Gentle as a Raindrop

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gentle as a raindrop strong as a bull kind as ever you met sincere and sympathetic and sensitive as a boy God Bless

As you gain age you learn the reality of life始s lessons and the missteps are reviewed to try to understand the reason you are you, and what can you possibly contribute at this point in life? I thought that the Hawaiian aloha was a good solution. The Hawaiians are wonderful people, they have become Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Philippine, Black, White, and yet kept their connection to their bloodline. The family unit of the Hawaiian Islands has close connections for the land they discovered. Hawaiian families actually go to the beach and camp out for the weekends. And along with the attempted loss of the Hawaiian culture and language came a solution simple in mind. Aloha, welcome Thus turning a negative into a positive, and is my concept of the power of aloha. Aloha, welcome I wonder if the Hawaiians discovered the Hawaiian Islands by paddling over 2,000 miles from Polynesia did they continue to say Alaska and America? If you sail back from Hawaii after the Transpac you probably go with the currents back to San Francisco... The solution to the world始s conflicts is aloha... Aloha, welcome God Bless

thinking about the prediction by the Mayans, they lived and predicted almost 1 thousand years before the new tech of scopes in the 1500始s, and Nostradamus era. the question I have is, how did the Mayan astronomy know about the offset?

The major parts of Copernican theory are: 1. Heavenly motions are uniform, eternal, and circular or compounded of several circles (epicycles). 2. The center of the universe is near the Sun. 3. Around the Sun, in order, are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the fixed stars. 4. The Earth has three motions: daily rotation, annual revolution, and annual tilting of its axis. 5. Retrograde motion of the planets is explained by the Earth's motion. 6. The distance from the Earth to the sun is small compared to the distance to the stars.

and does it matter? maybe they worshiping the sun as the their main focus have a offset problem?

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