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RootsWeb: LUNEN-LINKS-L Re: [LL] Graff/Graves/Cross/Croft

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Search Documents For Free: LUNEN-LINKS-L Archives Archiver > LUNEN-LINKS > 2001-04 > 0988327505

From: Don Shankle <> Subject: Re: [LL] Graff/Graves/Cross/Croft Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 16:25:05 -0700 References: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------040602090204040102060503 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Betty, Here is what is available. -Don Shankle 1520 Lucky St Oceanside, CA 92054 --------------040602090204040102060503 Content-Type: text/plain; name="Cross.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Cross.txt" GRASS, Conrad BETTY, 1752, Farmer, Age 25, from Switzerland, 1..., indebted fro freight #75.12.0, plus cash lent #15.10.0. Total #91.2.0. Wrote a somewhat clumsy but clear signature. Halifax - Vict. List, Aug-Oct 1752- Conrad Grass ("D28"- i.e. delisted but not died during the victualling period: apparently enlisted.

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Marriage-23 November 1752- Conrad Grass & Judith Jeanbar (Roll II)(Roll I has the year as 1753 & names as Conrad Grasse & Judith Chambers. Lunenburg original confirms confirms the correctness of the Roll II record). Lunenburg - Return of Divisions, July 1754 - Conrad Gross - Zouberbuhler's Div., Lot C-2 with a "house". Notation - "Soldier" Live Stock Distribution 1754 -{Conrad Gross/Steven Clar} - Lot No. 181-5 sheep, 1 sow, 1 goat 30-Acre Farm Lots-1753-4 Allotment List - Conrad Grass - Centre, A-4 Baptism, 17 Aug. 1753 - Susanna Margareta, of Conrad & Judith Graeff (Roll II &J) Burial, 6 Sept, 1753 - Susanna Margareta Graeff (Roll II) Baptism, 17 Sept Sender: 1754 - Anna Anna Margt, of Conrad & Judith Grass (") Burial, 8 Oct. 1754 - Judith Graeff (") Marriage, 15 May 1755 - Conrad Grass & Regina Kalbensalt (") Baptism, 24 Oct. 1756 - John Daniel, of Conrad & Regina Graess (") Vict. List, Feb-May 1756 - Regina Graess (no.1337), Sophia (sic) Grass 1/2 ration (no.1309) (") " " Jan. - May 1757 - Regina & Sophia Grass; later near end of list: Daniel Grass (") Baptism, 10 Oct 1758 - Jacob, of Conrad & Regina Crass Registry of Town Lots, 1760- Conrad Grass - Zouberbuhler's Div., C-2 " " 30 Acre Farm Lots, 1760- Conrad Grass - N.W. Range, A-48 (This was first written "Graeff", that was cancelled & "Grass" substituted) Also:- Centre, B-4 :- Conrad Grass & Casper Smith, "1/2 each". Also:- "Conrad Grass a Tract behind Letter B, No 5 about 20 acres" 300 - Acre Lots - Second Drawing, 7 Nov 1763 - Conrad Grass - Third Division, G-13 Marriage, 21 June 1762-Conrad Cross & Catharina Sponnagel (Roll II) Baptism, 26 April 1763- Jno Rodolph, of Conrad & Catherina Grass (") " , 19 April 1765- Cathn Margareta, of Conrad & Eva Elizth (sic) Grass (") " , 18 Sept. 1767 - Judith, of Conrad & Catherina Grass (") " , 26 June 1769 - Ann Cath, of Conrad & Catherina Grass (") " , 16 April 1771 - Joh. Philip, of Conrad & Eva Cathrina Grass (born 14 Apr) Reformed Church Burial Record Register - 1804 conrad Cross, aged 83 years Township Grants, 30 June 1784 - Conrad Krass - 345 acres [Note - The GRASS & GRAFF families are not easy to sort out correctly from the various lists, As illustrated above, clerks and even ministers sometimes got the names confused. I believe I have distinguished them correctly. The GRASS family seems to have been the origin of the later "CROSS" families in Nova Scotia - or, at any rate, in Lunenburg County] --------------040602090204040102060503

