AIM Leader Maiden Issue 2006

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Three’s a good company with Francis Estrada, Napoleon Nazareno and Tony Tan Caktiong



Susan Africa-Manikan ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Sherbet Katigbak-Manalili MANAGING EDITOR

Blaise Costabir Bienvenido de Castro Prasenjit Chaudhuri Mrinal Kumar Sarma Benjamin Bagadion, Jr. Soledad Hernando Jacqueline Javier Teena Santiago Kap Aguila Eric Ahorro Bea Santos Edwin Sallan CONTRIBUTORS

Jovel Lorenzo Jopet Puno Levi Lacandula PHOTOGRAPHERS


Contract Publishing & Marketing, Inc. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE

Maritess Aniago-Espiritu Jei Javier Kalinisan Khristine Revilla Voltaire Masangkay





AIM Alumni Leaders Summit AIM Appoints New CDM Associate Dean AIM Alumni Baguio Chapter Organized AAAIM Inducts New Board Members Break-out Session–New SA Store Unveiled 5 Edgardo Limon Signs Deed of Donation Alumni Newsmakers East Coast Chapter Hosts SyCip and de Ocampo Homecoming 2006 “Driven” Wins Award Master in Management Program Gears Up for 30th Anniversary FAIM Conference Held in Mumbai



36 The 4th AIM Masters 37

The Best of Malaysian Cuisine The 4th AIM Masters Invitational Golf Tournament No-frills Air Travel Takes Off in RP From Coehlo to Kathmandu


cover story


Alumni at Work . . . .


Victoria Licuanan


Humility is Polly Nazareno’s Watchword for Success In Leadership, Dreams are the Stuff That Great Results are Made of Francis Estrada on the Seven Deadly Sins of Leadership








The AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine (AIM Leader) is a quarterly publication of the Asian Institute of Management with editorial office at the Alumni Relations Office, Asian Institute of Management, 123 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, 1260 Philippines Telephone No.: 892.4011 locals 331, 540 and 533 Telefax: 893.7410 | Email: Copyright 2006, AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner in whole or in print, in English or other languages, without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1908-1081



The Fallacy of ‘Methodology’ in Graduate Degree Programs How Does Innovation Thrive?



AIM Alumni Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ‘I am a Firm Believer in AIM Education’ 51 Life After the MM Program . . . . . . . . . . 52 Four Qualities of Good Leadership . . . 52 Tearing the Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

To Train or Not to Train The Sea is my Classroom Challenges in Launching Rural Enterprise Movement in North East India

Special Feature: The 40th PDM New Design, Old Crusade . . . 24 Cover Photograph by JOVEL LORENZO

showcase: gourmet...36

Class Notes 54

alumnileadership spotlight


Jose Cuisia: When Disagreeing is Agreeable Datuk Annas: Malaysia’s Power Czar Talks About Giving Back Alex Tanwangco: Taking Execution Seriously Rudy Juanito in Afghanistan Carlo Vega: On Heroes and Leaders

DATUK ANNAS . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Leadership has many facets, among them the ability to sense and have common sense. end note..... 56



To be true to one’s nature requires a courage to accelerate change, as change signifies movement, growth, progress, an evolution, an illumination of how things were, and how things can come to be. Nothing can be quite as exciting as change. With this issue, we are taking a bold step towards instigating a change. We welcome you to the premier edition of the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine, as we take a step and move forward from The Asian Manager. As our graduates of over 37 years of AIM history, we are sure that you will agree with us that our Asian managers are now our Asian leaders, capable of wielding exciting transformations in your societies that will benefit communities from your AIM learning and experiences. It is now time to exercise our right to grow and reinvent and transcend beyond past achievements and set our sights on new ones, with you, our alumni as the progenitors and leaders of change. This publication is your arena to voice your opinions, herald your accomplishments, share your knowledge, contribute your insights, and inspire your fellow graduates to become the change leaders that you were meant to be. As we exalt in your achievements and take pride in the knowledge that we have equipped you with the tools necessary to improve the lives of many, we hope that your profound awareness of how things can become will lead you towards noteworthy goals and ground breaking achievements in a future that promises astounding growth in our spheres of influence. As we reflect on the past few months, we are encouraged and inspired by what you, our alumni can do in home grounds alone. We have witnessed your enthusiasm in the 1st and 2nd Alumni Leaders Summit, your dedication in establishing a fund for scholarships, your commitment in improving facilities through the launching of the new S.A. store, and your assurance of your continuing support for many years to come. We urge you to continue to participate with that ever growing fervor so that we may continue to position the Asian Institute of Management as a leader in management education in the region. With the flame of leadership alive in your hearts, I invite you to continue to illuminate these pages with your diverse voices. Together we shall orchestrate a symphony that will lead to many more exciting changes, as in a spirit of togetherness we continue to rally behind the AIM flag, and move towards the betterment of the Institute and of our individual societies as a whole.





We are privileged to present the maiden issue of YOUR new quarterly magazine, the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine, or AIM Leader for short. AIM Leader is a direct response to your feedback that alumni needed to hear more from the alma mater on matters that will add value to their respective endeavors in business management, development, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. Another major feedback that we address is the need for greater networking among the AIM global alumni community, now numbering close to 31,000 leaders and managers (52% Philippine-based and 48% overseas) spread out in over 70 countries. To date, alumni chapters, clubs and associations are formally established in 15 countries (with a host of potential chapters-in-waiting lined up). Your alumni community presents an available asset in improving your value network in this age of globalization. AIM Leader is the third part of Alumni Relations Office’s (ARO) communications-feedback troika, along with the recently modified alumni portal, and the fortnightly e-newsletter MyAIM. Do log on and register at the interactive to keep your directory with ARO up-to-date and to qualify for the many services and benefits that accrues to faithfully-updated alumni. Those who register in the portal have the option to be viewed or not by the rest of the alumni community who log-in. A searchable database is also made available to those who register and want to network with overseas AIM alumni for their business dealings. And one can upload news that he/she would want the rest of the network to know be it for business or personal. To date, and despite not much publicity as yet, has already logged some 4,000 voluntary alumni sign-ins from all over the world. The 4,000 have discovered the portal, and have helped themselves to it even at soft-launch mode. MyAIM e-newsletter heralds the multitude of AIM offerings at any given time that can help the alumni keep abreast of current AIM events, seminars (free and otherwise), available studies and AIM community news. AIM Leader, on the other hand, is our snail mail quarterly magazine. It takes up the baton from the Asian Manager (TAM) which we have had since 1988. AIM Leader will focus on leadership themes as compared to TAM’s management readings. This development stresses the obvious that our alumni have now risen to positions of top influence in their respective fields and organizations. Legions and the who’s who that attended the 1st and 2nd Alumni Leaders’ Summit attest to this. And I cannot tell you enough of how our alumni all over the region are making a positive difference in their societies. Some of them you will

read about in this maiden issue. No less than the AIM Board of Trustees (BOT) recognizes the coming of age of the AIM alumni. In fact, the BOT recognized the essential role that eminent AIM alumni have in steering AIM through these competitive times. They have re-allocated five of the 15 Board seats for leading AIM alumni to occupy. Three of the five seats have been filled up. The cover story of this maiden issue recognizes the essential and leading role of the alumni in moving AIM forward in a fiercely competitive environment. It is this same leadership quality that we hope to harness to meet the challenge of producing a better-than-ever, world-class alumni magazine. The challenge includes higher readership and circulation. At the same time, we are working to reverse the recurring P1.2 million losses per year when TAM was given away for free. AIM Leader, on the other hand, strives to be self-financing. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR ALUMNI MAGAZINE! THIS MEANS we shall have to open the magazine to advertising and will have to charge for subscriptions to supplement revenues from publication fees paid only by degree program enrollments. Degree program alumni by virtue of their US$30 publications fee paid at enrollment are entitled to the equivalent number of free AIM Leader issues. At today’s prices including production and mailing, that amounts to two years’ worth or eight issues of free AIM Leader magazines for new degree program graduates. We are now soliciting and accepting subscriptions in time for the April 2006 issue. Please refer to page 11 or email us at aimleader@ We shall solicit and accept subscriptions from batches 2003 and earlier. Priority of distribution will necessarily be given to paying subscribers. Any “excess” copies may be given to alumni in the following order: AIM Leader contributors, then to various alumni association leaders, and finally to alumni who request it and have updated home addresses, first-come-firstserve until the supply of magazines for an issue run out. Nevertheless, we shall make good that earlier astonishing promise to make TAM, available to all alumni free for life–by offering the AIM Leader online exclusively for bona fide alumni who register at We shall of course issue the hard copy AIM Leader first followed by the on-line version after a month and a half. Moreover, we shall make available to the same registered bona fide alumni the entire collection of TAM issues since 1988 for FREE once digitization and uploading are completed by mid-year. How else can the alumni network benefit from AIM Leader? By using it as a forum for leadership expression. Do contribute articles, insights and the like that you will find in this issue that help us connect, learn and enjoy with the rest of the AIM community in various ways. This is YOUR magazine after all. We expect to hear from you. God bless us all!

Greg Atienza Editor-in-Chief, AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine Executive Managing Director, Alumni Relations Office Secretary General, Federation of AIM Alumni Associations, Inc.


The 1st and 2nd AIM Alumni Leaders Summit


HE 1ST AIM ALUMNI Leaders Summit was held last July 2, 2005 at the AIM Conference Center. This was followed by the 2nd AIM Alumni Leaders Summit last September 3, 2005. Initiated by the Directors of the Alumni Association of AIM-Philippine Chapter Chairman Alex Tanwangco, MBA 1973 and Vice Chairman Ricardo Pascua, MBA 1971, the event was inspired by the Institute’s paradigm shift towards alumni as co-owners of AIM. The summit was a response to the AIM Board of Trustees’ historic decision that

AIM President Dr. Roberto de Ocampo welcomes alumni to the 2nd Leaders Summit

alumni leaders would represent five of the fifteen members of the highest policymaking body of the Institute. This decision was the culmination of a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder re-examination process that is unprecedented in AIM’s 38-year history. The 1st and 2nd AIM Alumni Leaders Summit assembled selected and distinguished AIM alumni to a Focus Group Discussion aimed at providing valuable inputs for AIM’s Medium Term Strategic Plan. An impressive attendance 4

WSGSB Associate Dean Dr. Ricardo Lim discusses strategic plans with alumni

of eminent alumni representing different industries graced the event. All the degree programs were represented, including graduates of eMBAs and ME. Associate Dean of the Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business Dr. Ricardo Lim facilitated the discussions. Triple A Alumni Awardees, who are also the three initial

“The success of this alumni summit is a big step forward in closer relations and cooperation between AIM and its alumni…”

A I M A LU M NI LEA D ERS HIP M AGAZIN E J an u ary to March 2006

Alumni representatives to the AIM Board of Trustees served as co-hosts of these summits: Napoleon Nazareno, MBA 1973, Francis Estrada, MBA 1973, and Tony Tan Caktiong, TMP 1983. The substantive and enthusiastic discussions by the alumni contributed beyond the envisioned scope of only the MBA program. Most cited by the alumni participants was the need for a clear strategy for the MBA program and AIM. Discussions also touched on the need for alumni support including fundraising and governance. Significantly, Edgardo Limon, MBA 1973, pledged ₧1 million pesos to the AIM Scholarship Fund during the 2nd AIM Alumni Leaders Summit. The response to this multistakeholder strategic planning

process was very positive as various participants voiced their expectations for succeeding alumni leadership consultations/ summits. A quarterly gathering and working committees were even suggested.

AAAIM Chairman Alex F. Tanwangco, MBA 1973

AIM President Dr. Roberto de Ocampo noted, “The success of this alumni summit is a big step forward in closer relations and cooperation between AIM and its alumni as the Institute is grateful to all the participants for this unprecedented and very important exercise.”

news A I M A P P O I N T S N E W C D M A S S O C I AT E D E A N

Fr. Ed Martinez, SJ is the new head of the Center for Development Management THE AIM COMMUNITY IS pleased to welcome Fr. Edmundo M. Martinez, SJ as the new associate dean of the Center for Development Management. AIM Dean Victoria Licuanan announced the appointment. Fr. Martinez is no stranger to the Institute since he was a member of the AIM Board of Trustees from 1986 to 1993. His rich experience and widely acknowledged expertise in education management stem from decades of involvement in the Jesuit school system as administrator, faculty, and student. His academic career started as a professor at the Ateneo de Manila University, where he eventually became director of

alumni affairs and planning and development. In 1986-1993, he assumed the deanship of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business and was concurrently executive vice president of the Ateneo de Manila University. Prior to joining AIM, Fr. Martinez was the president of the Ateneo de Davao University (1993-2004). He was concurrently president and chairman of the board of the Davao Medical School Foundation and member of the boards of trustees of Xavier University and the Ateneo de Zamboanga University.

At AIM, Fr. Martinez is the program director of the Management Development Programs sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Agency for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao in which he teaches leadership and development perspectives. His research interests include the application of cognitional and development theory to management tasks, particularly critical thinking, decision-making, business ethics, and development management. Fr. Martinez has a PhD

in Theology from the Toronto School of Theology, University of St. Michael’s College (1976); a Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (1986); a Master in Theology and Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Leopold Franzens Universitat of Innsbruck (1970); a Master of Arts in Theology and Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Loyola School of Theology, Philippines (1969); and a Master of Arts in Philosophy and Licentiate in Philosophy from Berchmans College, Cebu (1963). He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Humanities (cum laude) from the Ateneo de Manila University (1958).



ITH ITS MISSION to build a harmonious AIM community through responsible leadership and integration with all stakeholders, the AIM Alumni Baguio Chapter was formally installed by Alex Tanwangco, Chairman of the AIM Alumni Association – Philippine Chapter (AAAIM), in rites held at the AIM Conference Center in Baguio last October 22, 2005. Inducted into office were the core group officers of the Baguio alumni group headed by Baguio City Vice Mayor Peter Rey Bautista, professors Joy Tio, Monica Costales, Fran Mangalus, John

Hay officer Renato Gabaldon and group convenor, education advocate Henry Tenedero. Before the induction ceremony, a Multisectoral Consultative Meeting was convened by the Baguio group with the aim of getting inputs from various sectors in the city needed for long term planning of possible programs, partnerships and alliances that would realistically address the needs and concerns of individual sectors and the Baguio community at large. Present in the meeting were representatives from the following sectors: health and environment, city government, police,

AIM Alumni Baguio Chapter members pose with (foreground) AIM Prof. Titos Ortigas and ARO EMD Greg Atienza

youth, alternative education, transport and media. AAAIM Chairman Tanwangco was accompanied by AIM Alumni Relations Executive Managing Director Greg Atienza, International Movement for Development Managers (IMDM) President Corazon Jimenez, AAAIM Director Celso Lopez,

AAAIM Executive Director Rhia Ramirez, staffer Jenny Mondano and AIM Prof. Titos Ortigas. Chapter Development chair Corazon Jimenez hailed the event as a milestone in the Association’s desire to bring AIM’s leadership spirit to the grassroots level through the creation of various chapters nationwide.

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HE ALUMNI ASSOCIAtion of the Asian Institute of ManagementPhilippine Chapter (AAAIM) inducted its new board members during a ceremony held at the AIM Conference Center in Makati City. As guest of honor and inducting officer, former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos challenged the new board members to strive for leadership. He stressed the need for reaching greater heights of worldclass leadership and excellence through academic and professional achievements. In the past year, leadership has been a strong theme of focus among

alumni, as evidenced in events such as the Alumni Leaders Summit and Leadership Cup. AIM president Roberto de

Ocampo (4th from right) presented the token of appreciation to President Ramos. The new AAAIM board members include

Break-out Session “BREAK-OUT Session”, the new Student Association store, was  inaugurated on October 4, 2005. AIM President Roberto de Ocampo, AIM Alumni AssociationPhilippine Chapter (AAAIM) Chairman Alex Tanwangco and Nestle Vice-President for Channel Business Head for Education Joey Reodica did the honor of unveiling the Break-out Session. Fr. Guido Arguelles, SJ led the consecration of the store. 6

A I M A LU M NI LEA D ERS HIP M AGAZIN E J an u ary to March 2006

In Mr. Tanwangco’s closing remarks, he said that “every great journey starts with one small step.” True to this Chinese proverb, the Break-out Session marks the beginning of more milestones in the Institute through the AIM Alumni Community. The renovation of the Student Association store was in partnership with Nestle Food Services through Mr. Reodica  from MBA Batch 1999. The Break-out Session will be under

(front row, from left) Ofelia Odilao-Bisnar (MBA ’88); Myrna D. Alberto (ME ’01), Corporate Secretary; Alex F. Tanwangco (MBA ’73), Chairman; Barbara C. Gonzalez (ME ’01); Corazon T. Jimenez (MDM ’02); Ricardo S. Pascua (MBA ’71), Vice Chairman; (back row, from left:) Jose Ma. T. Parroco (MM ’87); Francisco V. Cayco (MBA ’78); Emil C. Reyes (MBA’79), Treasurer; Jesus Alfonso Z. Carpio (MDM ’03); Gil B. Genio (MBA ’86); Teodoro R. Villanueva (MBA ’73), Ex-officio/Adviser; Celso G. Lopez (Executive MBA Manila 3); and Gregorio J. Atienza (MBA ’83), AIM Alumni Relations Executive Managing Director.

New SA Store Unveiled the management of the AAAIMPhilippine Chapter. Present during the inauguration were Mr. Reodica’s colleagues from Nestle Food Services, AAAIM board members, AIM alumni, students and staff.

“The Break-out Session marks the beginning of more milestones in the Institute through the AIM Alumni Community.”

news Edgardo Limon signs deed of donation



His Excellency Prof. Dr. Kol Pheng, Senior Minister and Minister of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia awards Krishna K.C. the gold medal

In photo (from left) AAAIM Vice Chairman, Ricardo Pascua, MBA ‘71, AIM President Dr. Roberto F. de Ocampo, Edgardo Limon, MBA ‘74, AAAIM Chairman, Alex Tanwangco, MBA ‘73, and AIM Alumni Relations Executive Managing Director, Greg Atienza, MBA ‘83

“I WAS FORTUNATE to have studied and worked in this fabled institution, for this is where I learned the ropes of management and entrepreneurship,” Mr. Edgardo Limon said during the Edgardo Limon Deed of Donation ceremony held at the AIM Lopez Gallery on September 30, 2005. “Now it’s my turn to help others gain an excellent management education in AIM, and I’m referring to promising individuals who may be less fortunate but nonetheless deserving of an AIM education.” Mr. Limon (MBA ’74) formally signed the Deed of Donation of P1 million pesos to the Scientific Research Foundation with AIM President Roberto de Ocampo, AIM Alumni AssociationPhilippine Chapter (AAAIM) Chairman Alex Tanwangco and AAAIM Vice Chairman Ricardo Pascua. The donation will be coursed through Mr. Limon’s flagship company, Intex Holdings Company, as it celebrated its 20th anniversary last year.

Mr. Limon (MBA ’74) formally signed the Deed of Donation of P1 million pesos to the AIM Scientific Research Foundation Taking on the responsibility as AIM Scholarship Committee Chairman, Mr. Limon, together with Co-Chairman Napoleon Nazareno and Vice Chairman Robert Kuan, will generate funds for the elite scholars in the MBA and MM programs, initially targeting 10 scholars from the Philippines for SY 2006-07. Mr. Limon is the President and CEO of Intex Telecom Systems.

Krishna K.C. Receives Gold Medal The Royal Government of Cambodia awarded Krishna K.C. Bahadur (MDM 1993) the Gold Medal for Nation-Building last September 9, 2005. Krishna K.C. is currently a Project Coordinator of UNESCO Cambodia.

the Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Causa by the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJR) last August 26, 2005. USJR’s faculty and board unanimously selected Quisumbing for being a “compleat humanitarian, businessman and family man who has touched the lives of many people and worked zealously to improve the quality of human life.” He is the President of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Ashok Sharma, New ADB Director Ashok Sharma, MDM 1995, has been appointed to the position of Director, Governance, Finance and Trade Division for South Asia, at the Asian


(L to R) 2nd, Austria; 5th – 9 th, Llanto, Abueg, Deypalubos, Sylim and Mayuga

AIM Alumni Promoted to Generals President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo administered the oath of office to 15 newly promoted generals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in September 2005. Six of the promoted officers are AIM alumni: Vice Admiral Mateo Mayuga (MM 1985), Maj. Gen. Roberto Sylim (MM 1993), Maj. Gen. Nilo Deypalubos (MM 1992), Rear Admiral Alfredo Abueg (MBM 1981), Brig. Gen. Gilbert Llanto (MBM 1984) and Brig. Gen. Cyrano Austria (MBM 1984).

Honorary Doctorate Conferred to Quisumbing Norberto Quisumbing Jr., TMP 1979, Founder and Chairman of Norkis Group of Companies, was conferred

Development Bank. Ashok has been recognized for his outstanding work in Rural Finance.

