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Entrepreneur Incubators “Economic Rebound” gkraft

Monday, February 8, 2010

copyright 2010


An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. [1]. The term is originally a loanword from French and was first defined by the Irish economist Richard Cantillon. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon herself or himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome. Jean-Baptiste Say, a French economist is believed to have coined the word "entrepreneur" first in about 1800. He said an entrepreneur is "one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as intermediatory between capital and labour.[2]" source: Wikipedia

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

Entrepreneur Incubators are needed coast to coast to provide a Creative Environment for Americas Entrepreneurs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

The Internet is a physical container of Knowledge. Economic improvements await Implementation of Sales and Marketing Resources. Innovative new products are required. Entrepreneur Incubators provide the workspace.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators Americans are creative, ambitious, and underemployed. Education is needed. Creative Environments with (AARP) Mentor Assistance must be available to our most creative new businesses. Americas next growth factories will be small business connected in strategic ways.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

A new format and purpose Business Incubator is needed to reach success. Our past Incubators provided little more than cheap rent. Entrepreneur’s abound across America. Entrepreneur’s are survival not greed driven.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

Entrepreneur Incubators are Profit based. If the Entrepreneur Incubator cannot achieve a Profit, it will fail, just like a small business.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators Entrepreneurs are the Hope of America. Banks do not loan to small business without collateral that exceeds the loan. Individual wealth is the key to funding Entrepreneurs. Individual wealth is not comfortable with investments without a return on investment guarantee...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

Every State in the USA needs to increase Exports. Every State in the USA needs to employee their citizens. Welfare is a temporary bridge to nowhere. Therefore all citizens need to contribute in some way.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

Only the top x Entrepreneurs will qualify for assistance from a Entrepreneur Incubator. If American Idol can make money so can the reality of Entrepreneur Incubators.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

From Farming productivity, to Ocean Research, and beyond expresses the unlimited opportunities ahead for American Genius.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators From DREAMS to REALITY is the core of Entrepreneur Incubators. Most people want and believe that they can run a company, most will fail. Entrepreneur Incubators provide a Executive Management Team to the DREAMS, and then REALITY is not difficult, EXPERIENCE is...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

America’s ELDERS have the EXPERIENCE. America’s YOUTH have the DRIVE. American CREATIVE AMBITION is the result.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

Entrepreneur Incubators provide the workspace and equipment, plus the Mentor Business Management, Sales and Marketing to insure success of the incubation process.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

eLearning is the first area of focus, since education is needed to provide the bridge to somewhere. eLearning is Internet based. eLearning to date has not achieved financial success. eLearning needs to inspire not bore the student.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator eLearning courseware is all over the world, traditional education is not working for too many of our young. The problem with traditional education is a ATTITUDE problem of both the Teacher and the Student. All other nations have better success than the US in educating their young.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

Entrepreneur’s are those that do not quit, the one’s that know they have an idea that is focused on success. Entrepreneur’s are of all ages. Not just the young.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators

Mentor’s need work, a place to go to contribute and make some minimum income for their effort to replace the retirement funds they have lost. Mentor’s are of all ages.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubators Education today is too slow. Our students learn at the “Speed of Sight”. Video Games are a major reason of this. Achieve a level and proceed, otherwise retry. Accumulation of prize points of achievement of the next level is needed to stimulate the student’s interest, because if you can’t motivate, you can’t graduate. Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

Export Trade Mission’s with the Governor of each State is needed to promote the Entrepreneur Incubator successes, similar to the Aloha on Tour in 1994 from Hawaii to China.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator Florida is well suited to succeed with Export Trade Missions to the Hispanic nations. Texas is well suited to succeed with Export Trade Missions to Europe and the Far East. California is well suited to succeed with Export Trade Missions to Feed the World. Examples and convergence of several States will work as Trade Missions to the World. Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator A Entrepreneur Incubators purpose is to provide the necessary resources for our bright promising Entrepreneurs to create, market/research, and sell their ideas. The following items/resources are needed:

1. Office space with fast Broadband connections. 2. Market Research facility with personnel that are expert in using the Internet for Market and Product Research (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 3. Multimedia Center with the latest PC and Mac equipment and Video Editing Software, Office Software, Laser Printer. (Multiple "Donated" systems no charge for access). 4. Legal Assistance Group of Intellectual Property and Contract and Agreement capability (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 5. AARP retired pool of Industry Executives available to mentor (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 6. Governor support for Trade Missions, etc. 7. Office equipment facility and Video equipment facility. 8. Hollywood Digital Production company. How to pay for this? Simple, have Entrepreneur sign a Development Assistance Agreement for Revenue sharing 60% Entrepreneur 40% Incubator Center (ie. 40% Incubator share of revenue). Most important Resource? Mentor and Sales Channel Assistance (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). Let the Entrepreneur learn as they grow their idea, help where you can in marketing and sales, and sell baby sell. Do not crush the Entrepreneur's "Fire in the Belly", rather encourage and support it... Remember Mistakes are part of Learning... simply correct the mistakes... And when you are young, the rush of getting your dream company started will be the insurance, full speed ahead and straight on til morning... gkraft Site Admin Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator Entrepreneur Incubator Revenue. The Entrepreneur Incubator is to be a “for Profit Business Center� located in large cities across the USA. Marketing Rights and Intellectual Property Rights are to be assigned to the Entrepreneur Incubator for an agreed period of time and percentage of Revenue by the Entrepreneur.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator

