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Human In The System: Understanding Customer Behaviours with ecosystem.Ai
HUMAN IN THE SYSTEM: Understanding customer behaviours with ecosystem.Ai
By ecosystem.Ai
There’s a young man in a crowd of people in a small village. He’s holding a saxophone and he’s dying to play it. The problem this young man has is that he’s missing a vital part of the instrument - the mouthpiece. He’s been searching far and wide, to no avail, until one day he comes across an old woman who offers him a reading of his future. She informs him that she foresees that he will find what he is looking for soon enough, he glances down at the sax and fiddles with the hole where the mouthpiece should be. This old woman deduces what his heart most desires. She calls upon a merchant she knows well, and has worked with before, and tells him that if he can find the instrument’s missing part, they may just have a new customer.
In the time when humans consulted oracles, and merchants knew their customers by name, trade was conducted almost entirely by means of personalisation and individual communication. These early forms of business conduct relied heavily on knowing your customer, and the same applied to matters of prediction.
While merchants offered handpicked wares for their best customers, misty women in large shawls offered grand futures to those they knew best. When the two worked together, they had the perfect business.
Both trade and prediction, however, needed to evolve to accommodate customer base growth; and thus the close relationship between the offerors and the offerees was lost. The loss of individualisation though, did not change the fact that customers are unique - despite having been treated as such in broad spectrum sales. Business history has now come full circle. After years of data collection, it is now time to return to a place of personalisation.
ecosystem.Ai, with the capabilities of machine learning, has found a way to extract human behaviour from data. Allowing companies to form stronger relationships with their customers, by understanding the clues in their behaviour. By being able to know your customer is behaving like a Jazz King, and communicating in a way that will resonate with them.
ecosystem.Ai has been working tirelessly to create an effective set of tools, which companies can use to both understand, and engage, with their customers on a deeper level. Using the theory and practices of Computational Social Science, in conjunction with contemporary psychological constructs, the chances of seeing the human in your data is not just a business dream. The practical implementation of dynamic behavioural analytics and segmentation, helps to progress common business practices beyond the static boundaries of mathematical analysis and categorisation. ecosystem.Ai offers a tripart selection of products:

The ecosystem.Ai Workbench is a versatile, customisable user interface that reduces the complexity of machine learning processes. The Workbench is bolted directly into a business’s internal structure, maintaining exclusive privacy on company/ customer data. There are a vast number of capabilities available in the ecosystem.Ai workbench, including: project creation and management, data science engineering, model creation and deployment; amongst others.
The second of the products is a series of pre-written algorithm Modules. These Modules can be used to solve common business problems (such as churn interventions or offer recommenders) using ecosystem.Ai’s behavioural constructs - designed for a sector or exclusively for a company. Check out ecosystem.ai/#modules to find out more.
The third product is The Client Pulse Responder which is a fully configurable and automated application that uses continuous re-enforcement learning. The Client Pulse Responder is the executable environment that ensures models are deployed, and results are seen. It is the internal core of ecosystem.Ai’s products, providing the space in which business problems are transformed into actionable solutions.
The set of tools that ecosystem.Ai has developed equip clients with the knowledge and capacity to learn more about their customers. All of these elements help businesses see that collections of events in an individual’s life are unique enough to provide a view of the human in the data. ecosystem.Ai are the creator of the tools that contemporary merchants and oracles use in their merged business. By using the combination of business practice, the human sciences of social theory and psychology, and computational power; it is possible to reform the close relationship between company and customer. Understanding customer dynamics through data, offers the unique insight needed to know that your customer is behaving like a Jazz King.