Gudani Takes a Stand Retired Marine General Francisco Gudani, MBA 1983, testified last September 28, 2005 before the Senate Committee on National Defense on the alleged electoral fraud that ensured the victory of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in the 2004 elections. Gudani, recipient of five distinguished service stars, a Gold Cross Medal, an outstanding achievement medal, a Bronze Cross Medal and 11 military merit medals, is a “bemedalled and well-rounded officer with conceded integrity.” (Malaya, September 29, 2005)

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EW YORK, NY, OCTOBER 13, 2005. The East Coast chapter of the AIM Alumni Association-USA hosted a dinner in honor of AIM Co-Chairman Washington SyCip, AIM President Roberto de Ocampo, Prof. Felipe Alfonso, and Prof. Jun Borromeo at the Providence on 57th St. The four visiting members of the school were in the US to visit some business schools. At the dinner, AIM Alumni from New York and Florida were able to interact closely with these four distinguished members of AIM. Throughout the evening, Dr. de Ocampo shared with group

the strategic plans of the school in maintaining its reputation as the authority on Asian business education. Building upon its strengths, AIM’s value proposition includes faculty development, internationalization of its programs, improvement of its facilities and corporate scholarships. AIM is also looking to attract more students from the United States. At the end of the dinner meeting, Dr. de Ocampo extended an invitation to the Alumni to take an active role in developing the Alumni network in the US and to contribute to the Institute’s efforts in building the school’s brand identity in Asia and across the world.

Back row: Rowena Venturina, Jocelyn Bernal, K.Y. Chow, Prof. Jun Borromeo, Mark Sanchez, Carina Dacer, Prof. Felipe Alfonso. Front Row: Dr. Roberto de Ocampo, Rinna Ramos, Mr. Washington SyCip and Michelle Boquiren. (Not in picture: Edward Sevilla)

Homecoming 2006 THE ALUMNI RELATIONS Office hosted a reunion for all Homecoming Batches at the ACCM in preparation for the AIM Alumni Homecoming in 2006. Present were representatives of the classes of 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001. Graduates of degree and non-degree programs were well represented, with over sixty alumni attending the gathering. AIM President, Dr. Roberto F. De Ocampo graced the occasion to warmly welcome back the alumni from the MBA, MM, MDM, ME, EMBA, and other programs. Mr. Alex Tanwangco, MBA 1973, Chairman of the AAAIM thanked those present for their support, and encouraged them to participate 8

in the various activities leading to Homecoming 2006. Mr. Harlie Llave, representative of the Lead Host Class, MBA 1986, gave a presentation of the plans for the Homecoming, with Friday, March 3, 2006, as the date for the Grand Reunion. The proposed theme for the Homecoming is “AIM 2 Lead: Leadership Revolution”. Pre-Homecoming activities would include Badminton and Golf Tournaments and the program for Homecoming Night itself would include dinner, live band music, dance, fellowship, awarding and honoring of winners and election of directors to the Alumni Association of AIM.

A I M A LU M NI LEA D ERS HIP M AGAZIN E J an u ary to March 2006

The Homecoming Committee members wish to invite volunteers from the other host classes to join the various committees in ensuring that Homecoming 2006 would be a memorable and significant event. For more details, AIM alumni may contact Sonie Soriano-Aguilar, Program Committee Chairperson, Email Address: sonie.aguilar@cadp. Mobile: +63 (917) 321.0022, and Rafael Harlie Llave, Program Committee Co-Chair, Email Add: Mobile: +63 (917) 855.1055.

Theme: “AIM 2 Lead: Leadership Revolution” Pre-Homecoming activities include Badminton and Golf Tournaments. Homecoming Night activities include dinner, live band music, dance, fellowship, awarding and honoring of winners and election of directors to the Alumni Association of AIM.



RIVEN: HOW TO MAKE it in Philippine Business, a class project of MBA 1971, won in the Business and Economics Category of the 24th National Book Awards last September 4, 2005 at the Philippine World Trade Center. The awards are given annually to the best books published in the Philippines during the preceding calendar year.

Arturo Macapagal, MBA 1971 class president is the Chair of the Executive Committee for the project with his classmates, Ricardo Pascua, Renato Valencia, Francisco Bautista and Antonio Samson as Co-Chairs for Business and Editorial. Members of the Executive Committee include

Conrado Benitez II, Rafael de Guzman, and Eustacio Orobia, Jr. The book imparts the wisdom and experiences of the Class of 1971 about the Philippine business environment, based on actual practices of the batch members. During the Alumni Rec-

ognition Ceremony last March 3, 2005, the Class of MBA 1971 turned over a check of ₧500,000 to AIM Co-Chairman Washington SyCip and AIM President Roberto F. de Ocampo representing part of the proceeds from the book. Their donation has been earmarked for projects for the Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business.



O SET OFF THE COMmemoration of the 30th Anniversary of AIM’s Master in Management program this school year, the W. SyCip Graduate School of Business held an orientation session on MM on June 3, 2005. AIM’s Master in Management program will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2006. Prof. Vic Lim, the honorary program director of MM for SY 2005-06 and a pioneer faculty of MM, traced the history of the program from its conceptualization to evolution. According to him, the MM was conceived because “the Board of Governors realized that people from other countries The Master in Management 30th Anniversary celebration will culminate in a grand reunion of MM alumni in May 2006. MM alumni may contact Ms. Rhia Ramirez (MM ‘95), Executive Director of the AIM Alumni Association, at tel. no. (632) 892.4011 ext. 2103/2106 or at and join the special egroup

could not take two years away from work to take the MBA. So the MM was formulated.” The MM is for middle managers with a certain amount of management experience “so that the 11-month program would be effective.” In the early years of MM, companies sent scholars who could become agents of change within the organization upon their return. The faculty has converted MM into a leadership and strategy program. Students who come nowadays are people who want change in their lives. For SY 2005-06, approximately 37 students from seven countries have enrolled in the program to seek such change. “The main value is not what we teach,” said Prof. Lim, “but the wealth of experience of students. The first thing they learn is how to get together. Second, they learn how to handle stress situations and make the best out of any situation. When the alumni come back, they say they learned not so much knowledge but wisdom.”

FAIM conference held in Mumbai (From left) Dr. Gan Cheong Eng, MBA’82, FAIM Vice Chairman and President, AIM Alumni Association - Singapore (AIMAS); Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuan, MDM ‘98, PhD, Chairperson, Vietnam AIM Alumni Association (VNAAA); Datuk Ir. (Dr.) Mohd Annas Hj. Mohd Nor, MM’84, FAIM Chairman and President of the AIM Alumni Association - Malaysia; Ms. Catherine Xianyan Chen, BMP’95 and MBM’98, Vice Chairperson, AIMAA-Shanghai; Ms. Tae-Sook Han, MBA’84, President, Alumni Association Korea. Standing from left are Mr. Greg Atienza, MBA ’83, FAIM Secretary General and Executive Managing Director of the AIM Alumni Relations Office; Mr. Ashwani Tandon, MM’95; Mr. Emil Reyes, MBA’79, FAIM Treasurer; Mr. Satti Arora, MM’77; Mr. Bimal Chapagain, MDM’96, AIM Alumni Association - Nepal; Mr. Mohan Madhav Phadke, MM’80, President, AIM Alumni Association - India; Mr. Ricardo Pascua, MBA’71, Vice Chairman of the Alumni Association of AIM - Philippines; Mr. Dani Firmansjah, MM ’94, FAIM Director, Relationship and Communications - Indonesia; and Mr. Damodar Udyawar, Coordinator, AIM Alumni Association - India.

THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE of the Federation of AIM Alumni Associations, Inc. (FAIM) was held last October 4, 2005 at the Nehru Centre in Mumbai, India. Aside from the country chapter reports, the FAIM conference agenda included Triple A guidelines and the formal recognition of alumni chapters in China (Beijing and Shanghai) and the USA (East Coast). The FAIM chapter heads

also discussed concepts on the role of FAIM in the context of AIM’s new strategic directions.  The delegates also attended the annual Dr. P. N. Singh Foundation Leadership Conference at the Nehru Centre, Worli on October 5. A FAIM Gala Night was also held that evening at the Ballroom of the Hotel Taj President, sponsored by the AIM Alumni Association India Chapter.

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03.03.06 Save the date!

BE PART OF PEOPLE POWER AIM STYLE... Don’t we all believe in the power of people in achieving historic victory as evidenced by the historic 1986 EDSA revolution? MBA Class 1986, the lead host class, call all AIM graduates especially of classes 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006 to join in celebrating the Grand AIM Alumni Homecoming “AIM2LEAD Leadership Revolution” on March 3. Don’t be misled by the “serious theme” though. We promise a glorious evening of fun, great food and entertainment! Be there! Emerald Celebrants: THE CLASS OF 1971, Pearl Celebrants: THE CLASS OF 1976, Silver Jubilarians: THE CLASS OF 1981 Lead Host Class: THE CLASS OF 1986, Host Classes: 1991, 1996 AND 2001 For the latest updates, visit

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briefcase B I E N V E N I D O




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The Fallacy of ‘METHODOLOGY’ in Graduate Degree Programs Methodology describes the procedures by which a researcher working, for example, on his thesis or dissertation, arrives at a finding or conclusion. In essence, these steps leading to the end result of a research work can be repeated and evaluated. >> Such procedures therefore can apply to a number of subjects (the population) from which a sample representative number (sampling technique) from the total population can be taken for purposes of applying the methods to be used to validate a future result. A tentative proposition (the hypothesis) is then set up at the beginning that the results of the study can either reject (the null hypothesis) or confirm. Traditional Fare

So that the application of the procedures may be uniform, a design is first made and the procedures painstakingly described so that there is little room for error when followed. Generally, the difference between the posited hypothesis and the actual result should not be significant to warrant an acceptable margin of error. Otherwise, the hypothesis is rejected. Where there is a comparison between variables, a correlation has to be made. As a rule, as a basis of comparison, certain statistical tools are utilized to validate the findings of the researcher and encapsulate in a formula the findings arrived 12

at in a strictly numerical or measurable way. Worshippers of the positive and experimental sciences, however, fail to reckon that there are other methodologies that are cognate to specific disciplines and that it is foolish to strictly reduce scientific pursuits to only the dissecting blade of the positivist mind without which there can be no “science.” For, after all, science is not only the product of experiments. Even without “induction” the human mind can get to the truth, philosophically the universal object of the mind, by means of “deduction.” There are, in other words, disciplines which do not require the same methodology as the positive sciences, though no less rigorous nor haphazard or error-prone. Plurality in a Complex World View

One of these disciplines is business management or administration, specifically strategic management or corporate planning or business policy. Although business management is both an art and a science, its practice cannot be cast monolithically. Specific and limited issues can be subjected

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to the “methodology” earlier described in this article, especially if comparisons among a representative number are being sought. But, when it strictly comes to the processes of strategic management, in particular, it must be said that it would be useless, even downright ridiculous, to demand the strict observance of positivist science methodologies to oversimplify the rich, uncompromising and peculiar world of business realities in order to arrive at innovative, general and even new-found principles. Variables needing “trade-offs”, situations ensuring “pay-offs” and a range of factors involving perceptions, human complexities, local, regional or international imponderables which change without warning are among those matters the decision-maker has to face day in and day out. Variety with Depth and Purpose

There is then an unavoidable distinction between speculative and practical sciences and between theoretical and process-oriented approaches. Strategic management, as a science, belongs to the second category with its


specific approach. As such, its “methodology” is more “learn by doing,” iterative, participative and action-research oriented, i.e., processing that leads to action or change. While repulsive to some honed in the traditional cast of the experimental mode of positivist thinking, Action Research as a “methodology” is fast being practiced, not only accepted (it is found already in standard handbooks of research methods for over three decades), in many university centers of learning in North America, Australia, and Europe. Scientific researches in educational, social and developmental materials through action research have also been undertaken in South America and elsewhere. The case method, a form of action research, has long been practiced in reputable business schools, and is standard fodder in legal and medical forums. Focus on Processes

Action research is based on the dynamism of human actions in organizations which is in constant flux, self-correcting, and evolving in terms of the “horizontal” organization’s needs, positioning and value

What is clear, however, is that what is applicable to chemistry, for example, may not be for a serious study on top management practice.

orientation. It is premised on the modern theory of organization development that, basically, the business entity is a true organism, learning and re-creating itself with its peculiar “value chain.” In my book, methodology in strategic planning and management makes it possible to write a “balanced scorecard.” Nevertheless, it might take some time for this reality to settle down among teaching practitioners who attempt to cover a wide range of disciplines and extend the constructs of one discipline to another where the objectives and structure of the research may call for an entirely different approach. What is clear, however, is that what is applicable to chemistry, for example, may not be for a serious study on top management practice. Bienvenido G. De Castro, S.T.L., M.A., M.M. is a graduate of the Asian Institute of Management’s Master of Management Class 1980. He is currently the Vice President of E. Ganzon, Inc., a real estate development firm. He handles Corporate Planning and taught Strategic Planning and Management at the DBA Program of the University of Perpetual Help, Las Pinas City, Philippines. A I M A LU MN I L E A D E R SH I P MAGA Z I N E Ja n u a ry to Marc h 20 0 6






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How Does Innovation Thrive? A discussion based on Fedex Delivers—How the World’s Leading Shipping Company Keeps Innovating and Outperforming the Competition by Madan Birla


ARREN BENNIS, DOROthy Hutton, Clay Christensen, Prahalad and Hamel have written volumes in papers and books about innovation, leadership, managing change, and customer orientation. As a management alumnus, its therefore easy to pass up on newly published pulp, that appear to recycle yet another human resource concept or a management methodology lined with consultant-speak. As an insider at FedEx since its early founding days however, Madan Birla had a unique opportunity to experience first-hand what one normally learns from management books or business school cases. His recently published book “FedEx Delivers” became more valuable as I discovered he was a part of the same arena where the ideas in his book played out. This arena happened to be one of the most successful and innovative companies in the world, and that stuff found in business books are written not by insider veterans but by external observers paid for their efforts.

Is innovation found in nature?

There are no credible software solution or methodology to help create an innovative culture. Innovation, says the author, is usually the outcome of planned effort and an 14


understanding about whether the organization has the right attitude, identified the causes that prevented employees from being innovative and finally whether it created political clout to destroy those obstacles. There is also a misconception that being innovative is being able to solve a problem. It seems rather as having a process to resolve every problem that comes along. Innovative companies generally use a 3-step discipline for “Generating”, “Accepting and Evaluating”, and “Implementing” ideas. Can we grow innovation in-house?

Creating innovation requires the confluence of technical, managerial and leadership skills playing together on the same team. While technical and managerial skills are available in plenty for hire, organizations have tried to force-fit leadership into the same bucket. This error stems from the fact that leadership is less about analytical skills than about the intangibles dealing with concepts, emotions, and feelings–a different paradigm for most. Often our own brilliant “management technician” backgrounds create part of the problem. As experts in engineering, information systems, finance and accounting, we have been pre-programmed to make decisions by relying on comfort zones of trusted associates and tangible evidences–things that often project one-dimensional views of

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the world we manage. The strength of a good leader is being able to absorb each of these one-dimensional views to re-create the multidimensional business reality where customers, employees and the rest of society exist. Much of our society and most of business life is built around airtight logic, numbers and explanations that “make sense”. However, a whole range of logic-defying emotions– rage, fear, insecurity, jealousy, and passion is acted out everyday in the office. It’s these powerful yet unacknowledged feelings that disrupt our organization. Smart leaders have figured a way to channel and manage these hidden currents and clear the path for innovative employees to move forward. Fred Smith reached that pinnacle when his employees at FedEx chose to place an extreme trust in their employer - that the extra mile they walk to please a customer will be noticed by their peers and superiors and suitably rewarded. High-IQ employees don’t add up to become a high-IQ company

It’s common knowledge today that the smartest people gravitate towards companies that offer them the best challenges, not necessarily the biggest pay-packet. There is no better place to observe this in real-time than the stretch of land between San Jose and San Francisco which we like to call Silicon Valley. Frequently the most innovative and successful companies run out of steam and lead-

ership inspiration, and turn into also-rans. And all too often, bright innovative minds that followed the inspiration of their leaders into the company now follow the pied-piper out towards the next new thing. Aggressive companies looking to survive without an inspired leader rush to implement innovation by rote, turning ideas of vision and leadership into topics for cocktail conversations and words to embellish annual reports, than to build long-lasting enterprises. The good news about innovative companies is that they always grow and thrive. But the bad news is that uninspired companies don’t simply die and fade away. They continue to linger on for years (consuming scarce financial resources best allocated to new innovative ideas and inspired leaders), until they are euthanized via liquidation, a bankruptcy proceeding or sell-off at bargain basement prices to salvage any remaining useful assets. Does anyone remember Polaroid and Xerox as industry-leaders? ow did FedEx sustain its long innings of leadership and innovation?

To start with, Fred Smith (he founded the FedEx business from concepts developed in his Yale project thesis) continues his commitment to sustain FedEx’s success and culture even after 25 years. It was after all his own idea that gave birth to a new industry. Yet he could have cashed out his billions at any time over the period. Having proven that his model for operational excellence works, Fred left dayto-day management to his team, and chose to focus on ensuring ways to make FedEx continue to lead its field. Strains of this attitude are reminiscent of founders of many successful mature organizations–Microsoft and Wal-Mart, and more recently–Dell and Infosys. “Moment of truth”… is being faceto-face with a satisfied customer.

All FedEx employee checks have a phrase printed on their backs– “a satisfied customer made this possible”. FedEx used this to focus its ship towards the high goal - 100% customer satisfaction after every interaction and transaction, and 100% service performance within the time commitment for the service selected by the customer. Some of this came from the realm of Six-Sigma practices where a 99% service level would have resulted in only about 95%

of customers receiving their packages on time. With three million packages flowing through the system every night, 99% would leave 30,000 unhappy customers everyday. Perhaps the best tribute to FedEx was paid in an inspired line from the movie The Runaway Bride–“wherever she’s going, she will be there by 10:30 AM tomorrow morning”–Julia Roberts hitched a getaway ride on a FedEx van. What “Return-on-Assets”?

The good news is that such skills can be taught. Tom Oliver, EVP at FedEx makes employees create step-by-step pictures of the customer-experience, then challenges them to deal with hypothetical “what-if” scenarios where missing pieces of the service components popup. IBM’s Lou Gerstner invited outside speakers to address peripheral topics outside IBM’s immediate leadership concerns, as a way to force senior executives “out-of-the-box”. The importance of an updated and expanded knowledge base is critical to generating creative ideas. The creative person wants to be a know-it-all. He wants to know about ancient history, nineteenth century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, flower arrangement, and hog futures. Because he never knows where these ideas may come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later, or six months down the road. But he has faith that it will happen.

Most new industries, tech included, are people intensive industries not capital intensive industries. If you lose your engineers, you lose your software writers, your chip designers, and key sales executives in a downturn, you are going to be in a world of hurt when things turn around, says Ed Zander, founder of VC firm SilverLake Partners and former President of Sun. Managing knowledge workers in a knowledge economy requires a knowledge The five dimensions of what motivates them and makes them suc- of an innovation culture cessful. In an entrepreneurial economy that Madan Birla’s thesis identifies five stages depends so much on them, knowledge workthat characterize organizations with an iners do not seem to care so much about jobs novation gene, and five leadership responsior careers anymore, as much as an outlet to bilities to build them as well. their creative instincts. Stage 1 – Engaged people. EmploySadly, most of our financial and acees want to be valued members of a winning counting practices for measuring business team on a mission to make things happen. performance still depend Leaders need to support “The good news about on measures created this by involving people for turn-of-the-century and helping them underinnovative companies is industries—smokestacks that they always grow and stand issues such as “what and wagons mattered is my business strategy?”; more than people. Plant thrive. But the bad news is “how do I relate this to my and equipment have given that uninspired companies area of work?”; “what’s in way to intellectual and don’t simply die and fade it for me?”; etc. customer capital as the Stage 2 – Growing away. They continue to most important asset a people. Solutions derived linger on for years… until from thought processes that business can own. “My biggest assets walk into they are euthanized…” the mind has used for years work every morning and are unlikely to help create leave for home every evening.” Keeping these solutions to new problems. New connections are new assets in shape to produce for the new required for out-of-the-box thinking by making millennium requires engaging their brains new conceptual connections. Sensitive leaders and their complete mental faculties to the bring in new skill-sets to a team charged with task of innovation. an objective that expands the knowledge base Most of the time in the business world and ability of the group as a whole. is spent analyzing numbers–productivity, Stage 3 – Secure people. Secure budgets, and sales quotas. As a result, the persons better handle rejection of their ideas at analytical left brain is well developed and work because they are not dependent on a cahigh-powered executives have mastered the reer as the only source of self-esteem. Developskill. But what is most often missing at that ment of loving relationships, spiritual life, and level is the strategic thinking or the right supportive social networks help in the process. brain thinking capabilities. Similar ideas have also been reiterated by gu-

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briefcase rus such as Stephen Covey earlier. Stage 4 – Collaborative people. A collaborative environment ensures that individual knowledge bases are pooled into a comprehensive organizational knowledge repository. Of course the biggest blocks to this effort are the egos and organizational reward systems that reinforce a silo-mentality in managers’ minds. See below for more about how companies are using new technologies to break these silos and enable collaboration. Stage 5 – Committed people. People involved in accepting and developing the idea will be naturally excited about implementing the change. Others kept outside the planning loop will be frightened and resistant on a personal level, undermining all change efforts. This reality has spawned a new industry in “change-management consulting”. here do we go from here?

