of a development workspace that utilizes a photorealistic familiar environment such as your office, the hot clickable devices and file cabinets are accessible via the user selected File Manager, Tree, 3D Mezzotint layers of color, to a Brain topography style.

Entrepreneur Search Technology The Entrepreneur Search Technology encompasses the variety of search techniques used by the Entrepreneur as identified by the AiEngine INDEX and DNAid(tm).

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