Entrepreneur Incubator Revenue is similar to “Real Time Equity� simply a distribution of income as it occurs from the Balance Sheet, commonly known as Overhead.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barry’s Genius

Regarding National versus Local Education Standards: (by: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/barry-dennis/0/467/841)

They Can All Be Geniuses Here's the problem; Joey in New York goes to school under New York standards that make Joey in the top 10% of students nationally. Mike in Mississippi goes to school with locally mandated standards, also modified by "No Child Left Behind", but is in the lowest 10% of students nationally. Both are educated under a national standard for some aspects of their education, but markedly different standards based on local politics, unions and other forces.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barry’s Genius (cont.) How does that make sense?

Educational academics , politicians, parents, and teachers struggle with ideas like "What are the right Standards?" Why? Because the U.S. is being surpassed rapidly by educational achievement of students in other countries, even countries whose education systems were minimal as recently as a generation ago. We even import hundreds of thousands of talented engineers, scientists, technicians, researchers, managers and others because the U.S. can't and hasn't developed enough of our own people to fill the demand. There's a new education model coming, one based on standards that are formulated for a global economy. High, measurable standards in the Sciences, in Reading Comprehension, in Thinking and Reasoning ability, in the Humanities, in Philosophy, and in all the knowledge and thinking processes of a Millennium Student. It can and should be universal in application; complete in practice. Teachers and others who fight these necessary standards are on the wrong end of the sword; they will be, must be, replaced with educators who revel in exceeding any standard, who would like nothing more than having their entire class be one hundred percent college graduates; better still graduate and PhD degree earners.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barry’s Genius (cont.)

Technology-based education, based on Cloud-education at home are definite avenues. In that case standards are meaningless; most children will achieve at levels far beyond any envisioned standards. How? Because the great equalizer of mediocrity can't and won't hold back most children whose Curiosity Quotient (CQ), drives their IQ, and their achievement to levels such that many could graduate college at age 16 , with graduate degrees at 18 or 19, PhD's at 22 or 23.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barry’s Genius (cont.)

Computer-assisted, Artificial Intelligence Interactive education, and programmed learning, advances a pupil based on their achievement and comprehension, individually, not as a group weighted by the anchor of "get them to the minimum" in which half the students (or less) exceed the Median, and half (or more) don't reach even that mediocre level.

When expectations (standards) are low, so are the results .Social and educational naysayers notwithstanding, technology-based education removers much of the "human, policy and politics-based impediments to our students. We all have the ability to learn, it's a survival characteristic, built into our genes. Some learn at slower rates than others, but technology-based education enables even the slowest to move much faster than they have before, AND not hold back those who can advance faster. Gifted and Talented programs are a way to recognize that current systems don't provide a process, a methodology for letting the best and brightest advance according to their skills and motivation. And, at the same time provides a method for those who learn slower, or are challenged, to do better, get more attention from educators/coaches/mentors. Technology-based education allows the Gifted to move as fast as their knowledge-acquisition and motivation allows; similarly,the very "patience of the Computer-assisted education assists the slower learners by it's willingness to be consistent. In this case where educators play a vital role in "mentoring" slower students with much more effectiveness, because they have more time.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barry’s Genius (cont.) Which brings up the next part; Educators need a new educational framework: One in which they learn to teach students to think, to rationalize, to organize, to plan; to apply their increased knowledge levels to problem solving, to life, to society. Computers and Structured Leaning take over the drudge of Imparting facts, the rote-ness of the Basics. Educators now have the time to evaluate progress of each student, access that student individually from their oversight position, and counsel, reinforce, and motivate.

These are the real Educational Standards we need. The next generation can all be geniuses. Barry Dennis Woodstock, Maryland (by: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/barry-dennis/0/467/841)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Entrepreneur Incubator Entrepreneur Incubator percentage is based on a formal Agreement with the Entrepreneur, with Right of Option by either partner to purchase the full income and business at any time. Entrepreneur Incubator’s can merge their holdings with other Entrepreneur Incubator’s. Entrepreneurs must sign a Work for Hire Agreement to all right and title of Intellectual Property (invention) with the Entrepreneur Incubator...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Copyright gkraft Jan. 2010

All rights reserved. Intellectual Property theft is a crime of US Federal Laws. portions copyright as noted. Gordon H Kraft

Monday, February 8, 2010

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