Madan Birla delves into many practices to ensure employees are eager and challenged to be innovative. He was directly involved at FedEx in creating many new practices such as Rewards and culture. Having the right set of rewards and culture to support and nurture innovation. He provides several techniques to develop this. Write a corporate permission statement, not a mission statement. A set of principles-some articulated some tacitthat allows people to act on their own for the good of the company. It is vital that employees feel secure in expressing their ideas. Managers must in turn feel secure in accepting new and unfamiliar ideas, especially if the ideas expressed are different from theirs. Celebrate failed projects. Let employees know that you fully embrace the potential for failure as part of innovation. When failures occur, managers in innovative organizations applaud the initiative and focus on what was learnt, instead of casting blame. Enforce enterprise-wide collaborations. Given our history of evolution in the cubicle culture, tossing responsibility over the wall has been programmed in our DNA. Collaboration is therefore easier said than done. However, new practices and use of the newer emerging technologies bring this closer to reality. Where are the new enterprise technologies taking us?

Because the growth and productivity 16

of organizations are more dependent than ever on effectiveness of human performance, corporations choosing to ignore this do so at a cost to themselves. The new business measures to replace return-on-assets are Return-on-Ideas-and-Innovation; Returnon-Initiative; and Return-on-Interpersonal-Relationships. It’s possible to measure these today, and new emerging enterprise technologies are embedding this into their newest products. Here’s a sampling of a few: NetMeeting & Go-to Meeting. Leave the peanuts and unpalatable airline food to wide-eyed tourists. Tired business folks are meeting online, making decisions online, even dating online. Social Networks Analysis. Often the contact sport of choice for top executives and salespeople, it’s now the turn of product designers, simulation modelers, R&D whitecoats, network-hackers and the procurement and recruiting departments to enter the game. “I know something, or I know someone who knows something”. Companies track social networks (on Orkut and Ryze) developed by employees and how they bring these to bear on problem-solving teams and skunk-works. Value is placed on employees forming the highest quality professional networks, while easing out those spending time exchanging knitting-designs online. Virtual Design. Large product firms with distributed global design operations no longer have the luxury to fly in teams for weeks to connect design components of their concept cars and create the latest prototype. They see each other on a whiteboard window across 11 time zones, and walk around their concept product in a virtual-reality theater often reaching out deep into it to make adjustments, virtually. Epilogue

I recently asked Madan a few questions of my own to better understand his favorite company. Here is an extract. Fred Smith (the founder) still works at FedEx. What are your thoughts on the effectiveness of succession planning at FedEx? FedEx has a strong promotion- from-within policy. Most of the senior management (as I mentioned in the book) started their career sorting packages or entry level professionals. FedEx Corp is a holding company  managing four Operating Companies. There is a rich pool of talent and there are often management transfers between Operating Companies, e.g.,

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the Chief Operating Officer of FedEx Kinkos was a Senior Vice President in FedEx Express.  “How did the dot-com era influence FedEx’s view of the business environment? The dot com played a very positive and powerful role in expansion of business in FedEx. The Home Delivery Service was specifically put in place for Internet shipments. The FedEx Web site was expanded globally to make it easier to do business with FedEx. Of course, lots of internal processes were streamlined and automated using the web. Tell me about your best memories from your schooling in India and US, and how did it influence your life? The single most positive Indian schooling experience that helped me on Day 1 in the US and continues to help even today was the study habits/academic requirements. Preparing for the second year exams meant refreshing the first year material also; the final year exams meant reviewing all five years’ material. After that (grind,) going to graduate school in the US was a breeze, just like studying for midsemester exams. The other positive experience was the value of ‘shared experiences’ in building close relationships/friendships.    Madan Birla completed his Mech. Eng. at BITS Pilani. He went to the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Chicago for his MS in Industrial Eng. While working for RCA he continued graduate work in Business at Butler University. He moved to Memphis to join FedEx, and also added a MS degree in Counseling from the University of Memphis under his belt. He has received many awards including Membership in Alpha-Pi-Mu, Industrial Engineering Honor Society, Honorary Citizen, City of Indianapolis for community involvement and Five-Star Awards (the highest recognition for Leadership Excellence) at FedEx. Madan is a regular speaker in professional circles - Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), American Management Association and the Leadership Academy at IIT. He played a part in establishing the permanent Gandhi exhibit at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis via Indian Community. Madan lives with his wife Shashi in Collierville, TN. He is available to speak at executive forums and can be reached at Prasenjit Chaudhuri (MBA ’94 ) is a consulting partner with ZeroDelta.Org, a strategy consulting firm based in Chicago, London & Sydney. Look up his upcoming book on the evolution of Indian businesses -“Of Babus and BPOs”. Prasenjit can be reached at or “FedEx Delivers” is available online at Amazon. com (Hardcover: 215 pages; John Wiley & Sons; June 10, 2005)


insights B L A IS E



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To train or not to train ILLUSTRATION: JEM

HAMLET’S DILEMMA “TO BE OR NOT to be” haunts every employer when it comes to training employees. For small and medium enterprises (SME), this problem is compounded by the fact that employees usually leave after getting the necessary experience. Therefore, if you train employees they will leave at a much faster pace, than if they were not trained. Given this situation the best option seems to be “DO NOT TRAIN”. I would like to look at the pros and cons of this decision based on my experience, both as an employee as well as an employer in the small-scale sector. I joined a small company way back in 1986. I was their first and only MBA. We grew from a turnover of Rs 1.2 million/year with one factory to Rs 20 million/year with six factories in the next seven years (1USD =Rs 43). Since the day-to-day management of these companies was in the hands of managers, training was considered a normal requirement. All employees attend 18

courses suited to their jobs regularly. I was sent to the Asian Institute of Management to obtain an MBA degree. As far as attrition was considered there were two aspects. One, it was present but the scale did not suggest that because of training the rate of leaving the company was faster. Secondly, because of the interaction with other participants at training programs there was a constant flow of new ideas as well as increased networking opportunities. This in turn benefitted the company through cost efficient methods, new customers and above all employees with a broader view. Today, Quality, Delivery and Cost are at the heart of any buying decision. It is now imperative to have trained manpower that understands the implications of not respecting the customers’ need for the best quality, at the lowest cost and with the quickest delivery schedule. To ensure this, companies have to deliver consistently at all levels of an organization. This can only be done by welltrained employees. Training can be OJT (On the Job Training), or special courses. Special courses can be in-house or conducted at the location specified by the trainers. Big or small training is a must. For a small company, this means that they have to face the opening dilemma. If they train, the person will leave. Be that

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as it may, in order to satisfy a customer, an employee has to be trained for the present or the company will lose the customer. Hence it would be a bigger mistake to keep untrained people and lose customers, than to train employees who might leave but in this case, the customer will surely stay. It is a fact that to stay in business, the company must train its employees on a continuous basis. The aspect of them leaving for greener pastures is separate, and different measures must be taken to keep trained manpower. These measures would mainly be

“… it would be a bigger mistake to keep untrained people and lose customers, than to train employees who might leave but in this case, the customer will surely stay.” to motivate the employees to stay by providing opportunity for growth, new challenges and a satisfying work environment. Note I have not mentioned more pay. Personally, it is in the long-term interest of the company to let go of an employee whose only motivation is a fat raise every year. SO TRAIN YOU MUST TO SURVIVE! Blaise Costabir is a member of the Class of MBA 1992 and Managing Director at GMI Zarhak Moulders P Ltd, Goa–manufacturing customized rotomoulded material-handling solutions.

the sea


P R O F.




J R.

is my classroom

EVERY YEAR, I TAKE MY STUDENTS to scuba diving. They are enrolled in a course on Ecosystems and Human Society which I teach regularly at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM). Most of them have never been underwater; some do not know how to swim; those from Bhutan have never seen the sea before. Everyone is usually scared. After teaching them how to breathe underwater through a regulator and purge water out of their masks, I assure them that fear is only in the mind and I remind them that to be effective, a manager and leader has first to master one’s own self and tame one’s trepidations. Once underwater I slowly guide them to a safe place at 20 or 25 feet where we kneel and rest and I show them the depth gauge. Their eyes would invariably widen and some mouths would involuntarily open to “wow”, letting loose the reg resting in their mouths. Of course I have trained them for this eventuality uality and so like pros, they would retrieve their reg calmly or I would catch it and hand it back for those ose missing it. We would then glide around and observe the vibrant colors and the fascinating shapes of the corals, the giant clams and the various species of fish swimming nearby. If luck is with us, hundreds of jackfish would swirl around in a majestic display of symmetry

and unison. An occasional turtle would float by or a nudibranch on the seafloor would catch our attention. At debriefing time, I underscore the fact that what they thought was impossible an hour ago, was just an illusion and was made possible by a combination of determination, training and the use of proper equipment. I point out that to be an effective manager and leader, one must overcome one’s fears, doubts and master one’s self so that in spite of obstacles and constraints, things will work or fly. Moreover, business and development endeavors are fraught with risks and in managing these, leaders must stay cool under fire and not crack under the pressure. But beyond the leadership and managerial dimension, I want the students to realize that the scenes of infinitesimal beauty they had seen would be lost forever if terrestrial and atmospheric pollution continue to impact on the seas at its present rate. That the destruction of beauty is only the precursor to the destruction of this planet. I want my students to have a real experience of ecosystems beyond classroom lectures on

food webs and biogeochemical cycles for after all atoms and molecules are mere theoretical constructs; I want the students to form a spiritual and emotional bond with the environment that they may be deployed in the battle to protect the earth and humanity. A picture is worth more than a thousand words and an experience is worth more than a thousand pictures. It is my prayer that my students march out of the AIM assembly line with the confidence and the passion to save the Butandings, the turtles and the dolphins.

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insights Challenges in Launching Rural Enterprise Movement in North East India MRI N A L



North East—The Lush Green Centre of Great Bio-diversity The NE Region, the Sentinel of India in the north east corridor of the country with Myanmar, is the second largest bio-diversity zone in the world next to the Amazon Basin. This great land mass of seven North Eastern States is comprised of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura. This is a land of rugged grandeur, mighty gorges, turbulent rivers with deep evergreen forests, river valleys and beautiful plateaus inhabited by 30 million– with varied cultures, customs and languages. Situated along the great Himalayan ranges to the north, with Bhutan and China to the northeast, Myanmar to the east and Bangladesh to the south and west, the region enjoys variable climate. Snow capped mountains lie in the north and the serene river valleys of Kameng, Subansiri, Siang, Lohit and Tirup flows down south to the great plains of Brahmaputra Valley in Assam.

Global Bio-Prospecting Scenario This great land mass is the natural habitat of millions of species of plants and animals. This region is rich in natural resources, a priceless bio-corridor to the great envy of the Western countries. This concept for creating natural bio-corridors gained tremendous interest in Europe after World War II. But alas, the people of the region are indifferent to this asset primarily because of their ignorance. With the increasing demand for pharmaceutical raw materials, commercial establishments elsewhere are desperately looking for these forest-based items. Most of


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these raw materials are collected from natural sources. Such large-scale demands are leading to fast depletion of these natural resources, threatening the land with dire consequences to future posterity. This makes it imperative to go in for massive plantations to augment and preserve, lest the region may lose this abundant wealth in no time. In February 1998, the “International Conference on BioDiversity with Special Focus on Medicinal Plants for Survival” was hosted in Bangalore under the chairmanship of Dr. Peter Raven of the Missouri Botanic Gardens, USA. The conference attracted 400 delegates representing major stakeholders from 35 countries. Dr. Peter Raven, in opening the conference, drew attention to the importance of preserving cultural diversity as a key to the conservation of bio-diversity, and noted that medicinal plant use is as old as humanity. The Bangalore Conference was held 10 years after the Chiang Mai Conference on global movement for the conservation of bio-diversity and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants. The delegates came from community and indigenous groups, local, regional, national and international NGOs, industry, research institutes and universities, government agencies, donor agencies and inter-governmental organizations. The participants re-affirmed the spirit and action embodied in the Chiang Mai declaration of 1988 for the concern of bio-diversity preservation. Inaugurating the 72nd Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences and Symposium on bio-diversity at the North Eastern Hills University, Shillong, Meghalaya on October 25, 2002, the President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam stated that the North East region can achieve economic prosperity by utilizing its massive bio-diversity produce, which nature has given in plenty. The President called upon the country’s scientists to link new technologies to add value to the bio-diversity produce, and to make a niche in the over $60-billion global market of herbal produce. India’s share in this huge market is less than one billion, while China has crossed the $6 billion share.

Awareness for Organic Bio-Extract Products Plants have been the most important source of medicine since the beginning of human civilization. In ancient

times, people were solely dependent on medicinal plants for the prevention and cure of diseases. Today, despite the advancement of medical science with a wide range of synthetic drugs, a large section of the global population still relies on herbal medicines. Interestingly, it has been observed that in developing countries, a large section of the population has started renewing their trust on herbal medicines. This has been continuously encouraging the revival and advancement of traditional medicine in the world through the Ayurvedic and Siddha system, Tibetan system, Unani system, etc. Besides, the active ingredients of plant parts responsible for medicinal properties are being increasingly used in modern medicine as pharmaceutical research has been refocusing its thrust on a) Prevention of diseases rather than the cure; b) Minimization of side effects of drug administration; and c) Minimization of environmental hazards. Despite the wise sayings in the seminar halls by internationally-reputed speakers over the decades, the response from the government, as well as from people of the region, is simply indifference.

The Need Felt for Bio-conservation In 1988-89, while I was undergoing my MSJBS (Master of Science in Japanese Business Studies) program in the USA (Hawaii) and in Japan (Tokyo), I was struck by the deep commitment of the Japanese society for the conservation of old traditional values of nature, arts, cultures and customs. In the USA, I found the great urge of knowing Indian traditional botanical healing systems. These two experiences greatly influenced me to contribute something to the people of the North East and this set my focus on the bio-conservation of endangered medicinal plants of the region.

Struggle for Change of Mindset The first challenge I faced was to locate a big chunk of land measuring more than 300 acres with logistical support. After spending six long years searching, I was unsuccessful in getting even 1/10th of the targeted area in my state. I was totally frustrated but I was determined to find one somewhere else in the NE. In 2002, I came across a man who had been given 100 acres by his village council,

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insights and he was willing to set up a tea garden. I talked to him for hours on the need for projects like the conservation and propagation of rare medicinal plants, the extracts of which are in great demand for dreaded diseases like cancer, hepatitis, leukemia and AIDS. He was instantly motivated. Now I had to inspire the village elders as the concept had never been tried in their locality or in the NE itself. I realized the challenge in front of me. If I want my dream to take shape, I must motivate the whole village, the women, the youth, the elders as well as deal with the bureaucracy in the state government. This is their custom. Accordingly, I planned several technical awareness programs in different villages of the State, inviting the government officials as well, and explained the economic revolution this concept would bring to the upliftment of the rural economy of the State. First, I helped in incorporating a society, the Changki Organic Biotech Park Project in Changki Village, Mokokchung District, Nagaland. Then I lined up visits of executive members of the Society to see for themselves the modern biotechnological processes involved in mass plantation programs with green house management. I personally talked to the scientists of the agricultural universities, biotechnological institutions and laboratories down south to Karnataka State. This produced a miracle. All of them were convinced about the mission I was driving at. In 2003, the project with the first crops of Aloe vera barbabensis, Cassia angustifolia, Withania somnifera and Stevia rebaudiana had taken shape. I remember the day I first went to see the site with the chairman of the Society. There were no roads, no proper drinking water, no lights. We were in the middle of thick virgin jungles with no place to stay at night. We had to cook our food using cut bamboo and carry drinking water from the nearest springs with lots of mosquitoes around. Today, more than 300 village women are working in these fields.

Constraints in Locating Appropriate Technology My next challenge was to identify the right technology for processing the products. It was critical to locate a technology provider for bio-extracts in one shot. I initially thought that research laboratories in the country would readily help me in identifying the right process technology I was looking for. No way! I was in the midst of an ocean. It was something like putting millions of parts together made by diversified manufacturers in a space shuttle. I contacted overseas producers for the technology. A reply received from China stated that their machinery could support products from a minimum of 500 acres of plantation. It was additional knowledge for me. To reach this level of plantation, I will have to wait until 2007. Our area is only 100 acres. I finally located a consultant in India who helped me in assembling the process machineries for smaller capacities.

Rudimentary Attitudes in Financing The biggest hurdle I faced was in arranging financial support for the project. Applications submitted two years ago to different institutions yielded no results. People there were simply not interested in going through our applications as the subject was not known to them nor


were they interested in listening to us! It was extremely frustrating. I lost all hope. Development started when a new managing director joined a lead agro development corporation of the Government of India. Her attention was caught by our pending application for the last two years from the North East. She immediately called me from New Delhi and asked if I was available to present our project in Guwahati. She would personally come to hear our case. I replied positively. It was a great day, February 17, 2005, when we got the sanction for our project. Machineries were ordered. Plants and machines arrived and were now ready for commissioning. The whole village population was agog with hectic activities. The State Government was taking keen

“Assimilation of new agro technologies will shape the future horizon of the state.” interest in the project. In a recently held state level conference on organic farming attended by leading scientists of the country, I was called upon to give a presentation of the Chanki project as a model organic project on behalf of the Government of Nagaland. The scientists from leading institutions of India expressed their great surprise and wondered how I could have conceived an organic plantation with such success in the most backward place of the NE. I told myself: It was destined by the will of God. As the products started flowing, my next challenge was product marketing for which I have prepared even before starting the plantations. Any bio-extracts from India would require Organic Certification to enter the USA, Europe and Japan. Keeping the regulations in focus, the entire plantation program was planned with strict principles in every sphere of project activities from the stage of selection of plant seedlings, raising nurseries, commercial plantations, processing to packaging. We succeeded in getting first orders from Europe and Israel.

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Euphoria in People’s Enthusiasm The years of hard labor yielded the desired results. The Changki Bio-tech Park Project has become a reality, a model organic garden for the State of Nagaland. Village communities from various parts of the state are now coming here to have practical experience. The government is now encouraging villagers to go for massive organic plantations. Another unique sector I am also addressing is to motivate the villagers to go for contract farming with an assured buy-back of their products supported by local and international markets. The government has appreciated the concept, and more and more village communities are coming forward to make their land more productive by adding agro products. These positive attitudes will surely help us in meeting the target of bringing 500 acres under plantation by 2007 as advised by my friends from China. Other positive effects are that the village youth are finding new avenues of setting up rural enterprises. Assimilation of new agro technologies will shape the future horizon of the state. This unique venture has brought new momentum in the development of rural economy amongst the village communities. Finally, the Earth, on which man, animal and plants live, is crying for natural ‘bio-corridors’ due to the wanton destruction of ecological balances. For the future and the survival of future civilizations, preservation of natural bio-corridors is a dire necessity. The Changki project is an environment promotion project which envisions the conservation of ethno-botanic species, their cultivation and usage in a socially enabled manner that would bring new and dynamic social order on environment management and for a self-sustainable agro-ecosystem. The project concept, a maiden venture towards the preservation of the ecological balance of Mother Earth, is a benign attempt from Chanki village, a most backward part of the world. The happy news is that the momentum has attracted the core of the policy makers of some of the North East States. This has resulted in the launching of several dynamic projects, such as (1) the restoration of the ecological security of Pfutsero-Chetheba village communities in Nagaland by conservation, preservation, propagation and bio-prospecting of yew trees (Taxus baccata). This is a globally endangered specie that yields taxoid required for the treatment of cancer, with an astonishing price tag of $5 million per kg of Taxol; (2) Siang Valley Organic Bio-plantation to cater to high value medicinal plants at Oyan in the bank of river Siang, State of Arunachal Pradesh; and (3) a national project on organic farming for the production of bio-fertilizers in the State of Mizoram of the NE. At the root of this inspiration lies the basic training I received in the case rooms of AIM, reinforced by my “Walk About Exercise” of the MM Program at Laguna de Bay. This always reminds me of the blessings showered by the Archbishop of Manila on our Graduation Day in May 1985, calling upon the Almighty to enable each one of us to leave a footprint of our good works on Mother Earth. Mrinal Kumar Sarma, MM 1985, is the Chairman and CEO of Biosc Technology Management & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. He can be reached at






NewDesign THE 40TH PDM


P R O F.






