How To DIY Fundraise For AIM at Melanoma CHOOSE YOUR FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY When you participate in a DIY, the ways you can fundraise are endless. That's what we mean when we say Fundraise Your Way. Start by thinking about your hobbies, what interests you and your friends, and what you'd enjoy doing to raise funds.
Her e ar e a var iet y of w ays t o r aise f u n ds t o get you t h in k in g:
Start an email writing campaign
Offer a prize drawing or silent auction
Sign up to be an AIM virtual walk team
Host a shopping party (e.g., Kendra Scott)
Organize a pub crawl
Host a garage sale
Sponsor a holiday gift wrap sale
Sell on EBay and donate your revenues
Sponsor a "Jeans Day" at work
Host a fundraising dinner party or pot luck Start a change collection drive
Organize a local restaurant to host a "percentage of sales" night
Host a fundraising birthday/wedding/retirement party
Host a car wash with your alumni association or local fraternity
Sponsor a community activity where AIM can be the beneficiary
Organize a tennis round robin event
Host an event with your HOA, religious or civic organization, or kids' school Start a Facebook fundraiser for your birthday or another milestone event