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Content-Type: text/plain; name="Kraft.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Kraft.txt" KRAFT, Jacob (CROFT) ANN, 1750 "From Bleystad in Schalwabach" (presumably: Bleidenstadt in Schwalbach - in the principality of Nassau-Idstein) From the ship's lists & indebtedness list one can deduce that the family was 1.1.-.2. Indebted for 2 freights fl. 151.4.0 less fl. 71.17.0 paid on account. Remained owing fl. 79.7.0 Illiterate, made his mark, clerk writing name. Halifax Baptism, 3 May 1751 - Mary Elizabeth Kraft Burial, 15 June 1751 - Anna Margaritta Kraft Marriage, 6 Aug 1751 - Jacob Kraft, widower & Anna Maria Ramichen, spinster List of Settlers, July 1752 (printed by Akins) - among "Swiss & Germans in the North Suburb" Jacob Craft, family consisting of 1 male & 1 female above the age of 16 & 1 male below 16 Allotment Lists (Crown Land) - Among "Dutch Lots in the North Suburbs" - "Croft & Right" - E.) back range Compassionate Vict List - Feb-April 1753 - Jacob Kraft, Elizabeth Kraft (not immediately consecutive on the list) ("Elizabeth" seems strange here. Perhaps the muster clerks got Jacob's wife's name wrong & the error was never corrected. Note that it seems to be continued into the 1755 victualling list at Lunenburg.) (Two names in the Compassionate List could mean 2, 3 or 4 individuals in the family being provisioned. And the name of Philip in the 1755 suggests that the male child indicated in the Settler's List of July 1752 had survived) Lunenburg Return of Arms, Dec. 1753 - Jacob Craft - Zouberbuhler's Div. Return of Divisions, July 1754 - Jacob Craft - Zouberbuhler's Div. A-13 with a house. Notation: "R&D" -"R" meant remarkable in troubles - i.e. a prominent actor in the riots of Dec. 1753. ("D" cannot mean deserted in this instance, not "delisted", since he was there for the 1755 victualling lists.) A marginal note apparently written later, is "Sold his Field Lot" (this perhaps refers to the sale of his 30-acre lot.) 30-Acre Farm Lots, 1753-4 - Allotment List - Jacob Krafft & Jacob Rohleder Lot "M" - 4 sheep, 2 goats Baptism, 17 Jun 1754 - Elizabeth Barbara, of Jacob & Anna Maria Crafts Vict. List, Jue 1755 - Jacob, Philip, Elizabeth & Elizabeth Barbara

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Craft Vict. List Feb-May 1756 - Elizabeth Crafft (1/2 ration i.e. small child) [It seems possible that this Elizabeth was a child left in care of someone at Lunenburg when the parents moved, perhaps to Halifax. It is possible that Jacob Kraft's second wife remained on the victualling register under her maiden name (Romichen). A woman often did so remain for quite a time after marriage, though four years (which it would be in this instance) was unusual. However, there is an Anna Ramichen in the 1755 & 1756 victualling lists and she disappeared before the 1757 one, so she may have remained for a time at Lunenburg after her husband and son left, before following them.] Registry of Town Lots, 1760 - Jacob Craft - Zouberbuhler's Div A-13. At first in the list of "Names who have drawn Town Lots and being absent are left out of the (yt?) Register." This is then annotated: "Returned and Entered" Baptism, 30 Oct 1765 - Catherina Barbara, of Jacob & Anna Maria (apparently) Crafs (Crass, probably a copyist's misreading of - fts) Baptism, 5 Jun 1768 - Leonhard, of Jacob & Anna Maria Kraft (b 3 Sep 1767) Baptism, 1 Jun 1770 - Johann Conrad, of Jacob & Anna Maria Kraft (b 20 June) Lutheran Church - Jacob Kraft signed Membership Roll of 1775 [but probably did not contribute as members were supposed to do, as his name does not seem to appear [over] --------------040602090204040102060503 Content-Type: text/plain; name="Gross.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Gross.txt" 1) GROSS, Johann Samual Ann 1750. - No origin given but possibly "Wm" implied (if names between a first & a= last "Wm" are intended to be understood as included). In Cabin list "Gro= gfs" - probably some clerk misreading of an old fashioned fs for ss. Halifax - Burial, 28 Feb. 1753 - Sam Grofs (Steinfort's Report of his death - Mus= ter of 13 March 1753 - gives his age as 47) (Rolls I & II) - Bequest to Lutheran Church, Will made 12 Oct. 1752 - Text given in N.S.= Hist. Soc. Vol. VII, pp. 75-6 - Believes himself hopelessly ill; no rela= tive on this side of Atlantic, bequeaths his lot, with a "list" on it for= benefit of the Evangilical Lutherin Church forever, ect. 2) GROSS, Oswald & Johann Adam