with the assistance of Eloi Barbin & Liza Munsayac

completed the “South Asian block” of the class—one of them coming HIS YEAR, THE PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS, from the private business sector candidly admitted that he came AIM’s oldest and longest-running Development Executive to PDM to know more about NGOs since it was an NGO that was Program takes a bow as it celebrates its 20th year and welcomes responsible for the closure of his mining company. The other half to its fold PDM Class 40. of the class was made up of middle managers coming from a wide The Asian Institute of Management started offering the Program for Development Managers (PDM) course in 1985 after rigorous action- range of public sector organizations and NGOs in the Philippines such as the Armed Forces of the Philippines (Francisco Lorenzo, Jr. research on rural development, community organizing and mobilizaand Allan Tero), local government units of Zamboanga Sibugay tion. The Institute, through the Rural Development Management Pro(Jose Policarpio), Ifugao (Miriam Baguidudol), Sorsogon (Jose Marie gram (RDMP), developed new management methods, knowledge and Gonzales), religious congregations conceptual frameworks for development. (Sis. Gemma Dy and Sis. Ma Lourdes SanAn action research program on rural develtos, S.Sp.S.), implementing development opment management conducted by RDMP The new design is the outcome of programs among indigenous people and in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, Training Needs Assessment / Market rural communities. Microfinance and led the way for the creation of a four-week Study done in 2004. The new design course that is the PDM. puts a stronger emphasis on Strategy reproductive health organizations were likewise represented in the class, dramaThe composition of PDM Class 40 is Implementation towards ensuring tizing the importance being given to these typical of PDM classes—culturally-ditwo sectors in the light of recent social verse, sectorally-intersecting and gender- sustainability of development gains. and economic upheavals in the country friendly. At the closing ceremony, seven national colors waved proudly, including one that was there for the (Alan Orogo, Fides Ababon and Tricia Aura Balo). Even the academe first time—the national flag of Ethiopia, represented by three women has representatives sitting in the class—Silliman University (Robert Health Advocates (Meselech Mengistu Agedew, Dehne Mengiste Lewot Estoconing) and MSU Naawan (Visminda Cabacan) and AIM-GDLN and Tarikua Kebede Tekleyohannes) who were sent as scholars by the (Robbie Macalde). A media-based Foundation (Renee Bayangos), International Institute for Education, an international NGO based in Federation of Persons with Disability (Regina Cristina Sampaga), a private consulting firm (Jeanette Lucia Asencio), and a national San Francisco, California. The class had in their midst five Indonesian activists (Sarah Lery agency (Jocelyn Gonzaga) completed the roster of organizations who sent their managers to this program. Mboeik, Suhirman, Nurul Sutarti, Lilis Husna and Dini Mentari), all This is what PDM is all about—it equips those who are directly working to expand democratic space in their respective areas. in charge of improving the quality of life of millions of people in Asia The biggest overseas contingent came from the Royal Kingdom with the skills to make development happen. of Bhutan composed of five managers of Bhutan Telecommunication When AIM’s Center for Development Management (CDM) ofCompany (Tashi Chewang, Ugen Sonam, Phuntsho, Kencho Tshering, fered development programs in the late 1980’s, its main objective was Dorji Pema and Sonam Tashi) and two officers of the Forest Develto develop sectoral managers who can manage the interests of the opment Corporation (Dorji Wangmo and Januka Gurung). Three stakeholders in their respective sectors. However, as the development Indians (Priyadarshini Trivedi, Sajjad Majeedand Ravi Dhruvaraj Naik) and a Nepalese from World Wildlife Fund (Yeshi Lama Choden) community landscape changed, the roles of the development man-


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Strategy Formulation Focus: The Development Environment Landscape of Development: Concepts, Issues & Dilemmas The Development Scenario: Major Challenges & Lessons from the Past Environmental Analysis Policy Analysis Sectoral / Industry Analysis External / Internal Analysis

The third module is Program agers were also altered. Thus, and Project Development CDM reviewed and revised and Management that its course frameworks and run for two weeks. program objectives. After the conFrom developing secStrategy Implementation Strategy Implementation duct of an impact toral managers, the evaluation of CDM Center now aims to Focus: Engaging Development Actors / Focus: Managing Organizations / in 1997, and the develop managers Stakeholders / Defining the Roles of Systems / Structures THE NEW Development Managers generation of Managing and Sustaining Change who can balance Converting Strategies to Programs in Organizations PDM DESIGN CDM’s competitor and bridge the Stakeholder Analysis Leadership and Organizational database in 1998 interest of different Community Mobilization Development and 2000, sevstakeholders—the Networking / Alliance-Building Social Marketing eral changes were state, the private secNegotiation and Conflict Management Financial Management introduced to the tor and civil society. degree and non-degree Particularly, PDM’s Ensuring Sustainability programs of the Center. objective is to prepare genSkills development in systems eralist managers for greater Monitoring and Evaluation: Measuring Impact of thinking and opportunity-seekmanagerial responsibilities. It Development Initiatives ing were introduced. Thematic areas in aims to broaden and sharpen the developInstitution Building development management such as govment manager’s understanding and apernance, sustainable human development, plication of development management skills and environmental management were also such as strategy formulation, management of included in CDM programs. change, program design and implementation. In response to feedback given by PDM It is PDM objectives to broaden participants’ appreparticipants and evaluation made by the faculty, changes ciation of the environmental, social, and economic aspects were introduced in the choice of teaching materials. Though the case of development at the operating and policy-making levels; to expand method remained the main method, mentoring, folio work and field their managerial competence through the use of analytical tools and visits to development organizations were likewise introduced. Traintechniques and systematic processing of information; to provide a ing needs assessment/market study was conducted, the outcome of forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences among development which is a new design approved by the Faculty in February 2005. Forepractitioners and to enrich participants’ understanding of the differmost of these donors is the Ford Foundation which has consistently ent approaches, systems, and values driving development. The PDM is intended for key players in the development sector. It Int’l NGO - 7% was designed for middle to top-level development managers who wish Others - 2% Private - 7% to broaden and sharpen their understanding and application of genSouth Asia eral development management skills. - 21% The first few batches of the PDM were composed of farmers, Government Local NGO fisher folks, labor groups, national planners, ministers, legislators, - 54% Southeast Asia - 77% - 38% non-government organization leaders, and activists. The classes were mostly composed of development practitioners from the NGOs and civil society. PDM Participants by Region PDM Participants by Sector As the development scenario in Asia changed, there was also a In the future, the program hopes PDM Classes are culturallymarked change in the class composition, not only of PDM but of the to attract more participants diverse, sectorally-convergent, other CDM courses as well. Towards the mid ’90s, more students came from the private and gender-friendly mix of particifrom countries which were experiencing transition in their economies corporate sector, particularly pants: “truly a microcosm of the organizations with CSR thrusts. development community”. and governance systems such as China and Vietnam. There was also an increase in the participation of officers from the public sector. shown support for the Program, not only by sending participants but The Program retained its basic design through the years, consisting of three modules spread over four weeks with each module having providing regular feedback to the Program. Ford Foundation has sponsored a total of 125 PDM participants from Vietnam, India, and particular learning focus and objectives. In the old design, the first module is Strategy Formulation, followed by Strategy Implementation. the Philippines. A I M A LU MN I L E A D E R SH I P MAGA Z I N E Ja n u a ry to Marc h 20 0 6







The Ford Foundation is a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide. The Foundation goals are to: Strengthen democratic values Reduce poverty and injustice Promote international cooperation and Advance human achievement Created with gifts and bequests by Henry and Edsel Ford, the Foundation is an independent organization, with its own board, and is entirely separate from the Ford Motor Company. A fundamental challenge facing every society is to create political, economic and social systems that promote peace, human welfare and the sustainability of the environment on which life depends. We believe that the best way to meet this challenge is to encourage initiatives by those living and working closest to where problems are located; to promote collaboration among the nonprofit, government and business sectors; and to ensure participation by men and women from diverse communities and at all levels of society. In our experience, such activities help build common understanding, enhance excellence, enable people to improve their lives and reinforce their commitment to society. The Ford Foundation is one source of support for these PDM Class 40 in their national attire pose for the traditional class picture in the Zen Garden. activities. Ford Foundation works mainly by making grants or With them are Assoc. Dean Edel Guiza, Program Director Prof. Sol Hernando, loans that build knowledge and strengthen organizations and Prof. Vic Limlingan, Prof. Noel Leyco, Prof. JJ Roces and Program Assistant Liza Munsayac networks. Financial resources are modest in comparison with societal needs; they focus on a limited number of problem areas and program strategies within broad goals. A new partner is the IIE which has sent 15 participants to the program coming from Founded in 1936, the foundation operated as a local phiEthiopia, India and the Philippines. lanthropy in the state of Michigan until 1950, when it expanded to In 2004, the initiative for redesign of the 20-year-old PDM was launched. PDM Class become a national and international foundation. Since its incep40 marks the start of a new learning cycle. As the program approached its 20th year, the tion it has been an independent, non-profit, non-governmental Program faculty saw it fit to check its assumptions, read the signs of the times, look into organization. It has provided more than $12 billion for grants, projects and loans. These funds derive from an investment portthe changing roles of the development managers and re-design the program accordingly. folio that began with gifts and bequests of Ford Motor Company The new product is a tighter, more focused, implementation—steeped and sustainabilstock by Henry and Edsel Ford. The foundation no longer owns ity—driven learning experience for the next generation of PDM graduates. Ford Motor Company stock, and its diversified portfolio is manA sense of the extent to which the new design has generated the desired learning aged to provide a perpetual source of support for the foundacan be gleaned from excerpts of the feedback from PDM Class 40: tion’s programs and operations. “The course has expanded my knowledge and understanding of the The trustees of the foundation set policy and complex world of development and provided me with the approaches to delegate authority to the president and senior staff for Donor agencies the foundation’s grant-making and operations. Program go about enhancing my own capacity to be a more effective manager. who have sponsored officers in the United States, Africa, the Middle East, I think this course will also be very useful for other managers in my PDM participants: Asia, Latin America and Russia explore opportunities to organization many of whom come from science backgrounds and pursue the foundation’s goals, formulate strategies and Canadian International hence, are less attuned to the development field. The quality of teaching recommend proposals for funding. Development Agency (CIDA) was excellent. In addition, the diversity of professional backgrounds and Source: Asia Foundation experiences provided an enriching learning experience and made the Ford Foundation classroom a microcosm of the larger development world outside. PM Andreas The Institute of International Education (IIE) It was an excellent learning experience.” United Nations Developis a world leader in the international exchange of people ment Programme (UNDP) “Through the PDM, I realized that there are multiple issues in and ideas. An independent, nonprofit organization DANIDA development, some are more urgent that the others. The development founded in 1919, IIE has 19 offices worldwide, over 850 colInstitute of International manager must compete with these multiple issues and their causes and lege and university IIE Network members, and more than Education (IIE) be able to push his / her agenda forward. This is best done when the 5,000 volunteers. Royal Government overall external environments (social, political, economic, and ecoIIE designs and implements programs of study of Bhutan and training for students, educators, young profeslogical) are well-analyzed and programs are designed based on United States Agency sionals and trainees from all sectors with funding from for International a situational analysis, the organization’s own strengths and weakgovernment agencies, foundations, and corporations. Development (USAID) nesses, vision, mission and goal. I also learned that one challenge in These programs include the Fulbright and Humphrey development is to stick to one’s overall mission but be able to change Fellowships, administered for the U.S. Department of strategies based on the opportunities and threats, and changes in the environment such State, and the People, Energy, and Development program adminas policy change and market forces. istered for USAID. IIE also conducts policy research, and provides advising and counseling on international education and oppor“Another major challenge is sustainability of a project after it terminates. Most projects tunities abroad. Source: were not sustainable usually due to poor planning and lack of ownership by stakeholders.” 26

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cover story



























LAST SEPTEMBER 3, 2005, 59 EMINENT AIM ALUMNI FROM DIFFERENT industries set aside time from a leisurely Saturday morning and braved the wet skies to demonstrate the exceptional quality that distinguishes the product of the AIM experience from the rest. The JV Del Rosario function rooms at the ACCM was host to a second gathering of some of the most outstanding AIM Alumni, as a continuing process of necessary significant transformations in the way AIM is run. As part of the process of getting the alumni to become the major stakeholders of AIM, it was advocated for the alumni to be heavily represented in the management and governance of the school. There are now three members of the alumni who are on the Board of Trustees: Napoleon Nazareno, MBA 1973, Francis Estrada, MBA 1973, and Tony Tan Caktiong, TMP 1983. The Board is seeking a fourth and fifth member of the BOT from the alumni.  With these three new but familiar faces in its Board of Trustees, AIM infuses fresh blood in the management of its affairs while at the same time giving its distinguished alumni a golden opportunity to have a major stake in the shaping of its future. And with tried and tested managers like Jollibee’s Caktiong, Smart Communication’s Nazareno and Odyssey Capital Ventures’ Estrada, the future of AIM is becoming more exciting and robust. A Fresh Start

For 38 years, AIM was the only game in town and since then, business schools have doubled in numbers. This, combined with other factors of the swiftly changing times, competition has become extremely stiff. As a response to this, a SWOT analysis was previously done with input from the faculty, the board, and participants from the first Alumni Leaders Summit held last July 2, 2005. The results were presented in the form of a strategic plan called, AIM 2011—Regaining Leadership in a more Competitive Environment. This strategic plan was presented to the alumni for their further inputs and fine-tuning. As the title of the plan suggests, the proposed Vision incorporates a number of things: it addressed the fact that AIM’s main business is to develop graduates who will be top managers; the Institution itself should have the capability, aura and skill to develop the graduate; and the strategy also addressed a focus on Asia. These three themes infuse themselves within the rest of the strategic plan.   The successful interpretation and implementation of that vision requires the development of “the AIM experience,” something that Caktiong, Nazareno and Estrada are very much familiar with. Since graduating from AIM, the three gentlemen have distinguished themselves with their astute leadership and even as their respective management philosophies vary from one another, they all resulted in the same success stories that only differ in the lead characters involved in them. Inspired Leadership

Under Tony Tan Caktiong’s stewardship, Jollibee has risen from a small fast food restaurant that specializes in hamburgers to the largest fast food chain in the country today that offers a wide array of food items and operates more than 900 stores nationwide and about 29 more overseas. While he only became involved in the telecommunications industry in 1998 as President and CEO of mobile operator Piltel, Polly Nazareno has since proven that he has what it takes to be a force to reckon with in this field. Today and in addition to still holding the same position at Piltel, Nazareno is also the President and CEO of PLDT, the country’s largest telecommunications carrier and Smart Communications, the largest mobile operator.

LOREN ZO A I M A LU MN I L E A D E R SH I P MAGA Z I N E Ja n u a ry to Marc h 20 0 6


A no-nonsense executive to reckon with, Francis Estrada is also the Chairman of Equity Asia Managers in addition to being the President and CEO of Odyssey Capital Ventures, which he also co-founded. This AIM and Harvard-educated manager understands that while he is honored to be part of the present Board of Trustees, he knows that he and the rest of the board have their work cut out for them. The Challenges Ahead

In his recap of the last summit, AIM President, Roberto F. De Ocampo agrees with the AIM graduates that there is a need to challenge long-held paradigms and shift from a faculty-run method to a multi-stake holder institution. It was realized that the environment within which AIM finds itself now is quite different from what it was when it first started. Certainly the management practices within AIM needed some adjustment in order to be able to respond to this new environment. The new board members share these concerns. “AIM is at a critical juncture where strategic decisions made from hereon will bear greatly on the destiny of the Institute,” Estrada points out. “The bigger concern is of course, what is its future? Once upon a time, we were the only game in town but what is its relevant role now in Asia? This is something that we must address immediately.” Caktiong agrees. “The difference between now and before was that then we didn’t have much competition. Now we have a lot of big names as far as business schools are concerned. It’s going to be a challenge.” But while all three gentlemen are pretty much on the same page on the problems that the institution faces and how they expect to tackle them, their varying management styles also gives us an idea of how they intend to act on them. Like Caktiong, Nazareno is a consensus-builder who has had great success with consulting the people he works with when it comes to important issues and decisions. “It is not because I cannot decide or make a move myself,” he says.

Humility is Polly Nazareno’s watchword for success BY



NAPOLEON “POLLY” NAZARENO IS NOT QUITE YOUR TYPICAL PRESIDENT AND CEO. He is soft-spoken and humble — twin qualities not usually associated with leaders of big companies such as the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company and Smart Communications—undisputed leaders in the telecom industry. Incidentally, these are not attributes purveyed by noted business author Brent Filson, who insists on “blowing one’s leadership horn” within and outside the company. Nazareno shakes his head. “First of all, leadership has to be founded on humility. With humility, you get a better perspective of things, and you keep yourself grounded,” he begins. “Humility gives you the right perspective of things. You have a better chance to see people and things as they really are. “You realize that nothing that you say can ever happen without everybody making their inputs first in what you’re saying and doing, and making it happen for you because they believe in that vision.” A leader may shape the vision, but people have to share ownership of that vision. There has to be participation, Polly says. “As a leader, you have to be flexible and, at the same time, be able to communicate effectively with everyone at all levels. They have to be able identify with you, and see you take the lead in your vision, but not impose anything,” he continues. Humility, on the other hand, affords people the chance to recognize the infinite opportunities that still lie ahead, success notwithstanding. “We do publicize our awards and recognition, but I believe that (blowing one’s horn) is not useful unless it reinforces the organization’s energy to achieve more,” Nazareno underscores. Besides, he continues, “We have to be careful because all number ones have nowhere to go but down. Humility is the key. Humility, in a sense, puts your two feet on the ground.” After all, everyone else has number one in their cross hairs. Everyone, maintains the telecom executive, “is looking to dislodge you.” And inflated egos are naturally followed by the human tendency for complacency and, worse, arrogance. “That’s what we are trying to avoid,” explains Nazareno. “As they say, number twos

cover story “At AIM, I discovered that pressure could foster creativity and stretch one’s capacity for work. For me, execution becomes more seamless if you have had your consultation. That is crucial because in any decision, execution is the thing that matters the most.” Estrada on the other hand, is more of a take-charge guy who believes in taking the bull by the horns. “The specific plans for the institution are not for me to say. That is the concern of the president. As Board of Trustees, we are more concerned with policies and strategies. I feel that we must confront our problems and not prevaricate. There is nothing more dangerous than a challenging issue than not wanting to confront the issue. I am not afraid of ‘walking the talk even when it is unpopular and difficult but only if it is necessary.”

“...EXECUTION BECOMES MORE SEAMLESS IF So how does the current Board of Trustees intend to YOU HAVE HAD YOUR CONSULTATION. THAT IS make AIM great again? Caktiong believes that “everyone CRUCIAL BECAUSE IN ANY DECISION, EXECUTION should keep an open mind,” “Hardware is easy,” he IS THE THING THAT MATTERS THE MOST.” expounds. “Having any tie-up with foreign schools will help. It is important for AIM, however, to stay independent. I personally want it to be in the same league as the big names in Asia that now includes Harvard and Northwestern.” “We have two options,” volunteers Estrada. “To lament the passing of the Institute’s ‘old glories’ or to buckle down, identify contemporary management education imperatives and position AIM competitively to meet those. I think the choice is obvious.” By obvious choice, Estrada is likely referring to the strategic plan presented during the Alumni Leaders Summit where emphasis is indeed being placed on “the AIM experience.” This means that students who choose to come to AIM will go through an experience that is definitely AIM, characterized by certain values and methods of instruction that form a unique experience for that particular

The AIM Experience

try harder. We prefer to be in that position, if only attitudinally.” He narrates the case of Dell head Michael Dell, who always impresses on his people that the company is an underdog, despite being number one in PCs. But because the company had expanded its interests beyond the PC market (where it isn’t number one), Michael Dell wants them to keep fighting and striving. What Polly Nazareno wants to sustain in his people is the desire to stay number one. “What I always tell our people in the organization is that to maintain leadership, we should think that we are still number two. We will maintain the hunger, and continue with the relentless innovation that put us there in the first place.” And indeed, PLDT and Smart continue to be renowned for coming up with responsive products and services for an ever-expanding client base. “Various innovations that we have done have proven successful in the marketplace. These have provided the necessary push in growth,” relates Nazareno. International award-winning products such as the Smart Money mobile commerce platform and the micro-prepaid loads of Smart Load have enabled penetrating a wider market. “We were able to make the service of mobile communication a lot more affordable,” says Polly. Following Smart’s pioneering efforts, the market broke wide open. No longer was the cellular phone an exclusive toy of the rich. And it moved the Philippines into the center of the mobile communications boom. If “soft-spoken” and “humble” are seemingly alien but real concepts when talking about the PLDT and Smart president and CEO, “nimble” and “agile” may also seem ill-fitting values to attach to the two companies. And yet they are true. Big companies though they are, PLDT and Smart are not lumbering giants but dynamic models of success. Better yet, a culture of innovation has been cultivated throughout the companies. “Not too many people know this,” narrates Polly. “The innovative culture in Smart is so widespread. The network side, the IT side, marketing, credit and collection…this culture of innovation is what propels the organization to achieve more, and motivate a lot of people to find fulfillment in what they’re doing.” Management further promotes a human and dynamic set up with its flat organization. Nazareno says: “Smart is a unique organization. First of all, it has only five levels. Secondly, there are no job titles in our organization. As the president, I’m the only one with a title—and only because it’s required by law. We don’t have executive vice presidents and vice presidents. We only have heads. It’s a very flat and flexible. With that kind

of setup we are able to create a lot of ad hoc teams that morph by themselves, see a project from inception to implementation, and then disband to join another team.” This type of system keeps skills sharp, while giving employees a sense of fulfillment because they get to appreciate a big part of what the organization is doing. “We may make mistakes, but these energize the organization and keep the adrenaline flowing,” says Polly. Nazareno is also keen on the lessons of history…and culture. He cites the case of Samsung, where the leadership created an atmosphere of perpetual crisis. “Indeed, when you’re in business, you’re always in crisis because of competition,” he says. Nazareno narrates that on the anniversary of Samsung years ago when it first launched its mobile phones, the company gave away units in a raffle for its employees. The next day, management was inundated with complaints about defects. The Samsung president supposedly assembled the employees and, in front of them, destroyed 15 million dollars worth of phones and fax machines, saying: “Let this day be the mark of a change of culture in our company…this is not acceptable, so I’m going to destroy all of these. From now on, Samsung will be known to produce quality products!” “Now,” narrates Nazareno, “Samsung is number one. It energized the company. The Korean sense of pride is very strong, and so the president adopted his leadership style to the cultural setting.” As for Filipinos? “Filipinos are wont to underrate themselves. It’s okay for our competitors to think that way about us.” And indeed, being humble and keeping a low profile are distinctly Pinoy traits—such as, according to Nazareno, our non-confrontational nature. “The unique success of SMS in the Philippines ties in with this,” he shares. And so Polly goes about his low-key management style, keeping his people involved, passionate, innovative, and ever looking out for PLDT’s and Smart’s industry strength. After all, they know what it takes to be on top of the industry. And what does it take to stay on top of an organization? “You stay on top by shaping the vision of your organization. Leaders set directions and lead the way. You do that by keeping in touch with the real situation inside and outside the organization. Leaders must be able to feel the pulse of the times and see where things are headed,” Nazareno reveals. “It should not depend on a person, but be institutionally based. I won’t be there forever.”

“Leaders must be able to feel the pulse of the times and see where things are headed.”

A I M A LU MN I L E A D E R SH I P MAGA Z I N E Ja n u a ry to Marc h 20 0 6


student. This will be highlighted by rigor in thinking and action together with an integrative and generalist manager viewpoint.   The emphasis in rigor in thinking is not for the purpose of creating theoreticians but to make sure that they can combine the ability to both understand and implement state-of-the-art business tools and know how these are to be utilized in an increasingly global management context.  The relevance to the “real world” will be highlighted via an emphasis on practitioner-oriented “I THINK ANY ALUMNUS WITH GREAT AFFECTION FOR, AND teaching tools and methodologies. In sum, the uniqueness of the GOOD MEMORIES OF THE INSTITUTE WOULD BE PRIVILEGED AIM experience hinges on its TO CONTRIBUTE TO ITS ‘RE-ENGINEERING’, ESPECIALLY IF IT ability to approximate a real-world management decision-making BUILDS UPON THE LEGACY OF THE PAST.” experience in the classroom.   AIM intends to have emphasis in a maximized exposure to Asian business and development trends and processes. During the AIM accreditation review by AACSB and Equis, both organizations noted that AIM was the only business school in the region that had a strong business and development focus combined in one institution. The idea is to arm public sector technocrats with the same tools that the private sector is armed with but to be able to utilize those in a public sector setting. As has always been the case, the present strategic plan to be implemented will make sure that the AIM graduate will deliver results. Whether he or she came through the business side, or development side, or the entrepreneurial side, one would immediately know that this person has an AIM identity not just because they’re mouthing the latest esoteric equations or theories, or dazzling people with his ability to mentally compute whatever it is. The AIM graduate is a person

In Leadership, Dreams are the Stuff That Great Results are Made of BY



HE IS PROBABLY USED TO HELPING PEOPLE FULFILL THEIR DREAMS — FROM A SIXyear-old child yearning for his ChickenJoy to a hardworking crewmember aspiring for a promotion in one of his fast food chains. But in his heart, this reluctant leader has bigger dreams to conquer. “There is so much more that we can do,” Tony Tan Caktiong, President and Chief Executive of Jollibee Foods Corporation, says. Armed with an inherent passion to lead people to success and a big bag of motivation, this multi-awarded businessman is out to revolutionize Filipino entrepreneurship and let the world know how goodness of the heart begets fulfillment. He said an important element of accomplishment is good leadership, as proven by 27 years of persistence and dedication in carving a solid niche in the local food industry. “Leadership in me is inherent. It’s not conscious or deliberate,” he said. The Leader Running a business not only requires money and skills, but more importantly, dealing with a group of competent, responsible and hardworking people who carry out the daily tasks. The role of the company’s captain, Mr. Tan Caktiong said, is to keep the crew intact and inspired to work for the best. “Whatever you want to do, you rely on people. When you run a business, you are dependent on people. How you motivate your people and how you become a strong team, this needs good leadership. You have to rely on good leadership to get your dreams,” he said. Like most successful entrepreneurs, he got his first taste of toil in the family business when children in the family were required to help around in a Chinese “In Leadership” continued on page 34

cover story who is ready to run with the ball in a high managerial setting and equipped with superior technical excellence and wide range adaptability—ready to take on the challenges of a globalized world right from the get-go. A New Hope

As to the relevance of their being AIM products now being given a chance to be a part of its illustrious history, Nazareno recalls the time when he was still a student of the Institute. “There was no evidence of leadership in me when I was at AIM,” he recalls. “For me, leadership is a gift but in the end, you have to be at the right place at the right time to get the gift of leadership. You then turn that gift into a mission and once it becomes one, then you become a person with a purpose, then you have leadership.” “As a group of people, the Board of Trustees are here to see if we can contribute our own experiences,” Caktiong says. “What is good for the business and what is good for the students? I see some similarities between AIM and Jollibee especially in the sense that both are in competition with the big leagues.” “I think any alumnus with great affection for, and good memories of the Institute would be privileged to contribute to its ‘reengineering’, especially if it builds upon the legacy of the past. I would consider it a monumental failure if AIM produced a large number of highly successful and wealthy graduates who made no difference to the society that has given them so much. The end game has to be, is to have made the world a bit better by our having lived,” says Estrada. The good turnout and sincere support of the alumni during the past two leadership summits prove that AIM indeed produces the best well rounded business individuals in the Asian region. The active involvement of outstanding graduates and battle-tested managers like Tony Tan Caktiong, Polly Nazareno and Francis Estrada pretty much assures that AIM is in good hands. With a little more tweak and only few adjustments here and there, the Asian Institute of Management will once again be the premier institution of choice for education in management in the whole of Asia.

Francis Estrada on the Seven Deadly Sins of Leadership BY



HIS EDUCATION AT THE ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND SUBSEQUENT STINT AT HARVARD Business School firmly put Francis Estrada on the fast track to being a seasoned mechanic and astute student of corporate systems and culture. A later professional career spanning more than 30 years over a number of countries sustained and further enriched his acumen on inner corporate workings. The Philippine government stands to benefit from the man’s wellspring of knowledge as he presently functions as president and chief executive officer of Odyssey Capital Ventures, Inc. (which he also founded), a special purpose vehicle established under the RP’s SPV Law to facilitate the resolution of the country’s banking system problem regarding nonperforming assets. Francis Estrada offers valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t in an organization. For instance, the most pervasive and pressing leadership mistake in the Philippines, he avers, is the propensity to “tolerate a culture of mediocrity” while displaying a “lack of passion to sustain outstanding performance.” Sound familiar? Good ol’-fashioned mentalities “pwede na” (shortcut mentality) and “ningas kugon” (behavior or action not meant to last) come to mind. With this as backdrop, Estrada lists seven deadly sins of leadership. 1. Not “walking the talk” Indeed, hypocrites never prosper — or are taken seriously. No one is ever respected for saying, as the Metallica song goes, “Do as I say, not as I do.” 2. Taking yourself too seriously “All of us have egos,” says Francis. “Very often, we have acquired beliefs and doctrines over the years that we become attached to. One of the biggest challenges is “Francis Estrada” continued on page 34 A I M A LU MN I L E A DE R S H I P MAGA Z I N E J anuar y to Marc h 20 0 6


cover story “In Leadership” continued from page 32

and let them feel a sense of achievement. You also have to give them challenges,” he said.

restaurant operated by his father in Davao. He would clean tables and serve water to get some experience. Putting up a business was not in his list of priorities, though. In college, this food chain mogul was fascinated with science and technology and was fond of reading about discoveries in various fields. “My interest was focused on new things and I usually look at popular science magazines,” he said. Asked whether his father’s interest in running a restaurant influenced his future plans, Mr. Tan Caktiong quickly answered, “That’s right. We didn’t know anything at that time but he trained us to do some work in the restaurant. ” Getting serious with the food business sank in when he and his long-time girlfriend, decided to get married in 1975, right after college. “We needed a certain form of income to support ourselves,” he said. From managing a franchise of the Magnolia Ice Cream House in 1975 to putting up a phenomenal food chain that redefined the Filipino’s taste and food preference in 1978, Mr. Tan Caktiong said he practiced a unique style of leadership among his staff. The couple worked with a small group of people at that time, but the task required a certain form of guidance and management. He said he and his wife used their “own method” in motivating people. “My style is more an open type of leadership, not autocratic. I get opinions from everybody. I listen. I don’t force people,” he said. Back in high school, Mr. Tan Caktiong said he was always an accidental leader among his barkada but he believed leadership in him was something inherent and used based on natural instincts. During his first few days at the ice cream parlor, he said he was fond of asking people around, particularly friends who were also running their own shops, on how to effectively operate a business and lead people. “I always get ideas from friends. I learned that people appreciate even just a small gesture of kindness from their boss. After asking around, we try to see how we can duplicate or replicate it in our own way,” he said. People who work for the company, from the high-ups to the crewmembers, should be respected, he added. “I try to make sure that they are listened to. You should share your dreams with them

Big Dreams

“Francis Estrada” continued from page 33

Estrada’s seven-point list is a study in simplicity and, more importantly, humanity. It recognizes the role of interpersonal relationships in organizations that need to be organic. Too often, individual feelings and opinions are subsumed by autocratic leadership in big companies—hence the usual painful image of the zombie-like employee. But why have we come to this? Why have numerous companies adopted this system of domination? He’s no sociologist, insists Francis, but says people can probably trace the flaw to the days of feudal Philippines where the prevailing societal structure did not reward genius or accomplishment. What was important was one’s place in society. It was not a time of meritocracy. Amazingly, the same obstinacy drives many workplaces today, where the character of the president not just permeates but, in way, possesses the organization like a malevolent spirit. But is that the way to go, really? “You can do that,” says Estrada. “That has been the traditional method for many, many years. However, that distinguishes the outstanding organization from a mediocre one. The outstanding organization regenerates itself. It is a learning organization. If you’re just dependent on one person doing everything, well…it doesn’t take rocket science.” Is this bleak picture of corporate slavery and patronage also reflected in the government status quo? “Absolutely!” he agrees. Then what must we do to be saved from a hopeless, desolate future for corporate culture…where the individual loses identity and voice? Francis Estrada underscores that the change has to be from within the leader. “The ultimate unit of management is the individual,” he says. “Make sure there’s meaning in all of this; there has to be buy-in—without losing sight of the forest and one’s ultimate objective.”

While the company maintains a strong foothold in the Philippines, it’s always been a dream for Mr. Tan Caktiong to take his successful food business to other destinations. He said Jollibee is dreaming of making it big in China, India, and Indonesia, for starters. “It’s very important to dream big so you don’t put a ceiling on yourself. But you have to be realistic as well,” he said. The key to success, he said, lies on the challenge to look for competent people and how to motivate them to be at their best. This cannot be accomplished without trust and confidence between and among the people who work for the company, he said. Every vision, every dream, should be taken one step at a time, he stressed. “There’s still the United States and Europe. But right now, we’re concentrating on reaching out to more people in Asia.” For young people who are thinking of venturing into their own business, Mr. Tan Caktiong’s advice is simply to dream big. He started out as a young, optimistic entrepreneur, who braved the odds to conquer his dreams, he said, saying nothing is impossible if a person sets his eyes and heart on his goals. A prospective businessman also needs commitment and passion for the work to be done. “And make sure that you really enjoy it. Because if you force it, nothing will happen,” he said. Citing a favorite anecdote, he said starting a business is likened to someone who’s playing basketball out in the sun for two hours. “If you enjoyed it, you won’t complain about the heat and the sweat. ” Time flies fast when you are happy with what you are doing, he reminds young people. “You also have to plan for it. Then halfway through, from time to time, you should check on your status, on how you are doing, like a checkpoint. You should try and see if you’re still on the path,” he said. Drafting a roadmap will also help a person set a certain vision and find means to achieve that vision. “There may be changes along the way, but the vision should stay.” For the years to come, this dreamer turned leader sees himself as someone who will continue to fulfill people’s dreams as well as his, using only his inherent skills, inspiring people and moving worlds.

“It’s very important to dream big so you don’t put a ceiling on yourself. But you have to be realistic as well.”

to look at the circumstances uniquely and without bias. Understanding that you can be mistaken — that your precepts and doctrines may not apply. You must not take yourself as the be-all and end-all of everything.” Truly, accept your fallibility and embrace humanity. 3. Ceasing to listen to the “troops” Again, a real leader never assumes to have the monopoly of the truth, and the exclusive ownership of what works. 4. Assuming all people respond to the same motivation in the same way Maintains Francis: “There are different kinds of people—extroverts, introverts, people who respond to the call of nationalism, people who respond to self-interest…the leaders have to be in tune with his team that is made of individuals. He has to understand that they have to work together, but each operates under different assumptions.” 5. Not articulating the “vision thing” effectively 6. Not sharing ownership of the vision “You cannot simply say that here is where we’re going and treat people as if they were automatons. They must understand why it is important. It has to mean something to them, and not just the leader,” Estrada says. 7. Leading without compassion “You’re dealing not with robots but human beings. Human beings will perform when they are genuinely committed to a mission and an objective. If they are simply told ‘here is where we are going’ without them understanding the whys and the wherefores, because they are human beings, the impact of that will not be as strong as a knowledgeable and committed army.”

“Human beings will perform when they are genuinely committed to a mission and an objective.”


A I M A LU M NI LEA D ERS HIP M AGAZIN E J an u ary to March 2006


showcase T H E






At the mamak stalls, have your meal by the roadside. Malaysian cuisine is yummy, exotic and exciting. Its stimulating flavors and culinary styles will whip just about anyone into an endless >> gastronomic frenzy. Comprising of three main groups namely Malay, Chinese and Indian, Malaysian food has become a fusion of the three and more, making it one of the world’s most unique cuisine. From the three main ethnic dishes, there are also other cuisines that have evolved from the meeting of the three cultures. Notable ones include Nyonya and Indian Muslim fare. There are also other mouth-watering Continental and Mediterranean cuisine, but these are mainly found in major cities only. With such delicious blend of food available in this country, it is no wonder that Malaysia is called the meeting point for both the Eastern and Western cultures—a true melting pot. For those who are interested in trying out all the different dishes, the Federal Territory of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, is the perfect spot for it. You can dine in posh hotels, elegant chain restaurants, classy sidewalk cafes, delicatessens or just pop by to the many hawker stalls that are opened until the wee hours of the morning. For starters, Malay cuisine is mainly rich and spicy arising from the usage of spices

and wet spice mixture such as rempah and santan (coconut milk). This is one cuisine you can find throughout the country, but to each its own. You will find that each region differs slightly from the other. For example, the state of Kelantan STOCK.XCHNG serves its Kelantanese cuisine, which is rather like Thai cooking, sweetish in taste due to the liberal use of santan and sugar. Moving on to another state - Kedah, the food there tends to be spicier due to the influence of Indian spice traders who came to the country many years ago. You’ve got to be adventurous to try Malay food. The variety is huge. One of the favorites with Malaysians is nasi lemak [rice cooked in santan served with anchovies, squid, eggs, cucumber and sambal (chili paste)]. Nasi kerabu is also another favorite, a rice-based dish that is synonymous to the native of Kelantan. It is served with local herbs and salted fish. And no Malay cuisine is complete without satay, which is actually marinated skewered chicken/beef that is grilled to perfection! You eat it by dipping it in peanut gravy/sauce. It comes

accompanied with ketupat (rice cubes), cucumber and onions. Chinese cuisine is also widely available in Malaysia. Some of the popular styles of Chinese cooking are those of the Cantonese, Hokkien, Hainanese, Hakka, and Szechuan method. Chinese cuisine is generally milder compared to Malay fare. But thanks to the influence from this multicultural country, Chinese cuisine has taken over a spicier approach. Apart from the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner fare, Chinese cuisine also caters to the “brunch hour” where delicious dim sum are served. Dim sum is a steamed snack that can be found at hotel outlets, large chain restaurants, and kopitiam (coffeeshops). Dim sum is like the Chinese version of the Japanese sushi. The difference is this: dim sum is hot while sushi is cold. Another favorite is Indian cuisine. Although many believe that the food is normally extremely spicy, it may not be so. Indian cuisine has a robust taste, thanks to the various blend of spices used in its preparation. Yogurt is almost always the “dessert” to cool down your tastebuds at the end of the meal. Some of the less spicy foods are dishes such as kurma (mild meat curry) and Tandoori chicken (chicken baked in clay oven). Actually, the level of spiciness depends on the location. Southern Indian cuisine tends to be spicier than the Northern ones whilst their Moghul counterpart slants towards heavy use of cream, meat-based dishes and naan breads. Indian-Muslim dish is another local favorite. When a Malaysian invites you to the “mamak”, they are referring to food prepared by an Indian-Muslim. Popular dishes include mee goreng (fried noodles), fish head curry, murtabak (sort of like minced beef packed in a pancake) and roti canai (a kind of pancake prepared with wheat flour, eggs, ghee/butter, and served hot with curry or dhal). Another interesting fusion that unite Malay and Chinese food is the Lauk Embok Embok, or popularly known as Nyonya food. It is also referred to as the Straits Chinese “Malaysian Cuisine” cont. on page 39





In celebration of successful leadership and lifelong fellowship, the Alumni Association of AIM (AAAIM) held its 4th annual AIM Masters Invitational Golf Tournament at the Riviera Golf and Country Club in Silang, Cavite on November 25, 2005. Wyeth Philippines President Perpetuo de Claro, MBA 1973, led the ceremonial teeoff with AAAIM Chairman Alex Tanwangco, MBA 1973. Close to a hundred players from different programs teed-off with MBA ‘73, ‘74 and ‘79 having the most number of players representing their batches. Guest golfer Wilson Amper bagged the Over-all Individual Champion trophy while Louie Papa, MBA 1990, was Lowest Gross Champion. For the team competition, golf buddy champs were Wilson Amper and Alex Ignacio, MBA 1992. Noteworthy golfers during the event were Leo Tanubrata, MBA 1978, who flew all the way from Indonesia to join fellow AIMers in the tournament, and Castro Ignacio, MDP 1988, who has played in all four AIM Masters.


TEAM COMPETITION OVERALL TEAM CHAMPION - Wilson Amper & Alex Ignacio CLASS A CHAMPION - Snoogie Apolinario CLASS B CHAMPION - Ging Ramos & Manny Baquir CLASS C CHAMPION - Greg Atienza & Pax Lapid CLASS A RUNNER–UP - Mon Locsin & Louie Papa CLASS B RUNNER–UP - Roger Bermas & Ariel Dumlaog CLASS C RUNNER–UP - Ramon Mayuga & Roland Young



Leo Tanubrata, MBA ‘78 tees off with AAAIM Chairman Alex Tanwangco, MBA ‘73


Batch ’74 showing off their batch’s golf shirt

President’s Cup

TT HH EE BB II GG MM AA LL AA YY SS II AA TT EE EE -- OO FF FF Feb. Feb.16-19, 16-19,2006 2006| |Perangsang PerangsangTempler TemplerGolf GolfClub, Club,KL, KL,Malaysia Malaysia

For more information, contact the AIM Alumni Association at (632) 892.4011 locals 2103, 2105, 340 or 331 or visit




When Tiger Airways first jetted in on local shores in early 2005, not a few Filipinos raised their eyebrows at the seemingly newfangled concept of “low cost, no frills” carriers.


ctually, budget airlines are 1970s babies. The world’s first low cost carrier (LCC) is the United States’ Southwest, which took to the air from three locations in Texas in 1971. Founders Rollin King and Herb Kelleher’s goal was as

unadorned as their fleet must have been: “To fly passengers to their destinations at the lowest possible fares.” The two banked on repeat business and favorable word of mouth from satisfied clients to keep their planes flying. Their little airline, however, exceeded

expectations. Within two years, the carrier became profitable. It carried its 1,000,000th passenger in 1974 and passenger number 5 million three years later; in only one year in the early 1980s, it flew 9.5 million passengers, and passed the $1 billion revenue mark in its 19th year. The wildly successful Southwest business model has been duplicated in Europe, notably by Ryanair. In Asia, AirAsia (Malaysia’s second national carrier), Asiana (Korea) and Tiger Airways Ltd. (Singapore) introduced Filipinos to no-frills air travel via the Clark Special Economic Zone in Pampanga. Tiger Airways made its inaugural flight to the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA) on April 5, 2005, which also happened to be the birthday of Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Some 50 flights a week between Clark and East Asian and Southeast Asian cities, such as China, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong, are expected to bring in “around 20,000 tourists a month in the JanuaryAugust period,” the Department of Transportation and Communication said late last year. So how do budget airlines pull off their seemingly impossible feat of taking travelers across great bodies of water for a pittance? The answer, an airline industry observer said, lies in “cost minimalization,” with the savings passed on to the passengers through low fares. Here are some of their “tricks”: Fly to secondary airports. Secondary airports are cheaper, less crowded and turnaround times are shorter. Don’t feed the passengers. Clark-Singapore or ClarkTaiwan are not exactly long-haul flights, so who needs to eat? Make use of technology. Europe’s easyJet sells about 95% of its seats online, with passengers receiving travel details via email. Others even use laminated boarding passes, which can be used for other flights.           Don’t use travel agents. Passengers end up paying their commission.   Use “cheap to fly” aircraft and preordering fuel to minimize the effects of price hikes. Use young fleets and only one type of plane. If they’re all new and all the same, you don’t have to keep training the maintenance crew or stock up on different spare parts.