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Pearl 1752. - Oswald Gross, Farmer, Age 40, from Palatinate. Indebted for 3 = freights fl. 226.16.0 plus Cash fl. 35.0.0 Wrote fairly decent signature - Johann Adam Gross, Farmer, Age 17, from Palatinate. 1.-.-.-. Indebted f= or one freight fl. 75.12.0. plus Cash fl. 12.0.0. Total fl. 87.12.0. Wrot= e rough and ready signature. Halifax - Vict. List, Aug.-Oct. 1752 (List No. 7) - Oswald, John Adam, John Jacob= , & Anna Maria Gross - Vict. List, Feb.-April. 1753 - same four names, John Jacobs * marked "D= D-28" (i.e. died during the victualling period) (Rolls I, II) - Burial, 17 Jan. 1752 [should have been 1753] - John Gross* * In Steinfort's Reports - At Muster of 17 March 1753, John Jacobb Gross = deceased, aged 9 years. Lunenburg - 30 Acre Farm Lots - 1753-4 Allotment List - Oswald Gross - South, C-2 - Vist. List, June 1755 - John Adam Gross (no. 299); Anna Maria Gross (no= =2E 614) - Vist. List, Feb.-May 1756 - Maria Gross (no. 260) - Vist. List, Jan. - May 1757 - Maria Gross Halifax - Baptism, 8 May 1757 - Catherine of Johann & Mary Gross (Roll II)

Lunenburg - Registry of Town Lots, 1760 - "Oswald Gross's Children" - Steinfort's D= iv., F-12. Listed first among "Names who have drawn Town Lots & being abs= ent are left out of Register" (i.e. "Oswald Gross"). Then Notations: "Ent= ered to his heirs". "Ason, soldier in Warburton's" son-in-law James Kale= y [?Riley?] - Registry of 30 Acre Lots, 1760 - "Among lots drawn but not registered b= ecause of owner's absense" is N.W. Range, B-46 - "Barbara Keller. No. 46 = is claimed by Oswald Gross's Heir Riley [? or Ritey?]. (In 1796 no claime= nt or heir being forthcoming this lot was granted to others.) - In a Return of Garden Lots, 1760, a lot listed to Oswald Gross was mark= ed as claimed to be "vacant" in 1762. But Register writes, opposite to th= is. "Children here" [Note - A coherent story seems implied by above records. Oswald Gross lef= t Europe with a wife, a 17 year old son (John Adam), two children between= 4 & 14, & one under 4, this wife and one child died on the voyage, anoth=

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er one (John Jacob) a few months after arrival at Halifax. Oswald himself= died (though we have no burial record) shortly after the settling of Lun= enburg (A 30 Acre Lot was allocatted to him, but he does appear in the Re= turn of Divisions in July 1754). In June 1755 the remaining son, John Ada= m, & daughter, Anna Maria, were still at Lunenburg. John Adam then enlist= ed in Warburton's Regiment, & maried (He is not in the 1756 Vict. List, = & his daughter was baptized in 1757 in Halifax). Anna Maria some what la= ter maried a man by name of Riley, Kaley, Ritey, or the like (the name is= not perfectly clear in the documents). The rights of Oswald Gross's two = children to his Town & Farm Lots are noted in the registry of 1760. But a= pparently they never turned up to maintain their claims.] --------------040602090204040102060503--

This thread: [LL] Graff/Graves/Cross/Croft by Re: [LL] Graff/Graves/Cross/Croft by Don Shankle <> [LL] Speling Lunenberg Naymes by Chris Young <> [LL] Virus Alert Report by Chris Young <> [LL] caution using attachments by Re: [LL] attachments by "Charles Eisener" <> RootsWeb is funded and supported by and our loyal RootsWeb community. Learn more. About Us | Contact Us | Acceptable Use Policy | PRIVACY STATEMENT | Copyright Š 2011

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