From a 25-hour train ride through the remote regions of Siberia to sitting with the Dalai Lama for ten days in India, journalist Angela Blardony Ureta has embarked on extraordinary travels >> to quaint and colorful destinations. This intrepid traveler shares her spirit for adventure that satisfy both the senses and the soul in her first book, “A Pilgrim’s Diary: Passages and Inner Landscapes”, was launched on August 15, 2005 at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City. Published by Treehouse Creative Village, “A Pilgrim’s Diary: Passages and Inner Landscapes” is a collection of 30 travel essays that are consistently rich in detail and full of intimate musings. Readers will be amazed by Ureta’s journeys as she discovers Buddhism in Nepal, explores haunted castles and tunnels in Scotland, pays homage to the historic monuments that are the Taj Mahal and Stonehenge, takes a muddy trek around Cornwall and a boat ride in the alligatorinfested swamps of New Orleans, participates in the sacred rituals of the Kankana-eys in Sagada and records the vanishing folk songs of Ivatans in Batanes, discovers the beauty of the deep at the Great Barrier Reef, walks through the dreamer’s paradise that is Montmartre, and investigates the Baker Street residence of the “real” Sherlock Holmes, among other unusual travel escapades. Also included is a rare interview with Brazilian novelist and icon Paulo Coelho (whom she met in London in 1997), as well as her encounters with French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio who discovered the San Diego galleon wreckage, and Ameri-

can photographer A. Victor Goodpasture who recounted his expedition to Antarctica. “Traveling is a never-ending source of unfamiliar joy and this book is its celebration,” says the author, who admits that most of her personal trips are taken alone. “Traveling alone gives you a different perspective of life. There is magic in solitude. When I travel by myself to a distant place, I realize that discovery and transformation are indistinguishable gifts that always come in pairs”. A journalist for print and television, Anjie Ureta spent 12 years as an executive producer and writer for the ABS-CBN Current Affairs Department, where she specialized in newsmagazines, talk shows, lifestyle programs and documentaries. She was also a former lifestyle editor for The Manila Times and continues to contribute feature articles to newspapers and magazines. She is currently an independent production consultant and artist manager. A Communication Arts graduate of De La Salle University in Manila, she was an American Studies fellow of the World Press Institute in Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1997 and was a visiting scholar in the masters program for Television Documentary and Features Production at the University of Salford in Manchester, England, under a British Chevening scholarship that same year. In April 2005, she completed the Managing the Arts Program (MAP) at the Asian

“Malaysian Cuisine” cont. from page 36

of lemon, tamarind, belimbing (carambola) and green mangoes. You can also find a lot of candlenuts, shallots, shrimp paste and chilies in Nyonya food. Common desserts are mainly cakes made from sweet potato, glutinous rice, palm sugar and coconut milk. However, you can never claim to have tasted true Malaysian cuisine unless you’ve sampled the ones at the hawker stalls (or famously known as the mamak stalls). It may not be your posh restaurants where you’ll be treated like a King or Queen, but a visit to the mamak stalls is a must! Like the chic sidewalk café in a European country, the mamak stalls are the same—just a lot simpler and fun. Food is cheap and delicious; the ambience is casual and light. You don’t have to worry about dressing up. Dress down, relax and prepare for a night of great food, conversation, and lots of teh tarik. Teh tarik literally means “pull tea” where the drink is prepared by the mamak using

Food. Its origins was traced back to the Peranakan (Straits Chinese) of Malacca some 400 years ago. This unique culturewas the result of inter-marriages between Chinese immigrants and the local Malays. The ladies are known as nyonyas whereas the men are known as babas. Nyonya foods are strongly characterized by sweet, sour, spicy and pungent flavors. One of their hot favorites is otak-otak (fish marinated in spice, then wrapped in banana leaf and grilled). Another great dish is the itik tim (duck with salted vegetables). For a taste of true Nyonya food, head on over to one of the many Nyonya restaurants located around town. Nyonya cooking depends a lot on spices, galangal, turmeric, and ginger. It uses fragrant leaves such as pandan leaf, lime leaf, and laksa leaf. Its food also sports the tangy taste. Thanks to the use

Institute of Management. Designed by Ige Ramos and edited by Susan De Guzman and Giselle Kasilag, who are likewise MAP alumni, “A Pilgrim’s Diary” had a “sneak preview” on August 13 at Bliss Café in Baguio, as the author joined painter-photographer Benjie Mallari in “2 n 1”, a twin celebration featuring Mallari’s second one-man show and Ureta’s soft launch of her book. Copies of “A Pilgrim’s Diary: Passages and Inner Landscapes” are available at all branches of Mag:Net and Mag:Net Plus, Popular Bookstore, Filipinas Heritage Library, the Ayala Museum, the CCP gift shop, Bound, Greens Vegetarian Restaurant, Bliss Café in Baguio and via web shopping at Divisoria. Com. More outlets shall be announced soon. For inquiries, please send an email to out-stretched hands, pouring the piping hot tea from a mug into a waiting glass. The higher the pull, the thicker the froth. And the thicker the froth, the yummier it is! This article may not do justice to the real taste of Malaysian food—but this is the best I could write about my beloved country and its famous cuisine. When opportunity arises, try it! A word of caution though, not many foreigners can stomach the fierce mixture of greasy, spicy, and strong tasting ingredients found in most Malaysian by Audrey Lim dishes. But it’ll be worth it. Trust me. Article reprinted courtesy of, 3230 Scott Street, San Francisco, CA 94123, USA. ThingsAsian. com is a collection of articles, facts, artwork, photographs and maps of various countries of Asia. It covers a wide range of topics with emphasis on art, culture, history and travel. Visit their site at

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Jose Cuisia: When Disagreeing is Agreeable Here in his office in the sky, Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company president and CEO Jose “Joey” L. Cuisia Jr. commands a sweeping view of the financial powerhouse that is the Makati central business district— appropriately symbolic of the strong conglomerate he has helped build. >>


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spotlight WITH CUISIA AT THE HELM, THE WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDiary of the American International Group, Inc. has risen to become the largest and most diversified life insurance company in the Philippines. Its menu products and services have grown exponentially—with interests in health care, non-life insurance, pre-need, banking, asset management, real estate business, and credit cards. In 1997, in recognition of his sterling work, Cuisia was elected VP for Life Insurance of the AIG mother company. A modest display of commemorative coins shoved against his office wall is all that betrays a chapter of the man’s not-too-distant past. Under President Corazon Aquino’s administration, Joey Cuisia served as Central Bank governor from 1990 to 1993 after a stint at the Social Security System as its administrator and CEO. While vastly effective in public service, Cuisia harbored no illusions. “I had no intention to be there over the long term, the mindset was to help out when President Aquino came in.” Indeed, Cuisia was able to deliver great results because his tenure was bereft of insinuations or clouds of self-aggrandizement. He successfully pushed for reforms in the Central Bank—eventually giving birth to the revitalized Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Ironically, his term was automatically shortened with the BSP’s creation. Cuisia explains: “I had to convince legislators that I wasn’t interested in being appointed governor again. There were provisions I was pushing for that would benefit the governor.” Joey Cuisia even made a commitment that if the position was offered to him again, he would decline. Cuisia thus successfully lobbied for the exemption of BSP employees from the Salary Standardization Law. Following his lead, other GFIs followed suit. “You have to have an increase in pay if you want to have good people,” Cuisia says. There were no regrets with his return to the private sector. “I was, of course, happy to go back. I’ve always been in the private sector anyway,” he insists. And Cuisia maintains that whether in public or private service, his management style has never changed. “I have a very participative management style,” he declares. “I want members of the management team to be involved in the decision making.” And while some CEOs exercise an unyielding iron grip on their organization, and expect everyone to toe the line, Cuisia begs to differ. “I allow them to disagree with me for as long as they have studied and analyzed their position,” he maintains. With this kind of openness and inquisitiveness, Joey Cuisia faced the task of leading Philamlife into its future. “I asked a lot of questions,” he narrates. The most basic answer Cuisia sought was an explanation for why things are done as they are. “It is not a good-enough reason to say ‘because we have always been doing things this way,’” Then Joey Cuisia went through the deliberate, measured task of setting up strategic planning. Philamlife management also crafted and crystallized a vision-mission statement, corporate values, and corporate goal. Regular planning sessions were scheduled. Following an appraisal of the playing field, Cuisia enabled Philamlife to flex its muscles by introducing new and innovative BY



products in distinct markets and niches. Philamlife exhib- “Balancing ited seemingly disparate val- one’s life is a ues—aggressive yet prudent, key to success. expansive yet focused—stamping its market leadership and You have to presence across various sectors make sure beyond the traditional borders of insurance. And even as prod- that you are ucts diversified, new channels developing were explored: bank assurance, telemarketing, brokers. professionally, Throughout his efforts at re- personally, form, Cuisia had his supportive management crew by his side. and spiritually.” And the advancements and forays have been measured. “Our companies have been prudently managed, always keeping in mind the interests of our policy and plan holders,” he insists. Cuisia likens himself to a conductor of an orchestra that makes beautiful music. But what about out-of-tune musicians? “Well, you have to talk with them. Everyone has to be on the same page,” he says. And if it still doesn’t work…well that “musician” has to go. Cuisia’s no-nonsense, quasi-democratic management style has undoubtedly suited Philamlife. Its leadership as a function of its strong affiliates is a testament to a job well done—and thought out. Awards and accolades from respected organizations here and abroad cemented the wisdom of how Philamlife has gone about its organic growth while maintaining leadership. Philamlife has been selected for two consecutive years as a “Superbrand” by Readers Digest. For 11 straight years, the company has also been cited for Excellence in Education by the Life Office Management Association of the insurance industry. The University of Asia and the Pacific and Business World conferred Philamlife with the Marketing and Communication Effectiveness Award (Small Budget Category). Indeed, the commendations have come fast and many. The challenge for the busy executive has been time management—one that he deftly wins with determination. “Balancing one’s life is a key to success. You have to make sure that you are developing professionally, personally, and spiritually,” Cuisia underscores. Still, he wishes he could spend more time with family. Nonetheless, Joey and wife Ma. Victoria make a firm commitment every year to have a reunion and vacation with their five daughters. And if Joey had his druthers—and still more time—he would want to be more actively involved in corporate governance “by seeing its practice in other publicly-listed corporations.” He is currently an adviser for the Institute for Corporate Directors and also serves as co-chairman of the AIM along with Mr. Washington SyCip. But for Philamlife, the future is virtually assured as an everevolving, dynamic, exciting, and always promising eventuality with the visionary Joey Cuisia at the helm.





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spotlight ATUK IR. MOHD ANNAS (MM 1984), 60, had parlayed his extensive experience in the power sector to become the first chairman and CEO of Malaysia’s Energy Commission in 2001. Recently, he was elected chair of the Federation of AIM Alumni Associations, Inc. (FAIM), the 15-member umbrella organization of AIM alumni associations. The electrical engineer was working as the senior district manager of an electric power firm in Malaysia when the opportunity to attend AIM came along. He said he was attracted by the fact that the Institute used the case-study method of teaching, as well as by the prospect of tapping the experience of his professors, experts in their field who served as consultants to top corporations in Asia. When he got to Manila, Annas immersed himself in case studies and MRRs; preparing for cases, which he did on an almost daily basis, he said, greatly improved his analytical skills and came in handy in his work as Malaysia’s power czar. The UK-educated executive also basked in the warm and casual atmosphere of the campus. “The professors and staff are friendly, while the students move around in a more relaxed manner—except when it’s nearly time for exams and the submission of MRRs,” Annas observes. The engineer soon got to know some of his professors quite well, including Jose Faustino, Vic Limlingan and the late Andy Reyes. “They were very influential since they each had their own styles of teaching and were able to draw out the best from their students.” As an AIM graduate and an active officer of the Alumni Federation, Annas does not hesitate to recommend an AIM education to other professionals. He advises prospective students to be mentally prepared for the case-study method of learning, to consciously remember the analytical techniques, and to be ready to re-enter the corporate world upon graduation. Annas is confident that AIM graduates can contribute greatly to their countries of origin in terms of disseminating and applying their new managerial knowledge to their colleagues. “If each AIM graduate can be an agent of change in his own way to his company or agency, eventually their country will benefit from the learning he has acquired.” He also stresses that AIM graduates should take the initiative in realizing the development goals of their respective countries. “As citizens, we have an obligation to help our countries. The training from AIM can be considered as the best ‘transfer of technology’ from the Asian perspective. We should try to adapt the good practices for the benefit of our native countries.” As chairman of FAIM, Annas wants to ensure that FAIM achieves its objectives as stated in its constitution, and that the BY




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organization is run efficiently. He feels that AIM graduates can do a lot to help the institution and he has planned several programs to mobilize the support of these graduates for their alma mater. “An AIM graduate who has very positive experiences and feelings about AIM can contribute much to the school. But the school also has a significant role to play here. It should promote itself to the public and the students to such an extent that the name of the school will always be foremost in their minds. AIM alumni should always feel good and proud talking about AIM.” Annas believes that one of the simplest contributions an AIM graduate can do is to be a “mouthpiece” for the school. He should be a walking advertisement and propaganda piece for the school.

“As citizens, we have an obligation to help our countries. The training from AIM can be considered as the best ‘transfer of technology’ from the Asian perspective. We should try to adapt the good practices for the benefit of our native countries.” “The students should be familiar with the programs offered by the school.  They should show excitement when talking about the case-study method. Alumni should be able to demonstrate at his workplace the internalization of the analysis he has practiced at AIM. “The students must always have a proud sense of belonging to the school—they should welcome AIM professors during their visits to their countries and cities. We will also encourage them to participate more actively in alumni activities.” Annas suggests that AIM and its alumni should continuously seek out ways to enthuse the students through non-academic activities and light programs like talks, video shows and interest-group activities. They are also exploring having Internet chat-rooms and SMS or email discussions groups for the alumni and students. “The 30,000-strong AIM alumni network is a very potent force bound together by common experiences shared during our academic stay in the Institute. Harnessing this force can be very hard, but the ultimate results can be very rewarding. We will do our very best at FAIM. And I know the AIM alumni will respond very positively.”





Datuk Ir. Mohd Annas: Malaysia’s Power Czar Talks About Giving Back

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Alex Tanwangco: Taking Execution Seriously His ubiquitous presence in AIM comes as a welcome waft in the stream of solemnity that pervades the Institute. A day without a visit from him to the Alumni Relations Office is deemed incomplete without his goodnatured yet commanding stopovers. The AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine interviews Mr. Alex Tanwangco, the Chairman of the Alumni Association of AIM (AAAIM), the Philippine chapter of alumni associations from around the world that represents an alumni population of over 17,000 degree and non-degree holders at last count. Alex is also the President of Soyuztrade and Topserve Service Group of Companies. >>


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spotlight WHEN HE WON THE AAAIM ELECTIONS LAST YEAR, CLASSMATES confided that he had to overcome trepidation, albeit minor, over the huge responsibility that was turned over to him. Nevertheless, coming from the legendary “Class of 1973”, Mr. Tanwangco has picked up the gauntlet and forges forward with a vision for a better AIM. During the blessing of the new SA store, now called “Break-Out Session”, the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine had a tête-à-tête with Mr. Tanwangco. The AAAIM, with Nestle as its partner, has converted the erstwhile shoddy convenience store into a gleaming, granite-floored coffee shop, a sanctuary for students weary from caseroom info-overloads.

responsibility and how to make your people work through their own volition. They must be happy to work with you. And this is the kind of leadership that I exercise in my own business. Sometimes I go to my office at 10 in the evening and some of my staff are still happily working. And they don’t even know, or care, if they are being paid overtime or not. And our company has been growing tremendously because of this kind of motivational aspect. My door is always open to any kind of question. A communication barrier does not exist between me and my staff. What motivates you to help AIM?

There’s something sentimental about this Institute. When you come back after 30 years and see the places where you worked hard, studied hard and played hard, you would like to do something to contribute. The AIM experience is very unique and it creates major bonding I don’t think you can call it major. It’s a big step. To me it’s a simple among alumni such as the one that we experience project. But I realize that people here are hungry for in our class (MBA 1973). Thirty-two years after change. Even this small change has elicited a kind I think we should all graduating from this institute, we still hold reunof unexpected excitement from everyone—the stu- get together as one ions every so often and our class president, Bobby dents, staff and alumni. I hope this recent contribu- community to give back is our president for life. tion from the AIM Alumni Association will deliver to AIM so that the image Garcia, I think we should all get together as one coma more important message. Our vision is that we munity to give back to AIM so that the image and want to convert this place into a world class facility. and the brand of the the brand of the school remains very sturdy. I But this world class vision, statement and paradigm school remains very think it is the alumni’s responsibility to help in should be reflected in everything else that we do. We sturdy... it is the alumni’s sustaining, improving and uplifting the school. have just started with the bricks and mortar. responsibility to help in I guess a more important step forward for the Alumni Association is in organizing the 1st and 2nd sustaining, improving and What is your message for fellow alumni? Alumni Leaders Summit. We were successful in gath- uplifting the school. With the challenges of global competition in ering over 80 distinguished, successful and eminent Asia, I would like to call upon every alumnus to alumni on two Saturday mornings to discuss the AIM Strategic Plan for help us maintain AIM’s premier position in the region. When we con2011. It was like reliving our student days in AIM and it was very heartening tact you, we hope that you will respond. I am very thankful to all who to see how willing our alumni are to come back and help the Institute. attended the 1st and 2nd Alumni Leadership Summit. Now it is time to move and implement changes. We hope that you will answer positively when we invite you to lead or participate in significant projects. What are your future projects for AIM? The alumni should also support events and come back to the school to I’d like to continue these infrastructure improvements up to the whole lobby of the dormitory. Because this area is very visible, and participate no matter how small or big these activities are. Attending these because it is in consonance with the changing attitude of the school occasions is one way of supporting the Institute. We at the Association have towards “student centeredness”. The students are now called our lined up many activities. I would be most happy to welcome you. My strongest feeling these days is that the alumni can be a very “alumni-in-residence”. This place must be conducive to case discussions. This is their place—this is their plaza for discussions, so I powerful force in uplifting the school and making the necessary changes. AIM can be proud of its well-placed alumni in the business would like to finish this before the end of my term. I’m also very excited about the scholarship program of Ed Limon, community. I feel that out there, business is changing so rapidly and MBA 1974. To maintain our position as a leading business institute we should bridge this gap just as fast. We should blend practice and in this part of the world, we have to continue to get the best and the theory quite well, and this can only be done with the alumni who are brightest students. Obviously, we will be needing the funds to help us the practitioners of this Institute. pull this off eventually. If we build up a good quality of graduates, they will also build our reputation. This is the long-term marketing As Chairman of AAAIM, how would tool that we need. One way to sustain our goodwill and reputation in you want to be remembered? the business community is through our products, our graduates. The I would like to be remembered as one who is very serious about kind of graduates that we have is dependent on the kind of students execution. During my induction as Chairman of the Alumni Associathat we accept. Scholarships will help a lot in achieving this goal and tion, I said that I will define leadership only in three words: “ExecuI hope that more alumni will come forward to help us on this. tion, execution and execution.” Things are easier said than done. This Institute is filled with so many bright ideas flying all over. One thing we must be conscious of is the importance of execution. No What is your leadership style? Leadership to me is inspiring and motivating people to work to change will come about if there is no execution regardless of how achieve a certain purpose. A leader must not be conscious about his bright these ideas are. So I’d like to be remembered as a man who personal honor or glory. The role of a good leader is how to share the took execution very seriously. How do you feel about the accomplishment of your first major infrastructure project (the launching of the new SA store)?








by Sam de Leon

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O A CERTAIN DEGREE FOR SOME, THE MANIFESTATION of erudite learnings eventually ripple to the core value of serving humanity, and it is only in practice that the real lessons are discerned. To Rudy Juanito, MDM 1999, that ripple has turned into an unexpected wave of meaningful servility in the midst of hostilities. After he obtained his BS degree from the Philippine Military Academy in 1982, Rudy never had any other formal academic exposure until he came to AIM in 1998. “The daily reading assignments were overwhelming and during the first few weeks, the question that kept bugging my mind was: ‘What am I doing here?’” But as soon as he was able to adjust to the academically hectic pace of the AIM Master in Development Management course, his innate love for challenges took over. The more significant moments of learning for him were those beyond caseroom discussions. “Managing a ‘Damayan Group’ was more demanding than the reading assignments and the daily reports we had to submit. I appreciated MDM life in that I was able to apply the theories with the same person I learned from and learned with, at the same moment that we learned them.” He graduated as a member of the 9th batch of MDM in 1999. In 2004, Rudy retired with the rank of Lt. Colonel from the Philippine Army which he served for 22 years. In a series of unexpected events, he found himself in the midst of war torn and strife riddled Afghanistan, still reeling from the events of 2001 when US led troops ousted the Taliban from power. Rudy is now assigned in Kandahar, the base for foreign troops pursuing Taliban and allied militants, and also the headquarters of foreign aid workers. Fortuitous as it was for him to be able to practice his AIM learnings hands on in an extremely unstable environment, he is constantly challenged by the dangers involved in providing supplement to the more than four million vulnerable people in Afghanistan. With his military background also serving him well, Rudy is now a Field Security Adviser of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Kandahar. It is his duty to make the environment safe for the WFP staff to do their job. Technically, Rudy is part of the support arm but “the burden of making things happen in an extremely insecure environment require skills beyond the core competence of a security adviser. “For example, getting a food convoy safely delivered to a vulnerable area does not simply mean having bomb proof vehicles and security escorts. You need to talk your way skillfully across different groups of stakeholders–government officials, village elders, beneficiaries–even the warring groups, to ensure the safe passage of the commodities.” In the midst of difficult weather and encounters with the relics of war, the WFP is serving four million vulnerable people, more than one million schoolchildren and almost half a million refugees, internally displaced persons and victims of natural disasters in Afghanistan and uses hundreds of trucks, aircrafts, and even donkeys to move record amounts of food. “The concept of ‘empowerment’ that is the mantra of development managers, play a crucial role in getting the job done,” Rudy muses. His experiences have provided him invaluable knowledge in dealing with unique and life threatening situations. “I have started to sit down in project assessment committees and extensively participate in project monitoring and evaluation as a resource staff. This is so because in informal discussions with the program staff, I am able to share a good deal of my development manager’s perspective.” Rudy admits that in an insecure environment, one’s leadership is often challenged and tested. “I vary my style depending on the situation. Time is a factor in the decision making process here. If I have the luxury of time I basically practice participative leadership. I find this BY




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is the ideal leadership in empowering people. They are more committed to action where they are involved in the relevant decision making process. When the situation demands however, I could sway towards the autocratic side of the leadership spectrum.” Differences in approaches to work issues and the varying individual stress levels are the main causes of conflicts in the workplace, especially in an extremely volatile environment. “Resolving conflicts should be a ‘win-win’ approach. We solve problems by defining the needs of both sides then trying to equitably meet these needs while supporting and respecting people’s values. I do not view conflicts as competition where there has to be a winner and a loser, which could spur the ‘win at all cost’ attitude that may destroy relationships.” Rudy’s peaceful nature finds its roots in his childhood years as he grew up in the placid village of Tibiao in Antique. Thus his emulation of Mahatma Gandhi as an icon of passive resistance is a natural choice as his ideal leader. “Gandhi is one of the few leaders in history who has led an exemplary and transparent life. One of his most admirable qualities was that he led by example and never preached that which he was not willing to do himself. These traits are lacking in our present leaders. He was neither a military general nor a president yet millions of his countrymen treated his suggestions as supreme commands and acted upon them. His greatness also stems from the way he humbly identified himself with the struggles and pains of the common people he represented.”

“The concept of ‘empowerment’ that is the mantra of development managers, play a crucial role in getting the job done.”


udy sums up his learnings, experiences, and the applications of his development management training in Kandahar. “Working in a humanitarian organization is development management in flesh and form. The challenges and the opportunities for development managers are infinite. Humanitarian crisis remains a global problem and unfortunately we are not seeing its end in the near future. Perhaps AIM should incorporate a module in the curriculum about the role of development managers in humanitarian affairs. Technical people serving in humanitarian organizations need to learn concepts of development management to effectively perform their roles.” Lessons are continuously learned as true leaders gain knowledge from their followers. “As a manager, I have learned that even in today’s techno-dominated management environment, people are still the most important asset that any manager can ever have. Taking care of people and treating them right cut across any social and cultural divide and provides a common language that brings understanding and harmony in the workplace, as well as productivity. Ironically, one does not need a graduate degree to learn how to treat people right. I have learned it early in life... from my parents.” He aspires to share his invaluable knowledge someday for the good of his countrymen. “In the coming years, I would like to take a look at our country’s humanitarian sector and contribute whatever knowledge I have acquired in my international exposure.” Such contributions learned from the heart of strife and discord, coupled with an innate love for service and humankind will surely find its place in the sun, wherever that may be.





Rudy Juanito in Afghanistan

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Carlo Vega: On Heroes and Leaders “Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.” - Dr. Carol Pearson, “The Hero Within” The world is full of super heroes—from the fictitious to the intellectual to the great men and women of real life. Although a hero in a lexicon may mean a mythological or a legendary figure with great strength or ability, an illustrious warrior, or a man admired for his immense courage, great achievements and noble qualities, Carlo Vega simply believes that all men are heroes however we define it. >>


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spotlight “I AM A BIG FAN OF SUPER HEROES IN COMIC BOOKS. PERHAPS the deeper meaning to it is that I believe that everyone’s a super hero. Even a sampaguita vendor to me is a hero because of the persons who depend on him and regard him as one. You’re always a hero to somebody in this world.” The Hero

Neither a swashbuckling swordsman nor a caped crusader, Carlo is indeed a hero, especially to his batch mates during their Macro Economics class in first year. Carlo narrates, “Everyone was really having a hard time with our Macro Economics class. What I did was to hold tutorial sessions. I reserved rooms and made a reviewer. It then became a habit when somebody needed help they’d come to me to coordinate the tutorials. Those tutorials knitted a closer batch.” Since then, that one reviewer, a symbol of Carlo’s unselfish act, reaped solidarity among his batch mates and affirmed not only the hero but also the leader in Carlo. The Leader

Leadership is what occurs between heroics. Carlo’s leadership was what made him prepared and equipped to be heroic. He may perform many other valiant acts, but his steady leadership makes him invaluable to the people whom he served as Class Vice President in first year and now as Student Association (SA) Chairman. In early 2005, Carlo was elected SA Chairman by the student body. “I didn’t really look and go after the position. People were saying that I should run. I felt it was another challenge. AIM for me is not going away from a challenge. It’s always looking and taking on a challenge.” During Carlo’s term, he will focus on two important agenda: communication and placement. The student body now has its first electronic bulletin board and a more robust placement system. “The whole school has no way of communicating to each other—our email and the common areas are not enough. We came out with an electronic bulletin board to break the communication barrier among programs. Having different programs is already a barrier—the tendency is for people in the same program to stick to their program mates. With the electronic bulletin board, we have a venue where everyone can talk to one another regardless of what program he or she is in. We can all post concerns there, congratulate a group or a class for a job well done, etc.” A placement committee was formed which comprises eight members from different programs, MBA, MM and MDM. Student-counterparts were set in the Placement Office to improve on the placement system. “The placement efforts are a step further from last year.” On Heroism

Whatever one’s individual choice of heroes, the great men and women, whether fictional or real-life, provide inspiration with an assortment of specific characteristics. But the distinguishing essence that unites them all is courage—courage not only in the face of danger or extreme difficulty but most remarkably, courage to be self-sacrificing. “Heroism is always about self-negation and that the biggest villain is selfishness. You don’t become a hero if you’re selfish because BY


heroism is always that of being selfless.” The current situation in the Philippines, according to Carlo, is a manifestation of how less of heroes Filipinos are becoming. “I think that is why we (Filipinos) are not developing that much because we have all become villains and less of heroes for others. My dad taught me to be always considerate of other people, and I hope more people become more thoughtful of others.” On Leadership

Carlo believes that defining leadership should never dwell in the debate whether a leader is born or developed. “I believe that leadership is an act of causing and creating a life-changing impact on other people. That’s what I learned from Prof. Gavino’s GM class.” If one goes into the philosophical side of leadership, everyone creates change. “It’s a matter of how far your change goes,” Carlo said. “If influencing a change in your family, then that makes my dad a great leader.” Carlo does not limit himself to admiring only one leader. “A collection of different leaders from what I read and I heard and what’s in store for me in the future will make me a better leader. You can’t zero in on the best leader of the world. Know their actions, know how their actions were effective and how they have affected other people.” He cites Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela as the leaders he looks up to but particularly mentioned his fellow Upsilon Sigma Phi fraternity brother former President Ferdinand Marcos by the changes he made. “Leadership should create dramatic changes in the lives of people. Whether Filipinos out there like it or not, they cannot get away from the fact that the first part of the Marcos regime was really good for the Filipinos. He inspired the Filipinos to be more Filipino.”

You don’t become a hero if you’re selfish because heroism is always that of being selfless.

I Walk the Talk

Prof. Gallegos’ class made an imprint on how Carlo would like to be remembered. “I’ll be committing a lot of mistakes. To err is human but I would like to be remembered as someone who walks the talk.” Quoting from Mahatma Gandhi, he said that “become the change you wish to see in the world. I believe that if the ideas you are promoting are congruent with your core beliefs and values, your actions will come easily.” He added, “All the values I have come from my parents. My family has been a very big factor in my life.” Carlo Vega holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics, Major in Development Economics, Cum Laude, from the University of the Philippines. He is the recipient of the University of the Philippines Outstanding Leadership Award and was the College Student Council Chairman. He was a professor at the College of Economics and Management of the University of the Philippines Los Baños before coming to AIM. Carlo aims for a career in the development field and intends to continue teaching in a state university after graduation.






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thank you! To the following classes and individuals who have donated to the AIM Alumni Fund:

To our alumni who attended the 1st and 2nd Alumni Leaders Summit:

Gold Tiger Award

Ramoncito Abad, MBA ’73 Tomas Marcelo Agana, EMBA MLA4 Agerico Agustin, MBA ’87 Francisco Alampay, MBA ’74 Joel Almagro, MBA ’85 Bienvenido Araw, MBA ’73 Roberto Atendido, MBA ’73 Rene Azurin, MBA ’73 Francisco Bautista, MBA ’71 Roberto Benares, MBA ’79 Khoo Boo Boon, MDM ’90 Conrado Cabatbat, MBA ’71 Manolito Canlas, EMBA-LOPEZ ’00 Jesus Alfonso Carpio, MDM ’03 Bueno Castillo, MBA ’86 Francisco Cayco, MBA ’78 Marvee Celi, MBA ’95 Ronald Chua, MBA ’86 Zareer Contractor, MBA ’98 Armi Ruby Marie Cortes, MBA ’96 Francisco Dagñalan MDM ’92 Geronimo David, MBA ’86 Conrado Dayrit, MBA ’77 Perpetue De Claro, MBA ’73 Rafael De Guzman, MBA ’71 Noel De Leon, MBA ’85 Rufo De Veyra, MBA ’74 Roberto Dela Cruz, MBA ’77 Arturo Diago, MBA ’79 Felipe Diego, MBA ’73 Ricardo Echevarria, MBA ’71 Edilberto Elegado, MBA ’73 Agustus Caesar Esmeralda, MM ’97 Francis Estrada, MBA ’73 Jay Robert Famor, MBA ’92 Jose Ma.Fernandez, MBA ’73 Enrique Filamor, MBA ’71 Joselito Francisco, MBA ’73 Victoria Garchitorena, MDP ’74 Florendo Garcia, MBA ’71 Roberto Garcia, MBA ’73 Eden Garde, MDM ’97 Ray Gapuz Gil Genio, MBA ’86 Edgardo Limon, MBA ‘74

Robert Chandran,

MBA 1974, Alumni Fund for Learning Space

MBA 1972, Alumni Fund for Scholarships Bronze Tiger Award

MBA 1973, Alumni Fund for Faculty Development Edgardo Limon, MBA 1974, Alumni Fund for Scholarships Orange Tiger Award

MBA 1971, Alumni Fund for Scholarships Yellow Tiger Award

MBA 1983, Alumni Fund for Faculty Development ME3 Mavericks, Alumni Fund for Learning Space ME3 Explorers, Alumni Fund for Learning Space Isabel Karin Cuerva-Kier, MSC 2001, Alumni Fund for Learning Space Beige Tiger Award

Yoo Hwan Kim,

MM 1979, Alumni Fund for Faculty Develelopment

Stephanie “Mei” Hao, ME3, Alumni Fund for Scholarships

1st International Leadership Conference, Alumni Fund for Learning Space

MBA 1979, Alumni Fund for Faculty Development White Tiger Award

ME3 Sphinx, Alumni Fund for Learning Space MAP 6, Alumni Fund for Faculty Development Christopher Pastrana,

ME3, Alumni Fund for Scholarships

ME4 Group H.U.G.,

Alumni Fund for Learning Space 50

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Barbara Gonzalez, ME3 ’01 Christopher Gotanco, MBA ’73 Juan Carlos Guadarrama, MBA ’74 Ernesto Guzman, MM ’91 Emelita Hayward, MBA ’71 Ludivina Hofer, MDM ’04 Corazon Jimenez, MDM ’02 Godofrefo Juliano, MBA ’71 Francisco Lapid, ME4 Renato Leveriza, MBA ’76 Mario Antonio Lopez, MBA ’70 Cecilio Lorenzo, MBA ’74 Arturo Macapagal, MBA ’70 Imelda Madarang, MM ’85 Jowett Magsaysay, MM ’89 Ignacio Manipula, MM ’97 Freddie Marquez T.R. Mohan, MBA ’74 Napoleon Nazareno, MBA ’73 Ana Elzy Ofreneo, MDM ’94 Restituto Padilla, Jr., MDM ’02 Jose Ma. Parroco, MM ’87 Ricardo Pascua , MBA ’71 Anton Pascual, MDM ’97 Pile, MBA ’90 Oscar Pobre, MBA ’82 Ma. Loretta Ramirez, MM ’95 Emil Reyes, MBA ’79 Horacio Rodriguez, MBA ’73 Manuel Salak, MBA ’83 Sunny Sharma, MBA ’03 Bruce Sigiura, MBA ’73 Bai Yasmin Sinsuat, MDM ’91 Benjamin Sta. Catalina, MBA ’73 Lynn Sy, MBA ’84 Ramon Tan, MBA ’71 Alex Tanwangco, MBA ’73 Marciano Tapiador, MDM ’90 Adelio Torres, MM ’00 Lorenzo Villamor, MBA ’86 Francisco Villanueva, MBA ’85 Teodoro Villanueva, MBA ’73 Celso Vivas, MBA ’73 Ricardo Ysmael, MBA ’71 Ofelia Bisnar, MBA ‘88

‘ I A M A F I R M B E L I E V E R I N A I M E D U C AT I O N ’ Edgardo Limon’s Speech at the AIM Alumni Fund for Scholarships, Deed of Donation Signing Ceremony, Sept. 30, 2005


T FEELS GREAT TO BE BACK ON HOME TURF. WAY BACK IN THE 1970S, I considered the AIM as my second home. I have fond memories of my eight years here from 1972 to 1980. The first two years were spent as an MBM student, and after my graduation in 1974, from among the numerous job offers I got, I chose to be an AIM Professor of Banking & Finance over the next six years, including a stint as the school’s Marketing Director for Asia Pacific. I was fortunate to have studied and worked in this fabled institution, for this is where I learned the ropes of management and entrepreneurship. Now it’s my turn to help others gain an excellent management education at AIM, and I’m referring to promising individuals who may be less fortunate but nonetheless deserving of an AIM education. Last September 3, I attended the 2nd Alumni Leadership Summit. In what turned out to be a very expensive breakfast meeting, I pledged to donate one million pesos to the AIM Scientific Research Foundation to support the tuition of one MBA student entering AIM in school year 2006-2007. This donation, to be coursed through my flagship company, Intex Holdings Corporation, is indeed very timely as we celebrate a major milestone in the corporate life of the Intex Group, this year being our 20th anniversary. I am proud to tell you that what I learned at AIM, I have applied well in Intex. Scholarship has always been my personal advocacy because I believe that education is the key to economic upliftment. My own father was himself a scholar, and without the generous people who helped my dad, where would I be today? I am a firm believer in AIM education, with two of my four children having also taken courses here. My eldest daughter, Tricia, finished the Management Development Program, while my youngest son, Miguel,

attended the program on Entrepreneurial Finance. In fact, because of the l8-year partnership between Intex and Nokia, my friends in Finland have been prodding me to send Miguel to Helsinki University for his MBA, but I’m encouraging him instead to take it here in AIM just like me. During the September 3 alumni meeting, I was requested to chair the AAAIM Scholarship Committee. My immediate reaction was to decline it due to the enormous responsibilities involved, but three days later, Alumni President Alex called and insisted that I accept the position. The pressures from several other persistent alumni were too intense that I finally succumbed and agreed to serve as Scholarship Chairman, together with Mr. Polly Nazareno as Co-Chairman and Mr. Robert Kuan as Vice-Chairman. I just arrived from Singapore where I was with Polly Nazareno for the GSM World Congress, with Polly as one of the speakers, and I have to announce it now so Polly cannot decline anymore. Last September 23, our committee had its first meeting at Manila Polo Club. Our goal is to generate funding for the elite scholars in the MBA and MM programs of AIM. Initially we are targeting 10 scholars from the Philippines in 2006. We also plan to set up counterpart committees in other Asian countries, and during the September 23 meeting, Robert called up Dr. Jam Hardenan, MBM ’75 from Malaysia, to get his firm commitment. On behalf of Intex Holdings Corporation and my family, I would like to thank all of you for giving us the opportunity to be able to pay back my beloved Alma Mater.

We also thank the following alumni who have dedicated their time, treasure and talent to AIM:

Alex F. Tanwangco, MBA 1973,

The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association of AIM, Inc. (AAAIM) 2005-06

Alex F. Tanwangco, MBA 1973 Chairman Ricardo S. Pascua, MBA 1971 Vice Chairman Myrna D. Alberto, ME3 Secretary Emil C. Reyes, MBA 1979 Treasurer Francisco D. Alampay, MBA 1974 Ofelia O. Bisnar, MBA 1988 Jesus Alfonso Z. Carpio, MDM 2003 Francisco V. Cayco, MBA 1978 Conrado M. Dayrit III, MBA 1977 Gil B. Genio, MBA 1986

Barbara C. Gonzalez, ME3 Coratec T. Jimenez, MDM 2002 Celso G. Lopez, EMBA MLA2 Elasbeth Macdonald, TMP 2001 Jose Ma. T. Parroco, MM 1987 Directors

Teodoro R. Villanueva, MBA 1973 Ex-Officio/Adviser Rhia T. Ramirez, MM 1995 Executive Director

FAIM Chapter Heads


Jack Niu, MM 1998, Beijing Peter Jiang, MM 1995, Shanghai Catherine Xianyan Chen, MBA 1998, Shanghai Joe Tam, MM 1980, Hong Kong Mohan Madhav Phadke, MM 1980, India Bun Bunan Hutapea, MM 1980, Indonesia

Tae-Sook “Sugar” Han, MBA 1984, Korea

Bimal Chapagain, MDM 1996, Nepal

Datuk Ir (Dr.) Mohd Annas Hj. Mohd Nor, MM 1984, Malaysia

M. Farooq Raja, BMP 1978,

FAIM Chairman

John Yang, MM 1994,

Dr. Gan Cheong Eng MBA 1982, Singapore FAIM Vice Chairman

Pakistan Taiwan

Bro. Vinai Viriyavidhayavongs, MM 1988, Thailand

Robert V. Chandran, MBA 1974, USA Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuan (Mrs), MDM 1998, PDM 1996, Vietnam Milon B. Paul, MM 1988, Bangladesh

US East Coast Chapter Officers

Mark Sanchez, MBA 1998 President

Michelle Boquiren, MBA 2000 Alumni Relations

Jocelyn Bernal, MM 2001 Secretary

Rajesh Solanki, MBA 1999 Treasurer

KY Chow, MBA 1976 Dante Lomibao, MBA 1983 Edward Sevilla, MBA 1976 Enrico Imperial, MBA 1983 Directors

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classnotes LIFE AFTER THE MM PROGRAM Jack Niu, MM 1998 Chairman, AIM Alumni Association, Beijing


N THE MASTER IN MANagement program at AIM, we learned what the different functions are in a multinational company and the relationships that exist between these functions. We learned how to lead and manage a functional business from a general manager’s point of view. After I graduated from MM in May 1998, I led the country service team of the Otis Elevator Company to enable service business to grow in China. I had a great time cooperating with each function, setting up business goals and working together as a team to meet the targets. Later on, in November 1999, I was given the opportunity to join the Otis China marketing group to formulate marketing

strategies to merge four business entities into one Otis China group. Strategic Management and cases in MM helped me to implement most of the strategies mentioned in my MRR into reality. I should give my special thanks to Professor J. Gavino due to his interesting lectures and insights in our class, and his great advice and comments as my MRR advisor. (I got clean pass in my MRR defense!) The most significant moment in my career in terms of moving forward, is being relocated to Beijing. I joined Rockwell Automation in September 2002 after 11 years in Otis at my home city of Tianjin. It was the MM program that brought me a comprehensive knowledge of management and confidence,

which helped me shift from being an industry expert, to a professional manager in different industries. Recently, I was assigned as the Country Service Business Manager of Honeywell, tasked to lead the business growth of China building services. With six sigma initiatives, we have doubled the service business within the first half of 2004. With the MM education in AIM, I feel that we, the MM alumni have attained the competitive advantage in multi-

FOUR QUALITIES OF GOOD LEADERSHIP Develop the ability to synthesize

As experts in engineering, information systems, finance and accounting, we have been preprogrammed to make decisions by relying on comfort zones of trusted associates and tangible evidences –things that often project onedimensional views of the world we manage. The strength of a good leader is being able to absorb each of these one-dimensional views to re-create the multi-dimensional business reality where customers, employees and society exist. Attract and develop talent

It is common knowledge 52

today that the smartest people gravitate towards companies that offer them the best challenges, not necessarily the biggest pay-packet. There is no better place to observe this in real-time than the stretch of land between San Jose and San Francisco, which we like to call Silicon Valley. I also call it home. Identify and root out bad leaders quickly

Frequently, the most innovative and successful companies run out of steam and leadership inspiration, and turn into also-rans. And all too often, bright innovative minds that followed the inspiration of their

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national companies at strategic thinking, communications with the company’s senior management, and financial planning, as compared with local managers. We have developed broader Asian networks and a deep understanding of Asian cultures and business cases, compared with other overseas MBA returnees. I believe that, with the further development of the MM program, AIM education will add more value to our professional career development in Asia.

Prasenjit Chaudhuri, MBA 1994

leaders into the company now follow the pied piper out towards the next new thing. Aggressive companies looking to survive without an inspired leader rush to implement innovation by rote, turning ideas of vision and leadership into topics for cocktail conversations and words to embellish annual reports, than to build long-lasting enterprises. Respect the value creation process

The good news about innovative companies is that they always grow and thrive. But the bad news is that uninspired companies don’t

simply die and fade away. They continue to linger on for years (consuming scarce financial resources best allocated to new innovative ideas and inspired leaders), until they are euthanized via liquidation, a bankruptcy proceeding or sell-off at bargain basement prices to salvage any remaining useful assets. Does anyone remember Polaroid and Xerox as industry-leaders? Prasenjit Chaudhuri, MBA 1994 is a Consulting Partner at ZeroDelta—a strategy consulting firm based in Chicago. He is also the Director (Business Strategy) at Veloz—a venture-funded businessprocess solutions company he co-founded.


Tearing the Walls Al Villaos, MBA 2005

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT LIES in store for me after graduation. I continue to entertain thoughts of joining entrepreneurial ventures but at the same time I have been preparing for a corporate comeback. One thing that I am sure of, I want to be ready, regardless of whether I will end up being an entrepreneur or a corporate leader. I want to be well-prepared so I can realize my aspirations. I recall faculty members telling us what to expect in AIM during my freshman orientation. We were told we could benefit by taking advantage of the opportunities in AIM. We were reminded to excel and develop ourselves in the process, never to forget that we should enjoy the learning experience. Amidst all these wise words, what I remembered most was an advice a professor gave us—to prepare for our summer internships and our thesis paper, the AC and the MRR, both of which can open gates of opportunities. I have kept this advice in mind since. Towards the end of freshman year I have selected a few career alternatives, by then I have identified the competencies and skills the options require, which I think match mine. At the same time, I began searching for a summer project that can improve my chances of getting the jobs I want. Despite my enthusiasm, the search was hard. I called some firms, talked to some friends, and even approached some professors for help; however, no projects emerged. Some friends advised me to consider other projects that did not fit my requirements. Others remarked that it would be dif-

ficult to get a project that I want —because of my non-financial background employers would think twice before giving me a financial project. I was one of the few students without a project in the last week of the semester. Regardless, I did not give up and kept on searching, I continued to call potential proponents. I eventually got a project in the first week of summer— I provided M&A advisory services in behalf of a consulting group. It was good fortune that I got it, I found a company with requirements that matched mine. I was energized, in retrospect I also believe it was a job well done. At the end of the summer project, I decided to start preparing for the MRR. I think that the most difficult part would also be getting a proponent. I did more than what I previously did looking for an AC project. I called potential proponents and sent explanatory documents months before the first MRR deadline for topic submission. Again, despite the enthusiasm, the MRR search was even more difficult. Except for one firm, the rest expressed interest for my MRR proposals; after all, I believe I presented potential business opportunities at virtually no financial cost. Despite the initial attention, all the firms withdrew. The eventual responses varied, one said that they required regional approval; another admitted that they contracted the services of a leading consultancy to do it instead. I do not know the exact reasons—some friends told me that investment banks rarely share “sensitive” informa-

tion —but this remains speculative. I did not get any investment banking project. Fortunately though, I ended up accepting a project for a company from an industry that interests me, IT-enabled outsourcing services. The AC and MRR are some of the essentials of the MBA program. I believe in what was said during the orientation, both are valuable opportunities to improve chances of joining the industries and getting the jobs we want. Having decided on a career change, I poured passion and energy to get projects that I think would be most appropriate. I

The challenge is not purely a challenge of one’s skills and abilities, or even one’s persistence and commitment. AC and MRR hunts are also tests of one’s network value. encountered much difficulty; clearly, the lack of an extensive network in investment banking hampered my efforts. I did not know anyone among the potential proponents that I called—a few were referred, but most of the names were obtained through research. I relied on luck, guts, and commitment to convince these guys. It did not work, but nevertheless I am happy with my MRR project. AIM is already doing much to help students complete their AC requirements but a lot of students still experience difficulties in getting the projects that they want. Similarly, even if students are responsible in looking for MRR proponents, faculty

members still circulate potential names so interested students could explore these leads. Other students also do the same from time to time. Despite all these efforts, AC and MRR hunts are still very challenging. Some students want a career change after business school. Considering the limited networks in their desired industries, perhaps greater assistance from AIM would help. The challenge is not purely a challenge of one’s skills and abilities, or even one’s persistence and commitment. AC and MRR hunts are also tests of one’s network value; students who desire career changes face even greater difficulties in getting desired projects. It is even more pronounced for foreign students whose local networks are practically non-existent. I think that AIM’s assistance has been considerable; however, the experiences of most classmates show that whatever efforts AIM took in the past were insufficient. More efforts are necessary, a more effective process perhaps or even a paradigm shift in managing student services. If past efforts were adequate, students would not experience difficulties in convincing potential proponents. Perhaps students can even help in the process itself, and manpower would never be an issue. Student volunteers would always be available because in the end, the student themselves would be the beneficiaries of these efforts. AIM has begun efforts to address these issues. I just hope that future AC and MRR hunters would be in better positions than me. After all, I am in business school to help me get into the careers and industries that I desire. Testing my network value in industries that I have not worked in does not really sound reasonable, does it?

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classnotes MBA Eugene Sabalburo, MBA 1981, is now a supervisor at Technology Support Group - Directional Drilling & M/LWD with company address at Pathfinder Energy Services, 15151 Sommermeyer Street, Houston, Texas 77041. E. Daniel A. de Leon, MBA 1982 writes: “ The Bicol AIM Alumni Chapter has hibernated for quite sometime, although the core group has been meeting in rotary, chamber of commerce and industry and other functions, regularly. We plan to re-organize and invite more members to animate our alumni in this part of the country.” AIM alumni in Bicol may contact Danny at


Daraius Bilimoria, MBA 1985, is now the Head of Credit – Corporate North Zone of the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited with company address at ANZ Bank, Level 18, 20 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. Barry Chen, MBA 1987, writes: “Just a short note to introduce myself. I am ‘87 MBM graduate (ancient!). I have been in the States since 1993. I am currently based in Atlanta, managing international M&A activities for UPS. I traveled to Asia a lot, (running into AIM classmates in the hotel lobby in three countries). I do not know who else is in Atlanta. But if you do visit, please give me a call. You will be always be my guest here. Regards, Barry (Jiangang) Chen.” Blaise Costabir, MBA 1992, writes: “Hi, just browsing through the www.aimalumni. org site and I’m quite impressed. It will be quite easy to keep in touch with each other. Our batch has a yahoo group to keep in touch. I am at present running a rotomoulding manufacturing setup in Goa (a fun beach side place) in India. Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We manufacture customized packaging fuel tanks, automobile components, etc. It is now a JV with a French Company. “My time in AIM definitely helped me to setup this facility which, though small, incorporates a lot of Prof. Domingo’s concepts. Prof. Faustino, who once wanted to throw me out for not participating wholeheartedly in a marketing class is my


Guru, right until today I might add. If you are in India or want information on India, do keep in touch with me.” Edmond Lim, MBA 1992, writes: “I am currently General Manager for a dynamic outdoor advertising services company. I am looking for a fellow alumnus who might be interested to explore a business partnership or venture. The undertaking does not necessarily have to be advertising-related; it may be in other fields or common areas of interest. I am into 60’s and 70’s rock music, as well as 50’s jazz (If you’re in the know, think Rolling Stones, The Faces, Aerosmith, Miles Davis, etc). I have a vast collection of records, CDs and DVDs of these types of music. I am likewise into Italian clothes and shoes, a cross between 60’s Mod-style and Rocker-chic (again if you’re in the know). My hobbies include playing billiards, meeting people and friends, drinking beer and listening to good old, rock and roll. I have lately been toying with the following ideas: 1) An exclusive gentleman’s club (intimate and Vegas-style); 2) A no- nonsense classic bar/joint that offers beer, 60’s and 70’s rock and roll music, great bar chow, and no apologies; 3) A line of men’s clothes and shoes (Italian and European-inspired); 4) Any new or radical advertising-related opportunities. If you know anyone with more or less the same inclination or interest and who has the drive and just the right dose of insanity to pull this off, do let me know so we may explore these ideas over caffeine or alcohol.” Prasenjit Chaudhuri, MBA 1994, is a Consulting Partner at ZeroDelta—a strategy consulting firm based in Chicago. Prasenjit writes: “Interestingly enough, after all the technical skills I learnt via Marketing, Finance and Operations Management courses, the ones that are still alive in my head and sustain my professional career 11 years after AIM were the following experiences: Environmental Analysis with Prof. Sonny Coloma, Entrepreneurship with Prof. Quintin Tan and “The Humor in Teaching” technique demonstrated by Prof. Ricky Lim. My memorable, exciting and offbeat MRR project on Vermiculture Technology with Dr. Purba Rao, Dr. Frankie Roman and T.R. Mohan (MBM ’74, CEO Detroit Diesel). “The first two imparted the values I still manage my personal and professional life with. The last two gave me the courage to try out new ideas and execute them. I live in Silicon Valley where demonstrating the courage to try out new ideas is a pre-requisite for survival, and the MRR experience prepared me very well for this.”

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His message to his classmates and professors: “Focus on values for professional survival and satisfaction in the long run. Use it as your compass “TrueNorth”. Have the courage to try something bold and different during your professional existence. Stray from the herd sometimes!” Roy Reyes, MBA 2000, writes: “Would appreciate it if you can provide a good reference for selling and negotiation books and articles, etc. Any bright and not so bright ideas are very welcomed and thank you in advance. I know fella masters that your time is precious. Cheers, Senyor MBM 2000!” Ngo Mai Anh, MBA 2004, is now an Officer at the Vietnam Oil & Gas Corporation (PETROVIETNAM) with company address at 22 Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam. MM Bienvenido de Castro, MM 1980, is the Vice President of E. Ganzon, Inc. with company address at 7/F, EGI Rufino Plaza, Taft Ave., Pasay City. Bob writes: “At the Institute, I learned “trade-offs” which expresses for me, in a nutshell, the realities of business. This is a significant realization which translates in other words what I earlier learned from the Center for Research and Communications: “you cannot have your pie and eat it too.” Coming from a different training background until I studied at the Institute, what remained was the fleshing out of this important principle during the school term and thereafter. Deeply influencing me during my studies here are professors Vic Lim, Peter Garrucho, Bing Azanza and Gabby Mendoza. My message to classmates: I hope we can be more in terms of numbers whenever we have events. It will be mutually supportive of whatever we are doing and wherever we are if we can give more time for us to be together. Then, our professors can also get in touch with us during our affairs and the relationship

between teacher and student may then become stronger and more personal at this stage after the days at the Institute.” Maria Lourdes De Guzman, MM 1985 writes: “I am currently residing in Cleveland, Queensland, Australia. I used to own and manage a travel agency which I have sold. I am now a Legal Practitioner/Solicitor (Lawyer) having been admitted last June 2005. The values and discipline in my stint in MM has helped me settle down in Australia and finish my law degree. I hope and pray that whatever skill I have learned will help my kababayans here in Australia.” Yozua Makes, MM 1991, is now the Managing Partner of Makes & Partners Law Firm With company address at Menara Batavia 7th Floor, Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav.126 Jakarta 10220. Yozua writes: “Learning in AIM can be summarized as an excellent experience which results in success in your career path.” Her message to her classmates is “We should keep our intensive contacts intact as networking is very powerful in this boundless and global new world.” Djoko Wahjuadi, MM 1991, is program secretary of Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung with company address at Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir No. 47 Bandung 40152, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Djoko writes: “There was a man with such a limited proficiency in English who enrolled in a prestigious advance management course (it’s me guys). After all the shyness, hesitation and difficulties (in communicating oral and written ideas) were overcome, he finally can get the essence of the course —he can utilize his strengths, conquer his weaknesses, exploit the opportunities (bravely) against the threats (sounds familiar … it’s a SWOT). Course materials, class discussions, fabulous classmates, fantastic professors (to mention a few ingredients of the course) were the inspiration for the significant changes in his way of thinking and behavior (thank God!) Now, he is enjoying his life as a

MBM ‘83 classmates Joy Delgado, Achara Pricha (from Thailand) and Lyndia Chin (from Malaysia) got together last October 20, 2005.

classnotes faculty in a management institute. Every time he stands in front of his students, the memories of his MM class come up (e.g. the way Gaby, Titong or Felix conduct the class). AIM gave him a new perspective, a chance to improve his personal life. I’m 51 years old now, but still proud to be part of AIM (is there any relationship between old and proud?)” Wayan Karyono, MM 1994, is now Auditor (Management System) of PT SGS Indonesia with company address at WTC Bld. 14th. floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31 JAKARTA 12920. Wayan writes: “The can group discussions were really valuable in the learning process. My unforgettable AIM experience was the WAC exercise, where we had to work all night until sun rise the next morning to complete the exercise.” Sanjeet Nandi, MM 2001, is now the Branch Head of UTI Bank with company address at Gold Adlabs Mall, Marigold Premises, Kalyaninagar , Pune – 411014. Sanjeet writes: ”Prof. Leni Panganiban definitely was a Prima Donna amongst the faculty members who made the school so memorable for its EQ. Thanks Mom. My regards too to my favorite professors, Prof. Gaby Mendoza, Prof. Ed Morato, Prof. Nieves Confessor, Bing Azanza and of course Nish Mukherjee.” Sanjiv Rathi, MM 2005, is now the Sr. Manager (Business Development & Strategy) of Electrosteel Castings RATHI Ltd. with business address at Stephans House 4, B.B.D Bag (East) Kolkata-700 001. Sanjiv writes: “Before coming to AIM, I was more of a functional centric. I felt comfortable doing what I had been trained to do and therefore restricted myself to positions in Legal Compliance and Corporate Finance. But MM made me realize that a true business leader keeps track of the whole forest and not individual trees in that forest, and by that way he can manage many forests at one go, instead of just one. I am fortunate enough, to get a position after my MM, where I am required to lead my company, into product applications and Markets, which other competitors have not even thought of, and always be many steps ahead, and thus maintain our global leadership position. As we would always say in MM, ‘Kill your Competition’, and that’s what I precisely intend to do.

Every professor who taught me in MM 2005 was impressive in one way or another, but I need to confess I had developed a “soft corner” for Prof. Garilao. I really liked his style of discussing cases, and especially when he asked questions like “What would you have done in that situation?” He was also my primary Guide for MRR, and the only Professor in MM who would call and text you at odd times just to inquire about the progress on the MRR. I also fondly remember the tasty home-cooked dinner I had in the homes of Prof. Gavino and Prof. Garilao. I still miss the excellent desserts I had, prepared by Mrs. Garilao. (Sir, Prof. Garilao, could you please bring me a similar “Christmas cake” which I had in your house, when you come to India on your next visit?) After completing my MM, I spent two difficult months looking for a job, and now every other week, I receive calls from head hunters from all over the world eager to poach me from my current company for the competitors. It feels good to be in demand!” MDP Teofilo Gementiza, MDP 47, is now the AVP Materials for Leslie Corporation with company address at 4 Dama De Noche St., Paranaque City, Philippines. Froilan Custodio, MDP 63, writes: “Hi Classmates! I would like to take this opportunity to inform everybody that I have moved to Adelaide, South Australia permanently. Currently, I am working as the Business Development Manager for Axeze (a company that manufactures access control systems). Maybe some colleagues from MDP63 connected with the Systems Integration business can help me develop the market for Asia. Regards to all.” Arnel Nuñez, MDP 63 writes: “My new job will take me to the SEA countries, particularly to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Korea. I work for the Logistics of International Rectifier (a USbased semiconductors company) and I am involved in the manufacturing outsourcing in the SEA. Bumping with my classmates in the near future is not far-fetched, God willing. Best Regards.” P DM Karma Sherub, PDM 2004, is the Area Manager of Bhutan Telecom Ltd. with company address at Bhutan Telecom Ltd., Samdrup Jongkhar,E/Bhutan. Karma writes: “The professors in AIM were very learned and experienced. They were

Please send your latest Class Notes and photos to the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine at Should you need to contact our alumni, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at capable of extracting and exploiting resources from the participants in the class even if we came from different countries with various experiences and backgrounds. Today as a manager, I am fully utilizing the knowledge gained from AIM. When we went back to Bhutan, we gave positive feedback to our organization regarding the quality of training at AIM. Bhutan Telecom has sent another batch of managers to AIM for training and I hope we will continue to do so in the future. Working as a manager with an engineering background, I am responsible for the operations and maintenance of the telecommunication systems in my work place. I am also responsible for planning, implementing and making available telecommunication facilities in the remote villages scattered in mountainous terrain. My PDM experience indeed helped me a lot. To my classmates and professors, please work in life towards achieving ‘ever lasting peace and happiness’. I hope to meet you all again one day.” BMP Arturo Manganaan, BMP 1992, writes: “I’m now a permanent resident of the U.S. and a member of the Management Team of COST PLUS WORLD MARKET-Distribution Center located in Stockton, California and a part time licensed Realtor.” MSC Rosel Dizon, MSC 1996, is now the Branch Manager of 10th Story Placement Agency, Inc. with company address at Km 125 McArthur Highway, Rio Madera 2 Bldg. 2/F Tarlac City. Rosel writes: “My most significant learning experience in AIM was the key to survival in marketing is to be adaptive and responsive. But in order to do these, one has to embrace technology and trends within the industry. I remember Prof. Jose Faustino for being so candid in releasing thought provoking gems and Prof. Lopez’s preference for Dove Skin soap, no matter how “sticky the suds are on the skin”. My latest accomplishment? I am 95% finished in cornering Region 1 and the CAR, Baguio as the center for VOiP international calls in partnership with local CATV provider. Look, I am not a technical

man. I just bumped into the right contacts in less than two week’s time.” Sanjeev Govil, 12 MSC 2001, is now Head - Rural Marketing of Reliance Infocomm with company address at Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City,Thane Belapur Road, Koparkhairane, Navimumbai – 400709. SMMT Marissa Espineli, SMMT 1998, is now the Deputy Director, Regional Center for Asia of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. Marise writes about her AIM experience: “I found the richness of the discussions between participants particularly memorable. Bobby (Bastillo) and Sol (Fernando) and Mr. Lopez were a class of their own as resource persons. Since finishing the short course in 1998, I have finished my Masters Degree in International and Intercultural Management from the School of International training in Vermont in 2003 and was promoted to Deputy Director in the same year. I continued to be with IIRR and have contributed significantly to the marketing of its international and customized training courses, putting the things I learned into good use. I also realized that the basic concepts learned from the course that I attended applies to almost everything that I do whether it is work in IIRR’s learning communities in Bicol and China, or its training courses, or its publication or organizational positioning of IIRR. I can say that what I got from the course is an investment well spent. My particular interest and specialization revolves around organizational capacity development especially as it applies to NGOs and other non-profit organizations. The basics of strategic management and marketing of training has enriched the way I view the way development organizations must perform. Development work is so huge a task that cannot be embraced by just one person, one organization, one sector or one country. I will not be surprised if I see you again and work with you in the future. I am closely following how the course that started in the AIM Philippines has evolved in Egypt. Good job, everyone!”

A I M A LU MN I L E A D E R SH I P MAGA Z I N E Ja n u a ry to Marc h 20 0 6



Leadership has many facets, among them the ability to sense and have common sense.

- Zenaida Tan-Lim, MMC-TDM ARMM 2005

“Leadership is about motivating people to do exactly what they have to do.” - Teddy Villanueva, MBA 1973 “Leadership is a process of integrating ideas, inspiring and conducting the behavior of the organization, which leads to the accomplishment of the organization’s goals.”

“Leadership is another word for Partnership. I consider my seniors and subordinates as partners. It is not important that you are formally declared as a Leader, but the most important part is, that the task that is assigned to you is accomplished with such efficiency, which cannot be easily matched by others. This is what Leadership is all about, innovation and initiative.” - Sanjiv Rathi, MM 2005

“Leadership is facilitating the process of empowering people to dream and drawing inspiration from each other to work collectively to reach their dreams.” - Marissa Espineli, SMMT 1998

“Leadership is maintaining the calm amidst turbulence, the clear mind of analysis despite the bad news, to see the light amid darkness, and make others see it too.”

- Djoko Wahjuadi, MM 1991

- Teotino Melliza, MDM 2001

“Leadership is an action. A leader takes the initiative and generates action, rather than just react and respond. Effective leaders connect, stay in contact with, and are highly visible to everyone on their team and in their organization. They fire the imaginations, develop the capabilities, and make the impossible highly possible.” - Manolito Mendez, BMP 1997 56

A I M A LU M NI LEA D ERS HIP M AGAZIN E J an u ary to March 2006

“A leader is able to stand up for an organization and fight for it. It’s the test that makes a leader.”- Ernie Guzman, MM 1991 “Leadership in the context of “service” to others also includes directing others and enabling others to grow so that they can become the best persons that they can be. The best indication of this is the contextual coaching of “followers” so that they are able to clearly understand their roles and then undertake what it needs to achieve common objectives. Leadership in this sense is more than just words or actions: beyond these is commitment. It is thus a continuous and steadfast dedication to accomplish with the team.” - Bienvenido de Castro, MM 1980

“When you make things happen for the common good at reasonable cost with the optimum benefit. This to me is Leadership. You should be at the helm of making it happen.” - Rosel Dizon, MSC 1996

“Execution, execution and execution.” - Alex Tanwangco, MBA 1973

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